A Review of the Energy Storage Systems of Non-Interconnected European Islands
:1. Introduction
2. ESS Technologies
2.1. Electrochemical ESSs
2.2. Mechanical ESSs
2.3. Thermal ESSs
2.4. Comparison between ESS Technologies
2.5. Integration of ESSs in the Power Network
3. Ancillary Services of ESS in Non-Interconnected European Islands
3.1. Frequency-Related Services at System Level
3.1.1. Virtual/Synthetic Inertia
3.1.2. Fast Frequency Response (FFR)
3.1.3. Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR)
3.1.4. Frequency Restoration Reserve (FRR)
- aFRR are activated after FCR, usually within minutes (e.g., 30 s to 5 min)
- mFRR follow aFRR and can be activated within a range of several minutes (e.g., 5–15 min) after the disturbance.
3.2. Non-Frequency-Related Services at Local Level
3.2.1. Voltage Regulation
3.2.2. Network Congestion Mitigation
3.2.3. Short-Circuit Current
3.3. Other Services
3.3.1. Islanding and Uninterrupted Power Supply
3.3.2. Black Start
4. ESSs Installed in Non-Interconnected European Islands
4.1. ESSs of Non-Interconnected Greek Islands
4.2. ESSs of Non-Interconnected Portuguese Islands
4.3. ESSs of Non-Interconnected Danish, Italian, Spanish, Scottish and Other Islands
4.4. Comparison between Existing ESS Installations in European Islands
5. Future Trends and Challenges
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Battery Type | Energy Density (Wh/kg) | Power Density (W/kg) | Round-Trip Efficiency (%) | Response (Compared to Other Batteries) | Cost | Maturity | Environmental Impact | Lifespan (Cycles) | Lifespan (Years) |
Lead-acid | 30–50 | 150 | Around 80% | Slow | Low | High, since 1860 | High | 1000–1500 | 5–15 |
Lithium-ion | Up to 300 | Up to 300 | >90% | Fast | High | Medium, since 1970 | Medium | 5000 | Up to 20 |
Nickel-cadmium | 45–80 | 150 | Around 80% | Medium | Medium | High, since 1899 | High | 2000 | 10–20 |
Sodium-sulfur | 150 | 150 | 80–90% | Medium-Fast | High | Medium, since 1966 | Medium | 1500–4500 | 10–15 |
ESS Type | Energy Density (Wh/kg) | Power Density (W/kg) | Nominal Power | Round-Trip Efficiency (%) | Response |
Electrochemical energy storage | |||||
Battery, [12,20] | 30–300 | 150–300 | Up to several MW | 80–90% | Medium-Fast |
V2G (1 EV), [23] | 200–300 | 200–300 | <10 kW, e.g., 7 kW for [23] | >90% | Medium-Fast |
Supercapacitor, [13,26] | <15 | Up to 10,000–100,000 | 10–300 kW | >90% | Very fast |
Fuel cell, [28] | 100–1000 | 10–1000 | Up to several MW, even 50 or 80 MW | 30–50% | Slow |
Mechanical energy storage | |||||
Hydro-pumped storage, [31] | 0.5–1.5 | N/A | MW–GW | 70–87% | Slow, from seconds to minutes |
Flywheel, [33] | 5–80 | 100–2000 | 10–250 kW | 90% | Very fast |
Compressed air, [21,22] | 30–60 | N/A | 1–300 MW | 65–70% | Slow, from seconds to minutes |
Thermal energy storage | |||||
Low temperature TES, [35,36] | 100–200 | N/A | Up to several MW | 30–50% | Slow |
High temperature TES, [35,36] | 80–200 | N/A | Up to several MW | Up to 80%, depending | Slow |
ESS Type | Cost (per kW) | Environmental Impact | Lifespan (Cycles) | Lifespan (Years) |
Electrochemical energy storage | ||||
Battery, [12,20] | Medium-High | Medium-High, especially for lead/cadmium | 1000–5000 | Up to 20 |
V2G (1 EV), [23] | High | Medium | >1000 | Depending on EV use |
Supercapacitor, [13,26] | Low | Low | 100,000–1,000,000 | Up to 30 |
Fuel cell, [28] | High | Low | 1000–10,000 | Up to 15 |
Mechanical energy storage | ||||
Hydro-pumped storage, [31] | High | Medium, if the reservoirs are man-made | Practically unlimited | Might last up to 100 |
Flywheel, [33] | Low | None | >20,000 | Up to 20 |
Compressed air, [21,22] | Medium-High | Medium | 10,000 | 20–40 |
Thermal energy storage | ||||
Low temperature TES, [35,36] | Low-Medium, depending on the application/technology | None-Low | N/A | Up to 40 |
High temperature TES, [35,36] | Low-Medium, depending on the application/technology | None-Low | N/A | Up to 15 |
Frequency Service | Full Activation Time | Activation Bandwidth | Control Input Signal | Duration |
Inertia | 0 s | - | df/dt | - |
FFR | 0.5–2 s | ±0.1–0.5 Hz | Δf | 5 s |
FCR-N | 30 s | ±0.1 Hz | Δf | - |
FCR-D | Up to 30 s | ±0.5 Hz | Δf | 30 s–5 min |
aFRR | 30 s–5 min | ±0.5 Hz | Δf | 15 min+ |
mFRR | 5–15 min | manual | - | 15 min+ |
Island | Storage System | Nominal Values | Voltage |
Ikaria, Greece, [78] | Hydro-pumped storage |
| 20 kV |
Agios Efstratios, Greece, [80] | Lithium-ion Battery | 1.25 MW/2.5 MWh | 15 kV |
Tilos, Greece [81,82] | Sodium Nickel Chloride Batteries | 0.8 MW/2.8 MWh | 20 kV |
Kythnos, Greece, [83] Gaidouromantra MG | Battery Lead-acid (FLA) Battery | 0.5 MW/0.4 MWh 1000 Ah | 15 kV 0.4 kV |
Terceira, Azores, Portugal, [84] | Battery, Flywheel and V2G | Battery: 15 MW/10.5 MWh Flywheel: 100 kW/3 kWh V2G: Thirteen chargers, 22 kW each | 15 kV for the battery and the flywheel, 0.4 kV for V2G |
Madeira, Madeira, Portugal [85,86,87,88] | Hydro-pumped storage, Battery and V2G | Hydro-pumped storage:
| 60 kV for battery and hydro-pumped storage, 0.4 kV for V2G |
Porto Santo, Madeira, Portugal, [90,91] | Battery and fuel cell | Battery: 4 MW/3 MWh Two fuel cells, 5 kW each | 6.6 kV |
Suduroy, Faroe Islands, Denmark, [92] | Battery | 6.25 MW/7.5 MWh | 20 kV |
Streymoy, Faroe Islands, Denmark, [93] | Lithium-ion battery | 2.3 MW | 20 kV |
Favignana, Italy, [94] | Lithium-ion batteries | Four 2.4 kW/9 kWh batteries and Three 20 kW/23.4 kWh batteries | 0.4 kV |
Ustica, Italy, [95] | Lithium-ion battery | 64 kW/59.5 kWh | 0.4 kV |
El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain, [96,97] | Hydro-pumped storage |
| 20 kV |
Eigg, Scotland, [98] | Lead-acid battery, supercapacitors and flywheels | 60 kW/212 kWh | 3.3 kV |
Marie-Galante, Caribbean, [99] | Lithium-ion battery | 0.5 MW/0.5 MWh | 20 kV |
Guadeloupe, Caribbean, [99] | Lithium-ion battery | 4 MW/2.32 MWh | 20 kV |
Island | Status | Storage System | Plan |
Astypalaia, [101] | Ongoing | Battery |
Sifnos, [105] | Ongoing | Hydro-pumped storage |
Othonoi, [103] | Study | Battery | Diesel-based power stations will be replaced by hybrid power stations combining:
Ereikoussa, [103] | Study | Battery | Diesel-based power stations will be replaced by hybrid power stations combining:
Chios, [104] | Study | Battery |
Psara, [104] | Study | Battery |
Oinousses, [104] | Study | Battery |
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Fotopoulou, M.; Pediaditis, P.; Skopetou, N.; Rakopoulos, D.; Christopoulos, S.; Kartalidis, A. A Review of the Energy Storage Systems of Non-Interconnected European Islands. Sustainability 2024, 16, 1572. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16041572
Fotopoulou M, Pediaditis P, Skopetou N, Rakopoulos D, Christopoulos S, Kartalidis A. A Review of the Energy Storage Systems of Non-Interconnected European Islands. Sustainability. 2024; 16(4):1572. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16041572
Chicago/Turabian StyleFotopoulou, Maria, Panagiotis Pediaditis, Niki Skopetou, Dimitrios Rakopoulos, Sotirios Christopoulos, and Avraam Kartalidis. 2024. "A Review of the Energy Storage Systems of Non-Interconnected European Islands" Sustainability 16, no. 4: 1572. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16041572
APA StyleFotopoulou, M., Pediaditis, P., Skopetou, N., Rakopoulos, D., Christopoulos, S., & Kartalidis, A. (2024). A Review of the Energy Storage Systems of Non-Interconnected European Islands. Sustainability, 16(4), 1572. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16041572