A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level
:1. Introduction
- The past Framework Programs (FP5–FP6–FP7), Horizon 2020 Program, the last Horizon Europe Program and European research and innovation missions (e.g., European Green Deal), which foster international cooperation among European countries in the field of Research and Innovation and support policy implementation while tackling global challenges such as climate change and energy transition [9].
- The Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe (JPI UE) and the EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities (EERA JPSC) support the planning, deployment and replication of 100 PEDs with the objective sustainable urbanization by 2025 [10].
- The “100 climate-neutral cities by 2030-by and for the citizens”, identifies the mission for supporting, promoting and showcasing 100 European cities in their systemic transition towards climate neutrality by 2030 and for the transformation of these cities into experimental and innovative hubs for other cities [5,11].
- The European partnership Driving Urban Transition (DUT) aims for a sustainable future as an integral part of Horizon Europe’s strategic planning process, contributing to strengthening the efforts towards viable urban development that translates multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into local action [12].
- The Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM) platform that was created by merging the two former Commission projects “Marketplace of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities” (EIP-SCC) and the “Smart Cities Information System” (SCIS), aims to bring cities, industries, SMEs, investors, researchers and other smart-city actors together [13].
- The Covenant of Mayors and the Mayors Adapt, i.e., umbrella organisations for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) or Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), [16,17,18] and the Green City Accord [19] are Europe-wide initiatives working in the local context in order to promote the integration of energy and environmental issues in urban planning, towards the achievement of a sustainable and carbon-free society.
- The COST Action CA19126 “Positive Energy Districts European Network (PED-EU-NET)” [20,21] and the International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA-EBC) Annex 83 “PEDs” [22,23] are international initiatives focused on developing an in-depth definition of PEDs, collecting the adopted technologies, providing the planning tools and analyzing the decision-making processes related to PEDs.
- at European level, action is being taken with regard to the revision of energy efficiency policies, e.g., recasting the Renewable Energy Directive-RED II [31], and the promotion of funding for energy transition and environmental sustainability, e.g., funds allocated from the Next Generation EU Programme [32] and Fit for 55 package [33];
- at the National level, individual countries are required to draw up National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), specifying the ways in which they intend to foster energy efficiency in different sectors, to promote the use of renewable sources and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [34]. Simultaneously, some countries have established conspicuous funds to support the retrofitting and the efficiency of the existing built environment, e.g., Italy 110% incentives [35];
- at the local level, municipalities are working to overcome a planning system divided into sectoral silos and to improve their interaction with the public sector, thereby becoming able to invest in and implement strategies tailored at local context. In this sense, business and governance models that support the concrete implementation of renewal interventions are promoted, e.g., realization of One-Stop-Shop, promotion of Turnkeys and Cornerstone and diffusion of the Public-Private Partnership model [36,37]. These models must be based on the improvement of services, technologies, quality of life and comfort of the inhabitants, policies or on urban management between the public and private sectors; these requirements necessitate different capabilities to those in traditional governments [21].
- the boundaries of the PED in order to reach a net positive yearly energy balance;
- the energy exchanges (import/export) in order to compensate energy balance for surpluses and shortages between the buildings or the wider grid outside.
2. Objectives
- Co-creation of a PED innovation eco-system that, moving from the agreed definition, will uncover information and indicators (both expected and/or assessed performances), and facilitate the implementation of PEDs around Europe.
- Systematization of the information in order to address specific needs and targets from an inclusive set of stakeholders engaged in each phase of the PED implementation process.
- Supporting the creation of capacity building, based on broader knowledge derived from innovation and lessons learnt to overcome barriers and take advantage of opportunities derived from the advanced mapping of solutions and performance, obtained in previous or ongoing experiences on PEDs.
- Envisioning the needs (demand aggregation) and expected strategies to adopt (scenarios of intervention) a more effective energy planning process and decision-making, which are able to promote and facilitate the achievement of large-scale sustainability conscious urban areas.
- Supporting municipalities and researchers in the PED-implementation process, considering both the renewal of existing areas and the realization of new, sustainable, energy efficient and net-zero GHG emissions urban development.
3. Methodology
3.1. Phase 1
- PED-focused: projects/initiatives directly focused on Positive Energy Districts implementation. They are in line with the PED Framework Definition.
- PED-supporting: projects/initiatives not directly focused on Positive Energy Districts. However, they collect experiences assimilable to the PED concept, such as energy communities, smart districts, local energy districts, sustainable and resilient neighbourhood. They do not cover all the aspects mentioned in PED Framework Definition.
3.2. Phase 2
4. Results
4.1. PED-Database Framework
4.2. PED-Database Data Collection
4.3. PED-Database Online Platform
4.3.1. Online Input Form
4.3.2. Database Frontend for Data Visualization
4.3.3. Database Backend for Administration
5. Discussion and Future Developments
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CIEMAT | Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology |
DUT | Driving Urban Transition |
EERA JPSC | European Energy Research Alliance RA Joint Programme on Smart Cities |
EIP-SCC | European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities |
ERRIN | European Regions Research and Innovation Network |
EU | European |
GHG | Greenhouse Gasses |
IEA-EBC | International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities |
IT | Information Technology |
JPI UE | Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe |
KPIs | Key Performance Indicators |
NECPs | National Energy and Climate Plans |
PED | Positive Energy District |
PED-EU-NET | Positive Energy Districts European Network |
SCIS | Smart Cities Information System |
SCM | Smart Cities Marketplace |
SDGs | Sustainable Development Goals |
SEAPs | Sustainable Energy Action Plans |
SECAPs | Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans |
SET | Strategic Energy Technology |
SMEs | Small and Medium Enterprises |
WGs | Working Groups |
Appendix A
Title | Basic Info | Scope | Main Contents |
PEDs BOOKLET | Year 2020 | The Booklet collects 59 pilot case studies at the district scale aimed at activating sustainable urbanization processes in a logic of maximum energy efficiency. It is structured in two sections: (1) PEDs projects, (2) Towards PEDs. Each section is divided into the following: Projects in Operation, Projects in Implementation Stage and Projects in Planning Stage. | Structure: - General information (City, project name, project status, project start-end, contact, project website, size of project area, building structure, land use, financing); - Overview description of the project; - Strategies (goals/ambition, indicators/expected impact, overall city strategies, factors included in implementation strategies, innovative stakeholder involvement strategies, typology of energy supply); - Success factors; - Challenge/barriers. |
Programme JPI UE | |||
Format Paper (tables) | |||
Targeted users Municipalities | |||
Source [46] | |||
OPPLA: Repository of NBS | Year 2016–2020 | OPPLA provides: - Knowledge Marketplace, where the latest thinking on natural capital, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions is presented; - Ask Oppla, a crowd-sourced enquiry service; - Oppla Community, a system for networking with other members from around the world. - Case study repository, an integrable platform containing example of NBS application | Research options: - Scale - Type Structure: - Objective; - Actions; - Lessons learned; - Financing; - Challenges: - Benefits; - Stakeholder - Participatory Planning; - Success and Limiting Factors; - Monitoring and evaluation; - Contacts; - Further information. |
Programme European Commission FP7 | |||
Format Digital platform | |||
Targeted users Public, private and voluntary sectors; large and small organisations, as well as individuals | |||
Source [57] | |||
URBAN NATURE ATLAS | Year 2017–2021 | URBAN NATURE ATLAS provides 1000 examples of Nature-Based Solutions from across 100 European cities. | Research options: - Quick Search by icons; - Advanced Search Structure: - Brief description (location, city population, project duration, project cost, financing source(s)) - Overview (urban setting, key challenges, main beneficiaries, project objectives, implementation activities); - Governance (type of organizations, management set-up, community involvement) - Monitoring (expected impacts, presence of monitoring system, presence of indicators, presence of evaluation reports); - References |
Programme European Commission H2020 | |||
Format Digital platform | |||
Targeted users N/A | |||
Source [58] | |||
C40 CASE STUDIES | Year / | C40 CASE STUDIES describes pilot projects developed in cities that are taking bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future. | Research options: - location; - topics; - benefits. Structure: - Title (brief description, image) - Benefits (social, environmental, economic) - Details (key impact, project start date); - Next steps |
Programme C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group | |||
Format Digital platform | |||
Targeted users N/A | |||
Source [59] | |||
CASE STUDIES: stories from the Neighbourhood | Year / | The Platform browses case studies on Ecodistricts from around the world, capturing how neighborhood-scale innovation can drive the development of neighborhoods for all. | Structure: - Title; - Date; - Snapshot (Project type, site size, demographics, economy, anticipated outcomes, key stakeholders); - Neighborhood overview; - Project governance; - Early wins (place, health and wellbeing, connectivity, living infrastructure, resource regeneration) - Lesson learned + challenges; - Next steps |
Programme ECODISTRICTS certification standard | |||
Format Digital platform + Paper (tables, images) | |||
Targeted users N/A | |||
Source [60] | |||
NEIGHBOURHOOD planning + design Learning from best practices | Year 2017 | NEIGHBOUR-HOOD planning + design shows examples of best-practice to help unearthing new ideas and assessing potential policy and design possibilities for the Stadium Road Neighbourhood, Vancouver (USA). | Structure: - Title; - Site area dimension; - n. dwelling units; - Construction period; - Project overview; - Lessons learned - Adopted solutions/strategies (resources + natural systems, place + experience, convenent connection, social cohesion + community) - Photos; - Maps; - Comparative capacity (density, building type) |
Programme UBC Stadium Neighbourhood | |||
Format Paper (tables) | |||
Targeted users Community and designers who take part in the participatory design process | |||
Source [61] | |||
SMART SCALE: cities to watch | Year 2020 | SMART SCALE shows examples of successful smart city solutions to leverage critical success factors and to move forward smart, sustainable and innovative initiatives and projects. | Structure: - governance and policy; - society; - infrastructure and services; - environment; - business and economy. Case studies sheets’ structure: - what - why - how - scale (implementation in another context) |
Programme World Economic Forum-Community Paper | |||
Format Paper (tables) | |||
Targeted users N/A | |||
Source [62] | |||
Smart Cities Marketplace Platform -SCMP | Year 2020 | SCMP is a knowledge platform to exchange data, experience and know-how and to collaborate on the creation of smart cities, providing a high quality of life for its citizens in a clean, energy efficient and climate friendly urban environment. | Research options: - Filter by Project type - Filter by Energy - Filter by Mobility and transport - Filter by ICT - Filter by Country/City - Filter by Funding Programme Structure: - Facts and figures (geographical area, area dimension, population, total investment, funding from EU, Final energy savings, primary energy savings, CO2 emission reduction); - Energy efficiency in buildings; - Key impact; - Type of technologies; - Lesson learned. |
Programme European Commission H2020 | |||
Format Digital platform + Paper (tables, images) | |||
Targeted users project developers, municipalities, research institutions, industry, experts and citizens | |||
Source [13] |
Appendix B
PED-Focused Initiatives | |||||||
N° | Acronym | Title | Period | Scale | Source | ||
International | National | ||||||
01 | COST PED-EU-NET | COST Action on Positive Energy Districts European Network | 2020 2024 | x | N/A | https://pedeu.net/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
02 | IEA EBC Annex 83 | International Energy Agency, Programme on Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts | 2020 2024 | x | N/A | https://annex83.iea-ebc.org/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
03 | JPI-UE | Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urban Development | 2018 - | x | N/A | https://jpi-urbaneurope.eu/calls/ped-call/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
04 | EERA JPSC | European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme Smart Cities | 2016 2021 | x | N/A | https://www.eera-sc.eu Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
PED-Focused Projects | |||||||
N° | Acronym | Title | Period | Scale | N° Case Studies | Source | |
International | National | ||||||
05 | Syn.ikia | Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods | 2020 2024 | x | 4 | https://synikia.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
06 | SPARCS | Sustainable energy Positive & zero cARbon CommunitieS | 2019 2024 | x | 7 | https://www.sparcs.info/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
07 | +CityxChange | Positive City ExChange | 2018 2023 | x | 7 | https://cityxchange.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
08 | MAKINGCITY | Energy efficient pathway for the city transformation: enabling a positive future | 2018 2023 | x | 8 | http://makingcity.eu/the-project/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
09 | POCITYF | A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework | 2019 2024 | x | 8 | https://pocityf.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
10 | Atelier | AmsTErdam BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities | 2019 2024 | x | 8 | https://smartcity-atelier.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
11 | RESPONSE | integRatEd Solutions for POsitive eNergy and reSilient CitiEs | 2020 2025 | x | 8 | https://h2020response.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
14 | EXCESS | FleXible user-CEntric Energy poSitive houseS | 2019 2023 | x | 4 | https://positive-energy-buildings.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
12 | QEP | Smart Capital Region programme-Quartier à Energie Positive | 2016 - | x | 5 | https://www.papillon-koeniz.ch/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
13 | ZEN | Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities | 2017 2024 | x | 9 | https://fmezen.no/category/pilot-projects/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
15 | / | Parma Smart City | 2017 - | x | 1 | https://smartcityweb.net/smartcities/parma Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
16 | / | Santa Chiara District | 2017 - | x | 1 | https://www.comune.trento.it Accessed on 16 November 2021 |
PED-Supporting Initiatives | |||||||
N° | Acronym | Title | Period | Scale | N° Case Studies | Source | |
International | National | ||||||
17 | ETIP SNET | European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) | 2020 2030 | x | N/A | https://www.etip-snet.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
18 | SCIS-SCM | Smart Cities Information System-Marketplace | - | x | N/A | https://smart-cities-marketplace.ec.europa.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
19 | Local Energy District | Tecnologie per la penetrazione efficiente del vettore elettrico negli usi finali | 2019 2021 | x | N/A | https://www.enea.it/it/Ricerca_sviluppo/lenergia/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
PED-Supporting Projects | |||||||
N° | Acronym | Title | Period | Scale | N° Case Studies | Source | |
International | National | ||||||
20 | SmartEnCity | SmartEnCity project: Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe | 2016 2021 | x | 5 | https://smartencity.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
21 | GRETA | GReen Energy Transition Actions | 2021 2024 | x | 5 | N/A | |
22 | SUSHI | SUStainable HIstoric city districts | 2018 2021 | x | 6 | https://sustainablehistoriccitydistricts.wordpress.com/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
23 | Sharing Cities | Building smart cities together Common solutions for shared challenges | 2016 2021 | x | 6 | http://www.sharingcities.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
24 | CENTS | Co-operative Energy Trading System | 2019 2022 | x | 3 | http://www.centsproject.ie/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
25 | Triangulum | Demonstrate, Disseminate, Replicate | 2015 2020 | x | 6 | https://www.buildup.eu/en/explore/links/triangulum-project Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
26 | REPLICATE | REnaissance of PLaces with Innovative Citizenship Additionally, TEchnologies | 2016 2021 | x | 6 | www.replicate-project.eu Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
27 | Sinfonia | Smart INitiative of cities Fully cOmmitted to iNvest In Advanced large-scaled energy solutions | 2014 2019 | x | 7 | http://www.sinfonia-smartcities.eu/en/project Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
28 | STREAMER | Geo and Building Information Modelling for Energy-efficient Buildings Integrated in Mixed-use Healthcare Districts | 2013 2017 | x | 4 | http://www.streamer-project.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
29 | PROFICIENT | Collective self-organised processes in the construction and retrofit of energy efficient residential districts | 2012 2016 | x | 4 | https://www.proficient-project.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
30 | GECO | Green Energy COmmunity | 2019 2021 | x | 1 | https://www.gecocommunity.it/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
31 | SusCity | Urban data driven models for creative and resourceful energy transition | 2015 2017 | x | 1 | https://www.inesctec.pt/en/projects/suscity#news Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
32 | FIRST | Mapping flexibility of urban energy systems | 2017 2020 | x | 1 | http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/first/#first Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
33 | / | EnStadt:Pfaff | 2017 2022 | x | 1 | https://pfaff-reallabor.de/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
34 | VISORE | Psychological Factors of Effective Visual Public Service Announcements | 2017 2019 | x | 1 | http://visore.mruni.eu/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
35 | 2000-Watt-Sites | / | 2006 - | x | 4 | https://www.2000watt.swiss/en/2000-watt-areale-finden.html Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
36 | Kosovo Energy Efficiency Project | Kosovo Energy Efficiency Project-Training of Energy Auditors in Kosovo | 2017 2021 | x | 5 | https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/81190.html Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
37 | PAW | PAW Programma Aardgasvrije Wijken (Gas Free Districts Programme) | 2019 2024 | x | 46 | https://aardgasvrijewijken.nl/default.aspx Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
38 | PUJ | Prato Urban Jungle | 2020 2022 | x | 1 | https://www.uia-initiative.eu/en/uia-cities/prato Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
39 | MilanoSesto | MilanoSesto: an evolving city | 2020 2025 | x | 1 | https://www.milanosesto.it/en/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 | |
40 | LIC | Lugaggia Innovation Community | 2019 2024 | x | 1 | https://lic.energy/ Accessed on 16 November 2021 |
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PED-Categories | Definitions | Source |
Autonomous-PED | the PED has a positive power balance within its geographic boundaries and is designed to be self-managing (regardless of power from the periphery) or can even help manage/balance the external grid. | [48,49] |
Dynamic-PED | the PED has a positive energy balance within its geographic limits, exchanging energy with the periphery to compensate for energy excesses and deficits. | [48,49] |
Virtual-PED | the PED has a positive energy balance within its virtual limits, exchanging energy with the periphery to compensate for energy excesses and deficits. | [48,49] |
Candidate-PED | the PED has no positive energy balance within its geographic boundaries, but energy balance is achieved by importing certified green energy (i.e., demarcating a zero emissions district). | [49] |
Within the CA | Joint Activities and Interactions |
Working Group 2 | Alignment on technological and non-technological tools |
Working Group 3 | PED Lab characteristics, input form layout |
Working Group 4 | Facilitating PED stakeholder interaction |
Outside the CA | Joint activities and interactions |
IEA-EBC Annex 83 | In-depth alignment on PED parameters to be collected |
JPI UE | Initial scoping, pilot testing |
SCM | Partner for greater outreach outside of PED-EU-NET |
EERA JPSC | Enabling platform for the PED-EU-NET partnership, coordination efforts |
Key Investigated Parameters |
Title of database/platform |
Basic info: year of realization, financing programme, format and main users targeted |
Main scope |
Main contents |
Sources (Publications, link to the website) |
Key Investigated Questions |
What are the main purposes of databases and platforms? |
What format do databases and platforms have? |
What information do they collect? |
What search options do they offer? |
To whom are the platforms and databases addressed? |
What are the options for extrapolating information (paper sheets, tabs, maps, charts, diagrams)? |
Section | Question Title | Obligatory Question | Type of Question | Defined in the Glossary | |||
Yes | No | Open | Closed | Yes | No | ||
A_1 | Case study title | x | x | x | |||
A_2 | Photo(s) | x | x | ||||
A_3 | What is the definition of the PED site? | x | x | x | |||
A_4 | Project Phase of case study/PED Lab | x | x | x | |||
A_5 | General project/initiative (link to section D) | x | x | x | |||
A_6 | Geographic coordinates | x | x | x | |||
A_7 | Country | x | x | x | |||
A_8 | Climate zone (Köppen–Geiger classification) | x | x | x | |||
A_9 | Total land area occupied by your case study/PED Lab (m2) | x | x | x | |||
A_10 | District boundary | x | x | x | |||
A_11 | Project targets of the PED case study/PED Lab | x | x | x | |||
A_12 | Ownership of the case study/PED Lab | x | x | x | |||
A_13 | Number of buildings in PED | x | x | x | |||
A_14 | Contact person (name and e-mail) | x | x | ||||
A_15 | Sources (publication, link to website, deliverable) | x | x | x | |||
A_16 | Fields of Application | x | x | x | |||
A_17 | Renewable Generation on-site (GWh/annum) | x | x | x | |||
A_18 | Non-renewable resources (GWh/annum) | x | x | x | |||
A_19 | Annual energy demand in buildings (GWh/annum) | x | x | x | |||
A_20 | Annual energy demand for e-mobility (GWh/annum) | x | x | x | |||
A_21 | Annual energy use (GWh/annum) | x | x | x | |||
A_22 | Annual energy delivered (GWh/annum) | x | x | x | |||
A_23 | Energy Generation technologies | x | x | x | |||
A_24 | Energy Flexibility technologies | x | x | x | |||
A_25 | Energy Efficiency technologies | x | x | x | |||
A_26 | Municipal policy/strategy | x | x | x | |||
A_27 | National and regional policy/strategy | x | x | x | |||
A_28 | Economic strategies | x | x | x | |||
A_29 | Social models | x | x | x | |||
A_30 | Planning models | x | x | x | |||
A_31 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures | x | x | x | |||
A_32 | Legal/Regulatory aspects | x | x | x | |||
B1_1 | PED concept definition | x | x | x | |||
B1_2 | Motivation behind PED development | x | x | x | |||
B1_3 | District population (ab.) before intervention | x | x | x | |||
B1_4 | District population (ab.) after intervention | x | x | x | |||
B1_5 | Conditioned Area (closed building area) | x | x | x | |||
B1_6 | Population density (inh./m2) before intervention | x | x | x | |||
B1_7 | Population density (inh./m2) after intervention | x | x | x | |||
B1_8 | Building and Land Use | x | x | x | |||
B1_9 | Project context | x | x | x | |||
B1_10 | Type of intervention | x | x | ||||
B2_1 | Installation life time | x | x | x | |||
B2_2 | Scale | x | x | x | |||
B2_3 | Boundary conditions for the operation of your laboratory | x | x | x | |||
B2_4 | Replication framework | x | x | x | |||
B2_5 | Lifecycle process | x | x | x | |||
B2_6 | Policy framework of PED Lab | x | x | x | |||
B2_7 | Motivation for developing the PED Lab | x | x | x | |||
B2_8 | Incentive for the definition, implementation/operation of the PED Lab | x | x | x | |||
B2_9 | Lean and collaborative Partners | x | x | x | |||
B2_10 | Synergies between the activities | x | x | x | |||
B2_11 | Available facilities to test urban configurations | x | x | x | |||
B2_12 | Incubation capacities | x | x | x | |||
B2_13 | Availability to the facilities for external people | x | x | x | |||
B2_14 | Monitoring measures | x | x | x | |||
B2_15 | Key Performance indicators measured | x | x | x | |||
B2_16 | Execution of operations | x | x | x | |||
B2_17 | Capacities needed | x | x | x | |||
B2_18 | Relations with stakeholders | x | x | x | |||
B2_19 | Standardization or certification process | x | x | x | |||
B2_20 | Tools available | x | x | x | |||
B2_21 | External accessibility | x | x | x | |||
C_1 | Endogenous Unlocking Factors | x | x | x | |||
C_2 | Exogenous Driving Factors | x | x | x | |||
C_3 | Administrative Barriers | x | x | x | |||
C_4 | Policy | x | x | x | |||
C_5 | Legal and Regulatory | x | x | x | |||
C_6 | Technical | x | x | x | |||
C_7 | Environmental | x | x | x | |||
C_8 | Social and Cultural | x | x | x | |||
C_9 | Information and Awareness | x | x | x | |||
C_10 | Economical and Financial | x | x | x | |||
C_11 | Market | x | x | x | |||
C_12 | Stakeholders Involved | x | x | x |
Section | Question Title | Obligatory Question | Type of Question | Defined in the Glossary | |||
Yes | No | Open | Closed | Yes | No | ||
D_1 | Project/initiative Code assigned | x | x | x | |||
D_2 | Name of your project/initiative | x | x | x | |||
D_3 | Project/initiative period | x | x | x | |||
D_4 | Funding programme/financing model | x | x | x | |||
D_5 | Description of projects/initiative objectives and concepts | x | x | x | |||
D_6 | Upscaling strategies and potential | x | x | x | |||
D_7 | Related case studies (link to Section A) | x | x | x | |||
D_8 | Expected impact | x | x | x | |||
D_9 | Sources (publication, link to website, deliverable) | x | x | x |
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© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Turci, G.; Alpagut, B.; Civiero, P.; Kuzmic, M.; Pagliula, S.; Massa, G.; Albert-Seifried, V.; Seco, O.; Soutullo, S. A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level. Sustainability 2022, 14, 427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010427
Turci G, Alpagut B, Civiero P, Kuzmic M, Pagliula S, Massa G, Albert-Seifried V, Seco O, Soutullo S. A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level. Sustainability. 2022; 14(1):427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010427
Chicago/Turabian StyleTurci, Giulia, Beril Alpagut, Paolo Civiero, Michal Kuzmic, Serena Pagliula, Gilda Massa, Vicky Albert-Seifried, Oscar Seco, and Silvia Soutullo. 2022. "A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level" Sustainability 14, no. 1: 427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010427
APA StyleTurci, G., Alpagut, B., Civiero, P., Kuzmic, M., Pagliula, S., Massa, G., Albert-Seifried, V., Seco, O., & Soutullo, S. (2022). A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level. Sustainability, 14(1), 427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010427