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Performance of 45 Non-Linear Models for Determining Critical Period of Weed Control and Acceptable Yield Loss in Soybean Agroforestry Systems

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Agrotechnology Innovation Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573, Indonesia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2022, 14(13), 7636;
Submission received: 22 February 2022 / Revised: 19 June 2022 / Accepted: 19 June 2022 / Published: 23 June 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Weed Control in the Agroecosystems)


A family of Sigmoidal non-linear models is commonly used to determine the critical period of weed control (CPWC) and acceptable yield loss (AYL) in annual crops. We tried to prove another non-linear model to determine CPWC and AYL in a soybean agroforestry system with kayu putih. The three-year experiment (from 2019–2021) was conducted using a randomised complete block design factorial with five blocks as replications. The treatments comprised weedy and weed-free periods. Non-linear models comprised 45 functions. The results show that the Sigmoidal and Dose-Response Curve (DRC) families were the most suitable for estimating CPWC and AYL. The best fitted non-linear model for weedy and weed-free periods in the dry season used the Sigmoidal family consisting of the Weibull and Richards models, while in the wet season the best fit was obtained using the DRC and Sigmoidal families consisting of the DR-Hill and Richards models, respectively. The CPWC of soybean in the dry season for AYL was 5, 10, and 15%, beginning at 20, 22, and 24 days after emergence (DAE) and ended at 56, 54, and 52 DAE. The AYL in the wet season started at 20, 23, and 26 DAE and ended at 59, 53, and 49 DAE.

1. Introduction

A problem of soybean cultivation with non-tillage systems in rain-fed areas lies in competition for solar radiation, water, and nutrients with weeds [1,2,3,4]. In addition, weeds secrete allelopathy in the form of phytotoxins that inhibit plant growth [5,6]. Weeds can reduce soybean productivity, thus minimising the income of farmers [7,8]. Weed control is considered a critical factor in the success of soybean production. Suryanto et al. [8] reported that competition between soybeans and weeds could reduce soybean production in agroforestry systems with kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) by 80.09%.
The critical period of weed control (CPWC) is defined as the maximum length of time from which the initial weeds appear, which can disturb the plant without causing a significant yield loss [9]. Only some stages of plant growth are susceptible to weed competition [10]. Weeds emerging with the crop should be removed by the V2 or V3 stage of soybean development, particularly when weeds are less than 4 inches tall, to minimise yield loss. Weeds can reduce soybean yield by 1% daily if left uncontrolled after the V2 to V3 stage of soybean growth [11]. The soybean yield in agroforestry with kayu putih significantly decreased when the weedy periods were conducted after 14 up to 42 days after emergence (DAE) [8].
Various methods related to integrated weed management have been developed for weed control. One of these methods is the CPWC [12]. Knowledge of the critical timing of weed removal, critical weed-free period, and subsequently the CPWC, could help producers improve their weed management strategies and prevent yield loss due to weed interference whilst reducing the amount of herbicide use.
CPWC has two components: weedy and weed-free curves. The weedy curve is the maximum amount of time that the crop can tolerate early-season weed competition before suffering from an irreversible yield reduction, whilst the weed-free curve is the minimum weed-free period necessary from the time of planting to prevent yield loss [12]. The beginning and end of the CPWC are determined by calculations using a non-linear model equation based on the level of acceptable yield loss (AYL) to predict its beginning and end [12]. CPWC has been widely used as a guideline for weed removal timing of soybean [8,9,13].
Various types of statistical methods, including multiple comparison techniques and non-linear models, have also been widely reported in the literature [9]. Non-linear models are important tools because many crop and soil processes are better represented by non-linear than linear models. The main advantages of non-linear models lie in their parsimony, interpretability, and prediction [14].
Many researchers have widely used non-linear models to estimate CPWC and AYL in various annual crop commodities. Some non-linear models used to determine CPWC include the Sigmoidal family, such as Boltzmann, Exponential, Logistic, and Gompertz models [8,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]. The development of various types of non-linear models does not dismiss the existence of other non-linear models that are substantially accurate in determining the CPWC of soybean, especially those planted amongst kayu putih stands.
We tried to prove another non-linear model to determine CPWC and AYL in soybean agroforestry system with kayu putih. The performance of different non-linear regression models on soybean planted for three years (2019–2021) in the dry and wet seasons is compared in this study. The accuracy of the best non-linear models for determining CPWC and AYL in soybean agroforestry systems with kayu putih is also investigated.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Site

The study was conducted in Menggoran Forest Resort, Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, Special Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in dry and wet seasons from 2019 to 2021. This area is located ±43 km south-east of Yogyakarta City (Figure 1). The altitude of the command area is ±150 m above sea level, with an average air temperature of 25.60 °C and relative humidity of 84.20%. The average rainfall is 2005 mm year−1, and the soil type is Lithic Haplusterts [8,22]. The dominant annual weeds in this study consisted of Spigelia anthelmia, Lindernia crustacea, and Eleutheranthera ruderalis, while the perennial weeds were Panicum distachyum, Panicum muticum, and Leptochloa chinensis.

2.2. Experimental Design and Crop Management

All the trials were laid out in a randomised complete block design with five blocks as replications. The treatments included the duration of weedy (0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, and 63 DAE) and weed-free (0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, and 63 DAE) periods in soybean, which comprised 20 levels as illustrated in Table 1. This research was conducted during the dry and wet seasons and was repeated for three years (2019–2021).
The soybean variety used in this study was the Grobogan variety. This variety is commonly used by farmers in Indonesia and has high yields, wide stability and short age [22,23]. The seeds were obtained from the Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute in Malang Regency, Province of East Java, Indonesia. The experimental plots covered an area of 20 m2 (5 m × 4 m) between kayu putih stands and a harvest area of 12 m2, excluding the border rows. The plant spacing was 40 cm × 20 cm. Pesticide and fertiliser were not used in this study. Irrigation was not performed because the field used in this study was in a rain-fed area.

2.3. Data Collection

The data collected for each treatment (duration of weed, seasons, and years) was the seed weight per plot in the harvest area (12 m2). Seed weight per plot was weighed using a digital scale, and the moisture content was measured using a moisture tester. Seed weight per plot was converted to seed weight per hectare with a moisture content of 12% using the formula [8,22,23]:
yield   ( tons   ha 1 ) = 10,000 HA   ×   100     MC 100     12   ×   Y
where yield is the yield of soybean (tons ha1), HA is harvest area (7 m2), MC is the seed moisture content at harvesting and Y is the seed weight at harvesting.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

The following steps were considered [14]: (i) selection of candidate models; (ii) measures of goodness-of-fit for the best non-linear models; (iii) evaluation of model assumptions, and (iv) model calibration between observed and prediction values.

2.4.1. Selection of Candidate Models

Forty-five non-linear models were used in determining the duration of weedy and weed-free periods in soybean. A general example of the non-linear model is as follows:
y = f ( x ,   θ ) + ε ,
where y is the response variable, f is the function or model, x is the input, θ denotes the estimated parameters, and ε is an error term [14].
The non-linear models used in this study were Decline, Distribution, Dose–Response Curve, Exponential, Growth, Miscellaneous, Power Law Family, Sigmoidal, and Yield-Spacing families. The non-linear equation models are detailed in Table 2 and Table 3.

2.4.2. Measures for Goodness-of-Fit

The best amongst non-linear models was evaluated by goodness-of-fit [31]. Different statistical criteria can be used depending on the model structure to find the best model, including highest adjusted coefficient of determination ( R adj 2 ) , lowest root mean square error (RMSE), lowest bias-corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC), and lowest Bayesian information criterion (BIC) [31].
R adj 2 was chosen to compensate for the bias due to the difference in the number of parameters:
R adj   2 = 1 n     1 n     p * ( 1 R 2 ) ,
where n is the sample size, p is the number of parameters, and R2 is the coefficient of determination [32,33].
R 2 = 1 SS residual SS total ,
where SSresidual and SStotal are the sums of the square for the residual and the total, respectively [32,33].
RMSE = SS residual n     p     1 ,
where SSresidual is the sum of the square for the residual; n is the number of data points, and p is the number of model parameters [31].
An AIC variant that corrects small sample sizes, namely the bias-corrected AIC (AICc) was employed to ensure fairness.
AIC C = AIC + 2 p ( p + 1 ) n     p     1 ,
where n is the sample size, p is the number of parameters, and AIC is the AICC [34].
AIC = 2p − 2 ln(L),
where p is the number of parameters and ln(L) is the maximum log-likelihood of the estimated model [35].
The BIC, which provides a high penalty on the number of parameters, was also chosen.
BIC = p ln(n) − 2 ln(L),
where p is the number of parameters; n is the sample size, and L is the maximum likelihood of the estimated model [36].
The values of R adj 2 , RMSE, AICc, and BIC in each non-linear model were averaged over three years based on seasons (dry and wet) and weed durations (weedy and weed-free periods).

2.4.3. Evaluation of Model Assumptions

The next step was to evaluate key model assumptions, normally distributed with a Q–Q plot and homogeneous variance with a residual versus value graph [14,37].

2.4.4. Model Calibration

The model calibration between observed and prediction values during weedy and weed-free periods in soybean used the pooled T-test (p < 0.05) [38].

2.4.5. Data Analysis

Data analysis included the following: calculation of 45 non-linear models, evaluation of model assumptions, measures of goodness-of-fit, and model calibration between observed and prediction values (weedy and weed-free periods using PROC NLMIXED and PROC TTEST in SAS 9.4 and RStudio software v. 3.6.3 R Development Core Team, respectively) with the drc and nlstools packages, and CurveExpert Professional software [9,27,39,40].

3. Results

3.1. Choose Candidate Models for Determining CPWC

The predicted data for 45 non-linear models to determine the weedy and weed-free periods in the wet and dry seasons on soybean in an agroforestry system with kayu putih are illustrated in Table 4 and Table 5. The best fitted models were evaluated on the basis of the highest R adj 2 , lowest RMSE, lowest AICc, and lowest BIC. The evaluation results showed that the Weibull model was the best fitted non-linear model for determining the weedy period in the dry season. The values of R adj 2 , RMSE, AICc, and BIC for the Weibull model were 0.997, 1.732, 15.883, and 19.128, respectively, under the following model parameters: a = 96.221, b = 88.989, c = 3.202 × 10−3, and d = −2.357 (Table 4). Furthermore, the best fitted non-linear model for determining the weed-free period in the dry season was the Richards model with R adj 2 , RMSE, AICc, and BIC values of 0.996, 2.298, 19.944, and 23.708, respectively, under the following model parameters: a = 98.525, b = 17.820, c = 0.312, and d = 10.223 (Table 4).
The Dose–Response Hill (DR-Hill) and Richards models were the best fitted non-linear models for determining weedy and weed-free periods in the wet season. The values of R adj 2 , RMSE, AICc and BIC for the DR-Hill model were 0.997, 1.822, 16.893, and 20.238, respectively, under the following model parameters: α = 15.082, θ = 72.743, η = −4.241, and κ = 37.369 (Table 5). The values of R adj 2 , RMSE, AICc, and BIC for the Richards model were 0.996, 2.194, 17.464, and 21.061, respectively, under the following model parameters: a = 97.432, b = 420.280, c = 7.172, and d = 233.497 (Table 5).

3.2. Evaluation of Model Assumptions

The best non-linear model chosen to determine CPWC and AYL must fulfil normal distribution and homogeneous variance assumptions. The analysis results of the Q–Q plot graph show that all selected non-linear models had normally distributed data (Figure 2A–D). Analysis of the homogeneous variance using a residual versus value graph revealed that all selected non-linear models had homogeneous variance (Figure 3A–D). The results of the assumption test demonstrate that the selected non-linear model candidate fulfilled all assumptions and can thus be used to determine CPWC and AYL.

3.3. Model Calibration

Comparing the observed versus predicted values in the weedy and weed-free periods in the dry and wet seasons used the pooled T-test (t < 0.05). The observed and predicted values using the Weibull model showed no significant difference (t < 0.998ns) based on the pooled T-test in the weedy period (Figure 4A). The same result was found in the weed-free period with the predicted value of the Richards model, and no significant difference (t < 0.999ns) was observed (Figure 4B). A similar trend was also obtained in the wet season between the observed versus predicted values in the weedy period (DR-Hill model) and weed-free period (Richards model), which revealed no significant difference (t < 0.999ns and t < 0.999ns) (Figure 4C,D). Overall, the four selected non-linear models satisfy the aforementioned assumptions and are feasible to use.

3.4. Predicted AYL Based on the Best Fitted Model

Weed control throughout the season (dry and wet) demonstrated yield loss below 5% AYL. The CPWC of soybean in the dry season for AYL was 5, 10, and 15%, which began at 20, 22, and 24 days after emergence (DAE), respectively, and ended at 56, 54, and 52 DAE (Figure 5 and Table 6). The AYL in the wet season began at 20, 23, and 26 DAE and ended at 59, 53, and 49 DAE (Figure 6 and Table 6).

4. Discussion

The advantage of using a non-linear regression model lies in its stronger prediction compared to polynomials, especially outside the observed data range (extrapolation) [14]. Compared with a linear model, a non-linear model has an unbiased least squares estimator, minimum variance, and normally distributed estimator [28]. The best fitted non-linear model to determine the weedy and weed-free periods in the CPWC and AYL was selected on the basis of the highest R adj 2 , lowest RMSE, lowest AICC, and lowest BIC [26,34,41,42].
R2 is not used to measure goodness-of-fit for non-linear models. R2 represents the percentage of variability in Y, which has been explained by the fit regression model ranging from 0% to 100%. This value is used to provide prediction limits for new observations [43]. A wide error exists in the non-linear regression where R2 is used to decide on the fit of the non-linear model. R2 is effectively utilised to indicate the proportion of variation explained by the linear model, whilst R2 does not have a definite meaning for non-linear regression models [28,33,42,43].
AICc and BIC are measured to assist in selecting model candidates [35,36]. The best model demonstrates the lowest AICc and BIC based on the aforementioned criterion. This criterion considers the proximity of the point to the model and the number of parameters used by the model. AICc is designed to compare the performance of models that have been fitted to the data through maximum likelihood estimation [34]. Bauldry [44] showed that BIC can be used to select the model with more parsimonious criteria than complex models.
The results of the current study indicate that the Weibull, DR-Hill, and Richards models are the best for predicting weed and weed-free periods in the wet and dry seasons. All selected non-linear models fulfilled the assumptions set, namely normal distribution and homogeneous variance, as indicated by the absence of outliers and extreme data [14].
The Weibull and Richards models belong to the Sigmoidal family, whilst the DR-Hill curve is included in the Dose–Response Curve (DRC) family. The Sigmoidal family is often used to describe plant height, weight, leaf area index, seed germination as a function of time, N application rate, and herbicide dose [45]. The Sigmoidal family is also used as a 0–1 modifier in process-based models to include moisture availability, soil pH, soil N transformation processes, and a breaker function in studies assessing plant photoperiodic sensitivity [46].
The Weibull model has never been used in selecting CPWC and AYL. However, this model is widely utilised in agriculture, forestry, and livestock research to explain growth models. The Weibull model is also recommended for studies related to growth (plants and animals) because it has a smaller additive term error compared with that of Gompertz and Richards models [47]. Mahanta and Borah [48] used the Weibull model to explain the growth of trees. The Weibull model was also utilised to calculate the height increase of the Pinus radiate [49]. The application of the Weibull model can help more accurately describe the macromineral requirements of laying hens compared with the Logistics and Gompertz models [50]. Weibull is the best model amongst other non-linear models for broiler and Japanese quail growth. This model is also the most suitable, but has poor logistics [51].
The Richards model is widely used by researchers to determine CPWC for various annual crops, and such determination is possible because this model is direct and has remarkable flexibility and accuracy [52]. Suryanto et al. [8] used the Richards model to estimate the increasing duration of the weedy period in soybeans. The Richards model can also be used to predict CPWC and AYL. Teleken et al. [53] revealed that a modified Richards model could more accurately predict isothermal and non-isothermal microbial growth in food products compared with other models.
Dose–Response Curve (DRC) are widely used in several sciences (medicine, biology, and chemistry). This model is widely utilised in plant growth analysis to assess the effect of toxicity or dose of fertiliser [54]. Knezevic and Datta [9] and Tursun et al. [21] reported a recent development regarding the use of DRC in determining CPWC and AYL. This finding is due to the rapid development of software, especially R Software, which can estimate DRC, including the drc package (dose–response curve) [37].
DR-Hill, which belongs to the family of DRC, was considered in this study to be best to determine the weedy period in the wet season. The DR-Hill model has been widely used in biochemistry and pharmacology to describe the binding of ligands to macromolecules as a function of ligand concentration. The DR-Hill model is also used in biology to model the regulation of gene transcription [55]. The use of the DR-Hill model concerning the determination of CPWC and AYL was not observed. This finding is novel because the DR-Hill model is one of the best non-linear models for CPWC and AYL estimation.
The CPWC of soybean in the dry season for AYL was 5, 10, and 15%, and began at 20, 22, and 24 DAE and ended at 56, 54, and 52 DAE. The AYL in wet season began at 20, 23, and 26 DAE and ended at 59, 53, and 49 DAE. The critical period for soybeans against weeds generally begins when soybeans are at 20 DAE and ends at 59 DAE. Soybeans enter the pre-flowering phase (V3) to seed filling (R3) during this time. Limited environmental factors (soil moisture, nutrients, and sunlight) in these critical phases reduce soybean yields [56]. Various environmental conditions between the wet and dry seasons cause differences in soybean AYL. Suryanto et al. [8] stated that competition between soybeans and weeds was influenced by the dry weight of weed, weed heterogeneity, and soil moisture availability.

5. Conclusions

The Sigmoidal and Dose–Response Curve (DRC) families were the most suitable for estimating CPWC and AYL. The best fitted non-lienear model for weedy and weed-free periods in the dry season used the Sigmoidal family consisting of the Weibull ( R adj 2 = 0.997; RMSE = 1.732; AICc = 15.883; BIC = 19.128) and Richards ( R adj 2 = 0.996; RMSE = 2.298; AICc = 19.944; BIC = 23.708) models, while in the wet season the best fits were obtained using the DRC and Sigmoidal families consisting of the DR-Hill ( R adj 2 = 0.997; RMSE = 1.822; AICc = 16.893; BIC = 20.238) and Richards ( R adj 2 = 0.996; RMSE = 2.194; AICc = 17.464; BIC = 21.061) models, respectively. A comparison between the observed versus predicted values in the weedy and weed-free periods in the dry and wet seasons showed no significant differences. The CPWC of soybean in the dry season for AYL was 5, 10, and 15%, and began at 20, 22, and 24 DAE and ended at 56, 54, and 52 DAE. The AYL in the wet season started at 20, 23, and 26 DAE and ended at 59, 53, and 49 DAE.

Author Contributions

Conceptualisation, T.A. and P.S.; methodology, T.A., N.S., P.B., E.T.S.P., M.H.W. and T.; software, T.A. and M.H.W.; validation, T.A., P.S., N.S., B.K., P.B., E.T.S.P., D.K., D.W.R., M.H.W., N., A.A. and T.; formal analysis, T.A.; investigation, T.A., P.S. and T.; resources, T.A. and P.S.; data curation, T.A., N.S., M.H.W. and T.; writing—original draft preparation, T.A.; writing—review and editing, T.A., P.S., N.S., B.K., P.B., E.T.S.P., D.K., D.W.R., M.H.W., N., A.A. and T.; visualisation, T.A.; supervision, T.A., P.S., D.K. and T.; project administration, T.A.; funding acquisition, T.A., P.S. and T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research for this article was fully funded by Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada (No: 2625/UN1/PN/PN/PT.01.03/2022).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable for studies not involving humans or animals.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available upon request from the corresponding author.


The authors would like to thank the field technicians of Teguh for their field assistance. Our special thanks to Harimurti Buntaran (Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany) and Nasrullah, (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) for their discussions in data analysis.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. The geographical locations of the study area are as follows: latitude 7°57′50″ S and longitude 110°29′54″ E.
Figure 1. The geographical locations of the study area are as follows: latitude 7°57′50″ S and longitude 110°29′54″ E.
Sustainability 14 07636 g001
Figure 2. Q–Q plot to evaluate the assumption of normally distributed variance. (A) Weedy period in the dry season using the Weibull Model. (B) Weed-free period in the dry season using the Richards model. (C) Weedy period in the wet season using the DR-Hill model. (D) Weed-free period in the wet season using Richards model.
Figure 2. Q–Q plot to evaluate the assumption of normally distributed variance. (A) Weedy period in the dry season using the Weibull Model. (B) Weed-free period in the dry season using the Richards model. (C) Weedy period in the wet season using the DR-Hill model. (D) Weed-free period in the wet season using Richards model.
Sustainability 14 07636 g002aSustainability 14 07636 g002b
Figure 3. Residual versus value graph to evaluate the assumption of homogeneous variance. (A) Weedy period in the dry season using the Weibull model. (B) Weed-free period in the dry season using the Richards model. (C) Weedy period in the wet season using the DR-Hill model. (D) Weed-free period in the wet season using the Richards model.
Figure 3. Residual versus value graph to evaluate the assumption of homogeneous variance. (A) Weedy period in the dry season using the Weibull model. (B) Weed-free period in the dry season using the Richards model. (C) Weedy period in the wet season using the DR-Hill model. (D) Weed-free period in the wet season using the Richards model.
Sustainability 14 07636 g003
Figure 4. Comparison of observed versus predicted values of relative yield (% of weed-free) of soybean in agroforestry system with kayu putih. (A) Weedy period in the dry season using the Weibull model. (B) Weed-free period in the dry season using the Richards model. (C) Weedy period in the wet season using the DR-Hill model. (D) Weed-free period in the wet season using the Richards model.
Figure 4. Comparison of observed versus predicted values of relative yield (% of weed-free) of soybean in agroforestry system with kayu putih. (A) Weedy period in the dry season using the Weibull model. (B) Weed-free period in the dry season using the Richards model. (C) Weedy period in the wet season using the DR-Hill model. (D) Weed-free period in the wet season using the Richards model.
Sustainability 14 07636 g004
Figure 5. Relative yield (% of weed-free) of soybean in agroforestry system with kayu putih as influenced by increasing weedy and weed-free periods (expressed in DAE) in dry season. The weedy period used the Weibull model, whilst the weed-free period used the Richards model.
Figure 5. Relative yield (% of weed-free) of soybean in agroforestry system with kayu putih as influenced by increasing weedy and weed-free periods (expressed in DAE) in dry season. The weedy period used the Weibull model, whilst the weed-free period used the Richards model.
Sustainability 14 07636 g005
Figure 6. Relative yield (% of weed-free) of soybean in agroforestry system with kayu putih as influenced by increasing weedy and weed-free periods (expressed in DAE) in wet season. The weedy period used the Dose–Response Hill (DR-Hill) model, whilst the weed-free period used the Richards model.
Figure 6. Relative yield (% of weed-free) of soybean in agroforestry system with kayu putih as influenced by increasing weedy and weed-free periods (expressed in DAE) in wet season. The weedy period used the Dose–Response Hill (DR-Hill) model, whilst the weed-free period used the Richards model.
Sustainability 14 07636 g006
Table 1. Weedy and weed-free periods of treatments.
Table 1. Weedy and weed-free periods of treatments.
Duration of Weedy and Weed-Free Periods 1Remarks
W—0 DAEWeedy until 70 days after emergence (DAE)
W—7 DAEWeedy after 7 until 70 DAE
W—14 DAEWeedy after 14 until 70 DAE
W—21 DAEWeedy after 21 until 70 DAE
W—28 DAEWeedy after 28 until 70 DAE
W—35 DAEWeedy after 35 until 70 DAE
W—42 DAEWeedy after 42 until 70 DAE
W—49 DAEWeedy after 49 until 70 DAE
W—56 DAEWeedy after 56 until 70 DAE
W—63 DAEWeedy after 63 until 70 DAE
WF—7 DAEWeed-Free after 7 until 70 DAE
WF—14 DAEWeed-Free after 14 until 70 DAE
WF—21 DAEWeed-Free after 21 until 70 DAE
WF—28 DAEWeed-Free after 28 until 70 DAE
WF—35 DAEWeed-Free after 35 until 70 DAE
WF—42 DAEWeed-Free after 42 until 70 DAE
WF—49 DAEWeed-Free after 49 until 70 DAE
WF—56 DAEWeed-Free after 56 until 70 DAE
WF—63 DAEWeed-Free after 63 until 70 DAE
WF—0 DAEWeed-Free until 70 DAE
1 W: Weedy period; WF: Weed-free period.
Table 2. Detail family of non-linear models used in this study.
Table 2. Detail family of non-linear models used in this study.
DeclineDistributionDose–ResponseExponentialGrowthMiscellaneousPower Law FamilySigmoidalYield-Spacing Models
Exponential Decline
Log Normal CDF
Exponential Association 2
Gaussian model
Gompertz Relations
Log Normal PDF
Modified Exponential
Exponential Association 3
Heat Capacity
Hyperbolic Decline
Normal (Gaussian) CDF
Natural Logarithm
Saturation Growth Rate
Rational model
Modified Geometric
Logistics Power
Normal (Gaussian) PDF
Reciprocal Logarithm
Modified Hoerl
Morgan Mercer Flodin (MMF)
Reciprocal Quadratic
Vapour Pressure models
Steinhart–Hart equation
Modified Power
Truncated Fourier Series
Shifted Power
Table 3. Non-linear equation models used in this study.
Table 3. Non-linear equation models used in this study.
1.BleasdaleYield-Spacing Models y = ( a + bx ) 1 c [24]
2.ExponentialExponential Models y = ae bx [24]
3.Exponential Association 2Growth Models y = a ( 1 e bx ) [24]
4.Exponential Association 3Growth Models y = a ( b e cx ) [24]
5.Exponential DeclineDecline Models y = q 0 e - x a [25]
6.Farazdaghi–HarrisYield-Spacing Models y = 1 / ( a + bx c ) [26]
7.DR-GammaDose–Response Models [26]
8.DR-HillDose–Response Models y = α + θ x η κ η + x η [26]
9.DR-LogisticDose–Response Models y = γ + 1 - γ   1 + e - α - β x [26]
10.DR-ProbitDose–Response Models y = γ + 1   -   γ 2   [ 1 + erf ( α + β x 2 ) ] [26]
11.DR-WeibullDose–Response Models y = γ + ( 1   -   γ ) ( 1   -   e - β x α ) [26]
12.Gaussian ModelMiscellaneous y = ae - ( x   -   b ) 2 2 c 2 [24]
13.GeometricPower Law Family y = ax bx [24]
14.Gompertz RelationSigmoidal Models y = ae - e b   - cx [24]
15.Harmonic DeclineDecline Models y = q 0 / ( 1 + x / a ) [24]
16.Hyperbolic DeclineDecline Models y = q 0 ( 1 + bx / a ) ( - 1 / b ) [24]
17.Heat CapacityMiscellaneous y = a + bx + c / x 2 [24]
18.HoerlPower Law Family y = ab x x c [27]
19.LogisticSigmoidal Models y = a / ( 1 + be - cx ) [24]
20.Logistic PowerSigmoidal Models y = a / ( 1 + ( x / b ) c ) [27]
21.Log Normal CDFDistribution Models y = 1 2 erfc ( - ln ( x )   -   μ σ 2 ) [27]
22.Log Normal PDFDistribution Models y = 1 x σ 2 π e - 1 2 ( ln ( x )   -   μ σ ) 2 [27]
23.Modified ExponentialExponential Models y = ae b / x [24]
24.Modified GeometricPower Law Family y = ax b / x [24]
25.Modified HoerlPower Law Family y = ab 1 / x x c [24]
26.Modified PowerPower Law Family y = ab x [24]
27.Morgan–Mercer–Flodin (MMF)Sigmoidal Models y = ab + cx d b + x d [28]
28.Natural LogarithmExponential Models y = a + bln ( x ) [27]
29.Normal (Gaussian) CDFDistribution Models y = 1 2 [ 1 + erf ( x   -   π σ 2 ) ] [27]
30.Normal (Gaussian) PDFDistribution Models y = 1 σ 2 π e - 1 2 ( x   -   μ σ ) 2 [27]
31.PowerPower Law Family y = ax b [24]
32.Rational ModelMiscellaneous y = a + bx 1 + cx + dx 2 [24]
33.RatkowskySigmoidal Models y = a / ( 1 + e b - cx ) [28]
34.ReciprocalYield-Spacing Models y = 1 / ( a + bx ) [24]
35.Reciprocal LogarithmExponential Models y = 1 a + bln ( x ) [27]
36.Reciprocal QuadraticYield-Spacing Models y = 1 / ( a + bx + cx 2 ) [24]
37.RichardsSigmoidal Models y = a ( 1 + e b   - cx ) 1 / d [29]
38.RootPower Law Family y = ab 1 x [24]
39.Saturation Growth RateGrowth Models y = ax / ( b + x ) [24]
40.Shifted PowerPower Law Family y = a ( x b ) c [24]
41.SinusoidalMiscellaneous y = a + bcos ( cx + d ) [24]
42.Steinhart–Hart EquationMiscellaneous y = 1 a + bln ( x ) + c ( ln ( x ) ) 3 [24]
43.Truncated Fourier SeriesMiscellaneous y = α cos ( x + d ) + bcos ( 2 x + d ) + cos ( 3 x + d ) [27]
44.Vapour Pressure ModelExponential Models y = e a + b / x + cln ( x ) [24]
45.WeibullSigmoidal Models y = a be cx d [30]
Table 4. Goodness-of-fit of non-linear models for the weedy and weed-free periods in the dry season.
Table 4. Goodness-of-fit of non-linear models for the weedy and weed-free periods in the dry season.
No.ModelsPeriods 1Goodness-of-Fit
3.Exponential Association 2W0.00032.78970.07083.550
4.Exponential Association 3W0.9567.34042.01549.500
5.Exponential DeclineW0.9467.61740.87648.122
14.Gompertz RelationW0.00031.32871.03884.698
15.Harmonic DeclineW0.85912.32650.50359.836
16.Hyperbolic DeclineW0.9696.19238.61345.394
17.Heat CapacityW0.9577.27041.82249.266
20.Logistic PowerW0.9922.71022.08526.039
21.Log Normal CDFW0.00068.80784.895100.613
22.Log Normal PDFW0.00064.20883.57399.144
23.Modified ExponentialW0.51222.90162.89174.936
24.Modified GeometricW0.64019.68859.86971.269
25.Modified HoerlW0.9725.90337.65744.246
26.Modified PowerW0.9467.61740.87648.122
28.Natural LogarithmW0.86310.85247.95656.725
29.Normal (Gaussian) CDFW0.00068.80784.895100.613
30.Normal (Gaussian) PDFW0.00061.21282.55698.006
32.Rational ModelW0.9962.32321.74825.658
35.Reciprocal LogarithmW0.64119.63459.81471.202
36.Reciprocal QuadraticW0.9962.31118.90422.466
39.Saturation Growth RateW0.43824.58064.30876.648
40.Shifted PowerW0.91810.01048.21957.046
42.Steinhart–Hart EquationW0.9577.23641.72949.154
43.Truncated Fourier SeriesW0.00073.62390.870107.092
44.Vapour Pressure ModelW0.9546.72640.26647.386
1 W: Weedy period; WF: Weed-free period.
Table 5. Goodness-of-fit of non-linear models for the weedy and weed-free periods in the wet season.
Table 5. Goodness-of-fit of non-linear models for the weedy and weed-free periods in the wet season.
No.ModelsPeriods 1Goodness-of-Fit
3.Exponential Association 2W0.00029.24967.78680.828
4.Exponential Association 3W0.9616.18338.58545.361
5.Exponential DeclineW0.9317.65940.98548.254
14.Gompertz RelationW0.00035.12573.32687.396
15.Harmonic DeclineW0.84211.61549.31458.383
16.Hyperbolic DeclineW0.9655.84537.45844.007
17.Heat CapacityW0.9655.86137.51544.076
20.Logistic PowerW0.9923.03724.36328.632
21.Log Normal CDFW0.00064.85283.71199.298
22.Log Normal PDFW0.00058.58881.68097.021
23.Modified ExponentialW0.88410.86047.97156.744
24.Modified GeometricW0.60818.31458.42169.506
25.Modified HoerlW0.9526.84540.61847.811
26.Modified PowerW0.9317.65940.98548.254
28.Natural LogarithmW0.89210.79747.85456.601
29.Normal (Gaussian) CDFW0.00064.85283.71199.298
30.Normal (Gaussian) PDFW0.00058.40781.61796.950
32.Rational ModelW0.9962.45322.83926.894
35.Reciprocal LogarithmW0.62018.03258.11269.129
36.Reciprocal QuadraticW0.9932.57321.05124.871
39.Saturation Growth RateW0.41322.40062.45074.402
40.Shifted PowerW0.9019.84247.88256.635
42.Steinhart–Hart EquationW0.9397.74443.08750.799
43.Truncated Fourier SeriesW0.00069.92889.841105.995
44.Vapour Pressure ModelW0.9706.05638.16944.861
1 W: Weedy period; WF: Weed-free period.
Table 6. Critical period of weed control (CPWC) in soybean yield for acceptable yield loss (AYL) based on days after emergence (DAE).
Table 6. Critical period of weed control (CPWC) in soybean yield for acceptable yield loss (AYL) based on days after emergence (DAE).
AYL (%)Dry SeasonWet Season
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MDPI and ACS Style

Alam, T.; Suryanto, P.; Susyanto, N.; Kurniasih, B.; Basunanda, P.; Putra, E.T.S.; Kastono, D.; Respatie, D.W.; Widyawan, M.H.; Nurmansyah; et al. Performance of 45 Non-Linear Models for Determining Critical Period of Weed Control and Acceptable Yield Loss in Soybean Agroforestry Systems. Sustainability 2022, 14, 7636.

AMA Style

Alam T, Suryanto P, Susyanto N, Kurniasih B, Basunanda P, Putra ETS, Kastono D, Respatie DW, Widyawan MH, Nurmansyah, et al. Performance of 45 Non-Linear Models for Determining Critical Period of Weed Control and Acceptable Yield Loss in Soybean Agroforestry Systems. Sustainability. 2022; 14(13):7636.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Alam, Taufan, Priyono Suryanto, Nanang Susyanto, Budiastuti Kurniasih, Panjisakti Basunanda, Eka Tarwaca Susila Putra, Dody Kastono, Dyah Weny Respatie, Muhammad Habib Widyawan, Nurmansyah, and et al. 2022. "Performance of 45 Non-Linear Models for Determining Critical Period of Weed Control and Acceptable Yield Loss in Soybean Agroforestry Systems" Sustainability 14, no. 13: 7636.

APA Style

Alam, T., Suryanto, P., Susyanto, N., Kurniasih, B., Basunanda, P., Putra, E. T. S., Kastono, D., Respatie, D. W., Widyawan, M. H., Nurmansyah, Ansari, A., & Taryono. (2022). Performance of 45 Non-Linear Models for Determining Critical Period of Weed Control and Acceptable Yield Loss in Soybean Agroforestry Systems. Sustainability, 14(13), 7636.

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