1. Introduction
Coffee is one of the most traded commodities globally and one of the most consumed beverages worldwide [
1]. According to the International Coffee Organization, annual global coffee production is still expected to increase, with the highest production of over 10 million tons (Mt) recorded in the last coffee year (October 2021–September 2022) [
2]. Increased consumption of coffee beverages leads to the increased generation of spent coffee grounds (SCG). Spent coffee grounds are generated after coffee brewing or instant soluble coffee production [
3]. Every kilogram of ground coffee used for coffee beverage preparation produces almost 2 kg of wet spent coffee grounds (WSCG), while 1 kg of roasted coffee beans produce 0.91 kg of the dried SCG (DSCG), which results in 20 Mt of WSCG (the equivalent of 9 Mt of DSCG) as a by-product [
5]. Almost half of this amount is produced by coffee shops and industrial plants, while the remaining amount is produced domestically [
6]. Currently, SCG are treated together with food or municipal waste; however, there are initiatives of cities or coffee shops for collecting the SCG separately for fuel pellets production (Bio-bean, London, UK) [
7]. Moreover, a few emerging companies producing coffee cups from coffee waste, e.g., Kaffeeform [
8], Beanused
® [
9], or Rekava [
10], can be found operating in Europe. After coffee brewing, the SCG contain a significant number of compounds potentially suitable for value-added compound production [
11]. Three main groups of compounds can be found in the SCG—saccharides, oil fraction, and other components (lignin, alkaloids, proteins, polyphenols, phytosterols and others) [
Figure 1 summarizes the basic compounds’ content in the SCG as reported in the literature.
SCG are considered to be an abundant and low-cost resource for biodiesel production as it might contain a high oil content (7–21%) [
12]). The amount and composition of oil in the SCG depend on various parameters, such as coffee species/coffee blend, growing conditions, transportation and storage conditions, and roasting and brewing process [
13]. However, for the evaluated biodiesel production, qualitative parameters of oil need to be defined precisely as oil comprises compounds that could deteriorate biodiesel quality and may also have a negative impact on biodiesel storage (e.g., phytosterols and steryl glycosides) [
14], and biodiesel production technology itself (e.g., free fatty acids content) [
The overall biodiesel production chain from oil extracted from the SCG (SCGO) includes the SCG collection and transport, drying, oil extraction process, and subsequent biodiesel production [
13]. As the water content of the WSCG is in the range of 55 to 80%, depending on the prepared coffee beverage [
15], the drying process is necessary to prolong the storage time, achieve the SCG weight reduction, and, most importantly, to prevent the growth of molds in the SCG [
16]. Another reason for the SCG drying in biodiesel production is the lower yield of oil during the extraction process as well as biodiesel yield during the transesterification (TE) reaction (due to soap formation) in the presence of moisture [
13]. Caetano et al. (2014) showed that the lipid content is higher (doubled) after oil extraction from the DSCG compared to extraction from the WSCG with a moisture content of approx. 66%, vol./wt. [
17]. Therefore, the moisture content of the DSCG below 10% is recommended [
The SCGO extracted with hexane has a chocolate brown color and a characteristic coffee aroma. According to Campos-Vega et al. (2015), extracted oil mainly consists of glycerides (generally up to 80–90%) with the following oil composition (% of total lipids)—84.4% of triacylglycerols, 12.3% of diterpene alcohol esters, 1.9% of sterols, 1.3% of polar compounds, and 0.1% of sterol esters [
18]. Among fatty acids, the SCGO predominantly contains linoleic (C18:2) and palmitic (C16:0) acids, followed by stearic and oleic acids [
19]. The obtained oil yield and composition depend on many variables, such as different brewing methods, fresh coffee type, the moisture content in the SCG, particle size, amount and polarity of the used solvent, the extraction process, and extraction time [
20]. Oil extraction from spent coffee grounds can be performed by three different processes: conventional, Soxhlet, and supercritical CO
2 extraction. As Soxhlet extraction is found to be more effective than any conventional process, it is the most used method for coffee oil extraction [
21]. Among solvents, a high coffee oil recovery rate is reached by long extraction with hexane. In general, non-polar solvents are more suitable for oil extraction than polar ones since the almost neutral nature of non-polar solvents facilitates their penetration in the low-polarity SCG structure [
11]. The highest recorded oil recovery reported in the literature was for isopropanol solvent and hexane/isopropanol mixture (1:1, vol.), providing 21% and 21.5% oil recovery, respectively [
Based on the studies, the SCGO can be characterized by high stability due to its high antioxidant content and represents a cost-effective feedstock for biodiesel production compared to other waste sources [
24]. Another advantage of the SCG compared to the other wastes is the lack of seasonal behavior. However, due to a large number of widely dispersed collection points, the logistics from households and coffee shops represent a huge challenge [
25]. Biodiesel production from the SCGO feedstock has been carried out at the laboratory scale using mainly esterification and transesterification reactions (
Figure 2). If the free fatty acid (FFA) content of extracted coffee oil is below 1% FFA (corresponds to an acid value of 2 mg KOH/g), a one-step alkali-catalyzed transesterification can be carried out [
20]. As the extracted coffee oil ordinarily contains more than 1% FFA, the most suitable process for biodiesel production is represented by the two-step catalytic process (acid-catalyzed esterification to decrease the acid value of oil followed by base-catalyzed transesterification step) [
21]. The two-step transesterification process effectively provides biodiesel yields up to 99% [
24]. Although this process has a high conversion yield, it is energy- and time-intensive. Therefore, a direct transesterification process (in situ transesterification) has been attempted. In this type of process, transesterification and oil extraction are conducted simultaneously in one step [
26]. The process is simple; however, very low overall biodiesel yield has been achieved due to soap formation and higher refining loss [
27]. Therefore, in situ transesterification is suitable only for feedstocks with an initial oil acid value below 1 mg KOH/g [
27]. In this research, one-step alkali-catalyzed TE and two-step TE were realized and investigated.
Biomass waste utilization in biorefinery has emerged as a sustainable approach toward circular bioeconomy [
28]. As the SCG comprise a range of organic compounds, the idea of the SCG valorization has received growing attention [
29]. Different approaches to the SCG valorization in biorefineries have been evaluated. Most of them have been targeted for biofuel production, such as biodiesel utilizing coffee oil extracted from spent coffee grounds, while delipidized spent coffee grounds were evaluated for bioethanol production or fuel pellets manufacturing [
31]. Despite the extensive research in valorization options, the potential of spent coffee grounds integrated into biodiesel refinery and deeper analysis of coffee oil extracted from spent coffee grounds have not been presented to fulfill complex valorization of spent coffee grounds commercially. Most of the published articles analyze only the physicochemical parameters and fatty acid profile of extracted coffee oil as the most important parameters for biodiesel production [
33]. A deeper analysis of extracted coffee oil is requisite for applying the appropriate SCGO refining process as extracted coffee oil contains a higher amount of unsaponifiable matter and compounds deteriorating biodiesel quality [
34]. Nowadays, biodiesel is mainly produced as first-generation biofuel using oil from edible seed crops (rapeseed, palm, soybean, or sunflower) as feedstock. The investigation of alternative feedstocks suitable for biodiesel production, such as energy or non-edible crops and wastes, has received increasing attention ensuring food and energy self-sufficiency [
35], as well as meeting the set mandates and national legislation for advanced biofuel content in the fuel energy mix. Furthermore, utilizing wastes as feedstock can reduce material costs, generally accounting for up to >70% of the total production cost [
35]. Therefore, the main characteristics of the SCG (low costs, non-edible crop, large annual generation) make it a promising biorefinery feedstock [
This is a first-of-its-kind report where authors present the technical potential of spent coffee grounds for biodiesel production integrated into the existing biorefinery based on the analyses of the SCGO and unsaponifiable matter present in the SCGO, considering related obstacles within the SCG biodiesel production. The overall intention and the future perspective on the SCG valorization lie in the application of the circular economy approach proposed in
Figure 3. The concept for the complex SCG valorization is based on the SCG collection from coffee shops or instant coffee producers, with the integration of the delipidized SCG processing for coffee-to-go cups (e.g., cups produced by the company, Kaffeeform) and the SCGO valorization for biodiesel production. The produced the SCG biodiesel will be blended with fossil diesel and, subsequently, used for refueling transport vehicles, which may deliver fresh coffee beans to coffee shops or instant coffee producers.
2. Materials and Methods
Single-type Arabica coffee from Brazil (medium roasted coffee—City Plus Roast), produced by a local coffee roastery, was used for tests. WSCG from espresso preparation were collected and dried, applying a process based on the study by Tun et al. [
16] on drying process evaluation. Oven UF55 (Memmert GmbH, 2021) with forced air circulation was used at 80 °C, 6 h, for the SCG layer thickness approx. 2–2.5 cm.
2.1. Dry Matter and Oil Content Analysis
Before SCG drying, the dry matter content of SCG was determined using a moisture analyzer MB90 (OHAUS Europe GmbH, Nänikon, Switzerland, 2021). Approximately 1 g of a sample was spread on the surface of the dish and dried at 105 °C to a constant weight. The dry matter content was read from the measuring device after the measurement.
Determination of oil content in SCG was carried out by extraction. A sample of approximately 1–2 g of dry/wet SCG was weighed, mixed with 70 mL of hexane, and put in an extraction thimble. Oil was extracted from the test sample using solvent extractor VELP SCIENTIFICA SER 148 (VELP Scientifuca Srl, Usmate, Italy) using a three-step procedure. In the first step, the extraction thimble with the sample was immersed in a boiling extraction agent in an extraction flask for 60 min. Then, the extraction thimble was lifted from the extraction agent and placed under the cooler, where the condensed solvent dripped and was extracted from the sample for 60 min at 180 °C. The third step was solvent removal by evaporation in the extractor. Finally, the extract was dried for 30 min at 105 °C and weighed. For the initial oil content analysis in SCG and roasted coffee beans, the extraction method was repeated three times, and the yields were summed up. The result was calculated as an average of three values.
2.2. Extraction of Coffee Oil from SCG
Subsequently, the prepared dried spent coffee grounds (DSCG) were used for coffee oil extraction in an extraction system similar to Soxhlet extraction, with the difference of using room temperature and the pressure of 500 mbar. N-hexane (for analysis EMSURE, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was used as the solvent. SCG in a 5 cm extraction thimble was slowly washed with n-hexane until the triglyceride (TAG) content in the extract was below 1% of the initial TAG content at the beginning of the extraction. More prolonged extraction is not desirable as a larger quantity of polar substances could be extracted into the lipid fraction of coffee oil. The prepared oil was further analyzed and used for the preparation of biodiesel by esterification and transesterification reactions. The solvent was evaporated using a rotary evaporator, and the recovered oil was dried by air aeration at 60 °C for 2 h at 20 mbar to remove the residual solvent and moisture.
The yield of SCGO (1) and extraction efficiency (2) were calculated using the equations:
where Y
SCGO is the yield of SCGO in %, m
SCGO is the weight of SCGO after extraction in g, m
SCG is the weight of SCG used for extraction in g, EE is extraction efficiency in %, and OC is extractable oil content in SCG in % determined using solvent extractor VELP SCIENTIFICA SER 148.
2.3. Analysis of Basic Parameters of Coffee Oil after Extraction
Acid value (AV) was determined by titration. The weighed sample (approximately 10 g) was dissolved in a mixed solvent (diethyl ether and ethanol in the ratio of 1:1) and titrated with 0.1 M ethanolic KOH solution to the equivalent titration point using phenolphthalein as an indicator. The acid value was then calculated using Equation (3):
where AV is the acid value in mg KOH/g of oil, sp is the consumption of 0.1 M ethanolic KOH solution in mL, f is the correction factor of prepared 0.1 M ethanolic KOH solution determined by titration, c is the concentration of the ethanolic KOH solution, n is the weight of the sample in g, and 56.1 is the molecular weight of KOH in g/mol. The result was calculated as an average of three values.
The amount of elements P, Ca, Mg, Na, K, and S were determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. The sample was diluted with kerosene (for lighters, ŠK Spektrum, s.r.o.) in the ratio of 1:1 (wt.), as were the standards (Oil analysis standards S-21 + K, 500 ppm, Conostan and Sulfur, 0.01%, Conostan). The prepared sample was analyzed on a SPECTRO Genesis FES device (Spectro APS, Martin, Slovakia, 2017). The content of individual elements was determined by comparing the spectra of the sample and standards at the wavelength of 177 and 495 nm, respectively. The result was calculated as an average of three values.
Water content in the oil was determined using the coulometric titration method, according to Karl Fisher. A sample of 0.2 g was injected into the titration vessel with a syringe with a needle. In the titration vessel of the Karl Fisher coulometric titrator (Coulometer 831 KF, Metrohm AG, Bratislava, Slovakia), iodine is generated coulometrically at the anode. An electrometric detector detected excess iodine by titrating the entire amount of water into the sample. After the titration, the water content in the sample was read from the titrator in wt.%. The result was calculated as an average of three values.
2.4. Analysis of Fatty Acids (Esters) Profile
The fatty acid (esters) profile was determined using two different methods in order to compare the differences between individual analyses. The first method used base transesterification with sodium methanolate for sample treatment. This method enables the analysis of fatty acids present in the form of triglycerides, diacylglycerides, monoacylglycerides, phospholipids, waxes, and sterol esters with fatty acids. However, free fatty acids cannot be analyzed by this procedure. A Network GC System 6890 N device (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used for analysis. A column with a polar stationary phase DB-23 was used for the separation of individual methyl esters, and an FID detector was used for detection (sample marked as “SCGO analysis 1”). The second applied method for the fatty acids (esters) analysis narrowed the determination of lipid composition in the sample. A sample of coffee oil was saponified and esterified according to ISO 12966-2 [
36] and then analyzed according to EN 14103 (sample marked as “SCGO analysis 2”) [
2.5. Major Compounds Analyses and Identification of Unsaponifiable Matter
For the analysis of major compounds in SCGO, the sample silylation technique with the derivatizing agent 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) was chosen to derivatize acidic hydrogens found in the carboxyl, hydroxy, or amino group. Silylated compounds were subsequently analyzed using a Network GC System 6890 N (Agilent Technologies) using high-temperature gas chromatography with an FID detector, which allowed the measuring of compounds up to the size of C80. Capillary column DB-1 was used for the compounds’ separation. Here, silylated free fatty acids, sterols, mono-, di-, and triacylglycerides, waxes, phospholipids or other non-polar substances were separated.
GC/MS technique was used for the analysis of unsaponifiable matter. The sample was diluted in acetone (14 mg/mL) without any significant visible residue. Before injection prepared sample in acetone was filtrated with a PTFE syringe filter, pore size 0.45 µm and 13mm diameter. As gas chromatograph GC 7890A (Agilent Technologies) was used. The separation was made on a 30 m × 250 µm × 0.25 µm (length × inner diameter × film thickness) i.d. fused silica capillary column HP-5MS. The injection volume was 1 μL, and the injector temperature was 300 °C set in splitless mode. The oven temperature was held at 100 °C for 2 min, secondly heated to 200 °C at a rate of 8 °C/min and then heated to 300 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min. The final temperature was kept for 6 min, and the whole method lasted 30.5 min. Helium was used as the carrier gas with a flow of 2 mL/min. The end of the column was introduced into the ion source of the Agilent Technologies model 5975C series mass selective detector operated in electron impact ionization mode (70 eV). The data acquisition system used the ChemStation E 02.01.1177 software, and all compounds were identified with NIST and Wiley electronic libraries while excluding methyl esters, unreacted fatty acids and compounds with a quality lower than 90.
2.6. Biodiesel Production
Three different sets of biodiesel production experiments were realized to produce biodiesel with the highest fatty acid methyl esters content.
The first experimental biodiesel production was based on a set of base-catalyzed transesterification (TE) reactions—2 TE were realized with the purification of the resulting biodiesel with active silica gel. TE run based on the optimal condition from the study [
38] with the exception of using potassium hydroxide under the following conditions: MeOH:SCGO = 6:1 (mol), KOH:MeOH = 1:23 (mol), 60 °C, 1 h, 1000 rpm [
38]. After the first TE reaction, the phase interface between the biodiesel and glycerol phase was absent, so the whole intermediate product was washed with hot water to remove methanol, and the process was repeated. After the second TE, the separation of biodiesel and G-phase was observed, so the purification process was subsequently applied. The biodiesel phase was washed with hot water (methanol removal), centrifuged (313 g, 20 min., room temperature), and separated. Further purification process included activated silica gel column chromatography to remove unsaponifiable matter. Biodiesel was eluted with n-hexane, while the unsaponifiable matter was eluted with acetone. The unsaponifiable matter was analyzed according to the method described in subchapter 2.5.
The second biodiesel production method is based on a two-step biodiesel production process consisting of acid esterification (AE) with sulfuric acid (96%, p.a.) and base-catalyzed transesterification. First, AE was applied under the following conditions based on the study [
39]: SCGO: H
4 ratio = 50:1 (vol.), MeOH:SCGO ratio = 6:1 (mol), 75 °C, 3 h, 1000 rpm. The intermediate product was centrifuged (313 g, 20 min, room temperature) to separate the solid precipitate and washed (methanol removal). Subsequently, TE occurred at the same conditions as in the first experiment, followed by a purification process similar to the process above (hot water washing, centrifugation, purification with activated silica gel).
The third biodiesel production method is also based on a two-step biodiesel production process consisting of ion-exchange esterification with Amberlyst
TM 16wet as a catalyst and base-catalyzed transesterification. Ion-exchange esterification with Amberlyst is similar to acid esterification [
40]. Therefore, ion-exchange esterification ran under similar conditions as acid esterification with an excess of the catalyst and MeOH: 10 wt.% Amberlyst, 1000 rpm, 75 °C, 3 h, MeOH:SCGO ratio = 8:1 (mol). The intermediate product was filtered to separate the solid precipitate. The following TE ran under the same reaction conditions as in the previous experiment. Subsequently, washing with NaCl solution and centrifugation steps were applied for purification.
The fatty acid methyl esters profile was analyzed using the method described in
Section 2.4.