Model Predictive Evolutionary Temperature Control via Neural-Network-Based Digital Twins
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Setup
- A copper plate—selected due to its high thermal conductivity in order to reduce the duration of the experiments;
- The copper plate is coated with a high-emissivity black paint (Nextel Velvet Coating 811-21) for improved signal-to-noise ratio;
- Three heating strips on the backside of the plate arranged in a “Z”-like pattern—310 mm × 17 mm, 24 , 36 ;
- Three fans located on the perimeter of the plate—SUNON, 12 , ;
- A data acquisition module (myDAQ, NI) with an in-house built control unit;
- A mid-wave infrared camera—FLIR SC5000, (512 × 640) pixels;
- A LabVIEW interface for the real-time control of the system.
- The per pixel percentage difference of consecutive frames after 16 × 16 max filter is less than 1.5%. The application of this max filter is required for two reasons. First, due to thermal inertia, the difference between consecutive frames can be small, and thus we increase the rigidity of the steady-state condition. Second, we reduce the impact of objects that have the same temperature in all frames (e.g., the frame around the plate).
- The pixels with a 3% deviation in consecutive frames are less than 1% of the total pixels in a frame after a max filter.
2.2. Dataset
2.3. Digital Twin
2.3.1. Model Architecture
2.3.2. Training Protocol
- The batch size was set to 16.
- The optimizer employed was Adam, utilizing a default initial learning rate of 0.001.
- A learning rate decay scheme was employed, wherein was initiated after the tenth epoch, with decay continuing until a minimum value of 0.000001 was reached.
- Training was conducted for 800 epochs on an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 GPU. Early stopping was implemented with a patience of 100 epochs.
- One hundred copies of the fan settings vector were utilized.
2.4. Control Policy Generation Using Genetic Programming
Control Model Architecture
3. Results
3.1. Testing Digital Twin as a Predictive Model
3.2. Model Predictive Controller Performance
4. Discussions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ARIMA | Autoregressive moving average model |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
ConvLSTM | Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory |
DT | Digital twin |
FSP | Fixed set-point |
GA | Genetic algorithm |
GP | Genetic programming |
HDF | Hierarchical data format |
HVAC | Heating, ventilation and air conditioning |
LIDAR | Light detection and ranging |
MAE | Mean absolute error |
MAPE | Mean absolute percentage error |
MSE | Mean squared error |
MPC | Model predictive control |
NARIMAX | Nonlinear Autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs |
NN | Neural networks |
PID | Proportional–integral–derivative controller |
PSO | Particle swarm optimization |
RNN | Recurrent neural network |
ReLU | Rectified linear unit |
STD | Standard deviation |
Appendix A. Background of the Deployed Digital Twin Model
Appendix B. GP Controller Hyperparameters and Operators
Parameter/Operator | Value/Policy | Argument |
Mutation Probability | 0.05 | To prevent the loss of good solutions while maintaining diversity in the gene pool. |
Crossover Probability | 0.85 | To avoid unnecessary population shrinkage and prevent excessively fast convergence. |
Tree Depth | 15–25 | Shallow trees would only utilize a small portion of the inputs and would be insufficient for generating sophisticated control laws. Deeper trees, however, require longer computational times for evaluation. |
Selection Strategy | Tournament selection | This strategy is widely used and has shown acceptable results. According to [41], all selection strategies can generate satisfactory outcomes, except for roulette, which is not suitable for minimization tasks. |
Tournament Size | 2 | A smaller tournament size preserves greater variety in the gene pool. |
Population Size | 300 | A larger initial population ensures a more diverse gene pool. However, it also leads to longer training times. To capitalize on the processing power of our GPU unit, we explore a broader set of initial candidates. |
Output Filter | Sigmoid | The outputs of the trees are scaled to values between 0 and 1 using the sigmoid function. |
- Linear operations—summation, addition, subtraction, multiplication and negation;
- Trigonometric operations—sine and cosine—these operators are used to scale the floating point numbers in the tree. This prevents an “explosion” of the values in either direction (positive or negative), resulting in only two possible modes of operation for the fans—either 0% or 100% load;
- Regrouping operations—create a 3D vector from three values—this is a hard-coded function for the output of the tree, which should result in a 3D vector with one value for the duty cycle of each fan.
Appendix C. MPC Experiment Design
- 1.
- Cooling to the initial state: All experiments begin from the same starting point by cooling the system to the initial state. This step ensures consistency across experiments.
- 2.
- Recreating a predetermined steady state: To simulate the control of a dynamic system and replicate a realistic scenario, the system is preheated to a predetermined secondary steady state. This step further enhances the reliability of the evaluation.
- 3.
- Fixed experiment duration: Each experiment is conducted for a fixed duration of 5 min, with a frame captured every 30 s. This extended monitoring period allows for a comprehensive observation of the evolution of the temperature field.
- High heat loading: the load on the heating strips was suddenly increased from [50%, 25% and 0%] to [75%, 100% and 75%], while the fans were open at [20%, 40% and 20%]. The benchmark control law resulted in a fan setting for the cooling experiment of [70%, 0% and 20%] after the set point change.
- Medium heat loading: the heating strip loads were suddenly raised from [25%, 0% and 50%] to [25%, 50% and 70%], while the fans were open at [30%, 20% and 30%] during the second steady state. In this situation, the benchmark control law adjusted the fan settings to [30%, 80% and 100%].
- Low heat loading: the thermal load was abruptly reduced from [75%, 75% and 50%] to [0%, 25% and 25%], while the fans were open at [50%, 80% and 0%]. In this case, the benchmark controller set the fan settings to [80%, 50% and 40%].
Appendix D. Single Individual Tests
Appendix D.1. High Load Test Case
Appendix D.2. Medium Load Test Case
Appendix D.3. Low Load Test Case
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Duration in Frames | Number of Experiments |
8 | 32 |
9 | 103 |
10 | 85 |
11 | 48 |
12 | 35 |
13 | 16 |
14 | 4 |
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Ates, C.; Bicat, D.; Yankov, R.; Arweiler, J.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J. Model Predictive Evolutionary Temperature Control via Neural-Network-Based Digital Twins. Algorithms 2023, 16, 387.
Ates C, Bicat D, Yankov R, Arweiler J, Koch R, Bauer H-J. Model Predictive Evolutionary Temperature Control via Neural-Network-Based Digital Twins. Algorithms. 2023; 16(8):387.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAtes, Cihan, Dogan Bicat, Radoslav Yankov, Joel Arweiler, Rainer Koch, and Hans-Jörg Bauer. 2023. "Model Predictive Evolutionary Temperature Control via Neural-Network-Based Digital Twins" Algorithms 16, no. 8: 387.
APA StyleAtes, C., Bicat, D., Yankov, R., Arweiler, J., Koch, R., & Bauer, H.-J. (2023). Model Predictive Evolutionary Temperature Control via Neural-Network-Based Digital Twins. Algorithms, 16(8), 387.