Urban Shrinking Cities in Romania and The Netherlands—A Possible Policy Framing
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
Method and Data
3. Demographic and Economic Trajectories of Shrinking Cities
4. Results
5. Discussion
5.1. Policies and Strategies Learned from The Netherlands
- Housing policy;
- Policies on retail trade;
- Labor market policies;
- Business location policies;
- Spatial-economic policies.
5.2. Mutual Learning and Informal Policies
6. Conclusions
- Implement long-term specific policies that recognize the shrinking process as an irreversible issue and an ongoing process and treat it as a challenge or an opportunity for reinvention [106];
- Engage all private and public actors, i.e., the national government, local authorities and communities, enterprises, schools, the business community, and NGOs, to come up with common plans for dealing with urban shrinkage and demographic changes on the background of demographic decline;
- Engage residents in local initiatives similar to the local tradition of ‘naoberschap’ (neighbor help), being a part of the solution to declining services in shrinking regions [101].
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dutch Shrinking Cities | Romanian Shrinking Cities | Geographical Aspects | Causes of Shrinkage | Effects of Shrinkage |
| Central city Touristic city Peripheral city in The Netherlands and peripheral mining city in Romania | Population loss Economic changes Declining jobs Declining investments | Economic decline Out-migration Abandoned households and infrastructure Streets without commercial spaces Closed factories Less investments Declining local services |
Age Cohorts | Shrinking Cities Doetinchem, Winterswijk, and Zutphen | The Achterhoek Region | Shift-and-Share Analysis 1 | ||||||
1998 | 2013 | % Change | 1998 | 2013 | % Change | Share | Local Effect | Mix Effect | |
0–14 years | 22,711 | 23,106 | 1.7 | 71,612 | 68,053 | −4.9 | 1856 | −5415 | −3559 |
15–64 years | 82,655 | 87,715 | 3.7 | 262,373 | 253,492 | −3.4 | 6801 | −15,682 | −8831 |
65–85 years and above | 18,229 | 23,800 | 30.5 | 57,406 | 79,992 | 39.3 | 1488 | 21,098 | 22,586 |
Total | 123,595 | 132,621 | 7.30 | 391,391 | 401,537 | 2.6 | 10,146 | 0 | 10,146 |
Age Cohorts | Shrinking Cities Turda, Sighișoara, and Petroșani | Transylvania Region Urban Areas | Shift-and-Share Analysis 1 | ||||||
1992 | 2011 | % Change | 1992 | 2011 | % Change | Share | Local Effect | Mix Effect | |
0–14 years | 35,495 | 18,304 | −48.4 | 1,055,946 | 637,149 | −39.6 | −60,795 | −57,472 | −325,846 |
15–64 years | 102,499 | 88,052 | −14.09 | 2,810,598 | 2,732,002 | −2.8 | −162,663 | −11,742 | −87,481 |
65–85 years and above | 11,367 | 24,095 | 111.97 | 713,021 | 855.892 | 20.0 | −29,851 | 73,880 | 128,014 |
Total | 149,361 | 130,451 | −12.66 | 4,579,565 | 4,225,043 | −7.7 | −253,310 | 4667 | −285,313 |
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Share and Cite
Țăruș, R.; Dezsi, Ș.; Crăciun, A.M.; Pop, F.; Tudorache, C.E. Urban Shrinking Cities in Romania and The Netherlands—A Possible Policy Framing. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6040. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106040
Țăruș R, Dezsi Ș, Crăciun AM, Pop F, Tudorache CE. Urban Shrinking Cities in Romania and The Netherlands—A Possible Policy Framing. Sustainability. 2022; 14(10):6040. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106040
Chicago/Turabian StyleȚăruș, Raisa, Ștefan Dezsi, Andreea M. Crăciun, Florin Pop, and Claudia E. Tudorache. 2022. "Urban Shrinking Cities in Romania and The Netherlands—A Possible Policy Framing" Sustainability 14, no. 10: 6040. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106040
APA StyleȚăruș, R., Dezsi, Ș., Crăciun, A. M., Pop, F., & Tudorache, C. E. (2022). Urban Shrinking Cities in Romania and The Netherlands—A Possible Policy Framing. Sustainability, 14(10), 6040. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106040