Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission’s Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
- RQ: What factors may contribute to the risk of Poland’s failure to meet its 2025 targets for preparing for re-use and recycling of municipal waste and packaging waste?
- Identifying, analyzing, and sorting out the risk factors for Poland’s failure to meet the European Commission’s 2025 targets for preparing for re-use and recycling of municipal waste and packaging waste;
- Assessing the possibility of developing the waste-to-energy concept in Poland in connection with meeting the European Commission’s 2035 target for reducing municipal waste landfills.
3. Comparison of Solid Waste Management Data in Poland with EU Averages
- Biodegradable waste—51 kg per capita (49 kg in 2021);
- Glass—21 kg per capita (21 kg in 2021);
- Bulky waste—17 kg per capita (20 kg in 2021);
- Mixed packaging waste—15 kg per capita (16 kg in 2021);
- Paper and cardboard—15 kg per capita (14 kg in 2021);
- Plastics—14 kg per capita (14 kg in 2021).
- Recovery—8,199,100 tons (61.1%), which includes the following:
- Recycling—3,585,400 tons (26.7%);
- Biological treatment (composting or digestion)—1,899,500 tons (14.2%);
- Thermal treatment with energy recovery—2,714,100 tons (20.2%);
- Waste disposal—5,221,200 tons (38.9%), which includes the following:
- Through thermal treatment without energy recovery—113,000 tons (0.8%);
- Through landfill—5,108,200 tons (38.1%).
4. Identification of Risk Factors of Poland’s Failure to Meet Recycling Rates
- Controllable—subject to an economic entity’s control;
- Conditionally controllable (difficult to control)—controllability of these factors depends on the fulfillment of certain conditions (e.g., the passage of time, financial conditions);
- Non-controllable—those over which an economic entity does not have and cannot have control.
5. Introduction to SWOT Analysis
- The appropriate legislative policy of the State in favor of recycling, the development of waste treatment technologies, in particular with a view to maximizing the use of waste;
- Designing goods with the widest possible use of recyclable and material–homogeneous materials, which simplifies their subsequent dismantling and waste segregation;
- Designing goods that are combinations of different materials in such a way as to facilitate their subsequent separation into components made of homogeneous materials as much as possible;
- The design of the goods so that all (or a large part) of the waste deposited is reusable without treatment or with minimal cost of recovery;
- A system for marking both the packaging of products and the components of such products, in order to facilitate the identification and segregation of waste.
6. Waste-to-Energy Potential as an Effect of Reducing MSW Landfill
- Mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) using refuse-derived fuel (RDF) in power generation systems;
- Waste treatment in WTE facilities.
- The share of coal in electricity production in 2021 increased and stood at over 72%.
- The share of renewable energy sources decreased to around 17% despite record high production from these sources, which amounted to 30 TWh.
- In 2021, electricity production and consumption were at a record high, amounting to 179.4 TWh (+14% year-on-year) and 180.3 TWh (+5.4% year-on-year), respectively.
- Net import of electricity was the lowest in 5 years, amounting to 0.89 TWh.
- Generating capacity increased by 3.7 GW (to 53.5 GW).
- The capacity of conventional units remained stable for years, with growth recorded in the capacity of RES (+4.4 GW year-on-year), mainly photovoltaics (+3.7 GW year-on-year).
- Despite high prices of CO2 emission quotas, energy production from coal was cheaper than production from natural gas, leading to an increase in the use of coal power and a decrease in the use of gas power.
- For the first time in years, wholesale prices of electricity in Poland were among the lowest in this part of Europe. This contributed to high exports and production.
- The weighted average price of CO2 was EUR 53.13/t CO2 in 2021. Poland’s income from the sales of CO2 quotas was over PLN 25 billion in 2021.
- The prices of natural gas, and consequently those of electricity, increased throughout the region to record high values.
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Query String | Number of Publications |
1. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ((risk AND factor) AND (recycling) AND (landfill) AND (target) AND (Poland)) | 0 |
2. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ((risk AND factor) AND (recycling) AND (landfill) AND (target) AND (Europe)) | 0 |
3. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ((recycling) AND (landfill) AND (target) AND (Poland)) | 4 |
4. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ((risk AND factor) AND (recycling) AND (landfill) AND (“waste-to-energy”)) | 5 |
IN TOTAL | 9 |
No. | Query String | Number of Publications |
1. | TS = ((risk AND factor) AND recycling AND landfill AND target AND Poland) | 0 |
2. | TS = ((risk AND factor) AND recycling AND landfill AND target AND Europe) | 0 |
3. | TS = (recycling AND landfill AND target AND Poland) | 4 |
4. | TS = ((risk AND factor) AND recycling AND landfill AND (“waste-to-energy”)) | 1 |
IN TOTAL | 5 |
Risks Associated with the Creation of Landfill Sites | Consequences |
Risk Factors for Poland’s Non-Attainment of the Set Recycling Rates | Author/-s |
Insufficient legislative changes in Poland aimed at increasing waste recycling and strengthening the enforcement of waste management legislation | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (2022) [30] |
Insufficient awareness among Poland’s inhabitants concerning a circular economy and the benefits of waste separation and recycling | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (2022) [30], Kotlińska, Żukowska (2023) [31] |
Insufficient environmentally friendly behaviors of the inhabitants of Poland related to waste separation for recycling | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (2022) [30], Kotlińska, Żukowska (2023) [31] |
Insufficient investment expenditure in the realm of innovative technologies in the area of waste management | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32], Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (2022) [30] |
Inadequate waste separation infrastructure | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32], European Environment Agency (2022) [33] |
Insufficient investment expenditure on waste separation infrastructure | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32], European Environment Agency (2022) [33] |
Inadequate waste treatment infrastructure | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32] |
Insufficient investment expenditure on waste treatment infrastructure | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32] |
Insufficient number of recycling experts in Poland | Albin (2021) [29] |
Insufficient number of scientific studies (and their findings) on recycling | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27] |
Insufficiently restrictive system of punishments for inappropriate handling of waste in households (waste separation errors, illegal dumping sites, incineration in house boiler rooms, waste trading) | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29] |
Lack of a reward and punishment system incentivizing waste producers to reduce its quantity | Albin (2021) [29] |
Too little responsibility on the part of producers (financial or financial and organizational) for the separate collection and preparation for recycling of packaging waste under Extended Producer Responsibility | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32], European Environment Agency (2022) [33], Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (2022) [30], Bajdor, Pawełoszek, Fidlerova (2021) [34] |
Insufficient financial aid from the state to local government units for initiatives promoting environmentally friendly behaviors | Albin (2021) [29] |
Insufficient technical assistance from the state to local government units for initiatives promoting environmentally friendly behaviors | Albin (2021) [29], European Environment Agency (2022) [33] |
Insufficient economic mechanisms for waste prevention (e.g., packaging fees and packaging deposit system) | Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32] |
No systemic payment solutions for households (e.g., pay-as-you-throw for households) | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28] |
Excessive quantity of collected/produced waste unsuitable for recycling | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29] |
Too few markets for raw materials recovered through recycling (lack of plants/factories receiving, e.g., recovered glass, waste paper, scrap metal) | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29] |
Incorrect design of the waste management system | Pietrzyk-Sokulska (2016) [27], Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32], Hopewell, Dvorak, Kosior (2009) [35], Bartoszczuk (2017) [36] |
Low economic viability of recycling | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28], Albin (2021) [29] |
Lack of plastic and glass separation by color, issues arising from varying densities of materials | Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32] |
Lack of stimulate competitiveness in the public sector and support municipalities in setting up waste collection companies | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28] |
Too low the value of the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management earmarked for loans and, above all, non-repayable aid for municipalities wishing to remove illegal hazardous waste landfills from their territory | Jarząbek, Juszczak, Szpor (2020) [28] |
Insufficient control of the activities of the municipality and intermunicipal associations responsible for the functioning of the municipal waste management system in terms of legality, reliability and economy | Albin (2021) [29] |
Too low requirements for products and packaging placed on the market to be processed rationally in the future | Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32], European Environment Agency (2022) [33] |
Insufficient restrictions imposed on operators collecting or treating waste in proportion to the target to be met in such a way as to optimize the costs of their operations | Albin (2021) [29], Antonopoulos, Faraca, Tonini (2021) [32] |
Insufficient research on best practices and monitoring (e.g., through a survey) municipalities’ implementation of the sorting obligation, obtaining feedback from them on challenges and barriers and developing tools to support them | European Environment Agency (2022) [33] |
Too little use of modern sorting technologies used in mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) plants in Poland | Den Boer, Jędrczak (2017) [37] |
Too little use of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in the construction industry, which should be increased by amending CDW regulations; improving data quality and harmonization; improving returns logistics and increasing market demand for secondary materials), including increasing the use of gypsum waste in the manufacturing of new plasterboard | Villoria Sáez, Osmani (2019) [38], Rivero, De Guzmán Báez, Navarro (2015) [39] |
Too little share of returns logistics in corporate strategy | Vieira, Guarnieri, Nofal, Nofal (2020) [40], Richnák, Fidlerová (2022) [41] |
Positive Factors | Negative Factors | |
Strengths | Weaknesses | |
Internal factors | Internal capabilities that may help company reach its objectives. | Internal limitations that may interfere with a company’s ability to achieve its objectives. |
Opportunities | Threats | |
External factors | External factors that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. | Current and emerging external factors that may challenge the company’s performance. |
Positive Factors | Negative Factors | |
Internal factors | Strengths
| Weaknesses
External factors | Opportunities
| Threats
Waste-to-Energy Technologies | Energy Recovery Potential per ton of MSW * |
Incineration Pyrolysis and gasification Anaerobic digestion Landfill gas capture and use | 2 MJ (electricity) 2 MJ (electricity) 0.04–0.09 MJ (electricity) 0.003 m3/min |
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Zajemska, M.; Korombel, A.; Ławińska, O. Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission’s Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review. Energies 2024, 17, 1171. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17051171
Zajemska M, Korombel A, Ławińska O. Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission’s Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review. Energies. 2024; 17(5):1171. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17051171
Chicago/Turabian StyleZajemska, Monika, Anna Korombel, and Olga Ławińska. 2024. "Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission’s Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review" Energies 17, no. 5: 1171. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17051171
APA StyleZajemska, M., Korombel, A., & Ławińska, O. (2024). Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission’s Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review. Energies, 17(5), 1171. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17051171