Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Charging Infrastructure for Future EVs: From Experimental Track to Real Circulated Roads Demonstrations †
:1. Introduction
2. Fundamental Research Background and State of the Art of IPT Applications to Non-Guided Surface Transport
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- The increase of frequency to improve the power transfer capability.
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- The use of capacitors connected to the coils to create a resonant system and improve effectiveness.
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- The fixed part of the Dynamic IPT system should be integrated in a representative road environment, enabling easy access for tune-up and maintenance
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- The mobile part of the Dynamic IPT system should be integrated in a serial car
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- The IPT system should enable
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- Charge from 0 to 100 km/h (to cover speed range for urban to highway use cases)
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- Operate at 85 kHz. This frequency is in compliance with the emerging standardization objective issued from the industry considering difficulty of meeting Electromagnetic Field (EMF) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements, packaging on vehicle, mass and volume, comparative cost of power electronics as explained in [43] (p. 10)
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- Charge of two vehicles on a 100 m test track (to ensure a minimum representativity at reasonable project cost)
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- Charge up to 20 kW (which is representative of the traction power needed for a small passenger car at highway speed)
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- Road integration: the previous demonstration of dynamic IPT charging on a passenger car was done in laboratory conditions [35]. This demonstration is intended in a real civil engineered road and in real climatic conditions
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- Driving conditions: the previous demonstration of dynamic IPT charging on a passenger car was done from stationary to low speeds [35]. This study was designed from stationary to highway speed (100 km/h)
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- Number of passenger vehicles demonstrated: single vehicle charging was previously demonstrated [35]. The Versailles-Satory charging scenario for FABRIC involves two vehicles
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- Operating frequency: from Table 1, previous demonstrations were done at operating frequencies between 15 and 25 kHz. This demonstration was designed for a current standard operating frequency of 85 kHz.
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- It describes the experimental road infrastructure implemented, the additional equipment integrated in a serial car, the characterization means, and methods used. Finally, it provides most recent investigations’ methodology (Section 3, Material and Methods)
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- It resumes the final characterized performances and safety assessment of the prototype system, provides the latest results and discussions (Section 4, Public Demonstrations, Validation Result and Discussions)
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- It concludes on the results achieved vs. the initial objectives (Section 5, Conclusions) and on the next use cases which should be further demonstrated. Finally, it describes the remaining gaps to be bridged and how further developed IPT systems could find their place in future ERS ecosystems.
3. Material and Methods
3.1. Road Infrastructure
3.2. Electric Infrastructure Integrated with the Dynamic IPT System and Additional Equipement
3.3. Serial Vehicle Implemented with Dynamic IPT System and Additional Equipment
- electric measurements (charging current and battery voltage in the measure box)
- misalignment measurements (through data generated by a Global Positioning System (GPS) enhanced by a Real Time Kinematic (RTK) system including inertial navigation sensors)
- air gap measurements (using four vertical laser sensors)
3.4. Vehicle Verifications w/r External Power Source
3.5. Validation of the Integrated Vehicule and Infrastructure Methodology
3.5.1. Battery Voltage and Current Shapes Visualization
3.5.2. Dynamic IPT System Efficiency
3.5.3. Influence Factors Impact on Efficiency
- Misalignment (three targets: no misalignment, light right misalignment and light left misalignment; the driving objective was to remain in the functioning range of ±20 cm)
- Air gap (three levels: nominal 175 mm, and two other levels close to the limits of the functional range of ±25 mm)
- Speed (three levels: 20, 50 and 70 km/h).
3.5.4. EMF Assessment Inside and Outside of the Vehicle
3.5.5. Additional FABRIC Validation Methodologies
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- Grid impact measurements
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- ICT functions (mainly for HMI and Lane-Keeping Assistant (LKA) validation).
3.6. Additional System Characterizations Methodologies
3.6.1. Radiated Emissions
3.6.2. Impact of a Dynamic Air Gap Variation on Charge Performance Evaluation Methodology
4. Public Demonstrations, Validation Result and Discussions
4.1. Public Demonstrations
- at different power levels up to 20 kW
- from 0 up to 100 km/h speed
- with two prototype cars
- according to the different FABRIC use cases (stationary …)
4.2. Main Validation Results
4.2.1. Battery Voltage and Current Shapes
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- Regenerative braking improves cycle life
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- Cycle depth is a dominant factor for cycle life and battery degradation.
4.2.2. Dynamic IPT System Efficiency
4.2.3. Influence Factors Impact on Efficiency
4.2.4. EMF Assessment Inside and Outside of the Vehicle
4.2.5. Additional FABRIC Validation Results
4.3. Additional System Characterizations Result
4.3.1. Radiated Emissions
4.3.2. Impact of a Dynamic Air Gap Variation on Charge Performance
5. Conclusions
5.1. Demonstrations and Experimental Characterizations in Real Conditions
- power levels (20 kW)
- charging speeds (from 0 to 100 km/h)
- number of vehicles dynamically chargeable on the track (up to two).
5.2. Prospectives
- EVs have the lowest speed and consumption, which implies a higher potential for additional autonomy per km of charge while driving
- Pressure to ban ICE engines is very high in urban centers
- Land prices make charging infrastructure implantation costs very high
- The density of power supply equipment potentially available is important. Capacities from existing metro and tram electric utilities could support part of the dynamic IPT charging infrastructure deployment.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
BMS | Battery Management System |
CAEV | Connected Autonomous Electric Vehicles |
DC/AC | Direct Current/Alternative Current |
DSRC | Direct Short-Range Communication |
DWPT | Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer |
ECU | Electric Control Unit |
EM | Electromagnetic |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMF | Electromagnetic Field |
ERS | Electric Road Systems |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
EVB | Electric Vehicle Batteries |
EVCC | Electric Vehicle Communication Controller |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GSM | Global System for Mobile |
HDV | High Duty Vehicles |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
ICE | Internal Combustion Engine |
ICNIRP | International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IFSTTAR | Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des Réseaux |
IPT | Inductive Power Transfer |
LKA | Lane Keeping Assistant |
RBW | Resolution Bandwidth |
RPEV | Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle |
RTK | Real-Time Kinematic |
SOC | State of Charge |
TRL | Technology Readiness Level |
VCU | Vehicle Charge Unit |
VRU | Vulnerable Road Users |
WPT | Wireless Power Transfer |
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Year | Project | Veh. Type | Driving Cond | Air Gap cm | Max Power kW | Op. Freq. Hz | Eff. % | Ref. and Outcomes |
1980s | PATH UC Berkeley | Bus | Dynamic | 5–10 | 200 | 20 | 60 | Ref. [29] Project Stopped |
1997 | Conductix-Wampfler | Bus | Static Stationary | 4 | 30 | 15 | Patents [30,31] First commercialized static WPT | |
2011 | SELECT Utah State University | Bus | Static Stationary | 15–25 | 25 | 20 | 90 | Ref. [32] Commercial activities (WAVE) |
2011 | PRIMOVE Bombardier | Bus | Static Stationary Dynamic | 200 | 20 | >85 | Ref. [33] Commercialization static systems in Mannheim, Berlin | |
2011 | KAIST Olev | Bus | Static Stationary Dynamic | 15–20 | 100 | 20 | 85 | Ref. [34] First commercialized dynamic wireless charging bus |
2016 | ONRL | Pass. car | Slow dynamic | 20 | 22–23 | 90 | Ref. [35] Research Laboratory conditions | |
2017 | FABRIC Versailles-Satory Site | 2 serial Pass. cars | Stationary to highway speed (100 km/h) | 17.5 | 20 | 85 | Ref. [36] Experimental representative road |
Data Measured | Measuring Equipment Description | Measuring Range | Relative Resolution |
Vehicle Battery Voltage (UBAT) | Voltage transducer | 0–350 V | 0.6% |
Vehicle Battery Current (IBAT) | Current transducer | 0–200 A | <0.5% |
Grid Power (UDC Line and IDC Line) | Multiphase precision Power meter | <0.05% | |
Distance to the ground (4 points) | Laser transducer | 0–500 mm | <0.5% |
Car Prototypes | Driving Conditions | Charging Power (kW) | Speed (km/h) | ICNIRP 2010 Compliant |
EV1 & EV2 | Car inter-distance: 50 m | 18 | 20 | Yes |
EV1 & EV2 | Car inter-distance: 50 m | 18 | 20 | Yes |
EV1 & EV2 | Car inter-distance: 50 m | 18 | 50 | Yes |
EV1 & EV2 | Car inter-distance: 50 m | 18 | 70 | Yes |
EV2 | Stationary 5 s | 20 | 5–10–5–0 | Yes |
EV2 | Stationary 5 s | 20 | 5–10–5–0 | Yes |
EV2 | Zig-Zag | 20 | 20 | Yes |
EV2 | Misalignment Target 15 cm right | 20 | 40 | Yes |
EV2 | Misalignment Target 15 cm left | 20 | 40 | Yes |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Laporte, S.; Coquery, G.; Deniau, V.; De Bernardinis, A.; Hautière, N. Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Charging Infrastructure for Future EVs: From Experimental Track to Real Circulated Roads Demonstrations. World Electr. Veh. J. 2019, 10, 84. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj10040084
Laporte S, Coquery G, Deniau V, De Bernardinis A, Hautière N. Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Charging Infrastructure for Future EVs: From Experimental Track to Real Circulated Roads Demonstrations. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 2019; 10(4):84. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj10040084
Chicago/Turabian StyleLaporte, Stéphane, Gérard Coquery, Virginie Deniau, Alexandre De Bernardinis, and Nicolas Hautière. 2019. "Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Charging Infrastructure for Future EVs: From Experimental Track to Real Circulated Roads Demonstrations" World Electric Vehicle Journal 10, no. 4: 84. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj10040084