Sustainable Food Packaging: An Integrative Framework
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
- it is effective in containing and protecting products throughout the supply chain and by supporting informed and responsible consumption (effectiveness);
- it uses materials and energy efficiently throughout its life cycle (resource efficiency);
- its materials are cycled continuously through natural or technical systems (recyclability);
- it does not pose any risks to human health or ecosystems (safety).
2.1. Food Packaging and Environmental Sustainability
2.2. Food Packaging and Food Safety
2.3. Food Packaging and Social Impact
3. Methodological Issues
- A first version of the framework was submitted to be reviewed by over 20 experts from the business and research world (packaging manufacturers, brand owners, retailers, end-of-life consortia, research centers, service, and technology providers) during a first workshop. The participants were presented examples of FP solutions and asked to fill in a checklist of objectives and levers for each of them. The choice of single objectives and levers was debated in a closing session that offered numerous feedbacks on the structure and contents of the framework. The perspectives of participants were also gathered in the form of verbal and written suggestions
- Authors have developed a refined SPSF version thanks to the received feedback and submitted it for corroboration during a second workshop (about 15 experts with a composition similar to the first one). The process was then repeated a third time.
4. Results: The Food Packaging Sustainability Framework
4.1. Environmental Conservation
4.2. Food Safety
4.3. Social Value
4.4. The Integrative Framework
- Environmental Conservation, if it advances towards at least one of the six objectives of Table 3 and does not perform worse in the remaining objectives (relative to alternative FP products).
- Food Safety, if it advances towards at least one of the two objectives of Table 4 and does not perform worse in the other objective (relative to alternative FP products).
- Social Value, if it advances towards at least one of the three objectives of Table 5 and does not perform worse in the remaining objectives (relative to alternative FP products).
- FP Sustainability. An FP solution can be defined sustainable if it is sustainable according to at least one of the three declinations and is as sustainable as alternative FP solutions for the remaining declinations.
- Supply: objectives attainable by FP developers and producers and by packagers (actors that design and provide FP solutions) and linked to design and production decisions.
- Demand: objectives attainable by food manufacturers, distributors, or consumers (actors that use FP solutions) and linked primarily to the behavior of food supply chain players and consumers.
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Guideline Name | Author | Macrothemes |
The responsible packaging code of practice [25] | Incpen | The functions of packaging through the supply chain; Honesty in presentation; Convenience in use; Instructions, guidance & information; Legal requirements; Health, safety & consumer protection; Environmental aspects |
Packaging sustainability checklist [26] | FDF and INCPEN | Functionality, Re-use, recovery & recycling, Transport |
Definition of Sustainable Packaging [27] | Sustainable Packaging Coalition | Is beneficial, safe & healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle; Meets market criteria for performance and cost; Is sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable energy; Optimizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials; Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices; Is made from materials healthy throughout the life cycle; Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy; Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycles. |
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs) [28] | Australian packaging covenant organisation | Design for recovery; Optimise material efficiency; Design to reduce product waste; Eliminate hazardous materials; Use recycled materials; Use renewable materials; Design to minimise litter; Design for transport efficiency; Design for accessibility; Provide consumer information on environmental sustainability. |
Packguide A guide to packaging eco-design [29] | Incpen | Design for minimization; design for re-use, recycling and recovery; design for compostability; communicating with stakeholders. |
Guideline Name | Author | Context | Macrothemes |
Design4recycling plastics [30] | By allianz d4r and redilo | Swiss | Recyclability (plastic packaging) |
Recyclability of plastic packaging [31] | Cotrep | France | Recyclability (plastic packaging) |
Recyclability of plastic packaging checklist [32] | Cotrep, elipso, citeo, valorplast | France | Recyclability (plastic packaging) |
Reciclabilidade das suas embalagens [33] | Pontoverde | Portugal | Recyclability (domestic and industrial packaging) |
Circular packaging desing guidelines [34] | By fh campus Wein, in partnership with circular analitics and packforce austria | Austria, Germany and the Netherlands | Recyclability (plastics, compostable, multilayer, cellulosic, glass, tin plate, aluminum) |
Progettare riciclo [35] | Conai | Italy | Recyclability (plastic, cellulosic, alluminium) |
Designing for a Circular Economy Guidelines (D4ACE) [36] | CEFLEX | Europe | Recyclability (Flexible plastic packaging) |
Circularity by design guideline for fibre-based packaging [37] | 4ever green alliance | Europe | Recyclability (fibre-based packaigng) |
Objectives: FP Sustainability Impacts | Levers: FP Characteristics That Enable Impacts | Example |
Resource efficiency: Optimized packaging production and transport and use of renewable or recycled resources |
Recyclability of resources: Design that facilitates FP reuse and materials recycling |
Responsible management of packaging along the supply chain: Coordination between supply chain actors for proper FP management |
Responsible management of packaging end-of-life: Simple packaging disassembly and materials sorting |
Responsible food purchasing: Environmentally friendly purchasing and consumption through visible labels and readable and understandable information |
Responsible food conservation: Environmentally friendly food storage and uses |
Objectives: FP Sustainability Impacts | Levers: FP Characteristics That Enable Impacts | Example |
Safe packaging production: Compliance of FP production and packaging activities with safety and hygiene standards. FP ability to prevent and control food contamination |
Safe behavior with respect to food: Maintained food safety during at-home storage and consumption. |
Objectives: FP Sustainability Impacts | Levers: FP Characteristics That Enable Impacts | Example |
Extended access to food: Access to food for segments of the population that would be otherwise excluded |
Augmented income and work empowerment: new sources of income and work integration for disadvantaged people and communities. Support for local and small farmers |
| A start-up intends to change the world ‘one bottle at a time’. Proceeds from the bottles go to finance water projects in remote and resource-scarce areas. |
Improved health: Consumers’ awareness about correct nutrition and active lifestyles |
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Santi, R.; Garrone, P.; Iannantuoni, M.; Del Curto, B. Sustainable Food Packaging: An Integrative Framework. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8045.
Santi R, Garrone P, Iannantuoni M, Del Curto B. Sustainable Food Packaging: An Integrative Framework. Sustainability. 2022; 14(13):8045.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSanti, Romina, Paola Garrone, Mattia Iannantuoni, and Barbara Del Curto. 2022. "Sustainable Food Packaging: An Integrative Framework" Sustainability 14, no. 13: 8045.
APA StyleSanti, R., Garrone, P., Iannantuoni, M., & Del Curto, B. (2022). Sustainable Food Packaging: An Integrative Framework. Sustainability, 14(13), 8045.