1. Introduction
Low temperature hot corrosion (LTHC) is a recurring concern for Ni-base superalloy components, especially now for advanced disk applications envisioned up to 815 °C (1500 °F). Here it can be expected that Ni(Co)SO
4 eutectic salts may be formed as low as 660 °C (585 °C) with the potential for aggressive corrosion as well as strength-limiting corrosion pits, where low cycle fatigue debits up to 92% have been reported due to 760 °C LTHC [
1]. Accordingly, serious effort has been put forth to investigate corrosion resistant Ni-Cr-Y sputter coatings and their ability to diminish the corrosion pitting deficit [
1]. The use of a corrosion resistant Cr
2AlC MAX phase compound has also been explored for this application [
4]. Damage tolerance and thermal expansion matching with superalloys were viewed as other positive attributes of this MAX phase.
In a recent LTHC screening test, Cr
2AlC MAX phase samples and the NASA LSHR (low solvus high refractory) disk alloy were exposed to repeated salt coatings and exposed to 700 °C air with 300 ppm SO
2, using 25 h cycles [
4]. Weight change and appearance were followed with time up to 500 h. Elemental rasters were obtained for polished cross sections of samples exposed for 300 h. In general, the Cr
2AlC samples produced moderate weight gains with some evidence of accelerated oxidation. The LSHR superalloy exhibited larger gains, then losses as thick corrosion layers repeatedly spalled and regrew. The elemental rasters also revealed distinct sulfur concentrations mixed within the scales, indicating some accelerating role of the salt for both systems. Furthermore, the LSHR samples revealed a banded outer Ni(Co) oxide and inner Cr(S) scale morphology, more typical of oxide fluxing–re-precipitation LTHC mechanisms.
LTHC can also be a problem for lower temperature portions of turbine blades, typically Ni-base single crystal superalloys (SXSA). These regions consist of the blade root structures, such as the fir tree attachments to the disks and blade platforms. Another design aspect of the advanced turbine disk program entails a hybrid structure, where the outer rim of the disk is constructed of welded segments of single crystal alloys. This is to take advantage of the higher temperature creep strength of cast single crystals as compared to the intermediate temperature fatigue strength of the forged PM disk polycrystalline material. One initial program effort proposed using NASA LDS (Low Density Superalloy) alloys. These are optimized high-Mo (no W) alloys developed by MacKay et al. [
5]. More recently, emphasis has been placed on the SC 180 alloy for partnership with Honeywell turbine engines. The main purpose of the present study was to perform the same LTHC screening tests on single crystals as were done for the Cr
2AlC and LSHR materials and examine the severity of corrosion attack compared to that of the disk alloy. Another purpose was to highlight any differences observed for the high (7–12 wt. %) Mo LDS alloys, since Mo is a known player in alloy-induced acidic hot corrosion mechanisms. Commercial Rene′N5, CMSX-4
®, and SC 180 single crystal superalloys were also tested, but these have only 0.6–2.0% Mo.
In general, the commercial Gen II single crystals possess among the best cyclic oxidation resistance of all superalloys because of their ability to form an adherent slow growing inner layer of α-Al
3. The best LDS alloys were somewhat comparable in 1100 °C, 200 h cyclic oxidation tests, but slightly less protective [
6]. Here, the final weight changes for 5% Cr LDS alloys were −1 to +1 mg/cm
2 compared to −1 and +0.5 mg/cm
2 for Rene′N4 and Rene′N5, respectively. Scale phases commonly identified were Al
3, NiAl
4, NiTa
6 and NiO, with (Ni,Co)MoO
4 found only on the least resistant alloys having 0% Cr and 12% Mo. The 5Cr-10Co-7Mo-3Re 1101 LDS alloy, based on a high Mo, low W variation of Rene′N5, possessed the best balance of creep, density, phase stability, and oxidation resistance [
7]. Furthermore, Mach 0.3 burner rig hot corrosion also identified nearly equivalent Type I 900 °C hot corrosion resistance for the 1101 LDS alloy compared to Rene′N5, CMSX-4, and CMSX-10 over the 200 h test [
7]. Detailed descriptions of various recent LTHC studies will be covered in the Discussion, but are not intended as reviews of the classic literature on the subject (e.g., Luthra, Rapp, Pettit, Meier, Misra, etc.).
4. Discussion
An overall comparison of the materials can be seen in the bar chart,
Figure 1. Here the final weight of the 300 h test series is compared for all 10 materials and is typical of the duplicate sample behavior in the individual plots. It is demonstrated that the Cr
2AlC MAX phase materials as a class represent a low weight change category compared to all the Ni(Co) base superalloys. Most of the superalloys showed excessive weight loss. Only the (G) LDS 0010 highest Mo, no Cr, superalloy maintained excessive weight gain. The individual plots also showed a tight distribution of curves for the Cr
2AlC samples, very close to that expected from the cumulative salt coatings every 50 h cycle (3 mg/cm
2). The superalloys, however, as a group show many bifurcated trends of gains and losses, consistent with irregular scale spallation events. The cracked blue surface scales agree with the large gains/losses exhibited by most of the Ni-base superalloys. All the superalloy materials showed some salt flow, wetting, and reaction on the underside of the 300 h samples. Material loss after 500 h at 700 °C by the Cranfield metrology approach [
8], showed ~225 μm for the LSHR superalloy, but indicated as low as ~25 μm for the best (purest) Cr
2AlC material [
The elemental rasters further elucidated the LTHC behavior. The corrosion layers on the (D) LSHR disk superalloy, the commercial single crystal superalloys (H,I,J), and the high-Mo (LDS) superalloys (E,F,G) all exhibited a banded or two-layer structure. The upper layers were rich in Ni-O, with Co-O in the outermost regions. The inner layers contained Al-Cr-S-O. In some instances, S was further concentrated between the two layers or at the alloy interface. The exception was the highest 12% Mo, 0% Cr LDS 0010 alloy (G) that showed uniform Ni-Al-Mo concentrations throughout a massively thick Ni-O scale. The other two LDS alloys showed Al, Cr, S concentrated in the inner layer or at the alloy interface.
(Other elements Ti, Re, Ta, W, were generally at low levels in the scales indistinguishable from the bulk of all the superalloys. Occasionally, high Ta intensity was observed and associated with particulate carbides in the alloy).
It is likely that all the Ni(Co) superalloys followed typical low temperature hot corrosion mechanisms by forming K, Na, Ni, Co eutectic sulfates with melting points under 700 °C. This allowed for rapid dissolution of Ni, Co-oxides and re-precipitation at the outer surface. It is presumed that the inner Al, Cr-rich inner scale layers were discontinuous and relatively non-protective, since no major curtailment of the reaction kinetics was observed. The role of Mo in forming dissolved Na2MoO4 and accelerated Type I hot corrosion is well known.
While the present study was limited in scope to primarily screening, is it useful to compare to previous results for mechanistic insights. In the present study, the level of 300 ppm SO
2 in the gas was aggressive enough to produce overall (uniform) surface attack. That is, pitting corrosion was not a distinctive feature here, as is often called out in Type II LTHC mechanisms. This is consistent with other studies, where high SO
2 pressures result in aggressive uniform corrosion rather than just at the limited regions of pitting [
12]. However, pitting might be possible at lower rates of corrosion by using less salt or lower SO
2 content. Pits were more typical for the LSHR Ni-base alloy in simple 760 °C 40Mg
4 salt corrosion initially exposed to 1 atm air [
1]. A detailed survey on LSHR pitting [
12] found that 100 and 1000 ppm SO
2 in O
2 produced aggressive uniform attack with similar binary salts. However, 10–100 ppm SO
2 levels in diluted 10% O
2-90% Ar resulted in numerous fine touching pits. Even pure air or 20% O
2-Ar produced pitting without SO
2. Pure Ar gas environment did not produce LTHC of any form, presumably because NiO was not formed. Finally, pits were produced for LSHR by 650–700 °C exposure to a very low 2.5 ppm SO
2 cover gas in a Na
4 Bornstein salt [unpublished research by B. Gleeson].
The present study used the same 300 ppm SO
2 pressure and apparatus as previous works [
13]. That study examined a disk alloy, RR1000, similar to LSHR, at 700 °C, with 2 μg/h Na
4-2%NaCl deposits, for up to 500 h. These exposures produced retained scales nearly 50 μm thick and metal loss reaching ~90 μm. Distinct Ni(Co) rich outer and Cr-S-rich inner layers formed, as produced for LSHR and similar to those found in the present study for Rene′N5, CMSX-4, and SC180 commercial SXSA. However, the single crystal alloys, with nearly twice the Al content as disk alloys, generally exhibited more Al in the inner corrosion layers than the disk alloys. The LDS alloys presented additional features, with Mo associated with Cr-Al-S inner layers.
A mechanistic study of CMSX-4 used a similar Type II LTHC exposure [
14]. Here 0.3 mg/cm
2 Na
4 was sprayed on the samples and exposed to O
2-1000 ppm SO
2 at 700 °C for successive times up to 50 h. Two distinct Ni(Co) outer and Cr-Al-S-O inner layers formed within 15 min., totaling ~50 μm after 50 h, similar to the layered structures found in the present study. The sulfur was again concentrated at the interface between these layers and at the interface with the substrate. NiSO
4 was identified after 30 min., but was consumed before 5 h.
In a related burner rig study up to 700 h, three superalloys were exposed to alkali-ingested natural gas fuel, producing deposits under 300 ppm SO
x and 8.7% H
2O combustion products at 715–955 °C, flowing at 50 m/s [
11]. At lower temperatures, Haynes 230 (Ni-Cr-W) showed less metal consumption (~18 μm mean loss) than IN939 (Ni-Co-Cr-Ti-Al, 23 μm) or IN738LC (Ni-Co-Cr-Ti-Al, 36 μm). Various complex chemical features were observed in the scales, but were difficult to generalize. Cr, Ni outermost oxide and sulfur enrichment in the central scale was reported for IN738 C, slightly different than the morphologies produced in the present study.
It is also pertinent that high-Mo alloys have recently been studied under low temperature corrosion conditions [
15]. (700 °C, 100 h, 2.75 mg/cm
2 Na
4, air or O
2—1000 ppm SO
2 to give 4.5 × 10
−3 pSO
3). The fundamental observation was that Mo could trigger alloy-based acidic corrosion from the formation of liquid Na
4 that allows dissolution of the scale at the metal interface and re-precipitation of non-protective islands of the oxide at the gas surface. This resulted in Type II LTHC attack similar to Type I caused by the same Na-Mo-O species.
Furthermore, it was stated that liquid MoO
3 (T
MP = 795 °C) could dissolve protective Al
3 scales (Lutz et al., 2017) [
15]. Some model Ni8Cr6Al6Mo alloys exhibited inner Ni, Cr, Al—oxide layers with outer NiO scales in air at 800 and 900 °C. High-Mo alloys IN 617, RR1000, and Ni8Cr6Al6Mo exhibited thick, 50–100 µm layers at 700 °C in 1000 ppm pSO
2. Al, Cr, S-rich pits formed at the alloy interface, with NiO surface scales and inner layers of Na
4 sandwiched in between. Severe spallation occurred for IN-738. An inner concentration of Mo oxide and S layers occurred.
Attack was seen to increase between 2–8 wt. % Mo [
15]. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that similar Mo effects on acidic fluxing occurred in the present study. This would apply to the high-Mo LDS alloys having 7–12% Mo that exhibited significant attack. Consider also that LSHR contains 2.7 Mo, while N5 and SC180 contain ~2% Mo and CMSX-4 has just 0.6% Mo. Therefore, next to the LDS SXSA, LSHR would be expected to show the most adverse effect of Mo.
The studies above indicate many similar structures and relevant comparisons to the present results. Further insights are provided by the more in-depth mechanistic studies. The Type II hot corrosion mechanism of pure Ni has been recently investigated in an unambiguous, definitive, and scholarly manner [
16]. Various stages have been identified and various roles have been assigned to the Na
4 salt coating and the SO
3 cover gas. Ni-S liquid first formed (635 °C) at the oxide-metal interface and transformed to solid Ni
2. NiO formed above this layer, dissolved in a Na
4, melt (660 °C), then later precipitated as a very porous, steady-state NiO scale. Gas transport through micro-channels was concluded to be rate controlling, since the estimated parabolic oxidation rate was 10
4 that reported for a dense scale and yielded a 60 μm scale in just 20 h at 700 °C, compared to 5 μm formed in air. The micro-porosity was associated with gas evolution resulting from oxidation of the inner sulfide layer, similar to that proposed by Smialek for S-doped NiAl(Zr) [
17]. It is therefore expected that aspects of all these features may apply to Type II LTHC of superalloys and indicate a possible origin of rapid non-protective scale growth.
Similarly, the 700 °C Type II LTHC of a CoCrAlY coating composition has been critically re-evaluated and explained by a new mechanism [
18]. Here, at high (1000 ppm) SO
2 levels, a duplex corrosion product with Co-O outer layer and inner layers of Al(Cr) oxides with sulfur have formed. Stability diagrams were used to show that liquid CoSO
4 salts are formed as a pre-requisite for hot corrosion. However, the widely accepted negative solubility gradient (Rapp–Goto model) was shown not to apply. Rather,
synergistic fluxing dissolution processes were proposed for the complex system, when oxide solubility minima of various oxides are offset from the locally defined basicity. Here, basic dissolution of Al(Cr) oxides (at high Na
2O activity) and acidic co-dissolution of Co-oxides (at high pSO
3) occur in a cooperative manner. That is, the formation of Na
4 (or Na
4) from Na
4 and Al
3 (or Cr
3) can occur with the production of the acidic SO
3 ion. That species then increases the acidic dissolution of CoO (Co
4) to form CoSO
4 and basic Na
2O ions. The latter species completes the circuit by triggering more basic dissolution of Al(Cr) oxides, and so on.
In the present study, presumably the same synergistic dissolution mechanism can apply to Ni-Co-Cr-Al SXSA, with the caveat that more complex Ni(Co)SO4-Na(K)2SO4 low melting salt layers probably formed. Similar corrosion structures have been produced, but now with top layers of a primary Ni-oxide and secondary outermost Co-oxide. It also helps explain previously unexpected Al, Cr, S-rich inner layers.
Finally, the complex structures and mechanisms of SXSA LTHC are certainly dependent on alloy composition and environmental exposure conditions. The weight change behavior and end-of-test structures shown here are useful to categorize the degree of severity. However, specialized additional experiments would be needed to separate and conclude detailed mechanistic steps.