Characterization of In Situ Concrete of Existing RC Constructions
:1. Introduction
2. Methods and Materials
- Subset DB_1: 2010 samples with compression tests () only (this is the main database).
- Subset DB_2: 1039 samples with Specific Weight (SW).
- Subset DB_3: 1175 samples with , rebound hammer test (RN), and ultrasonic velocity test (V).
- Subset DB_4: 202 samples with compression tests and ultrasonic velocity tests, and V.
3. Results
3.1. Subset DB_1: Compression Test Analyses
3.2. Subset DB_2: Compression Test and Specific Weight
3.3. Subset DB_3: Compression Test, Rebound Hammer Test, Ultrasonic Velocity Test
3.4. Subset DB_4: Compression Test and Ultrasonic Velocity Test
3.5. Discussion
4. Conclusions
- The rebound hammer test is not representative of the compressive concrete strength and is also misleading. It must be excluded. The classic SonReb method should not be used;
- Ultrasonic velocity tests can be used only if suitably calibrated with Ultrasonic velocity tests on the extracted concrete before the compression tests;
- Using current methods and procedures, NDTs cannot be used a priori to identify homogeneous areas.
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- An increase in the amount of experimental data available;
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- The improvement of data collection procedures and standardization of analysis procedures;
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- The updated indication in the codes and guidelines.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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fc,core | |||||
Construction Age | n° Samples | Mean Value [MPa] | Deviation Standard [MPa] | Min [MPa] | Max [MPa] |
<1961 | 256 | 28.24 | 14.73 | 6.77 | 64.27 |
1962–1971 | 416 | 19.77 | 9.00 | 2.76 | 52.21 |
1972–1981 | 507 | 21.94 | 11.01 | 2.55 | 67.87 |
1982–1990 | 64 | 25.97 | 9.59 | 6.72 | 47.96 |
>1990 | 767 | 20.27 | 9.12 | 2.48 | 59.90 |
Total | 2010 |
Construction Age | n° Samples | Percentage of Samples | Specific Weight Mean Value [kg/m3] | Deviation Standard [kg/m3] | Min [kg/m3] | Max [kg/m3] |
<1962 | 35 | 3.37% | 2277 | 34 | 2197 | 2345 |
1962–1971 | 248 | 23.87% | 2260 | 79 | 2056 | 2444 |
1972–1981 | 265 | 25.51% | 2194 | 110 | 1854 | 2455 |
>1981 | 491 | 47.26% | 2257 | 112 | 1860 | 2619 |
1039 |
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Vona, M. Characterization of In Situ Concrete of Existing RC Constructions. Materials 2022, 15, 5549.
Vona M. Characterization of In Situ Concrete of Existing RC Constructions. Materials. 2022; 15(16):5549.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVona, Marco. 2022. "Characterization of In Situ Concrete of Existing RC Constructions" Materials 15, no. 16: 5549.
APA StyleVona, M. (2022). Characterization of In Situ Concrete of Existing RC Constructions. Materials, 15(16), 5549.