Citizen Science in the Field: Co-experimentation at Pilot Scale for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
:1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Background
2.1. Citizen Science as a Tool for Research into Natural Resources Management and Agriculture
2.2. Co-creating an Applied Research Project as a Pilot for More Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Description of Study Site
3.2. Partners in the Research Process
3.3. Experimental Field Site
3.4. Shared and Specialized Activities within the Co-created Project
3.5. Interviews, Participant Observation and Field Notes
3.6. Timeline of Activities
3.7. Outreach Strategy
3.8. Scaling-Up Strategy
4. Results
4.1. Development of the Research Partnership
4.2. Decision-Making Criteria for Implementation of the Field Site
4.3. Management and Yields at the Experimental Field Site
4.4. Feedback from Involved Farmers, Extension, and Local Research Station
5. Discussion
5.1. Leadership
5.2. Success Factors
5.2.1. Building Meaningful and Trustful Working Relationships
5.2.2. Continuity and Flexibility
5.2.3. Assuring Functional, Bi-Directional Communication
5.2.4. Low Cost of Participation for Farmers
5.2.5. Logistics
5.3. Aligning Conflicting Preferences
5.4. Motivation
6. Outlook
6.1. Co-Experimentation at Field Site
6.2. Scaling-out of Successful Options for Improving the Natural Resource Base and Rendering NRM more Sustainable
7. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Activity | Farmers | Researchers |
(1) Setting agenda for research process (idea, questions, implementation) | x | x |
(2) Physical work at experimentation site | x | x |
(3) Discussion about crops to cultivate | x | x |
(4) Managing field site all year-round | x | |
(5) Observations at field site (water management, soil, plant growth, pest load, etc.) | Year-round | At visits only |
(6) Harvesting and yield determination | x | x |
(7) Sampling (soil, plant biodiversity, crops) | x | x |
(8) Laboratory analysis | x | |
(9) Evaluation of results at experimentation site | x | x |
Soil Amendments | Crops to Cultivate |
Potentially beneficial for soil properties | Value: economic or personal use |
Potentially beneficial for yields | Edible for humans and/or fodder for livestock |
Locally available | Tolerant to low nutrient availability |
Affordable for local farmers | Locally accepted |
Possibly already in use | Rotation after year 1 |
Homogeneous application possible | Tolerant against pests |
Time-efficient cultivation | |
Seasonally adequate |
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Kral, R.M.; Maftukhah, R.; Mentler, A.; Murtiningrum, M.; Ngadisih, N.; Keiblinger, K.M. Citizen Science in the Field: Co-experimentation at Pilot Scale for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7700.
Kral RM, Maftukhah R, Mentler A, Murtiningrum M, Ngadisih N, Keiblinger KM. Citizen Science in the Field: Co-experimentation at Pilot Scale for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Sustainability. 2020; 12(18):7700.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKral, Rosana Maria, Rizki Maftukhah, Axel Mentler, Murtiningrum Murtiningrum, Ngadisih Ngadisih, and Katharina Maria Keiblinger. 2020. "Citizen Science in the Field: Co-experimentation at Pilot Scale for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" Sustainability 12, no. 18: 7700.
APA StyleKral, R. M., Maftukhah, R., Mentler, A., Murtiningrum, M., Ngadisih, N., & Keiblinger, K. M. (2020). Citizen Science in the Field: Co-experimentation at Pilot Scale for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Sustainability, 12(18), 7700.