3.2. Thermal Behavior
Since the presence of a PCM is expected to positively influence the internal temperature of a room where it is applied [
34], thermal tests were conducted with the aim of evaluating the thermal behavior of mortars with incorporation of PCM. During the tests, all seasons of the year were evaluated, taking as reference the climate recorded in Salento region (South Italy). Poly-ethylene glycol 1000 was, in fact, selected as PCM since its range of melting/crystallization temperatures is suitable for the intended purpose. The summer conditions were simulated employing a temperature range from 22 °C to 32 °C. For the spring climate, the analyzed temperature ranged between 12 °C and 24 °C. In the autumn, the temperatures ranged between 16 °C and 24 °C. To simulate the winter, a temperature interval between 8 °C and 15 °C was selected.
Figure 4 shows the characteristic temperatures used to simulate a typical summer, spring, autumn and winter season in Salento region. Each season was simulated with three cycles, each one with a duration of 24 h.
During these tests, the PEG-based PCM reached the phase transition (between 27 and 30 °C during the heating process and between 10 and 13 °C during the cooling process) storing and releasing energy from the environment, respectively, regardless of the kind of binder. These temperatures are reported to be, in theory, favorable to obtain a PCM-based mortar to be employed as thermal energy storage system included in the exterior and/or in indoor walls of buildings located in warm regions [
31]. In the case of winter season, it was not possible to evaluate the PCM effect since its melting point was hardly achieved [
31], therefore, these data were not reported.
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 report the behavior of the developed mortars, i.e., lime-based and cement-based mortars, with and without the novel PCM, in spring, summer and autumn climatic conditions. In each graph, the fluctuations of the typical temperatures for each season, set in the climate chamber where the test cells were located, are also reported.
Figure 5 shows the thermal behavior of the developed mortars during summer. It can be observed that temperatures above 25 °C are registered but not below 20 °C. Thus, it was concluded that during the summer there are cooling needs.
Figure 6 shows the thermal behavior of the mortars during the spring. Cooling is not necessary since, for the mortars containing the PCM, the maximum temperature is lower than 25 °C. Finally,
Figure 7 shows the thermal behavior during the autumn: even in the presence of the PCM-based mortar, slight heating is needed, since the minimum temperatures were lower than 20 °C. In all the performed tests it was observed that when the temperature inside the test scale-cell achieves the range between 20 °C and 25 °C, a slight PCM phase change occurs: the thermal behavior of the PCM-based mortars evolves in a different way compared to the temperature program used for the simulation of the season. It was verified that the temperatures inside the test cells did not reach such extreme temperatures if compared to the temperature program. Furthermore, the temperature fluctuations of the mortar compositions containing the PCM are always narrow if compared to those measured on the mortar compositions without PCM, conforming the efficient behavior of the LS/PEG composite as phase change material for different mortars.
As for the summer climatic condition (
Figure 5), it was observed that in the heating step, i.e., when the temperature exceeds 25 °C, the PCM-based mortars showed a slower heating and a lower maximum temperature, this behavior being more marked in the case of the cement-based mortar. When the temperature lies near the indoor thermal comfort zone (20–25 °C), the cells exhibit similar temperature values. The effect of heat storage/release is only detected when the temperature diverges from the thermal comfort zone. As for the cement-based mortar, it was observed that the higher temperature of C
800_LS/PEG is lower than 2 °C compared to the temperature program, while the temperature of C
800_LS is lower than 1 °C if compared to the temperature program. Thus, starting from a decrease of the maximum temperature greater than 3% in the cooling stage achieved for the cement mortar, a decrease of the maximum temperature greater than 6% is achieved when the PCM is added to the same mortar formulation. Passing to analyzing the hydraulic lime-based mortar, on the other hand, the differences between the mortar formulation with and without PCM were negligible. During the same tests, it was also observed a lag time of the minimum temperatures of 60 min during the heating stage, while no lag time was recorded during cooling stage (
Table 3). During the summer the greater part of residential buildings electricity consumption is used for cooling needs, thus a certain shift to off-peak periods of this consumption can represents an economical advantage.
According to
Figure 6, in the spring climate, the maximum temperature did not exceed 25 °C, meaning that the indoor environment does not require any cooling. On the other hand, the minimum temperatures are lower than 20 °C and, consequently, there are heating necessities. As can be seen in the graphs shown in
Figure 6, the lowest temperature, recorded inside the climatic chamber and representative of the spring cycle, diverges from the temperature recorded inside the test cells. In general, there are not significant differences between the different binders (i.e., hydraulic lime and cement), since for both of them the incorporation of PCM leads to an increase in the minimum temperature of 11%. In particular, it was observed that the lower temperature of C
800_LS/PEG is greater than 2 °C when compared to the temperature program, while the temperature of C
800_LS is greater than 1 °C with respect to the temperature program. The same can be said for the hydraulic lime-based mortar. However, in this tested season, the effect of the energy storage/release of the PCM is found also in the thermal comfort zone (20–25 °C). The incorporation of PCM into mortars leads to a decrease of 12% in the maximum temperature. For the cement-based mortar as well as for the hydraulic lime-based one containing the PCM, the higher temperature was found to be lower than 3 °C compared to the temperature program, while the temperatures of the same mortar formulations without the PCM are lower than 2 °C if compared to the temperature program.
These results demonstrated that the PCM produced positively influences to a similar extent both high- and low-temperature external conditions. For the spring season, since there are not substantial differences between the different mortar compositions in terms of thermal regulation, the only difference can be highlighted by the thermal gradient, as can be seen in
Figure 8, where the better thermal behavior of the cement-based mortar appears remarkable.
Table 4 shows the lag time of the maximum and minimum temperatures verified in the different mortars with and without PCM incorporation. It was observed that there is a lag time of the maximum temperature of 60 min in the cooling stage, no lag time of the minimum temperature is observed in the heating stage.
Figure 7 shows the thermal performance of the different mortars in an autumn climate. It can be observed that the lowest temperatures are outside the comfort temperature zone since they are lower than 20 °C. This observation suggests that it could be necessary to use heating equipment, leading to higher energetic consumption in buildings. Starting from the mortar compositions containing the PCM (i.e., C
800_LS/PEG and HL
800_LS/PEG), it was possible to obtain an increase in the lowest temperature of 4%. This means that the difference between the temperature program, representative of the autumn season, and the test cells containing the mortars with the PCM is about 1 °C. On the other hand, the increase in temperature for the mortar compositions without the PCM is irrelevant if compared to the temperature program. However, a decrease in the maximum temperature of 12% was also measured for both mortar formulations containing the PCM. For the cement-based mortar as well as for the hydraulic lime-based one containing the PCM, the higher temperature was found to be lower than 3 °C when compared to the temperature program, while the temperature of the same formulations without the PCM is lower than 2 °C with respect to the temperature program. Thus, it was concluded that the PCM is able to more greatly influence a cooling stage if compared to a heating one.
According to the results reported in
Table 5, the lag time of the maximum temperature in the cooling stage is 60 min; no lag time of the minimum temperature was recorded in the heating stage.
The analysis of the experimental temperature curves described does not provide enough information about the energy performance of the different mortars subjected to heating and cooling cycles. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the temperature differences within each cell relative to the PCM-based mortars with respect to the reference ones (0% PCM). The thermal gradient was determined for each hour of the thermal tests and calculated by Equation (2).
where T
ref is the temperature of reference mortars (0% PCM) (°C); T
PCM is the temperature inside the cell with PCM-based mortars (°C).
Figure 8 shows the variation of the thermal gradient for each mortar composition in each season. As the temperature cycle runs, the thermal gradient increases as a result of the cyclic heat storage process. Hence, the gradient decreases until it reaches the point where the cells have the same temperature (ΔT = 0). The cement-based mortars exhibit better thermal regulation with the greater difference in the temperatures observed in all the season tested. On the other hand, hydraulic lime-based mortar exhibit a smaller thermal gradient and, as a consequence, lower thermal performance.
Based on the temperature curves (
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7), the reduction of energy consumption during the cooling and heating cycles was also quantified, with the aim of evaluating the energy saving actually achieved with the use of the novel PCM. The amount of energy required to maintain the temperature of the cell inside the temperature comfort range during one day was then calculated for each season. In this way, it was possible to have an estimation of the cooling and heating needs to maintain the interior temperature of a building within the comfort temperature range, i.e., between 20 °C and 25 °C.
Table 6 presents the cooling and heating needs for the different mortars in the different seasons.
It was observed that the incorporation of the novel PCM, through the aggregates LS/PEG, into mortars caused a slight decrease for the cooling needs in summer season. In this season, cement-based mortar shows a better thermal behavior, since lower cooling needs are required using this mortar composition.
As for the spring climate, a decrease was calculated in the heating needs for both the formulations, hydraulic lime, and cement-based mortar, containing the PCM. The differences between the two different binders appear to be insignificant. In the autumn conditions, a very small decrease was calculated in the heating needs due to the incorporation in the mortars of the LS/PEG composite. Once again, the differences between HL800_LS/PEG and C800_LS/PEG are not significant. From the performed thermal tests was, then, possible to confirm that the PCM incorporation in both mortars formulations reduces, even if to a low extent, the cooling and heating needs of a building located in Salento region depending on the simulated season.
Table 7 the values of energy saving that could be achieved using both mortar formulations containing the PCM composite are reported. This latter was determined according to the difference of the energy required for cooling and heating needs, starting from the results reported in
Table 6 and calculated by Equation (3):
where NE is the reduction of energy needs (J/m
3); NE
0PCM is the energy required for mortar without PCM (J/m
3); NE
PCM is the energy required for mortar with PCM (J/m
In summer, when only refreshment is required, the cement-based mortar displays a better thermal behavior, confirmed by the much greater amount of the energy saving. In spring, on the other hand, the energy saving for the hydraulic lime-based mortar is almost 20% greater than that calculated for the cement-based mortar. The advantage of hydraulic lime-based mortar is even more appreciable during the autumn season, with a difference of 40% in energy saving compared to cement-based mortar. This behavior could be ascribed to the greater PEG content and porosity of the hydraulic lime mortar formulation (
Figure 1 and
Figure 2). Thus, it can be concluded that the presence of a greater amount of macro pores improves the temperature regulation effect.