1. Introduction
The issues in innovation management are not new, but the context of open innovation and business model innovation in digital transformation is always evolving [
1]. The shifting context of innovation includes market expansion, market fragmentation, virtualisation, as well as increased concern about sustainability and the development of technological and social infrastructure. Digital transformation reduces the time necessary to create and launch innovations while shortening the lifetime of new products and services on the market [
2], thus increasing competition among global market players.
The medical device sector is extremely fragmented, ever-changing, intensely regulated, and global in scope. The Malaysian government has selected the medical device industry as one of the high potential growth sectors in the twelfth Malaysia plan (RMK-12) with greater job opportunities [
3]. One of the primary obstacles in managing the transition path of breakthrough medical technology from research laboratories to economically viable healthcare goods is regulatory challenges [
4]. According to Chesbrough’s [
5] research, the adoption of “open innovation” within the medical device industry may give an effective route to market for many new innovations, as well as the possibility to share some of the risks. To gain attention, the implementation of open innovation management necessitates the strategic leadership of senior executives [
6]. Of course, no innovation can provide long-lasing competitive advantage or remain sustainable if it is not rooted in strategy and win-win outcomes for all relevant stakeholders. Additionally, transactional management based on short-term output cannot always be sustained in the modern era due to better and more efficient technologies. Modern and sustainable capabilities should be in full alignment with strategy and transformational leadership.
Leadership has a tremendous impact on fortifying knowledge and creativity in digital transformation, which is framed by people’s competency and digital culture [
7]. E-leadership is often referred to as digital leadership [
9]. E-leadership is a type of leadership in the digital era that occurs in both the proximal and distal settings of a social influence process mediated by digital technology, resulting in a change in attitudes, feelings, thinking, behaviour, and performance [
10]. Digital leadership is defined as “the ability of leaders to set a clear and meaningful vision for the digitalization process, as well as the ability to execute strategies to realise it” [
In this study, dynamic capability is used as a mediator to improve results in innovation management for business sustainability. Teece et al. [
13] defined dynamic capability as an organization that is designed to sense opportunities to invest to capitalise on them and reconfigure internal and external competencies to respond to a rapidly changing environment [
Previous research has found evidence of digital leadership, dynamic capability, and innovation management focused primarily on structures, benefits, and implications in the Indonesian telecommunications industry [
15]. However, research on the influence of digital leadership and innovation management, particularly in the medical device business, is lacking. Previous studies have limitations in terms of sample size, research model, research industry, and geography. As a result, this study was designed using an enhanced research model on the required e-leadership qualities and dynamic capabilities to manage the innovation process mediated by the dynamic capability for business sustainability.
Dynamic capabilities, as articulated by Schoemaker and colleagues [
6], can only be developed and deployed with strong leadership to embrace the challenges of the innovation process. Another study by Elidjen and colleagues [
15] indicated that digital leadership based on dynamic capability has a substantial effect on innovation in the Indonesian telecommunications industry. The current study focuses on the medical device industry to complement the existing literature on digital leadership, innovation management, and dynamic capabilities.
Companies in various industries can accelerate their pace of innovation by implementing new strategies and embracing newer technology or digitalization. It is critical for businesses to continue innovating and transforming industrial processes and business structures [
3]. To remain competitive, businesses must prioritise productivity, increase automation and innovation, conduct more research and development, and implement best industry practices [
16]. This study contributes to the discussion of how crucial e-leadership is in maintaining accelerated innovation management in an organization, thereby maintaining corporate sustainability through dynamic capabilities.
Malaysia is one of the well-known nations that has successfully transitioned from an economy based on agriculture and mining in the 1970s to one based on knowledge in the 2000s. It is a country that has been innovation-led from 2011 onward and is moving towards becoming a prosperous nation using knowledge and innovation based on the 12th Malaysia Plan 2020–2025 [
17]. Unsurprisingly, Malaysia has focused on innovation as a tactical growth option. Malaysia started building the foundation for an innovation-driven economy through several plans. The National Policy on Science, Technology, and Innovation (NPSTI) and the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015–2025 are two of the initiatives and policies the Malaysian government has launched with the goal of promoting innovation. To support startups and advance technology, the nation has also established a number of innovation hubs and research institutions, including the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and the Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC). Through a number of programmes and policies, Malaysia maintained its commitment to fostering innovation in 2021 and beyond. The government made efforts to promote industries like e-commerce, fintech, and digital services, showing its focus on digital transformation and technology-driven economic growth. The MyDIGITAL initiative was launched with the intention of boosting the nation’s digital economy and the uptake of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence. While obstacles like the COVID-19 pandemic affected the global innovation landscape, Malaysia showed resiliency and adaptability in its efforts to foster an environment that is favourable to innovation and technological advancement (Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation-MOSTI, 2022). However, the overall performance is still far from the desired level, considering the Global Innovation Index. This is why, in Malaysia, research on innovation has become one of the most interesting issues at academic and government levels [
To sum up, the main research gaps, guiding us towards the current paper, the first gap is related to doing this study in the innovation ecosystem of Malaysia, which shares a new perspective to the academic works conducted in this context. Secondly, based on the importance of innovation after COVID-19, the current research fills a practical gap in linking e-leadership qualities to the innovation of businesses to help practitioners move their organizations towards a more resilient status. Another academic gap, which is filled by the current study, is related to studying the relationship of e-leadership qualities (all six altogether) on the innovation of the firm as in some previous studies, such as Zhong et al. [
19], only some of the dimensions were studied, and they suggested to test all dimensions and also to test it in another context other than Chinese.
The current study plans to shed some light on some of the variables that can have an influence on innovation management in the Malaysian context, namely, e-leadership qualities and dynamic capabilities. The focus of the current research is on the medical device industry, which is one of the most innovation-sensitive industries.
3. Methodology
3.1. Research Design
To test these hypotheses, an exploratory study based on a quantitative survey method was designed. Quantitative research methodology entails gathering data to quantify the information, which are then subjected to mathematical model data analysis to establish, confirm, or validate the correlations between variables and contribute to theory creation [
91]. To gain a thorough knowledge of the impact of e-leadership on innovation management mediated by dynamic capability, a quantitative approach was used. The survey was conducted as a cross-sectional study designed to collect data and information from the sample on a single date.
3.2. Research Instrument
The questionnaire in this study was divided into four sections, with 57 questions in total. The questionnaire was created based on a review of the literature on e-leadership, innovation management, and dynamic capabilities. The first section includes demographic information about the sample. The second, third, and fourth parts each include a set of items designed to assess the research’s theoretical framework. To ensure the content validity, the survey items were developed based on the previous research. The items for innovation management were mainly adopted from Ferreira et al. [
92] and Nasiri et al. [
93], whereas items for dynamic capability were adopted from Lopez-Cabrales et al. [
26]. The items for e-leadership descriptions were self-constructed based on Li et al. [
48]. Innovation management items were measured using a 5-point Likert scale from ‘never’ to ‘always’, whereas items for dynamic capability and e-leadership were measured using a 5-point Likert scale from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’.
To ensure that participants understood the questions and to increase the reliability and validity of the research, the retest method has been adopted. The standardized questions were developed with closed questions to increase the reliability and validity of the research. For the purpose of making sure participants were able to complete the survey in a self-paced manner, a pilot test was conducted, where 5 participants were requested to complete the questionnaire and were asked to explain their thoughts verbally. Although it is not scientifically relevant, this strategy proved useful in measuring the comprehension of the questionnaire participants.
3.3. Sampling and Unit of Analysis
The population frame of the medical device industry for this study was obtained from the MeDC@St, the official portal of the Medical Device Authority (MDA), Ministry of Health in Malaysia. The population size for this study was determined based on the organizations with actively operating licenses registered with MDA as manufacturers, which total to 356 organizations. Manufacturers are chosen as they are more involved in product and process innovation. The sampling technique used in this study was stratified random sampling, and the unit of analysis for this study was based on organizational level. The minimum sample size representative of the studied population was 100 based on the G-power software considering F-test, linear multiple regression with an effect size of 0.15, and error probability of 0.05 [
95]. However, the total responses received were 145, which was more than the minimum required sample size. Overall, 190 questionnaires were emailed to the businesses, and the final useable responses were 145, which was a bit more than our expectation, showing a response rate of 76 percent, and we made all questions compulsory to answer (starred in Google Form). Consequently, all collected responses were complete, and we had no missing data.
3.4. Data Collection
The survey questionnaire was uploaded in Google Form, and the link to the survey form was distributed to targeted organizations through email for data collection. An introduction and consent form were added in the first section of the Google Form to describe the goal of this study and the confidentiality of the data collected to provide respondents more security and confidence to be more open and submit accurate information. Because the target respondents in senior or higher management positions are multilingual, the questionnaire was distributed in English. The data were obtained within two months after the survey’s launch, from 2 January 2023 to 2 March 2023.
The study was conducted on a volunteer basis, and consent was received from the respondents. Furthermore, no sensitive data were collected in the process of data collection, and no ethical concerns were found in the data-gathering process.
3.5. Data Analysis
Microsoft Excel was used to perform descriptive statistics on respondent demographics. Microsoft Excel was used to generate the frequency of variables, such as gender, age, total number of employees working in the firm, year of establishment, ownership status of the firm, revenue in the previous fiscal year, firm’s innovation performance, position in the organisation, and the highest academic qualification. To test the hypotheses, Smart PLS 3.0 software with partial least squares (PLS) and sequential equation modelling (SEM) was utilised.
Smart PLS software can facilitate an SEM solution with any level of complexity in the structural model or constructs that reduce the multicollinearity problem [
96]. Its ability to deal with formative constructs and the ability to generate robust findings, efficiently function with smaller or larger samples, and ability to deal with both formative and reflective constructs are reasons why PLS-SEM was chosen over CB-SEM in these studies.
Dimensions are markers of latent variables that may be assessed directly, whereas latent variables are the underlying factors that cannot be observed directly [
97]. The measurement model that outlines the relationship between the latent variables and the respective dimensions for each variable was examined as part of the analysis. The structural model was then analysed, which specified the relationship between the independent variable (e-leadership qualities), dependent variable (innovation management), and mediator (dynamic capability). Prior to continuing with decision making, the measurement model was evaluated to ensure that the measures were accurate and valid.
4. Results and Findings
4.1. Descriptive Analysis
The demographic data of the respondents are summarized in
Table 1. Out of the 145 respondents, 66.9% were male and 33.1% were female. Most of the respondents were in the age category of 30–45 years (62.1%). Most of the respondents were from the middle management position (76.6%). Among the respondents, 51.0% were bachelor’s degree holders, followed by diploma (31.0%) holders, master’s degree holders (15.9%), and 2.1% with doctorate qualifications. The majority of the respondents were from local firms (75.9%). The highest total number of employees in the organization of the respondents was above 500 (54.5%). In addition, among the respondents’ organization innovation performance, the highest was “Medium Innovation Performance”, at 57.9%, followed by “Low Innovation Performance”, which was 33.1% and “High Innovation Performance”, at 9.0%. Innovation performance is measured by number of innovations that take place in the firm in a year, where “0” innovation is low innovation performance, “1” is medium innovation performance, and “≥2” is high innovation performance.
4.2. Measurement Model
The measurement model’s goal is to calculate the reliability, internal consistency, and validity of the latent variables’ relationship to indicators. Convergent validity is founded on construct reliability and validity tests such as outer loadings, Cronbach’s Alpha (CA), Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance (AVE), whereas discriminant validity is used to evaluate validity.
Seventeen items were removed from this study (S1, S2, S4, P1, P5, L2, L3, N3, DE2, VP1, SS1, SZ3, R1, R3, R4, 02, and O3) due to outer loading values being less than 0.6 for a better measurement model analysis.
As seen in
Table 2, the outer loadings for all the items exceeded the 0.70 threshold value except for item VP3, where the outer loading was 0.657, which was acceptable as the summation of the loading results in high loading score, contributing to AVE scores greater than 0.6 [
98]. The reliability of the individual items was reasonably judged. The Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability for all indicators were in the range from 0.709 to 0.923, which indicated that the scales were reasonably reliable and specified that all the indicators’ construct values exceeded the minimum threshold level of 0.70. The average variance extracted (AVE) value for all the constructs was in the range between 0.638 and 0.838, which was above the threshold value of 0.50 [
90]. The results indicated the satisfactory convergent validity of these constructs and good internal consistency of the measurement model [
99]. The collinearity among the indicators was assessed through the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), which indicated how much of an indicator’s variance was explained by other influences in a model. The occurrence of a VIF ≥ 3.3 shows the model pollutes with common method bias [
100]. Based on
Table 2, the VIF outer values for all the indicators are below 3.3.
Discriminant validity was assessed using Heterotrait–Monotrait (HTMT) criteria [
101] between all the reflective constructs. Firstly, there were no cross-loadings among the measurement items. The results from
Table 3 demonstrated that HTMT values were less than 0.85 [
102], whereby the criterion for the discriminant validity was fulfilled.
4.3. Structural Model
Based on the measurement model results, it is confirmed that this model is valid and reliable. The structural model is observing the model’s predictive relevancy and the relationships between the constructs. The structural model is evaluated by coefficient of determination (R2), the predictive relevance of the model (Q2), effect size (f2), path coefficient (β value), T-statistic value, model fit (SRMR, rms Theta), and variance inflation factor (VIF).
4.3.1. Measuring the Value of R2, f2, and Q2
The coefficient of determination measures the overall effect size and variance explained in the inner model. The R
2 results indicate the inner path model of 1.000 for the dynamic capability and innovation management, whereas 0.998 is for the e-leadership construct in this model. Hence, the R
2 explained that the exogenous latent variables collectively explained more than 99% of the variance in the three endogenous variables. As suggested by researchers [
103], an R
2 value of 0.75 is regarded as substantial; an R
2 value of 0.50 is considered moderate, and an R
2 value of 0.26 is regarded as weak. Hence, the R
2 value for e-leadership, dynamic capability, and innovation management in this study is substantial. The f
2 effect happened because of a change in the value of R
2 when an exogenous variable was removed from the model. The f
2 values of 0.35 are considered a strong effect, 0.15 is a moderate effect, and 0.02 is a weak effect [
104]. In this study, e-leadership has the highest impact on dynamic capability with an f
2 value of 2.071, followed by e-leadership in innovation management with an f
2 value of 0.261, and the influence of dynamic capability in innovation management with an f
2 value of 0.195. The predictive accuracy of the model (Q2) results showed that the path model’s accuracy was acceptable, with Q
2 values of 0.560 for dynamic capability, 0.540 for innovation management, and 0.480 for e-leadership. The results show that the Q
2 values for this study model are higher than the threshold limit of 0 [
105] and confirm that the path model’s predictive relevance was adequate for the endogenous construct.
4.3.2. Model Fit and Goodness-of-Fit Index
The SRMR is a measure of estimated model fit, which is an average magnitude of the differences between the observed and the model-implied correlation matrix. A value of SRMR < 0.08 [
106] is considered the study model with a good fit. The current study model’s SRMR was 0.074, which indicated that this study’s model had a good fit, whereas the GOF was equal to 0.834, and RMS_theta, equal to 0.119, was also measured. The RMS_theta assesses the degree to which the outer model residuals correlate, and a value of <0.12 indicates a well-fitting model (Henseler et al., 2014). Goodness-of-Fit Index (GOF) is an index of the complete model fit to verify the model, which adequately explains the observed data. As described in
Table 4, GOF is calculated using the geometric mean value of Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values and the average R
2 values [
107]. The GOF index for this study model, which is 0.834, shows that observed data fit the model in a satisfactory manner.
4.3.3. Estimation of Path Coefficients and Hypothesis Testing
The hypothesis’s significance was determined using the bootstrapping process [
108]. For this study, the significance of the path coefficient and T-statistics values were tested using a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 subsamples. The hypothesis testing was carried out in two stages: partial hypothesis testing to assess the significance of the direct relationships between the variables; and simultaneous hypothesis testing to assess the indirect effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable with the help of a mediator. The results of partial hypothesis testing are summarised in
Table 5, and those of simultaneous hypothesis testing are summarised in
Table 6.
The structural model showing the above finding is also shared in
Figure 2:
As shown in
Table 5, the sub-dimensions of e-leadership qualities exert a significant positive connection with the higher-order e-leadership qualities; the sub-dimensions of innovation management exert a significant positive connection to the higher-order innovation management, and the sub-dimensions of innovation management exert a significant positive connection to the higher-order dynamic capability (T values of all the sub-dimensions are more than 1.645;
p-values < 0.001). Thus, H1, H2, and H3 are accepted. The structural model hypothesis testing results indicate that e-leadership qualities have a significant direct and positive impact on innovation management (T values, 5.805;
p-value < 0.001), accepting H4. As shown in
Table 5, e-leadership exerts a significant indirect positive impact on innovation management with the mediated role of dynamic capability (T values, 4.507;
p-value < 0.001). There is a significant direct and positive impact relationship between e-leadership qualities and dynamic capability (T values, 30.014;
p-value < 0.001) and between dynamic capability and innovation management (T values, 4.695;
p-value < 0.001). Hence, H5, H5a, and H5b are accepted.
5. Discussion
This study sheds light on the impact of e-leadership qualities on innovation management, with dynamic capability acting as a moderator. The hypothesis testing (H1, H2, and H3) revealed that all identified sub-dimensions for e-leadership qualities, innovation management, and dynamic capabilities had a substantial positive relationship with the higher-order model. Previous research, such as Ferreira et al. (2015), on innovation management, indicates that strategy, learning, process, networking, and organisation are important factors that contribute to an organisation developing clear innovation strategies for systemic analysis of new technological and marketplace developments to foster innovation. According to Teece [
13], sensing, seizing, and reconfiguration are the dimensions of the dynamic capability to understand and explain the competitive advantage of an organization over time and trigger points to change the resource base for addressing the rapidly changing environments. In this digital era, the e-leadership qualities dimensions, agile leadership, architectural view, digital entrepreneurship, hybrid skill development, value protector, and value creator are the essential qualities that are required in an organisation for effective alignment between business and digital technology [
The hypothesis testing result, H4, on the association between e-leadership qualities and innovation management, was accepted, showing that leader’s qualities are critical to driving an organization’s innovation strategy for business sustainability in the digital era. Our finding was in line with previous research [
109], which found that digital leadership had a major influence on innovation management. According to previous research, a leader with global vision, collaboration, reflectiveness, in-depth knowledge, and creativity will be able to sense and interpret the changing market, process decision making with the help of digital technology, and be creative to create innovative business models. The relevance of the path demonstrated in this study is comparable to the previous studies.
As for the medical device industry, the turbulence for business sustainability in the rapidly changing environment with a fragmentary market, heavy regulation, and global in nature requires a leader who has qualities such as agile leadership, hybrid skill development, digital entrepreneurship, architectural view, value protector, and value creator. Agile leadership with agile culture, strategy, and proactiveness are important for leaders to rapidly implement the business strategy related to digital technologies in a drastically changing market. The architectural view is also important for a leader to transform the technology and organizational infrastructure into a collaborative platform for improved human capital management and external association. Moreover, hybrid-skill development is required by a leader to play multiple roles and have cross-disciplinary skills to better understand, explore, and align with business strategy and technology. Value creation enables the leader to prioritize the available resources supported by technology and create competitive value, whereas value protection enables the leader to digitize the core business and enable digital transformation. Finally, digital entrepreneurship is the key leadership quality, particularly when digital technologies are used as the stimulator of business innovation [
This study also demonstrates that test results for H5, H5a, and H5b are accepted, which indicates a significant direct and positive relationship between e-leadership qualities and dynamic capability, dynamic capability and innovation management, and the positive and indirect relationship of e-leadership qualities on innovation management with mediating role of dynamic capability. Thus, the dynamic capability was introduced as a mediator between e-leadership qualities and innovation management to mediate the relationship, which was also tested in other studies [
However, this study indicated a significant positive relationship between e-leadership and innovation management which contributes to the theoretical implications. Similar to the previous studies [
111], the positive relationship between e-leadership qualities and dynamic capability and dynamic capability and innovation management are shown in this study. Open innovation management offers an effective way to accelerate innovation for product or process development, marketing strategy, and opportunity to share risk, which requires collaboration with others such as regulatory agencies, research institutions, and manufacturing companies [
5]. As such, this study indicates that the leaders in the medical device industry are equipped with e-leadership qualities to manage innovation and are equipped with dynamic capabilities to sense market changes in detecting weak signals, seize the opportunities and threats to develop scenarios and mitigate against the potential risks.
Digital leadership is the key factor in managing innovation in the digital transformation due to the uncertain market changes in the VUCA world [
113]. It plays a significant direct and indirect impact on managing innovation in terms of decision making with a focus on market orientation, which accelerates innovation [
6]. The dynamic capabilities of a leader could enable an organization in managing innovation to sense market changes by detecting the weak signals, seizing the available opportunities and threats, and reconfiguring them by mitigating the potential risks [
55]. As such, dynamic capability enables leaders to transform the industry with a new paradigm and reform the environment to be more agile during market turbulence.
Overall, these results contribute to the theoretical debates on the impact of e-leadership qualities on innovation management and the relationship between e-leadership qualities and dynamic capability. There is inconsistency in the previous studies [
111], which has been clarified in this study. Most studies [
111] that included digital leadership as a variable in structural models have measured the construct based on global vision and collaboration, reflectiveness, in-depth knowledge, inquisitiveness, and creativity [
109]. According to the researchers [
6], the studies also included dynamic capability as a variable in the structural model, which measured constructs based on strategic capability, management capability, adaptive capability, and innovation capability, and the same for innovation management variable, where the constructs were based on product, process, position, and paradigm [
1]. Our results contribute to earlier findings by using an upgraded research model in which the constructs for all variables were changed, and the outcomes showed a substantial relationship between the variables.
From the findings of this study, the sub-dimensions of the e-leadership qualities were suggested to be adopted and developed by the leaders in managing innovation in a better way. These qualities will help leaders to better understand their role, identifying the skills to be adapted and the impact of their leadership on innovation management in digital transformation [
121]. In addition, leaders play an important role in embracing the challenges in the innovation process by developing dynamic capabilities that can only be achieved with strong leadership in an organization. These findings will assist leaders in identifying their weaknesses in embracing the accelerated pace of innovation and improving themselves to develop the necessary qualities and capabilities for better innovation management for their organisation to remain competitive in the global market for business sustainability.
6. Practical and Theoretical Implications
This study has a handful of implications both for practitioners and academics. One of its implications is related to being among the first studies considering e-leadership qualities, dynamic capabilities, and innovation management, all together in the Malaysian context. This implication is linked to testing the sub-dimensions of all three main variables of this study, and, as shown in this paper, all the sub-dimensions of e-leadership qualities, dynamic capabilities, and innovation management were significant. It provides insight for future researchers to use these dimensions for further studies in other industries. This finding also gives a better view of these concepts to practitioners and makes these variables more tangible and measurable for them. Practitioners can use these findings to start planning and integrating them into their strategies and practices while allocating the proper level of resources to them.
Another implication of this study is that, based on the findings of this research, if managers and decision makers plan to enhance the e-leadership qualities in their people, they can focus on the most influential factors, such as hybrid skill development, agile leadership, and digital entrepreneurship.
Our study also found that while all three dimensions of dynamic capabilities were important to gain this capability, the seizing sub-dimension had the most significant effect, and managers needed to invest more in building systems, platforms, or capabilities to seize the recognized opportunities in their business environment.
The other contribution of this study is to the link between e-leadership qualities and innovation management, both directly and indirectly, through dynamic capabilities. Theoretically, this study introduces evidence on logical variables to be considered in future studies in this field and its sub-dimensions. It shows a roadmap to managers and practitioners on how they can have a positive impact on innovation management practices through building e-leadership qualities and dynamic capability, as developing systems, strategies, and development goals will be much easier when the influencing factors are clear to the decision makers.