Socio-Economic Life Cycle-Based Framework for Safe and Sustainable Design of Engineered Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA)
2.2. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
2.3. Applying the Proposed S-LCA Scoring Methodology
- Goal and scope definition.
- Life cycle inventory.
- Life cycle impact assessment.
- Interpretation of results.
3. Results
3.1. Social Impact Subcategories Applicable for NEPs Assessment
- Child labor. The assessment aims to verify if the organization might or is employing children and to identify the nature of any child labor. The indicator should assess if the conditions are favorable for the occurrence of child labor and the existence and quality of prevention and mitigating measures taken by the organization.
- Fair salary. This subcategory aims to assess whether practices concerning wages are compliant with established standards and if the wage provided is meeting legal requirements; whether it is above, meeting or below industry average; and whether it can be considered as a living wage.
- Working hours. The assessment aims to verify if the number of hours effectively worked is in accordance with the International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, when overtime occurs and whether compensation in terms of money or free time is planned and provided to the workers.
- Forced labor. Defined as any work or service that is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which that person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily [30]. This assessment aims to verify that forced or compulsory labor is not used in the organization.
- Equal opportunities/discrimination. This subcategory aims to assess (i) equal opportunity management practices and (ii) the presence of discrimination in the opportunities offered to the workers by the organizations and in the working conditions. In this context, discrimination is defined as any distinction, exclusion or preference made on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation [30].
- Workers’ health and safety. The assessment aims to measure (i) the rate of incidents and (ii) the status of prevention measures and management practices. In this context, an incident is defined as a work-related event in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or fatality occurred or could have occurred [30].
- 7.
- Access to material resources. This subcategory assesses the extent to which organizations respect, work to protect, to provide or to improve community access to local material resources such as water, land, mineral and biological resources and infrastructure such as roads, sanitation facilities and schools, among others.
- 8.
- Delocalization and migration. As economic development might lead to the large-scale migration of individuals seeking employment, involuntary resettlement may occur if organizations directly or indirectly dispossess individuals or groups of their land or resources. If operations require human relocation, organizations should engage in due diligence and procedural safeguards. Thus, this impact subcategory aims to explore whether (i) organizations contribute to delocalization, migration or involuntary resettlement within communities and (ii) populations are treated adequately.
- 9.
- Safe and healthy living conditions. Operations can impact community safety through equipment accidents or structural failures. Land-use changes can also lead to natural disasters. In addition, the generation and/or use of hazardous material and pollution emissions may lead to adverse health impacts. The aim of the assessment is to measure how operations impact community safety and health. This includes assessing the general safety conditions of operations and their impacts on public health.
- 10.
- Respect of indigenous rights. Indigenous peoples have a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories and consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing in those territories or parts of them [31]. Respect of indigenous peoples’ rights thus includes the right to lands, resources, cultural integrity, self-determination and self-government [32]. The aim of this assessment is to verify whether organizations respect the rights of indigenous peoples.
- 11.
- Local employment provides important income and training opportunities to community members. It is considered that organizations which develop relationships with locally based suppliers will further encourage local employment and development. Organizations also may foster the development of local communities by training local employees in technical and transferable skills. Thus, the aim of this assessment is to understand whether an organization is directly or indirectly affecting local employment.
- 12.
- Supplier relations. Procurement practices of organizations have strong impacts on the supply chains. An organization should consider the potential impacts or unintended consequences of its procurement and purchasing decisions on other organizations and act with due diligence to avoid or minimize any negative impact (ISO 26000, [31]). The aim of the assessment should therefore try to evaluate whether an organization has a procurement process in place aimed at assessing its suppliers against social, environmental and economic criteria.
- 13.
- Consumer’s health and safety. This subcategory refers to the consumers’ rights to be protected against products and services that may be hazardous to health or life (ISO 26000, [31]). This assessment helps to identify whether an organization has processes and procedures in place to address consumer health and safety across the organizations involved in the life cycle of the product.
- 14.
- End-of-life responsibility. In an environmental context, end-of-life is commonly referred to as extended producer responsibility. This concept refers to product disposal, reuse or recycling. Product disposal can lead to significant environmental and social concerns, such as environmental and public health impacts that stem from the accumulation of hazardous material in waste. The aim of this assessment is to examine management efforts to address the social impacts of product end-of-life. Usually based on regulatory requirements, organizations should provide accurate, complete and clear information to consumers regarding appropriate end-of-life options. In some cases, producers could offer to collect, buy back and recycle to ensure safe waste disposal.
- 15.
- Contribution to economic development. Businesses can foster economic development in many ways such as to generate revenue, create jobs, provide education and training, make investments or forward research. The aim of this assessment is to measure to what extent the organization/product or service contributes to the economic development of the society (e.g., annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person).
- 16.
- Prevention and mitigation of armed conflicts. This subcategory considers if and how an organization acts in conflict zones. It assesses as well if the organizations have in place strategies, measures and/or action plans to reduce and prevent conflicts when it operates in conflict zones or its supply chain operates in conflict zones.
- 17.
- Technology development is an overarching concept in which key elements such as technology needs, technology information, enabling environments, capacity-building, financial and institutional mechanisms are playing an important role. In this framework, technology transfer is defined as a process for converting research into economic development [23]. Thus, the aim of this assessment is to identify whether the organization participates in joint research and development efforts for more efficient and sound technologies. Technology transfer between more advanced economies and developing economies is seen as a key for the improvement of social conditions and to prevent further environmental damage related to old technology.
- 18.
- Corruption. This indicator assesses whether an organization (i) has implemented appropriate measures to prevent corruption and (ii) if there is evidence that it has engaged or has been engaged in corruption.
- 19.
- Ethical treatment of animals focuses on the welfare of animals that are affected by product systems and/or organizations’ behavior (e.g., products that use animals for testing practices). The aim of the assessment is to (i) verify how the organization manages the life, treatment and death of animals and (ii) whether it has appropriate policies in place to address ethical treatment of animals across its supply chain.
3.2. Overview of the S-LCA Self-Assessment Screening Tool
- Clarity. The tool should be easily applicable and understandable (i.e., nonexperts should be able to use it) and should yield transparent results.
- Efficiency. The tool should require a minimum of time and data (not more than a couple of hours).
- Reproducibility. It should yield reproducible results that can be used for comparative purposes.
- Flag/identify social issues over the life cycles of ENMs/NEPs that can inform “go-to-next stage”, “adjust” or “stop innovation” decisions.
- Identify and semi-quantify impacts for workers, local communities, value chain actors, consumers and society associated with the production of ENMs/NEPs.
- Estimate unique scores for the full product impact and all socio-economic impact categories and subcategories included in the assessment. These scores can be used for a comparative assessment of two or more production alternatives under consideration.
- Use an innovative approach combining the S-LCA and MCDA methodologies. The tool is flexible enough to allow assigning different weights for each impact subcategory thus allowing one to fine-grain and tailor the analysis to a specific context.
- Inform their decisions based on data coming from the established SHDB. This is particularly important as developing social data inventories can be very time-consuming and costly.
- Child labor. To give a proxy measure for this impact, users are asked to self-evaluate the risks of child labor in their own operation and their suppliers as above, below or equal to the national average. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Fair salary. To measure fair salary, users are asked to evaluate the risks of wage and poverty levels in their own operation and their suppliers as below or equal to the national average. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Working hours are operationalized in terms of excessive working time using data from the SHBD.
- Forced labor. To give a proxy measure for this impact, users are asked to self-evaluate the risks of forced labor in their own operation and their suppliers as above, below or equal to the national average. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Equal opportunities/discrimination. To measure this impact, users are asked to evaluate the levels of gender inequity and discrimination in their own operation and their suppliers as above, below or equal to the national average. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Workers’ health and safety. To assess this impact, users are asked to evaluate the risks of occupational toxics and hazards and cases of injuries and fatalities at their own operation. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Access to material resources. To assess this impact, users are asked (i) if they assess the impacts their operation has on the local community (e.g., use of material resources such as water, minerals) or (ii) if they have a certified environmental management system.
- Delocalization and migration. To measure this impact, users are asked to evaluate the risks to migrant workers in their own operation and their suppliers as above, below or equal to the national average. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Safe and healthy living conditions for suppliers. To assess this impact, users are asked to evaluate (i) communicable diseases, (ii) non-communicable diseases, (iii) access to drinking water and (iv) access to sanitation at their suppliers’ using data from the SHBD.
- Respect of indigenous rights. To assess this impact, users are asked to evaluate the overall risk of indigenous rights being infringed. Data for assessing this impact were directly taken from the SHDB using the authors’ own scoring method as described in Section 3.3.
- Local employment is operationalized in terms of the unemployment rate in local communities using data from the SHBD.
- Supplier relations are assessed in a two-step approach. First, users are asked if they provision a social assessment of their suppliers in their procurement process. Next, a full assessment of all relevant impact categories applicable for suppliers is conducted (see indicators for 1–6; 8–11; 18–19).
- Consumer’s health and safety. To operationalize this impact, users should report whether they assess the hazard, social and ecological impacts their products might have on consumers.
- End-of-life responsibility. To operationalize this impact, users should assess whether they (i) have incidents of non-compliance with regulatory labeling requirements, (ii) do not have incidents of non-compliance with regulatory labeling requirements or (iii) have systems in place to ensure that clear information is provided to consumers on end-of-life options.
- Contribution to economic development. To measure this impact, users need to assess whether their innovative (nano-enabled) product is creating more value for society compared to their conventional product.
- Prevention and mitigation of armed conflicts. To operationalize this impact, users are asked whether they are evaluating and choosing their suppliers based on sourcing from conflict-free regions.
- Technology development. To give a proxy measure for this impact, users are asked to choose whether their product R&D activities are based on (i) their own know how, (ii) local collaboration or (iii) global collaboration.
- Corruption. To operationalize corruption, users are (i) asked whether they are evaluating and choosing their suppliers based on sourcing from corruption-free areas in addition to (ii) corruption rates data directly taken from the SHDB.
- Ethical treatment of animals. To develop a proxy measure for this impact, users are asked whether they have a code of conduct/follow procedures for ensuring ethical treatment of animals in their value chain (including in their own operation and their suppliers).
3.3. Scoring Methodology and Tool Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
ENMs | Engineered nanomaterials |
EC | European Commission |
EU | European Union |
ILO | International Labor Organization |
ISO | International Standardization Organization |
KETs | Key Enabling Technologies |
LCA | Life Cycle Assessment |
LCC | Life Cycle Costing |
LCSA | Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment |
MCDA | Multi-criteria Decision Analysis |
n-CuO | Nano-copper oxide |
NEPs | Nano-enabled products |
PSILCA | Product Social Impact Life Cycle Assessment database |
RA | Risk Assessment |
RP | Regulatory Preparedness |
S-LCA | Social-Life Cycle Assessment |
SbD | Safe-by-Design |
SHDB | Social Hotspots Database |
SIA | Safe Innovation Approach |
SSbD | Safe and Sustainable-by-Design |
SUNDS | Sustainable Nanotechnology Decision Support System |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
Appendix B
Stakeholder Categories | Impact Subcategories | Life Cycle Stage in Which the Impact Occurs | Relevant to Compare NEP with Conventional Product? Specify Potential Positive and Negative Impacts | Reference | |||
S * | M * | U * | EoL * | ||||
Workers ** | Freedom of association and collective bargaining | X | X | Not expected to be different. Major nanotechnology producers are (publicly listed) US or EU-based companies where freedom of association and collective bargaining issues are adddressed in labor contracts and sustainability disclosure. In addition, such considerations are not specific for nanomaterial production but rather a company-level characteristic. | Expert Panel | ||
Child labor ** | X | X | Yes. The production of ENMs and NEPs involves sourcing of precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and conflict minerals (tungsten) from Asia, Africa and South America where child labor in mining is still present and at very high rates. This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Fair salary ** | X | X | X | Yes. The production of ENMs involves sourcing of precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and conflict minerals (e.g., tungsten) from Asia, Africa and South America where fair salary could be an issue (minimum wages may not be able to cover basic needs). This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | ||
Working hours ** | X | X | X | Yes. The production of EENMs involves sourcing of precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) from Asia, Africa and South America where extended working hours (overtime) in mining are frequent and sometimes not fully paid. This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. | accessed on 6 July 2021;, accessed on 6 July 2021 | ||
Forced labor ** | X | X | Yes. The production of ENMs involves sourcing of conflict minerals (e.g., tungsten) from Africa where forced labor is at very high rates. This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Equal opportunities/ discrimination ** | X | X | Yes. The production of ENMs involves sourcing of conflict minerals (e.g., tungsten, gold) from Africa (e.g., Congo) where discrimination issues are reported in the mining sector. These include the lack of women’s participation in decision-making processes in the mining sector, the prohibition of access to artisanal mining activities, poor labor conditions, low incomes and environment pollution with harmful effects on the health of women and children). This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Health and safety ** | X | X | X | Yes. There are uncertain risks associated with the ENM and NEP production that may lead to work-related ill health. This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | ||
Social benefits/ social security | X | X | Not expected to be different. Major nanotechnology producers are (publicly listed) US or EU-based companies where freedom of social benefits and security issues are adddressed in labor contracts and sustainability disclosure. In addition, such considerations are not specific for nanomaterial production but rather a company-level characteristic. | Expert Panel | |||
Employment relationship | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||
Sexual harassment | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |||
Smallholders including farmers | Not applicable to ENM anf NEP production. | Expert Panel | |||||
Local community ** | Access to material resources ** | X | X | Yes. Mining might have negative effects on local communities in terms of excessive use of material resources (water, minerals) due to extraction works but also positive effects in terms of contributing to developing better infrastructure. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | ||
Access to immaterial resources | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |||
Delocalization and migration ** | X | Yes. Developing new mining sites might involve delocalization of local communities. This generates a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | ||||
Cultural heritage | X | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |
Safe and healthy living conditions ** | X | X | X | X | Yes. Risks from exposure to NEPs are still being researched and are not known in the longer term. This can generate a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |
Respect of indigenous rights ** | X | X | Yes. Developing new mining sites might involve enagement/public consultations with indigenous communities where risks of disrespecting indigenous rights might be high. This can generate a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Community engagement | X | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |
Local employment ** | X | Yes. Producing NEPs requires specific skills, training and knowledge. This might effect positively or negatively the local employement rates. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | ||||
Secure living conditions | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||
Value chain actors (not including consumers) ** | Fair competition | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |
Promoting social responsibility | X | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |
Supplier relationships ** | X | X | Yes. Producing NEPs requires specific skills, specific technical background and equipment and is considered an innovation process. This might require moving from simple transaction to a deeper engagement which has potential to contribute significantly to improvement of social conditions in supply chains. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Respect of intellectual property rights Wealth distribution | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||||
Wealth distribution | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||
Consumer ** | Health and safety ** | X | Yes. Long-term health and safety risks from NEPs are still not known, so specific measures should be taken in place to ensure the monitoring and assessment of consumer health and safety. This might generate a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Feedback mechanism | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||||
Consumer privacy | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||||
Transparency | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||||
End-of-life responsibility ** | X | X | Yes. Long-term health and safety risks from NEPs are still not known, so specific measures should be taken in place to ensure that accurate, complete and clear information is provided to consumers regarding appropriate end-of-life options and/or develop recycling and safe waste disposal initiatives. Failure to do so might generate a negative socio-economic impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Society ** | Public commitments to sustainability issues | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |
Contribution to economic development ** | X | X | Yes. Producing NEPs requires specific skills, training and knowledge. This can possitvely affect the contribution to economic development in terms of job creation and education. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Prevention and mitigation of armed conflicts ** | X | X | Yes. The production of ENMs involves sourcing of conflict minerals (e.g., tungsten) from Africa. Thus, sourcing from such countries will have a negative impact on the prevention of armed conflicts. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Technology development ** | X | X | Yes. Producing ENMs and NEPs often involves partcipation to join research and development activities where collaboration with underdeveloped countries is encouraged. | Expert Panel | |||
Corruption ** | X | X | Yes. The production of ENMs and NEPs involves sourcing of precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and conflict minerals (tungsten) from Asia, Africa and South America where corruption rates in mining areas are high. |;, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Ethical treatment of animals ** | X | X | Yes. Nanotechnology involves more animal testing as there are so many different types of nanomaterials. In addition, monitoring of the impementation of appropriate measures for ethical treatment of animals must be established. Failure to monitor this may generate negative impact stemming from the NEP production. |, accessed on 6 July 2021 | |||
Poverty alleviation | X | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||
Children | Education provided in the local community | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | ||
Health issues for children as consumers | X | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel | |||
Children concerns regarding marketing practices | X | Not expected to be different as those potential impacts are not stemming from the nanomaterial production activity but are attributed to the general company activitiy. | Expert Panel |
Appendix C
Expert | Institution | Expertise |
Dr. Alex Zabeo | Greendecision Srl., Venice, Italy | Sustainability Assessment (LCA), Decision Science |
Dr. Lisa Pizzol | University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Venice, Italy | Sustainability assessment (LCA, Water/Carbon Footprint), Risk Assessment |
Dr. Danail Hristozov | EMERGE Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria | Risk Assessment, Decision Science |
Dr. Stella Stoycheva | Yordas Ltd., Forcheim, Germnay | Social sciences, Sustainability Assessment (s-LCA, LCC) |
Dr. Bernd Nowack | EMPA, St. Gallen, Switzerland | Life Cycle Thinking, Risk Assessment, Materials Science |
Dr. Claudia Som | EMPA, St. Gallen, Switzerland | Technology Analysis (Life Cycle Thinking, Foresight), Risk Assessment |
Dr. Hyunjoo Hong | EMPA, St. Gallen, Switzerland | Life Cycle Thinking, Risk Assessment, Materials Science |
Appendix D
Question | Answer |
Nanomaterial used in the product | Aluminum, Aluminum oxide, Aluminum hydroxide, Antimony oxide, Antimony pentoxide, Barium carbonate… |
Cost of the nanomaterial used in the product | …USD |
Specify your product or application | … |
Which is your main production country? | Albania, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Armenia… |
Producer type | Chemical, rubber, plastic products, ferrous metals, metal products… |
Supplier name | … |
Supplier country | Albania, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Armenia… |
Supplier type | Chemical, rubber, plastic products, ferrous metals, metal products… |
How do you ensure you manage properly the end of life of your product? | We have incidents of non-compliance with regulatory labeling requirements |
We don’t have incidents of non-compliance with regulatory labeling requirements | |
We have systems in place to ensure that clear information is provided to consumers on end-of- life options | |
Do you assess the hazard, social and ecological impacts your products might have on consumers? | Yes |
No | |
How are your innovative (nano-enabled) products creating value to society compared to your conventional products? | My innovative product creates more value than the conventional one as it requires more special skill and training |
My innovative product creates as similar value to society as my conventional one | |
I am not sure if my innovative product creates value than the conventional one | |
Are your evaluating and choosing your suppliers based on sourcing from conflict-free regions? | Yes |
No | |
Are your product R&D activities based on | Global collaboration |
Local collaboration | |
My own know-how | |
Are you evaluating and choosing your suppliers based on sourcing from corruption-free areas? | Yes |
No | |
Do you have a code of conduct/follow procedures for ensuring ethical treatment of animals in your value chain? | At both my own operation and at my suppliers’ operations |
At my own operation | |
I don’t have such procedures neither I have such expectations from my suppliers | |
Do you assess/keep records of the impacts your operation has on the local community (e.g., use of material resources such as waters, minerals) or have a Certified environmental management system? | Yes |
No | |
How would you rate yourself against the following social impact categories (where Above national average means less social negative impacts)? Wage, Poverty, Child Labor, Forced Labor, Excessive Working Time, Migrant Labor, Discrimination, Unemployment, Occ Tox & Haz, Injuries & Fatalities, Indigenous Rights, Gender Equity, High Conflict Zones, Non-Communicable Diseases, Communicable Diseases, Legal System, Corruption, Access to Drinking Water, Access to Sanitation | Below national average |
In line with national average Above national average | |
How would you rate your supplier 1, 2, 3… against the following social impact categories (where Above national average means less social negative impacts)? Wage, Poverty, Child Labor, Forced Labor, Excessive Working Time, Migrant Labor, Discrimination, Unemployment, Occ Tox & Haz, Injuries & Fatalities, Indigenous Rights, Gender Equity, High Conflict Zones, Non-Communicable Diseases, Communicable Diseases, Legal System, Corruption, Access to Drinking Water, Access to Sanitation | Below national average |
In line with national average Above national average | |
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Indicator Type | Indicator | Impact Subcategory | Impact Category |
SHDB | Indigenous rights | Respect of indigenous rights (3.2.10.) | Cultural heritage |
SHDB | Legal system | Corruption (3.2.18.) | Governance |
SHDB | Corruption | ||
Generic | Corruption-free operations | ||
Generic | End-of-life management | End-of-life responsibility (3.2.14.) | |
Generic | Product impact on consumers | Health and safety for consumers (3.2.13.) | Health and safety |
SHDB | Occupational toxics and hazards | Health and safety for workers (3.2.6.) | |
SHDB | Injuries and fatalities | ||
SHDB | Non-Communicable diseases | Safe and healthy living conditions (for suppliers) (3.2.9.) | |
SHDB | Communicable diseases | ||
SHDB | Access to drinking water | ||
SHDB | Access to sanitation | ||
Generic | Local community | Access to material resources (3.2.7.) | Human rights |
SHDB | Migrant labor | Delocalization and migration (3.2.8.) | |
SHDB | Discrimination | Equal opportunities/discrimination (3.2.5) | |
SHDB | Gender equity | ||
SHDB | High conflict zones | Prevention and mitigation of armed conflicts (3.2.16.) | |
Generic | Conflict-free operations | ||
Generic | Value created | Contribution to economic development (3.2.15.) | Socio-economic repercussions |
Generic | Animal welfare | Ethical treatment of animals (3.2.19.) | |
Generic | R&D partnerships | Technology development (3.2.17.) | |
SHDB | Child labor | Child labor (3.2.1.) | Working conditions |
SHDB | Wage | Fair salary (3.2.2.) | |
SHDB | Poverty | ||
SHDB | Forced labor | Forced Labor (3.2.4.) | |
SHDB | Unemployment | Local employment (3.2.11.) | |
Generic | Suppliers’ assessment | Supplier relationships (3.2.12.) | |
SHDB | Excessive working time | Working hours (3.2.3.) |
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Share and Cite
Stoycheva, S.; Zabeo, A.; Pizzol, L.; Hristozov, D. Socio-Economic Life Cycle-Based Framework for Safe and Sustainable Design of Engineered Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5734.
Stoycheva S, Zabeo A, Pizzol L, Hristozov D. Socio-Economic Life Cycle-Based Framework for Safe and Sustainable Design of Engineered Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products. Sustainability. 2022; 14(9):5734.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStoycheva, Stella, Alex Zabeo, Lisa Pizzol, and Danail Hristozov. 2022. "Socio-Economic Life Cycle-Based Framework for Safe and Sustainable Design of Engineered Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products" Sustainability 14, no. 9: 5734.
APA StyleStoycheva, S., Zabeo, A., Pizzol, L., & Hristozov, D. (2022). Socio-Economic Life Cycle-Based Framework for Safe and Sustainable Design of Engineered Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products. Sustainability, 14(9), 5734.