Accessibility Dynamics and Regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Perspectives in the Portuguese—Spanish Borderland
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Case Study Analyses
- Cities must have a record of previous work on CBC.
- The CBC project should consider the integration of environmental, sociocultural, and economic development goals, as part of a singular development strategy.
- Cities should demonstrate relationships with multiple stakeholders organized in a group association created to develop and strengthen aspects inherent to CBC, and development objectives.
- The distance between cities could not be greater than 60 km.
- At least one of the cities should be a medium-sized city.
- There should be considerable connectivity—movement between cities.
- There should be considerable the low formal number of CPS
- Eurocity marketing and advertisements must be previously identified as a critical factor for territorial success.
4.1. Data Analyses
- Obstacles associated with political borders linked to legal and administrative questions;
- Effects associated with economic discontinuities and natural obstacles (weak urban network, and low density of population and settlements).
4.2. Potential Accessibility Indicators
- ‘Ai’(1)—the accessibility of area ‘I’.
- ‘Wj’—the activity W to be reached in area ‘j’
- ‘c ij’—the generalized cost of reaching area ‘j’ from the area ‘I’.
- The absolute level of accessibility (i) / Potential accessibility by road, standardized (ESPON = 100) 2001, 2006 (relative change of accessibility)/(Average relative change of accessibility) * 100/percentage of ESPON average because the accessibility indicators are in non-familiar units. They are standardized to the average accessibility of the European Union i.e., the absolute values are transformed so that the European average is 100. By presenting the absolute values as such indices, it can be seen which regions are in a better or a worse position than the European average [10,16].
- Index change of accessibility (i_ch)/ Potential accessibility by road, change of standardized (stand percentage of ESPON average/(standardized value average = 100 in 2006—standardized value average = 100 in 2001). For this, the accessibility values of 2001 are standardized to the EU27 average of that year and those of 2006 to the average of that year, each EU27 average is set to 100 and the regional values are transformed accordingly [10,31].A better the relative locational quality is expressed with positive values and loss in relative locational quality is expressed with negative values [10,31].
4.3. Daily Accessibility Indicators
4.4. Study Area
5. Results
5.1. Accessibility
5.2. Cross-border Public Services
- Invasive species management system, of climate change, and environmental protection;
- Cross-border multimodal freight transport platform, in the field of transport and mobility;
- Cross-border mobility observatory, in the field of transport and mobility.
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Projects | Indicators | ||
ESPON Project 1.2.1. Transports services and networks: territorial trends and basic supply of infrastructure for territorial cohesion. Update 2006 [31] | Potential accessibility by road, rail, air, multimodal/Absolute level, standardized (ESPON = 100) | ||
Geographical scale | Source | Time frame | |
NUTS3 * | ESPON Data base | 2001;2006 | |
ESPON Project TRACC. Transport Accessibility at regional/local scale and patterns in Europe 2013 [53] | Potential accessibility Travel Indicators TRACC by road, rail, air, multimodal/Absolute level, standardized (ESPON = 100) | ||
Geographical scale | Source | Time frame | |
NUTS3 * | ESPON Data base | 2011 | |
Daily accessibility (Indicators TRACC by road, rail) | |||
Geographical scale | Source | Time frame | |
NUTS3 * | ESPON Data base | 2011 | |
ESPON project Cross-border public services, Target analyses [12] | Cross-border public-services(key criteria for defining CPS, functional characteristics of provided CPS) | ||
Geographical scale | Source | Time frame | |
NUTS3 * | ESPON Data base | 2018 |
Country/City | Total Area km² 2011 | Population Number 2011 | Population Density Inhabitants/km² 2011 |
Spain (Country) | 504,645 | 47,190,493 | 94 |
Badajoz (City) | 1470 | 151,565 | 103 |
Portugal (Country) | 92,090 | 10,476,021 | 114 |
Alto Alentejo (Region) | 6230 | 118,410 | 19 |
CASE STUDY | Index | Badajoz | Alto Alentejo |
ES/ES431 | PT/PT182 | ||
Potential accessibility by road | R_ i 2001 | 33.30 | 31.90 |
R_ i 2006 | 35.30 | 33.80 | |
R_ i 2011 | 43.50 | 40.40 | |
Potential accessibility by rail | R_ i 2001 | 20.10 | 18.20 |
R_ i 2006 | 22.10 | 19.30 | |
R_ i 2011 | 27.20 | 22.60 | |
Potential accessibility by air | Air i 2001 | 45.10 | 39.90 |
Air i 2006 | 43.70 | 38.70 | |
Air i 2011 | 45.20 | 39.70 | |
Multimodal accessibility | MM_i2001 | 43.10 | 39.10 |
MM_i2006 | 42.10 | 38.10 | |
MM_i2011 | 43.20 | 38.60 |
CASE STUDY | Index | Badajoz | Alto Alentejo |
ES/ES431 | PT/PT182 | ||
Potential accessibility by road | Ri_ch2001/2006 | 2.00 | 1.90 |
Potential accessibility by rail | Ri_ch2001/2006 | 2.00 | 1.00 |
Potential accessibility by air | Air i ch2001/2006 | −1.3 | −1.20 |
Multimodal accessibility | MM_ich2001/2006 | −1.00 | −1.00 |
CASE STUDY | GEOTIME | NUTS3 | Daily Road | Daily Rail | Daily Fastest |
Badajoz | ES | ES431 | 6152400 | 1972900 | 6152400 |
Alto Alentejo | PT | PT182 | 7197900 | 3661900 | 7197900 |
CPS Name in the Policy Area | Border | Key Selection Criteria |
EURES-Cross-border Information Service (in field Labor market and employment) | SP-PT | Service provision in a labor market with a relatively low number of cross-border commuters. Aiming more at promoting cross-border working in a large geographical area along the border. The CPS has been established recently in 2017. |
EUROBEC: Building the Eurocity Badajoz-Elvas-Campo Maior/Construyendo la Eurocidad Badajoz-Elvas-Campo Maior | SP-PT | Possibilities for improving the institutional capacity and better public administration |
Cross-border early warning networks in environmental protection systems in civil protection | SP-PT | Prevention of risks and improvement of the management of natural resources and promote adaptation to climate change in all sectors |
Regional Accessibility | |
Indicators | |
Sustainable targets |
Future challenge |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Vulevic, A.; Castanho, R.A.; Naranjo Gómez, J.M.; Loures, L.; Cabezas, J.; Fernández-Pozo, L.; Martín Gallardo, J. Accessibility Dynamics and Regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Perspectives in the Portuguese—Spanish Borderland. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1978.
Vulevic A, Castanho RA, Naranjo Gómez JM, Loures L, Cabezas J, Fernández-Pozo L, Martín Gallardo J. Accessibility Dynamics and Regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Perspectives in the Portuguese—Spanish Borderland. Sustainability. 2020; 12(5):1978.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVulevic, Ana, Rui Alexandre Castanho, José Manuel Naranjo Gómez, Luís Loures, José Cabezas, Luis Fernández-Pozo, and José Martín Gallardo. 2020. "Accessibility Dynamics and Regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Perspectives in the Portuguese—Spanish Borderland" Sustainability 12, no. 5: 1978.
APA StyleVulevic, A., Castanho, R. A., Naranjo Gómez, J. M., Loures, L., Cabezas, J., Fernández-Pozo, L., & Martín Gallardo, J. (2020). Accessibility Dynamics and Regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Perspectives in the Portuguese—Spanish Borderland. Sustainability, 12(5), 1978.