1. Introduction
Vegetation photosynthetic activity depends and may be limited by water availability, temperature, and radiation, among other factors [
1]. In arid and semi-arid areas, water scarcity can exist due to precipitation seasonality or the frequent occurrence of droughts [
2]. To overcome surface water scarcity, some species can rely on different water sources. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems are those whose biotic composition, structure, and function rely on groundwater. These ecosystems may depend on the surface expression of groundwater, such as base-flow springs and rivers, and wetlands [
3], or they may access deep groundwater, through the root system of the trees [
3]. Such phreatophyte trees have been identified in semi-arid areas of the Iberian Peninsula [
The climate in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) ranges from humid to semi-arid [
15], due to the high spatial variability of the precipitation regime in this territory [
17], but the aridity classification is not static and has changed from the past to the present [
18]. These modifications follow changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration [
20], which also contributed to the increase in drought frequency and intensity observed in some areas of the IP [
20]. In addition, precipitation in the IP occurs mostly in the period from October to March, and the summer months are usually dry [
21]. Under such conditions, surface water availability can be low, due to the negative water balance [
22], which can lead to a decrease in photosynthetic activity [
24], crop yields [
26], and tree growth [
28]. Nonetheless, the existence of groundwater in the IP enables the occurrence of groundwater-dependent vegetation (GDV) in areas not yet analyzed with in situ methods [
The identification of GDV has been performed using several distinct methods, which include direct and indirect methods [
30]. Examples of direct methods are the fluctuation in groundwater depth, indicative of water uptake by plants [
32]; the analysis of stable isotopes, which allows the identification of water sources used by plants based on the isotope composition of the available water sources [
35]; and the use of remote-sensing (RS) data, to characterize green vegetation [
36]. Indirect or inference methods consist of the identification of resources or patterns that are shown by GDV [
Although not as accurate as in situ methods, the use of RS data is cost-effective and has the advantages of being much faster and less laborious [
38]. Besides, the global coverage of high-resolution RS data allows the identification of potential GDV (pGDV) in locations for which there is no other type of information, as well as the monitoring of these ecosystems over time. Although it is not possible to identify GDV on a field level by using RS, it is suitable to study pGDV on a regional or national spatial scale [
39]. Vegetation indices obtained using RS data have been used to identify pGDV in several regions across the world [
41]. Considering its ability to access water from sources other than precipitation, Eamus et al. (2006) [
3] defined criteria to identify GDV, such as the likelihood of GDV to remain green and physiologically active even during dry periods and to present smaller seasonal changes in leaf area index. Vegetation indices, such as NDVI, are able to capture vegetation greenness and its seasonal variation, being used to identify pGDV [
41] based on the abovementioned criteria presented by Eamus et al. (2006) [
3]. Nonetheless, meeting these criteria is not a sufficient condition to be GDV, since non-GDV may also present this pattern. In addition, the methods proposed by the abovementioned authors rely on classifications based on the differences between NDVI values that may be unreliable in areas with a large variability of land cover types, where differences in NDVI values may be related to the land cover type and not to the water constraints on the photosynthetic activity of the vegetation.
The main goal of this work is to identify pGDV in the IP, using the vegetation index NDVI calculated from satellite data. We propose a simple method that can identify pGDV in large areas where the vegetation can present contrasting patterns of greenness and seasonal variation. The lack of greenness shown by vegetation experiencing water scarcity is reflected by negative NDVI anomalies, i.e., deviations from the mean NDVI value. This feature has been used to identify stressed vegetation and also to map the spatial extension of a drought event [
45]. The identification of pGDV was based on the hypothesis that, during drought events, non-GDV likely presents negative values of NDVI anomalies, whereas GDV presents less negative or positive values of NDVI anomalies. Considering the high number of land cover types present in the IP [
15], with contrasting NDVI seasonal patterns, mean monthly values, and high interannual variability [
47], the NDVI monthly time series was standardized in order to allow a comparison of NDVI anomalies for different land cover types. In accordance with the data and procedures used, the method is referred to here as SRS-pGDV (standardized remote-sensing data of potential groundwater-dependent vegetation).
4. Discussion
The exceptional character of the drought episode of 2004/05 in the IP and its impacts on vegetation photosynthetic activity [
43] were also observed by using NDVI MODIS (2000–2018), by means of both NDVI and NDVI
std, which reinforced the water scarcity occurring in June 2005 in the IP. Therefore, June 2005 was selected in order to identify vegetation that remains green and active in the absence of precipitation, due to its access to other water sources [
SRS-pGDV relies on one single criterion, which states that vegetation presenting high NDVI
std during a very dry period is likely GDV. This criterion is similar to one of the criteria defined by Eamus et al. (2006) and already applied by some authors [
41], which states that vegetation presenting high NDVI values during a dry period is likely GDV. These authors also defined low seasonal and interannual variability as criteria to identify GDV, but the standardization of NDVI made these criteria inapplicable. However, the standardization allows comparison of land cover types with typically different NDVI values, and also an interannual comparison. Our results show that the NDVI value was not the adequate discriminant factor for characterizing the different clusters obtained, since some pixels presenting relatively high values were assigned to clusters very unlikely to be GDV. Moreover, although the median NDVI values increase from C1 to C8, C8 presents a median value lower than 0.5, which is a value lower than some land cover types, like coniferous forests, present during drought conditions [
Nonetheless, and similarly to Barron et al. (2014) [
40], the NDVI value at the end of the dry season was taken into account, which led to the exclusion of pixels showing a median value lower than 0.3 in the month of August. This exclusion amounts to the criterion of the seasonal variability, since it is discarding vegetation that presents a decreased photosynthetic activity on the dry season, compared to the wet season. This type of vegetation is common in the study area, as in other Mediterranean regions [
46], due to the dryness of the summers.
We assumed that a predominant identification of pGDV in areas with a shallow WTD indicated the good performance of SRS-pGDV. Therefore, in order to validate the method, the cluster classification was compared with modeled WTD presented at global scale by Fan and co-authors (2013) [
51]. The WTD dataset used is possibly biased, but this is highly related with the bias observed in the location of the observation points [
51]. Marques et al. (2019) [
29] modeled groundwater depth in the region of Alentejo, located in the Southern Portugal, using data from the Portuguese national inventory (also included in Fan et al., 2013 [
51]) and from an in situ campaign performed in the area. The sampling points are evenly distributed in the territory, and their results show a similar pattern to the dataset used in this work, namely groundwater shallow enough to be accessible by GDV in most of the territory, as well as high WTD values along the coast. This feature indicates a good quality of the dataset in this region, but it was not feasible to compare the modeled WTD in the remaining study area. Despite the possible bias of the WTD dataset, a clear dependence between NDVI
std and WTD was still noticeable. The large areas of C7 and C8 occurring at WTD lower than 20 m are in agreement with the deepest rooting systems that have been reported in the study area, namely the case of
Quercus ilex that was shown to reach 13 m deep in Portugal [
6]. Although
Retama sphaerocarpa reached 28 m in Spain [
4], the majority of the results found in the literature for the IP is lower than 20 m [
62]. The occurrence of non-GDV in areas where groundwater exists is not surprising, since groundwater availability is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the existence of GDV. Several other factors condition the occurrence of vegetation, such as soil properties, climate, and human intervention [
63], particularly in an extensively managed region, such as the IP. Marques et al. (2019) [
29] estimated the occurrence of two known and one possible GDV species in the Alentejo region, in Southern Portugal (
Quercus suber,
Quercus ilex, and
Pinus pinea, respectively), and in many areas where WTD allowed their existence, the density of these species was very low, making it unlikely to be identified by NDVI with a spatial resolution of 250 m. On the other hand, the pGDV occurrence in areas where groundwater was too deep may be associated with the availability of other water sources, such as irrigation, or also with a response of vegetation to water scarcity different than it was here postulated. Recent results have also highlighted that, in areas where temperature and/or radiation are limiting factors to vegetation photosynthetic activity, the occurrence of a drought event may imply an increase in these variables, namely radiation, allowing an increase (and not the assumed decrease) in vegetation photosynthetic activity [
59], as water availability is not limiting. This has already been reported for some areas of the IP, such as mountain areas, as observed using NDVI and other vegetation indices by Gouveia et al. (2012) [
Taking into account that the CLC 2006 classes were not defined as aiming to separate between the different plant species included in the 44 classes, a clear discrimination between species that are GDV or non-GDV is not expected. However, as far as we know, the CLC classification is the best land cover map available for the entirety of Europe and the IP in terms of spatial resolution and land cover discrimination. Despite the sometimes-unclear relationship between CLC classes and NDVI
std in each pGDV cluster, relevant information is still obtained. For instance, the three tree species considered by Marques et al. (2019) fall on two different CLC classes: broad-leaved and coniferous forests [
60]. Moreover, a CLC class is generally a mixture of several vegetation types, and both the NDVI value and the NDVI
std will depend on the relative frequency of the vegetation types on a given pixel. Nonetheless, the results of the present study show a preference of some CLC classes for clusters more likely to be GDV. The agricultural classes present in the pGDV cluster 8 clearly point to the occurrence of irrigation during this drought episode. In particular, citrus fruit trees are known to be irrigated in some areas of the IP, particularly in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (East Spain), responsible for more than half of the irrigated area occupied by citrus fruit trees in Spain in 2005 [
64], and also in the Algarve (south of Portugal) [
65]. In these areas, CLC clearly shows a prevalence of the class fruit trees and berry plantations. It is likely that the irrigation was adjusted to the severe water scarcity that occurred during the drought event, to avoid vegetation stress. For this reason, the NDVI values in these irrigated areas did not show the expected decrease. Therefore, the use of CLC information allows us to discard the classification of vegetation as pGDV in these areas, although SRS-pGDV correctly identified it as non-stressed.
Costa et al. (2016) [
13] noted that, in some areas, the access of the trees to groundwater occurs on steep slopes, and steep slopes were given a lower likelihood to host pGDV by Marques et al. (2019) [
29], since steep slopes promote higher runoff levels and therefore lower groundwater recharge. This is the case in area A4 of the present study (
Figure 6), explaining the localization of some pixels classified here as pGDV by SRS-pGDV in areas identified as not suitable in the study of Gomes Marques et al. (2019) [
29]. On the other hand, some areas identified as more suitable in the Marques et al. (2019) [
29] study were eliminated from the present analysis, using the criterion of low median NDVI on August, since the main land cover was likely annual crops, which are harvested before the summer. In such areas, some tree species with access to groundwater may exist, but with a density likely too low to be captured by the NDVI spatial resolution obtained from the MODIS sensor, or they are mixed with other types of vegetation, such as shrubland, grassland, and complex cultivation patterns. This might explain the patterns obtained when analyzing the areas B1, B2, and B3.
Besides its sensitivity to drought impacts on vegetation photosynthetic activity, NDVI time series may present structural breaks due to land cover changes and, in particular, the occurrence of wildfires [
66]. Actually, low NDVI anomalies have been used to identify burned areas in the IP, and consequently our results also show some areas that were burned during the fire seasons of 2003 to 2005 [
57]. Therefore, the NDVI breaks observed may artificially increase the NDVI and NDVI
std values, leading to an erroneous classification as pGDV, and vice versa.
5. Conclusions
A simple method to identify potential GDV by using standardized NDVI obtained from remote sensing data was proposed in this paper and applied to the IP. The standardization of NDVI values allowed us to minimize the effect of the large variety of land cover types occurring in the study area. NDVI anomalies have been previously used to identify the impacts of drought on vegetation, based on the fact that water scarcity can negatively affect vegetation photosynthetic activity and thus the corresponding NDVI value. In this work, the same principle was used to identify vegetation that potentially had access to a water source other than precipitation, such as groundwater (pGDV). This vegetation pattern is better observed during a severe drought episode.
Our results showed a clear affinity of pixels to be identified as pGDV in areas where the WTD was predominantly shallow enough to be accessible by vegetation, which is a necessary condition for the existence of pGDV. A more detailed analysis of locations where GDV have been previously identified showed that the SRS-pGDV systematically excluded pixels with a deeper WTD. Although the use of land cover types did not allow us to sharply identify pGDV, the presence of pixels corresponding to irrigated cultures was obvious and consequently did not show a reduction of photosynthetical activity. On the other hand, in areas of the IP with very low tree density, pGDV may not have been captured by the SRS-pGDV, due to the spatial resolution of the dataset used in this work.
SRS-pGDV was able to identify pGDV in an extensive area, with varied climate conditions and different vegetation types, even with a moderate spatial resolution. This method could also be applied by using remote-sensing datasets with higher a resolution, allowing us to obtain a more detailed mapping of pGDV, on regions of interest. The use of additional information from inventories about irrigated species and/or discrimination between forest species, together with soil moisture data, may increase the accuracy of SRS-pGDV. Nonetheless, the effect of structural brakes on NDVI time series should be assessed in future work.