From the Anthropocene to Mutual Thriving: An Agenda for Higher Education in the Ecozoic
:1. Introduction: Towards Pedagogies for the Ecozoic
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Ontology of Separation
2.2. Epistemology of Domination
2.3. Axiology of Development and Progress
3. Methods
4. Results
4.1. Ontology of Separation
4.2. Epistemology of Domination
4.3. Axiology of Development and Progress
5. Discussion: Ecozoic Pedagogy—How Should Learning Take Place in the Ecozoic?
5.1. An Embedded Mode of Being
5.2. Education Becoming Ecozoic
5.2.1. Finance
5.2.2. Economic Trade
5.2.3. Law
5.2.4. Governance and Public Policy
5.3. Praxis and Future Research
6. Concluding Remarks and Next Steps
- Case studies of alternative and alternatives to textbooks, and their potential impact on curriculum and program development in higher education;
- A systematic review of primary school pedagogies and their impact on world-building/co-creation of knowledge/becoming Ecozoic;
- Case studies of programs that promote mutually enhancing relationships between humans and Earth within traditional academic institutions;
- Case studies of alternative universities as a systems approach to pedagogy; and
- Student-led seminars across disciplines to explore how we may all participate in the restructuring of education to become Ecozoic.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Discipline | Textbook | Author | Year |
Economics | International Economics: Theory and Policy (8th ed.) | Krugman, P. & Obstfeld, M. | 2009 |
Microeconomics (4th ed.) | Krugman, P. & Wells, R. | 2015 | |
Microeconomics (4th ed.) | Parkin, M. | 1998 | |
Corporate Finance (11th ed.) | Ross, S., Westerfield, R.W., Jaffe, J & Jordan, B.D. | 2016 | |
Law and Governance | Energy Policy Analysis: A Conceptual Framework | Hamilton, M. S. | 2013 |
Comparative Legal Traditions | Glendon, M.A., Carozza, P.G. & Picker, C. | 2008 | |
The Practice and Policy of Environmental Law | Ruhl, J.B., Nagle, J.C., Salzman, J. & Klass, A.B. | 2010 | |
Applied Natural Science | Scientific Farm Animal Production: An Introduction to Animal Science (8th ed.) | Taylor, R.E., & Field, T G. | 2004 |
Living in the Environment (1st Canadian ed.) | Miller, G., & Hackett, D. | 2008 | |
Principles of Conservation Biology (3rd ed.) | Groom, M.J., Meffe, G.K., & Carroll, C.R. | 2006 |
‘ologies | Anthropocene (Predominant) | Ecozoic (Emergent) |
Ontology | Separation, dualism | Interconnectedness, ’meshwork’ |
Epistemology | Domination, science | Relationship, co-production |
Axiology | Development, progress | Plural values, plural world-making practices |
Learning/Teaching | ||
Pedagogy | Banking method | Co-production of learning |
Tools | Textbooks | Alternative texts, being, doing |
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Vargas Roncancio, I.; Temper, L.; Sterlin, J.; Smolyar, N.L.; Sellers, S.; Moore, M.; Melgar-Melgar, R.; Larson, J.; Horner, C.; Erickson, J.D.; et al. From the Anthropocene to Mutual Thriving: An Agenda for Higher Education in the Ecozoic. Sustainability 2019, 11, 3312.
Vargas Roncancio I, Temper L, Sterlin J, Smolyar NL, Sellers S, Moore M, Melgar-Melgar R, Larson J, Horner C, Erickson JD, et al. From the Anthropocene to Mutual Thriving: An Agenda for Higher Education in the Ecozoic. Sustainability. 2019; 11(12):3312.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVargas Roncancio, Ivan, Leah Temper, Joshua Sterlin, Nina L. Smolyar, Shaun Sellers, Maya Moore, Rigo Melgar-Melgar, Jolyon Larson, Catherine Horner, Jon D. Erickson, and et al. 2019. "From the Anthropocene to Mutual Thriving: An Agenda for Higher Education in the Ecozoic" Sustainability 11, no. 12: 3312.
APA StyleVargas Roncancio, I., Temper, L., Sterlin, J., Smolyar, N. L., Sellers, S., Moore, M., Melgar-Melgar, R., Larson, J., Horner, C., Erickson, J. D., Egler, M., Brown, P. G., Boulot, E., Beigi, T., & Babcock, M. (2019). From the Anthropocene to Mutual Thriving: An Agenda for Higher Education in the Ecozoic. Sustainability, 11(12), 3312.