Potential Use of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems in Landscape Irrigation under Full and Limited Irrigation Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Design and Treatments
2.2. Plant Water Consumptions
2.3. Amount of Irrigation Water to Be Applied
2.4. Plant Observations
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Irrigation Water Quantities
3.2. Plant Water Consumptions
3.3. Effects of Different Irrigation Programs on Plant Characteristics
3.4. Germination
3.5. Plant Height
3.6. Number of Mows and Mowing Weights
3.7. Root Lengths
3.8. Visual Appearance of Experimental Plots
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Treatments | Description |
S1 | 100% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.40 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S2 | 100% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.40 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S3 | 100% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.60 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S4 | 100% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.60 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S5 | 100% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.80 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S6 | 100% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.80 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S7 | 80% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.40 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S8 | 80% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.40 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S9 | 80% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.60 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S10 | 80% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.60 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S11 | 80% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.80 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S12 | 80% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.80 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S13 | 60% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.40 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S14 | 60% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.40 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S15 | 60% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.60 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S16 | 60% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.60 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
S17 | 60% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.80 m lateral spacing and 0.10 m lateral depth |
S18 | 60% Sub-surface drip irrigation with 0.80 m lateral spacing and 0.15 m lateral depth |
YS1 | 100% Sprinkler Irrigation |
YS2 | 80% Sprinkler Irrigation |
YS3 | 60% Sprinkler Irrigation |
Depth | Bulk Density (g cm−3) | Field Capacity (%) | Wilting Point (%) | Sand (%) | Silt (%) | Clay (%) | Texture | EC (mmhos cm−1) | pH | CaCO3 (%) | Organic Matter (%) |
0–30 | 1.29 | 27.13 | 17.82 | 36.4 | 41.1 | 22.5 | SCL | 0.520 | 7.8 | 18.4 | 1.10 |
Chemical Parameters | Analysis Results |
pH | 7.35 |
EC × 106 (µS cm−1) | 481 |
Dissolved Sodium Percentage | 8.92 |
Sodium Absorption Ratio | 0.33 |
Hardness (FSD) | 26.8 |
Sulphur (S) (mg L−1) | 13.5 |
Boron (B) (mg L−1) | 0.03 |
Calcium (Ca) (mg L−1) | 62.3 |
Magnesium (Mg) (mg L−1) | 26.9 |
Sodium (Na) (mg L−1) | 12.3 |
Potassium (K) (mg L−1) | 4.07 |
2017 | ||||||||
April | May | June | July | August | September | October | Total | |
S1–S6 | 35.60 | 115.20 | 150.40 | 255.80 | 216.20 | 159.80 | 33.60 | 966.60 |
S7–S12 | 28.48 | 92.16 | 120.32 | 204.64 | 172.96 | 127.84 | 26.88 | 773.28 |
S13–S18 | 21.36 | 69.12 | 90.24 | 153.48 | 129.72 | 95.88 | 20.16 | 579.96 |
YS1 | 40.92 | 132.41 | 172.87 | 294.02 | 248.51 | 183.68 | 38.62 | 1111.03 |
YS2 | 32.74 | 105.93 | 138.30 | 235.22 | 230.62 | 146.94 | 30.90 | 888.83 |
YS3 | 24.55 | 79.45 | 103.72 | 176.41 | 172.97 | 110.21 | 23.17 | 666.62 |
2018 | ||||||||
S1–S6 | 46.40 | 126.20 | 178.60 | 250.80 | 224.60 | 150.40 | 30.80 | 1007.80 |
S7–S12 | 37.12 | 104.16 | 142.88 | 200.64 | 179.68 | 120.32 | 24.64 | 806.24 |
S13–S18 | 27.84 | 78.12 | 107.16 | 150.48 | 134.76 | 90.24 | 18.48 | 604.68 |
YS1 | 53.33 | 145.06 | 205.29 | 288.28 | 258.16 | 172.87 | 35.40 | 1158.39 |
YS2 | 42.67 | 116.05 | 164.23 | 230.62 | 206.53 | 138.30 | 28.32 | 926.71 |
YS3 | 32.00 | 87.03 | 123.17 | 172.97 | 154.90 | 103.72 | 21.24 | 695.03 |
2017 | ||||||||
April | May | June | July | August | September | October | Total | |
S1–S6 | 37.1 | 141.4 | 175.7 | 257.1 | 226.5 | 160.8 | 36.3 | 1034.6 |
S7–S12 | 31.7 | 117.2 | 145.8 | 206.1 | 182.9 | 129.2 | 32.5 | 845.3 |
S13–S18 | 25.4 | 94.0 | 116.1 | 154.0 | 140.4 | 97.8 | 29.9 | 657.6 |
YS1 | 39.0 | 149.4 | 185.7 | 271.8 | 239.2 | 170.8 | 38.4 | 1094.3 |
YS2 | 32.8 | 123.5 | 153.2 | 216.4 | 192.3 | 135.7 | 33.9 | 887.8 |
YS3 | 26.3 | 98.5 | 121.6 | 161.4 | 147.4 | 102.1 | 31.16 | 688.5 |
2018 | ||||||||
S1–S6 | 47.8 | 146.3 | 189.9 | 251.80 | 234.8 | 151.4 | 33.5 | 1055.4 |
S7–S12 | 40.3 | 119.9 | 154.4 | 202.0 | 189.6 | 121.6 | 29.7 | 857.8 |
S13–S18 | 31.9 | 94.3 | 119.0 | 151.1 | 145.5 | 92.1 | 28.1 | 662.1 |
YS1 | 49.5 | 152.6 | 197.8 | 261.9 | 244.9 | 157.2 | 34.8 | 1098.7 |
YS2 | 41.4 | 125.3 | 159.9 | 210.0 | 197.5 | 126.3 | 30.9 | 891.4 |
YS3 | 33.0 | 97.8 | 123.1 | 156.6 | 151.6 | 103.72 | 29.3 | 686.9 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Total | ||
S1 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 06.06. | 07.07. | 10.08. | 20.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | - | 9 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | |||
Mowing weight | 388 | 301 | 280 | 298 | 279 | 286 | 298 | 278 | 269 | 2674 | ||
S2 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 06.06. | 07.07. | 10.08. | 20.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | - | 9 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | |||
Mowing weight | 387 | 296 | 269 | 280 | 260 | 264 | 277 | 261 | 265 | 2559 | ||
S3 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 06.06. | 07.07. | 10.08. | 20.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | - | 9 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | |||
Mowing weight | 385 | 280 | 250 | 258 | 240 | 243 | 252 | 240 | 258 | 2407 | ||
S4 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 06.06. | 07.07. | 10.08. | 20.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | - | 9 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | |||
Mowing weight | 384 | 272 | 241 | 255 | 224 | 225 | 236 | 230 | 252 | 2309 | ||
S5 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 06.06. | 07.07. | 10.08. | 20.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | - | 9 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | |||
Mowing weight | 383 | 258 | 236 | 240 | 221 | 217 | 232 | 222 | 245 | 2254 | ||
S6 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 06.06. | 07.07. | 10.08. | 20.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | - | 9 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | |||
Mowing weight | 381 | 246 | 225 | 229 | 206 | 200 | 216 | 204 | 235 | 2142 | ||
S7 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 10.05. | 06.06. | 12.07. | 21.08. | 09.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | 7 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 9–11 | |||||
Mowing weight | 370 | 250 | 232 | 235 | 221 | 232 | 240 | 1780 | ||||
S8 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 10.05. | 06.06. | 12.07. | 21.08. | 09.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | 7 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 9–11 | |||||
Mowing weight | 372 | 242 | 221 | 221 | 206 | 221 | 234 | 1717 | ||||
S9 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 15.05. | 16.06. | 02.08. | 09.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | 6 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 372 | 236 | 221 | 219 | 225 | 227 | 1500 | |||||
S10 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 15.05. | 16.06. | 02.08. | 09.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | 6 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 366 | 227 | 210 | 210 | 215 | 220 | 1448 | |||||
S11 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 17.05. | 21.06. | 11.08. | 11.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | 6 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 359 | 205 | 201 | 200 | 203 | 214 | 1382 | |||||
S12 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 17.05. | 21.06. | 11.08. | 11.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | 6 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 355 | 198 | 194 | 191 | 192 | 209 | 1339 | |||||
S13 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 18.05. | 27.06. | 03.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | - | 5 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 9–11 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 357 | 195 | 192 | 207 | 215 | 1166 | ||||||
S14 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 18.05. | 27.06. | 03.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | - | 5 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 9–11 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 359 | 185 | 181 | 197 | 208 | 1130 | ||||||
S15 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 18.05. | 03.07. | 06.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | - | 5 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 352 | 174 | 175 | 183 | 202 | 1086 | ||||||
S16 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 18.05. | 03.07. | 06.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | - | 5 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 351 | 170 | 170 | 176 | 197 | 1064 | ||||||
S17 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 26.05. | 24.07. | 10.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | - | 5 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 355 | 160 | 173 | 175 | 190 | 1033 | ||||||
S18 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 26.05. | 24.07. | 10.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | 5 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 327 | 150 | 162 | 165 | 180 | 984 | ||||||
YS1 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 02.05. | 16.05. | 02.06. | 05.07. | 09.08. | 06.09. | 27.09. | 13.10. | 16.11. | 10 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 12–14 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | ||
Mowing weight | 394 | 312 | 296 | 306 | 292 | 293 | 292 | 282 | 285 | 279 | 3031 | |
YS2 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 05.05. | 23.05. | 19.06. | 25.07. | 31.08. | 09.10. | 16.11. | - | - | 8 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 9–11 | ||||
Mowing weight | 378 | 265 | 261 | 260 | 259 | 240 | 245 | 252 | 2160 | |||
YS3 | Mowing date | 17.04. | 18.05. | 27.06. | 11.08. | 03.10. | 16.11. | - | - | - | - | 6 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 12–14 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 362 | 202 | 195 | 190 | 198 | 211 | 1358 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Total | ||
S1 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 04.06. | 02.07. | 03.08. | 03.09. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 380 | 294 | 296 | 302 | 294 | 278 | 291 | 265 | 259 | 258 | 2917 | ||
S2 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 04.06. | 02.07. | 03.08. | 03.09. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 377 | 286 | 292 | 290 | 272 | 259 | 265 | 246 | 245 | 252 | 2784 | ||
S3 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 04.06. | 02.07. | 03.08. | 03.09. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 373 | 266 | 280 | 272 | 249 | 241 | 246 | 220 | 223 | 245 | 2615 | ||
S4 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 04.06. | 02.07. | 03.08. | 03.09. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 371 | 257 | 274 | 262 | 231 | 224 | 232 | 211 | 212 | 242 | 2516 | ||
S5 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 04.06. | 02.07. | 03.08. | 03.09. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 369 | 249 | 257 | 258 | 230 | 218 | 2222 | 225 | 221 | 237 | 2486 | ||
S6 | Mowing date | 1.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 04.06. | 02.07. | 03.08. | 03.09. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 365 | 242 | 248 | 249 | 212 | 203 | 209 | 210 | 209 | 229 | 2376 | ||
S7 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 04.05. | 21.05. | 06.06. | 11.07. | 22.08. | 24.09. | 19.10. | 19.11. | - | 9 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | ||||
Mowing weight | 360 | 239 | 240 | 236 | 207 | 205 | 206 | 198 | 223 | 2114 | |||
S8 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 04.05. | 21.05. | 06.06. | 11.07. | 22.08. | 24.09. | 19.10. | 19.11. | - | 9 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | ||||
Mowing weight | 359 | 232 | 229 | 225 | 200 | 197 | 195 | 185 | 216 | 2038 | |||
S9 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 04.05. | 25.05. | 18.06. | 27.07. | 06.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | - | - | 8 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||
Mowing weight | 355 | 226 | 232 | 230 | 222 | 211 | 209 | 212 | 1897 | ||||
S10 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 04.05. | 25.05. | 18.06. | 27.07. | 06.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | - | - | 8 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||
Mowing weight | 352 | 217 | 225 | 222 | 214 | 202 | 201 | 207 | 1840 | ||||
S11 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 04.05. | 25.05. | 18.06. | 27.07. | 06.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | - | - | 8 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||
Mowing weight | 347 | 197 | 218 | 212 | 195 | 194 | 199 | 200 | 1762 | ||||
S12 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 04.05. | 25.05. | 18.06. | 27.07. | 06.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | - | - | 8 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | |||||
Mowing weight | 342 | 190 | 211 | 205 | 19 | 188 | 190 | 194 | 1710 | ||||
S13 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 18.05. | 15.06. | 23.07. | 04.09. | 12.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | 7 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 340 | 187 | 202 | 198 | 201 | 203 | 200 | 1531 | |||||
S14 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 18.05. | 15.06. | 23.07. | 04.09. | 12.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | 7 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 338 | 178 | 197 | 186 | 192 | 191 | 193 | 1475 | |||||
S15 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 18.05. | 15.06. | 23.07. | 04.09. | 12.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | 7 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–11 | 10–12 | 9–12 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 330 | 167 | 198 | 178 | 185 | 180 | 186 | 1424 | |||||
S16 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 18.05. | 15.06. | 23.07. | 04.09. | 12.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | 7 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–11 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 328 | 162 | 188 | 170 | 180 | 174 | 178 | 1380 | |||||
S17 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 31.05. | 29.06. | 20.08. | 08.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | - | 6 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–11 | 9–11 | 9–11 | 8–10 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 320 | 164 | 181 | 168 | 170 | 172 | 1175 | ||||||
S18 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 31.05. | 29.06. | 20.08. | 08.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | 6 | ||
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–11 | 9–11 | 9–11 | 8–10 | |||||||
Mowing weight | 314 | 155 | 172 | 155 | 158 | 160 | 1114 | ||||||
YS1 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 16.05. | 31.05. | 18.06. | 02.07. | 01.08. | 31.08. | 27.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 11 |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | ||
Mowing weight | 390 | 316 | 312 | 318 | 300 | 296 | 293 | 295 | 290 | 281 | 276 | 3367 | |
YS2 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 30.04. | 18.05. | 06.06. | 04.07. | 07.08. | 06.09. | 28.09. | 15.10. | 19.11. | 10 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 11–13 | 11–13 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | 9–11 | |||
Mowing weight | 366 | 256 | 268 | 275 | 253 | 243 | 245 | 234 | 221 | 240 | 2601 | ||
YS3 | Mowing date | 16.04. | 18.05. | 15.06. | 23.07. | 04.09. | 12.10. | 19.11. | - | - | - | 7 | |
Grass height | 13–15 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 10–12 | 9–11 | 9–11 | ||||||
Mowing weight | 345 | 194 | 204 | 211 | 210 | 191 | 208 | 1563 |
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Şahin, M. Potential Use of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems in Landscape Irrigation under Full and Limited Irrigation Conditions. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15053. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152015053
Şahin M. Potential Use of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems in Landscape Irrigation under Full and Limited Irrigation Conditions. Sustainability. 2023; 15(20):15053. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152015053
Chicago/Turabian StyleŞahin, Mehmet. 2023. "Potential Use of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems in Landscape Irrigation under Full and Limited Irrigation Conditions" Sustainability 15, no. 20: 15053. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152015053
APA StyleŞahin, M. (2023). Potential Use of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems in Landscape Irrigation under Full and Limited Irrigation Conditions. Sustainability, 15(20), 15053. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152015053