The Potential of Improving Construction Transport Time Efficiency—A Freight Forwarder Perspective
:1. Introduction
2. Frame of Reference
2.1. Transport Efficiency
2.2. Construction Transport
2.3. Value-Adding and Non-Value-Adding Activities
2.4. Non-Value-Adding Activities in Construction Transport
- Access/mobility problems: Any kind of route obstruction that makes the transport activity difficult.
- Storage: Inappropriate space for material storage or material stored in an inappropriate manner.
- Equipment: Unavailable, damaged, or inappropriate equipment for transportation, generating the adaptation of other equipment for the transportation or appropriate equipment, but used in an inappropriate manner.
- Workforce: Insufficient number of workers to perform the transportation activity.
- Packaging material: Poor packaging conditions of the material, which make the transportation slow and difficult.
- Information: Lack of necessary information for the employees for high-quality transportation performance.
2.5. Value Stream Mapping
- (1)
- Creation of the current process state
- (2)
- Identification of inefficiencies in the process using lean principles
- (3)
- Development and suggestion of action plans to achieve the proposed improved future state
3. Material and Method
3.1. Case Selection
3.2. Data Collection
3.3. Data Analysis
4. Results
4.1. Value Stream Mapping—Goods Delivery Flow
4.2. Value Stream Mapping—Waste Material Flow
4.3. Summary of Results
4.3.1. Goods Delivery Flow
4.3.2. Waste Material Flow
5. Discussions
6. Conclusions
- ‑
- To classify construction transport activities as value-adding, non-value-adding and necessary but non-value-adding
- ‑
- To identify the time being spent performing value-adding activities and non-value-adding activities
- ‑
- To propose solutions to make construction transport time-efficient
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Interview Guide
- Q1.
- Which among the following activities do you consider as non-value adding i.e., activities that are just there and do not add much value to the whole process;
- a.
- Picking lists collection
- b.
- Taking pictures of the unloaded material
- c.
- Searching for filled waste container at site
- d.
- Weighing of filled waste container
- e.
- Receiving paper receipt for weighing
- f.
- Putting and taking off net
- Follow up question:
- Which do think can be digitalized/automated?
- Why is it important putting the net on the waste filled container?
- Q2.
- What do you consider normal time for loading and unloading?
- a.
- Do you have a normal time part of the planning?
- b.
- Do you think that 4 to 5 min for loading and unloading is good time utilization?
- Q3.
- How do you plan deliveries at your company?
- a.
- In your opinion, do flaws/shortcomings/faults/inconsistencies exist in planning and organization of deliveries?
- b.
- How can planning and organization of deliveries be improved in your opinion?
- c.
- Is it possible to plan better routing so that time is utilized efficiently i.e., to meet several delivery points in one route rather than coming and going back and forth?
- Q4.
- Would it be possible to collect all the delivery invoices at the same time for all the deliveries planned for a day rather than collecting invoices one by one or delivery by delivery?
- Q5.
- What challenges do you face in getting the information about unloading place/area/zone from the customer?
- a.
- How important do you think it is to communicate unloading space information with the driver?
- b.
- Do you think unloading zone information can be mentioned somewhere on the invoice so that driver has an idea, and he/she should not waste time in searching the unloading zone while being at the site?
- c.
- Would it be better for your company to book time with the construction site so that there is no waiting in performing loading/unloading at site and less congestion on road because waiting has been observed in some deliveries because of another in progress delivery?
- Q6.
- Normally it has been observed that the driver after dumping the filled waste container go all the way back to put the empty container at the same place from where it was collected. Do you think there can be any alternative to it such as leaving empty containers at recycling facility and some other big truck can put all empty containers back at the site in the form of consolidated delivery?
- Q7.
- Do you think google maps is effective in finding the right addresses? Because sometimes google map does not show the diverted routes? Is it possible to have our own maps or some other alternative?
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Deliveries | Description | Time Taken |
Delivery 1 (Renovation materials) | Loading took place after picklist being collected. Truck departed at 6:58. Three stops were made to search for the right address. Before delivering, truck waited for 16 min at wrong parking place. Waste: Collection of picklist, searching for the right address, searching for the unloading space, contacting the concerned person, waiting, travelling back empty, taking picture of unloaded material | 6:53–7:42 (49 min) Total Delivery time = 49 min Value-adding time = 16 min Non-value-adding time = 33 min |
Delivery 2 Concrete Slabs | (a) Picklist got collected after discussion regarding addresses. Loading was carried out. Truck arrived at the wrong address. After contacting the concerned person, delivery was made at the right address. (b) Another delivery was made at a site with no proper unloading area. Delivery was made through a very narrow passage. Because of improper unloading space, more time got consumed along with enhanced risk of vehicle damage. Waste: Collecting picklists, reaching at the wrong address, contacting the concerned person, difficult access to unloading space, taking pictures of unloading material, travel back empty | 7:45–8:16 (31 min) 8:17–8:55 (38 min) Total delivery time = 69 min Value-adding time = 49 min Non-value-adding time = 20 min |
Delivery 3 Construction material | It took 4 min to collect the invoice. The route was rough and not easy to find the way. It took 8 min to unload. Truck travelled back empty. Waste: Waiting for the picklist to get confirmed, taking picture of unloaded material, travel back empty | 9:17–10:09 (52 min) Total delivery time = 52 min Value-adding time= 28 minNon-value-adding time= 24 min |
Delivery 4 Construction material | Delivery 4 went smooth. It was easy to find the address. Waste: Taking pictures of unloaded material and travel back empty | 10:10–10:34 (24 min) Total delivery time = 24 min Value-adding time = 16 min Non-value-adding time = 8 min |
Delivery 5 Construction material | It took time to unload the loaded material because of delicate nature of iron rods which were long, thin, and heavy at the same time. It required a lot of skill to handle and offload the material. Waste: Truck travelling back empty. | 10:37–10:55 (18 min) Total delivery time = 18 minValue-adding time = 12 min Non-value-adding time = 6 min |
Delivery 6 Bandage boxes and construction material | (a) Delivery was made just to deliver four small bandage boxes. (b) Delivery was made to the adjacent city and it went smooth. Waste: Collection of picklists, delivered 4 small bandage boxes, travelled back empty, taking pictures of unloaded material in delivery b. | (a) 10:56–11:17 (21 min) (b) 11:18–12:30 (72 min) Lunch break 12:37–1:39. Reached back by 2:33. Travel time to reach back (66 min) Total delivery time = 159 min Value-adding time = 89 min Non-value-adding time = 70 min |
Dumping | Description | Time Taken |
Dumping 1 Waste material | Filled waste container was loaded from construction site. Net was put on it. After reaching at recycling facility, filled waste container got weighed, receipt of which got collected. A stop was made before dumping to remove net. After dumping, empty container was weighed again. Dump truck travelled back to same construction site to put the empty container there. Time spent waiting due to presence of another truck. Waste: Too much stopping at recycling facility, i.e., for weighing and collecting paper receipt, for removing net and finally for dumping. 4 min waiting to put the empty container back at site because of another truck delivery. | 7:15–7:58 (43 min) Total time = 43 min Value-adding time = 26 min Non-value-adding = 17 min |
Dumping 2 Waste material | Waiting before loading the filled waste container. After reaching recycling facility, container got weighed both filled and empty. After dumping, truck travelled all the way back to put the container. Waste: Waited for 4 min to enter the site for lifting up the filled container. | 8:02–8:38 (36 min) Total time = 36 min Value-adding time = 21 min Non-value-adding = 15 min |
Dumping 3 Waste material | For dumping 3, driver reached the construction site by 8:59. The truck was parked close to the filled container so that it can be loaded easily. After loading, net was put and then driver went for dumping and after dumping travelled back with the empty container to put it back at the construction site from where it was picked up. Waste: Parking the truck so that the filled waste container can be loaded easily. Putting and taking off the net | 8:50–9:28 (38 min) Total time = 38 minValue-adding time = 25 min Non-value-adding = 13 min |
Dumping 4 Waste material | 20 min waiting time to load the filled container from construction site. Net was put on after loading. At recycling facility, truck got weighed with filled container. Net was removed before dumping and afterwards weighing was carried out again. At this recycling facility, inspection was made before dumping. Empty container was put back. Waste: 16 min waiting to lift up the filled waste container, one additional stop was made due to inspection at the recycling facility | 9:28–10:42 (74 min) Total time = 74 min Value-adding time = 35 min Non-value-adding = 39 min |
Dumping 5 Waste material | At 11:40 the driver was at the construction site and opened the gate by himself. At 11:50, driver parked the truck to lift up the container. At 11:51 full container was ready to be picked up. At 11: 54 lifting was carried out and by 11:55 after putting the net, the driver also closed the site gate. By 12:13, driver reached the recycling facility and after weighing and removing the net, the material got dumped. After dumping, driver travelled back to the site again from where the container was picked up to put the empty container back. Waste: One stop was made to open the gate of construction site | 11:40–12:45 (65 min) Total time = 65 min Value-adding time = 38 min Non-value-adding = 27 min |
Dumping 6 Waste material | After a lunch break, filled container was lifted up and dumped at the recycling facility. Waste: Collecting paper weighing receipt, putting and taking off net | 1:03–1:42 (39 min) Total time = 39 min Value-adding time = 25 min Non-value-adding = 14 min |
Proposed Solution | Impact |
Use of ICT tools (advanced mapping devices, telematics, GPS technology, integrated software, real-time information tools, etc.) | The use of ICT tools will help improve information sharing which will lead to better transport planning and decision making. Furthermore, this will improve communication as well as coordination. The ICT tools will enable connection among construction sites, drivers, and terminals, resulting in traceable transport. The use of advance mapping tools will help the drivers to plan their routes in a better way and it will provide them information regarding road obstacles in advance, reducing congestion in urban areas. Additionally, this will allow route optimization, resulting in less empty transport. Ref. [7] suggests that use of ICT tools improve loading and unloading process by sending pre-arrival notification which will help personnel to be prepared and make the equipment ready for the loading and unloading. Waiting due to bottlenecks in terminals will be reduced with the use of ICT tools [7] |
Digitalization (e-mails, electronic receipts) | The digitalization will reduce drivers’ administration through the use of electronic documentations such as digital receipts, e-mails, etc. The reliance on paper invoices and receipts and manual data recording is time consuming as well as error prone. With digitalization, waiting due to paper-based administration will be reduced. |
Technology (Smart waste containers, special vehicles, etc.) | The sensors used in smart waste containers will notify the driver that the waste container is filled and is ready to be picked up. This can reduce the number of trips that the driver currently makes just to check whether the container is filled with waste and ready to pick up or not. Furthermore, it has been observed that even when delivering small boxes to construction sites a big vehicle is being used. This suggests that there should be special vehicles according to the type and size of material. This will increase overall transport efficiency. In addition to this, it has been observed that to load the filled waste container, the driver has to make quite a few adjustments to align the truck and the container. It is suggested that with the help of some magnetic technology, the container can be made aligned with the truck by itself. This will reduce the excessive number of unnecessary movements as well as reduce driver´s frustration. |
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Share and Cite
Naz, F.; Fredriksson, A.; Ivert, L.K. The Potential of Improving Construction Transport Time Efficiency—A Freight Forwarder Perspective. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10491.
Naz F, Fredriksson A, Ivert LK. The Potential of Improving Construction Transport Time Efficiency—A Freight Forwarder Perspective. Sustainability. 2022; 14(17):10491.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNaz, Farah, Anna Fredriksson, and Linea Kjellsdotter Ivert. 2022. "The Potential of Improving Construction Transport Time Efficiency—A Freight Forwarder Perspective" Sustainability 14, no. 17: 10491.
APA StyleNaz, F., Fredriksson, A., & Ivert, L. K. (2022). The Potential of Improving Construction Transport Time Efficiency—A Freight Forwarder Perspective. Sustainability, 14(17), 10491.