1.1. Classification of the Methods
Many methods have been published in the literature aimed at achieving this objective, i.e., correcting the
I–V curve of a solar device for different conditions of irradiance and temperature than those under which it was measured. Herrmann and Wiesner [
8] proposed a basic classification of these methods into
algebraic methods (based on a shift of each discrete point) and
numerical methods, which requires a curve fitting optimization over all the points of the curve to determine the model parameters: the photo-generated current
, the dark-saturation current
, the diode ideality factor
m, the series resistance
, and parallel resistance
. The latter methods assume an underlying equivalent circuit, which could be the single-diode model (SDM) or the double-diode model (DDM).
In this work, several additional categories of methods are considered: analytical methods are those in which the curve fitting is replaced by a system of equations to be solved using the main electrical parameters as inputs (instead of all the points of the curve); explicit methods, based on the previous approach but with a very low computational burden, because they propose a sequence of simple explicit expressions to obtain the intrinsic parameters; iterative methods, differing from the previous methods in the fact that one or perhaps two parameters cannot be determined explicitly, requiring a simple and fast iterative adjustment; and the interpolation methods, based on the interpolation of the discrete I–V points from several measured curves to obtain the target curve. Finally, we include another category of simple scaling methods, based on the initial calculation of the electrical parameters for the new conditions, followed by the estimation of the I–V curve, by scaling the coordinates of each individual point to those values:
For the last decades, many research papers and photovoltaic handbooks [
13] have proposed sets of equations similar to (Equations (
1) and (2)), which allow the direct correction of short-circuit current
and open-circuit voltage
from the initial conditions to target conditions. The values of
for the new conditions
are calculated directly using a pair of simple equations from their counterparts
measured under the initial conditions
; with it also being common to include a third equation to obtain
(Equation (3)). In general, these formulas require knowing the value of the main temperature coefficients and some other internal parameters in advance, such as the irradiance correction factor
of the open-circuit voltage, the diode ideality factor
m, or the series resistance
, and
are the variation coefficients with respect to the cell temperature of
, and
, respectively, which are usually provided by the manufacturers.
After applying (Equations (
1) and (2)), it is possible to correct each individual
I–V pair of the initial curve to the new conditions using a simple scaling procedure proposed by Anderson [
11] and described in (Equation (
Once the fully corrected
I–V curve is obtained, it is possible to estimate the corrected value
using a fourth-degree polynomial regression [
14] over the scaled curve. In those approaches that provide a direct formula to obtain
, the value of the maximum power may be numerically different from the one obtained from the scaled
I–V curve. In this paper, both alternatives will be taken into account, providing the error of the maximum power from the scaled curve and from the direct formula.
- B.
Algebraic methods
The methods in this group are based on the application of a pair of algebraic equations to every discrete sample of the initial curve, in such a way that the coordinates, current, and voltage are shifted to another point of the
I–V plane. The current coordinate of the
j-th point is modified using either (Equation (
5)) or (Equation (6)), while a second equation like (Equation (7)) or (Equation (8)) is used to change the voltage coordinate.
As stated by Herrmann and Wiesner [
8], a drawback of methods based on (Equation (
5)) or (Equation (7)) is that the translated curve is obtained by shifting the points of the original curve, and if the irradiance or temperature gap is very large, the corrected curve might not have points close to the axes. This means that an extrapolation is required to estimate
, significantly increasing the final error in these electrical parameters.
- C.
SDM-based Numerical Methods
These techniques assume an underlying parametric model that describes the behavior of the device under test. Generally, the previous literature references the SDM and the DDM as equivalent circuits [
15]. Both of them establish a relationship between the output current and voltage, where there are some unknown parameters. These implicit and non-linear models should be satisfied for every
j-th point of the the
I–V curve to be fitted. In the group called type C, we want to summarize the methods based on the SDM, whereas those using the DDM as underlying model are included in type D. Each model has its own parameters, in such a way that it is necessary to find the set of values which minimizes the error between the measured and the simulated
I–V curves. For the SDM, these parameters are the photo-generated current
, the dark-saturation current
, the diode ideality/quality factor
m, the series resistance
, and shunt/parallel resistance
. The SDM equivalent circuit can be seen in
Figure 1, whereas (Equation (
9)) describes its electrical behavior:
is the number of cells in series, and
is the thermal voltage, being
J/K (the Boltzmann constant) and
C (the elementary charge). Herein,
T is assumed to be expressed in kelvin.
The expression in (Equation (
9)) must be satisfied for every point
of the initial curve, and the obtained parameters
are assumed to refer to the set of conditions
. Some of these parameters can be assumed as internal constants of the device, but others can be dependent on the irradiance
and/or the cell temperature
. For example, it is possible to find in the literature [
18] expressions matching (Equations (
10)–(13)), to translate the variable parameters from the initial conditions
to the target conditions
. Often these formula require knowing beforehand a few additional intrinsic coefficients, such as
(the temperature coefficient of
) or
(the energy band-gap of the semi-conductor material), which could be provided by the manufacturer or generic values for each PV technology can be taken from the literature.
Therefore, the model represented by (Equation (
9)) can be adjusted for the
I–V pairs using a curve-fitting routine included in any mathematical suite such as Matlab [
19], which takes as input a matrix with all the points
and returns as output the required parameters,
referring to the initial conditions
. The next step is to translate the parameters from those conditions into the target conditions
by means of equations from (Equations (
10) to (13)). Finally, it is possible to generate an
I–V curve at the irradiance
and temperature
, defining a mesh of voltage points and substituting each coordinate value in (Equation (
9)) to obtain its current image, eventually having the full simulated
I–V curve.
- D.
DDM-based Numerical Methods
A similar approach to the previous one can be followed if the DDM equivalent circuit is taken as the underlying model. In that case, an expression like (Equation (
14)) is assumed by many authors [
23], using two exponential elements (see
Figure 2), in such a way that the first diode (with
) takes into account the phenomena in the quasi-neutral region, whereas the second diode (with
) is related to the carrier recombination in the space-charge region [
where there are two dark saturation current values
to determine, in such a way that there are two different expressions used to translate the values from the initial conditions
to the target conditions
(in addition to the other translation equations). In its initial formulation, this model has five parameters to be estimated, but some authors have proposed alternative approaches, where
are also free parameters to be adjusted.
- E.
Analytical Methods
The methods in this group are also based on physical models of the solar cell, and again the goal is the determination of the parameters referring to the initial conditions and their subsequent correction to associated with the target conditions , and finally the simulation of the I–V curve for these latter conditions (assuming m as a constant intrinsic parameter). However, instead of using as input all the discrete points of the I–V curve, the optimization routine uses as input the values of the main electrical parameters and the slopes of the curve at certain specific points.
The underlying model (valid for all the points of the I–V curve) is instantiating for some special conditions. In this way, it is possible to obtain a particular expression (that depends on the required parameters) valid only at the “short-circuit” point, and another one only for the “open-circuit” condition, and so on. Eventually, it is necessary to obtain a number of equations equal to the number of free parameters, in order to obtain a system of equations with a unique solution. As those equations will be non-linear, it is necessary to use complex system solver routines, which require significant hardware resources.
Once the system of equations has been solved, the parameters for the initial conditions are corrected to the target conditions , and finally the I–V curve under those conditions can be reconstructed. The fundamental difference with type C or type D methods is that it is not necessary to fit all the points of the initial I–V curve to the underlying model to determine the parameters, but they are instead determined only from the main electrical parameters and perhaps from a few other values that can be estimated from the I–V curve.
- F.
Explicit Methods
Along the same line as the previous group, this type also includes some methods based on the main electrical parameters of the
I–V measured under the initial conditions. However, in order to avoid having to solve a non-linear system of equations, a few reasonable assumptions are applied to perform various algebraic manipulations, obtaining at the end a series of explicit expressions used to determine all the required parameters, requiring a low computational burden [
27]. A review of these explicit methods is provided by Batzelis [
Once the required parameters have been determined and corrected to the target conditions, the underlying model is used to reconstruct the curve under the new measurement conditions. Instead of using the generic non-explicit model, it is common in this type of methods to use fast alternative approaches to also reconstruct the
I–V curve. For example, a reformulation of the underlying model defined in (Equation (
9)) can be made by means of the
W–Lambert function [
26], in such a way that each current coordinate can be obtained explicitly from the value of the voltage coordinate and the other parameters determined previously.
- G.
Iterative Methods
Analogously to the previous type, most of the parameters required by the underlying model can be estimated using explicit expressions from the main electrical parameters. However, one parameter (or perhaps a couple of them) must be determined by means of a simple and fast iterative routine that finishes when the simulated curve satisfies a predefined criterion. Alternatively, in some approaches, some of the parameters to be determined must be known beforehand, so a method to determine only that parameter should be executed beforehand.
- H.
Interpolation Methods
In the previous categories of methods, only a unique initial
I–V curve is used as input to generate the target
I–V curve under the final conditions. Type H approaches, on the other hand, allow combining a few initial curves referring to the conditions
, …, to obtain an output curve associated with the target irradiance and temperature
. In this type of method, the new
I–V curve is obtained by means of an interpolation of the points of the different initial curves used as inputs. One drawback is that these interpolation methods cannot be applied to every set of initial curves. It is necessary to find a combination of initial curves satisfying certain criteria. Another disadvantage can arise when the target conditions are beyond the interval defined by the initial conditions. In these cases, it is not an interpolation but actually an extrapolation, which can lead to high errors [
1.2. Correction Procedures
Table 1 summarizes all the studied and implemented methods, classifying them into one of the previous eight categories (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H). For each method, a list of the required intrinsic coefficients is also included. In order to clarify the meaning of the coefficients,
Table 2 includes a row for each required intrinsic coefficient, as well as providing a reference with a method to estimate its value, if this is not provided by the manufacturer. In the rest of this section, every studied approach will be briefly explained, providing the equations to be applied.
- A01:
BASIC method
This method obtains
, taking into account the definition of the temperature coefficient
and the linear effect of the irradiance on the short-circuit current [
31], as can be seen in (Equation (
15)). Herein,
refers to the target irradiance
(as stated by King et al. [
depends on the irradiance):
Alternatively, an equivalent formula (Equation (
16)) can be found throughout the literature [
is the relative temperature coefficient of the short-circuit current, expressed in 1/K (this does not depend on
In order to obtain
for the target conditions
from the value of
under the initial conditions
, (Equation (
17)) can be directly applied [
is the temperature coefficient of the open-circuit voltage
, given by the manufacturer or estimated from experimental data. Finally, to translate the full
I–V curve, (Equation (
4)) can be applied to each discrete point.
Table 1.
Summary of the methods used to translate I–V curves.
Table 1.
Summary of the methods used to translate I–V curves.
Id. – Abbr. | Method | Ref. | Parameters |
A01 | BASIC | BASIC method | [9] | , |
A02 | RBACH | Method of Rauschenbach | [31] | , , |
A03 | CASTAÑER | Method of Castañer | [37] | , , m |
A04 | REDDY | Method of Reddy | [38] | , , |
A05 | ANDERSON | Method of Anderson | [4] | |
A06 | SMITH | Method of Smith | [10] | , , |
A07 | CARRILLO | Method of Carrillo | [39] | , |
A08 | DIA | Method of Dia | [40] | , |
A09 | ZHOU | Method of Zhou-Dongue | [41] | , , , |
A10 | BATZELIS(a) | Method of Batzelis (a) | [13] | , |
B01 | BLAESSER | Method of Blaesser | [42] | , , m |
B02 | ALONSO | Method of Alonso-Abella | [43] | , , m |
B03 | JRC | JRC method | [44] | , , , |
B04 | IEC-P1 | IEC 60891:2021 P1 | [3] | , , , |
B05 | IEC-P1(b) | Simplified IEC 60891 P1 | [45] | , |
B06 | IEC-P2 | IEC 60891:2009 P2 | [46] | , , ,, |
B07 | IEC-P2(b) | Modified IEC 60891 P2 | [47] | , , ,, |
B08 | IEC-P2(c) | IEC 60891:2021 P2 | [3] | , , , , , |
B09 | IEC-P4 | IEC 60891:2021 P4 | [3] | , , |
B10 | IEC-P4(b) | IEC60891:2021 P4 (mod) | [3] | , , |
C01 | ISDM | Ideal single-diode model | [48] | , |
C02 | SSDM | Simplified single-diode | [49] | , |
C03 | SDM | Single-diode model | [50] | , |
C04 | SDM(b) | Single-diode model (b) | [51] | , |
C05 | RUSCHELL | Equation of Ruschell | [18] | , |
C06 | PVSYST | PVsyst method | [52] | , |
C07 | WALKER | Expression of Walker | [53] | , , |
C08 | LAURINO | Equations of Laurino | [54] | , , |
C09 | DING | Expression of Ding | [55] | , , |
C10 | COTFAS | Equations of Cotfas | [56] | , , |
C11 | SSDM * | Modified SSDM | [49] | , , |
C12 | SDM * | Modified SDM | [50] | , |
C13 | PVSYST * | PVSYST method (mod) | [52] | , , |
C14 | WALKER * | Walker’s method (mod) | [53] | , , |
C15 | LAURINO * | Laurino’s method (mod) | [54] | , |
D01 | SDDM | Simplified double-diode | [49] | , |
D02 | DDM-5p | Double-diode (5 par) | [57] | , |
D03 | DDM-6p | Double-diode (6 par) | [58] | , |
D04 | DDM-7p | Double-diode (7 par) | [20] | , |
D05 | SDDM * | Modified SDDM | [49] | , |
D06 | DDM-5p * | Modified DDM-5p | [57] | , , |
D07 | DDM-6p * | Modified DDM-6p | [58] | , , |
D08 | DDM-7p * | Modified DDM-7p | [20] | , , |
E01 | LOBRANO | Model of Lo Brano | [59] | , |
E02 | SERA | Model of Sera | [60] | , |
E03 | ORIOLI | Model of Orioli | [61] | , |
E04 | DeSOTO | Method of De Soto | [62] | , |
E05 | TOLEDO | Model of Toledo | [63] | , |
E06 | XIAO | Method of Xiao | [35] | , |
E07 | LoBRANO * | Modified Lo Brano’s | [59] | , , |
E08 | SERA * | Modified Sera’s | [60] | , , |
E09 | ORIOLI * | Modified Orioli’s | [61] | , , |
E10 | DeSOTO * | Modified De Soto’s | [62] | , , |
E11 | TOLEDO * | Modified Toledo’s | [63] | , , |
E12 | XIAO * | Modified Xiao’s | [35] | , , |
F01 | SALOUX | Method of Saloux | [64] | , |
F02 | PHANG | Method of Phang | [25] | , |
F03 | CUBAS(a) | Method of Cubas (a) | [65] | , |
F04 | CUBAS(b) | Method of Cubas (b) | [65] | , |
F05 | CUBAS(c) | Method of Cubas (c) | [66] | , m, |
F06 | KHAN | Method of Khan | [67] | , |
F07 | PETRONE | Method of Petrone | [26] | , , |
F08 | SPRATIO | SPR method | [68] | , |
F09 | BAI | Method of Bai | [69] | , |
F10 | CRISTALDI | Method of Cristaldi | [70] | , |
F11 | SERA(b) | Explicit Sera’s method | [71] | , |
F12 | TOLEDO(b) | Explicit Toledo’s method | [72] | , |
F13 | BATZELIS(b) | Batzelis’ method (b) | [13] | , , |
F14 | SALOUX * | Modified Saloux’ | [64] | , , |
F15 | PHANG * | Modified Phang’s | [25] | , , |
F16 | CUBAS(a) * | Modified Cubas’s (a) | [65] | , , |
F17 | CUBAS(b) * | Modified Cubas’s (b) | [65] | , , |
F18 | CUBAS(c) * | Modified Cubas’s (c) | [66] | , m,, |
F19 | KHAN * | Modified Khan’s | [67] | , , |
F20 | PETRONE * | Modified Petrone’s | [26] | , |
F21 | SPRATIO * | Modified SPR method | [68] | , |
F22 | BAI * | Modified Bai’s | [69] | , , |
F23 | CRISTALDI * | Modified Cristaldi’s | [70] | , , |
F24 | SERA(b) * | Modified explicit Sera’s | [71] | , , |
F25 | TOLEDO(b) * | Modified explicit Toledo’s | [72] | , , |
F26 | BATZELIS(b) * | Modified Batzelis’ (b) | [13] | , , , |
G01 | VILLALVA | Model of Villalva | [16] | , , m |
G02 | BOUTANA | Model of Boutana | [73] | , m, |
G03 | CARRERO | Model of Carrero | [74] | , |
G04 | STORNELLI | Method of Stornelli | [75] | , |
G05 | VILLALVA * | Modified Villalva’s | [16] | , , m, |
G06 | BOUTANA * | Modified Boutana’s | [73] | , , m, |
G07 | CARRERO * | Modified Carrero’s | [74] | , , m, |
G08 | STORNELLI * | Modified Stornelli’s | [75] | , , |
H01 | LINEAR | Linear interpolation | | None |
H02 | BILINEAR | Bilinear interpolation | [7] | None |
H03 | IEC-P3 | IEC 60891:2021 P3 | [3] | None |
Table 2.
List of commonly used temperature coefficients and other required parameters.
Table 2.
List of commonly used temperature coefficients and other required parameters.
Symbol / Formula | Description | Unit | Reference |
| | Absolute variation in the short-circuit current with respect to the cell temperature | A/K | [3,76] |
| | Relative variation in the short-circuit current with respect to the cell temperature | 1/K | [3,76] |
| | Absolute variation in the open-circuit voltage with respect to the cell temperature | V/K | [3,76] |
| | Relative variation in the open-circuit voltage with respect to the cell temperature | 1/K | [3,76] |
| | Absolute variation in the maximum power with respect to the cell temperature | W/K | [3,76] |
| | Relative variation in the maximum power with respect to the cell temperature | 1/K | [3,76] |
| | Internal series resistance of the device at the initial temperature | | [77] |
| | Absolute variation in the internal series resistance with respect to the cell temperature | /K | [77] |
| | | Irradiance correction factor of the open-circuit voltage assuming a linear dependence | – | [46] |
| | First-order correction factor of the open-circuit voltage assuming a quadratic dependence | – | [3] |
| | Second-order correction factor of the open–circuit voltage assuming a quadratic dependence | – | [3] |
m | | Diode ideality factor of the device | – | [78] |
| | Band-gap energy of the semiconductor material at the actual temperature T | eV | [79] |
| | Band-gap energy of the semiconductor material at 0 K | eV | [79] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (74)) to estimate | eV/K | [79] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (74)) to estimate | K | [79] |
| | Fitting parameter that accounts for the possible non-linearity of current with respect to the irradiance (estimated using curves at the same temperature) | – | [80] |
= | | Fitting parameter that accounts for the possible non-linearity of voltage with respect to the temperature (estimated using curves at the same irradiance) | – | [80] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (82)) to estimate | – | [18] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (82)) to estimate | – | [18] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (83)) to estimate | – | [52] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (83)) to estimate | – | [52] |
| | Constant required by (Equation (84)) to estimate | – | [18] |
| | Fitting parameter required by (Equation (86)) to estimate | – | [55] |
- A02:
Method of Rauschenbach
The main drawback of the previous approach is that it does not take into account the fact that a change in the short-circuit current can influence the open-circuit voltage because there is a parasitic series resistance
whose value is not negligible. Rauschenbach [
31], in addition to (Equation (
15)), propose an alternative formula for
(Equation (
18)) that takes into account this effect:
- A03:
Method of Castañer
This approach [
81] tries to quantify the influence of the variation in the current on the open-circuit voltage by means of the thermal voltage
(Equation (
- A04:
Method of Reddy
Reddy et al. [
38] took a method of type B (JRC method) and simplified it, using its basic equations to propose a pair of expressions to quantify
(the same Equation (
16)) and
(Equation (
is known as the irradiance curve correction factor (in other references in the literature [
46] the same parameter is noted as “
a”). As can be seen, the effects of the temperature and irradiance are combined in an additive way.
- A05:
Method of Anderson
Anderson [
11] proposed (Equations (
21)–(23)) to correct the main electrical parameters (this approach was also adopted in some early versions of ASTM E1036 [
5]). The irradiance correction factor
takes into account the effect of the irradiance on the voltage.
are the temperature coefficients of
, respectively. It must be highlighted that this method provides (Equation (23)), which estimates a value for the maximum power
that is not necessarily equal to the one that can be obtained from the discrete points of the corrected curve obtained using (Equations (
21) and (22)).
- A06:
Method of Smith
Smith et al. [
10] presented a simplification of the method of Anderson [
4], giving three expressions: (Equations (
26)). In this approach, only the three temperature coefficients provided by the manufacturer in the specification sheet are required:
As a third expression for obtaining is provided, it is possible to obtain different numerical values for that electrical parameter.
- A07:
Method of Carrillo
Carrillo et al. [
39] provided some expressions that with a notation change and a small work-around can be transformed into (Equations (
27) and (28)) and can be used to translate the curves:
- A08:
Method of Dia
The approach presented by Dia et al. [
40] is also named the “combination method”, because it uses (Equation (
21)) to correct
and the simple expression (Equation (
17)) to correct
- A09:
Method of Zhou–Dongue
Zhou et al. [
80] proposed introducing two additional fitting parameters
in the original paper) to deal with the possible non-linearity that affects the current and the voltage, respectively (see
Table 2). As can be seen, to estimate
, a minimum of two different
I–V curves are required, with equal temperature
T (herein expressed in °C) but different irradiance values
. On the other hand, the estimation of
involves two or more curves with common irradiance
G and different temperature
Originally, the formula to correct
does not take into account the temperature coefficient
, but Dongue et al. [
41] proposed an improvement in this line (Equation (
29)). It must be highlighted that
refers to
, so the value
provided by the manufacturer must be scaled. In addition, the formula used to correct
also includes the irradiance correction factor
(Equation (30)):
- A10:
Method of Batzelis
Batzelis [
13] proposed a set of expressions (Equations (
31)–(34)) to estimate the main electrical parameters at the target conditions:
These equations require several parameters that are usually unknown:
(the relative temperature coefficient of
(the relative temperature coefficient of
(the irradiance correction factor for
evaluated in
(a first irradiance correction factor for
evaluated in
), and
(a second irradiance correction factor for
, also referred to
). The method provides (Equations (
35)–(40)) to calculate the additional parameters:
is the main branch
of the
W–Lambert function [
Now, we will continue with the algebraic methods (including some ones described in IEC 60891:2021 [
3]) that are the most used approaches for correcting
I–V curves.
- B01:
Method of Blaesser
According to Blaesser and Rossi [
42], to correct an
I–V curve measured at initial conditions
to the new conditions
, the following steps can be carried out:
- (a)
An auxiliary curve
U (uncorrected) should be calculated, leaving the voltage component of each point
j unchanged (Equation (
41)) but applying a shift to the current component according to (Equation (42)):
refers to
(scaling the value provided by the manufacturer) [
- (b)
The short-circuit current
of the uncorrected curve must be determined by means of an interpolation [
76] of the points around
. This
is already also the short-circuit current
of the final corrected curve.
- (c)
In an analogous way, the open-circuit voltage
of the uncorrected curve is determined, again through interpolation [
76] of the points around
- (d)
The final value of the open-circuit voltage of the corrected curve should be estimated using (Equation (
43)), where
is the open-circuit voltage of the original curve,
is the thermal voltage at the cell temperature
is the number of cells in series, and
m is the diode ideality factor.
- (e)
For each point
j of the uncorrected curve
U, a scaling is applied to the voltage component according to equation (Equation (45)), leaving the current component unchanged, thus obtaining the final corrected curve:
- B02:
Method of Alonso–Abella
In this method [
corresponding to the corrected curve are first calculated, and then a succession of shifts are applied to fit the individual points, so that the new corrected curve intersects the axes precisely at those points. To correct the
I–V from
, we proceed as described below:
- (a)
The values of
of the corrected curve are determined by means of (Equations (
46) and (47)), assuming that
refers herein to
- (b)
For each point
j of the original curve, the current component should be shifted by
means that we are in the first iteration), without altering the voltage component (Equation (
48)). This new auxiliary curve will pass through the point
- (c)
Based on the set of points of the curve of this iteration, its open-circuit voltage
is determined through interpolation [
76] of the points around
- (d)
The next step (iteration
) consists of applying another shift
only on the voltage component of each point
j, without altering the current component(Equation (
49)). The obtained curve must necessarily pass through the point
- (e)
Again, using the points around
, the short-circuit current
is estimated through interpolation [
- (f)
If the difference is below a preset threshold , the algorithm is finished. Otherwise, we must continue with the next iteration returning to step (b), until that difference satisfies the threshold.
- B03:
JRC method
At the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, an alternative correction procedure was developed. Whereas the current component of each discrete point
j is obtained by scaling (as in the methods of type A), each voltage component is corrected by an additive shift (that could be different for each point
j). First, the corrected values of
are calculated using (Equations (
50) and (51)):
Next, both components of each discrete point
j are corrected using (Equations (
52) and (53)):
- B04:
IEC 60891:2021 procedure 1
“Procedure 1” of IEC 60891:2021 [
3] describes how to correct a measured
I–V curve to other conditions of irradiance and cell temperature using the series resistance
and the temperature coefficients
(absolute values). This procedure is the most widely used algebraic correction method, and it applies equations practically identical to in the method proposed by Sandstrom [
2] in 1967. Many years later, in 1987, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) adopted these equations for the first time as the standard procedure [
84] for performing corrections of irradiance and temperature to measured
I–V curves. In fact, IEC 60891:2021 [
3] provides additional procedures, but the former continues to be the most widely used. Its application is recommended, as long as the initial irradiance
is within 30% of the target irradiance
Each point
of the original curve is translated to the point
of the second curve following (Equations (
54) and (55)):
The absolute values for
, usually reported at STC, can be used directly. However, King et al. [
32] highlighted that the value of
used in the formula should be scaled from
to the target irradiance
using (Equation (
Originally, this procedure considered the series resistance
as a constant, but actually it has a dependence on the cell temperature
T that can be considered linear for the actual operating range of a PV module [
77]. Therefore, a direct and simple improvement [
85] of this method consists of taking advantage of the availability of
(absolute variation in
with respect to
T) to correct, before applying the procedure, the given value
(referred to
°C) to the initial temperature
using (Equation (
- B05:
Simplified IEC 60891 procedure 1
The previous method is very difficult to apply in an accurate way [
45], because the values of
are often not available, because manufacturers only include in the specification sheets the required parameters
(or their respective relative counterparts). Therefore, it is not unusual to assume a value of series resistance
and also
K. Hence, the expressions to be applied can be simplified as (Equations (
58) and (59)):
- B06:
IEC 60891:2009 procedure 2
This procedure was only included in the second edition of IEC 60891 (IEC 60891:2009 [
46]), and it was replaced in the new third edition (IEC 60891:2021 [
3]). Even so, this previous version of
“procedure 2” has been included in this work for comparative purposes. In this method, an additional correction parameter is introduced into
“procedure 1” to take into account the effects of the irradiance variation on the voltage output of the PV device (herein named
but noted as
a in the standard).
The method uses alternative equations (Equations (
60) and (61)) that, in theory, lead to better results than
procedure 1 when the difference between the initial and the target irradiance is more than 30%. Instead of using the absolute values of the temperature coefficients
, in these formulas, those parameters are required in their relative counterparts
, expressed in 1/K. As
is expressed in relative terms, it is not necessary to scale its value to the target conditions.However,
could be translated from
using (Equation (
- B07:
Modified IEC 60891:2009 procedure 2
Based on experimental results, Li et al. [
47] observed significant deviation between predicted and measured data when using the previous method B06. Therefore, they proposed a modification of expression used to modify the voltage component of each point
j of the
I–V curve (Equation (
- B08:
IEC 60891:2021 procedure 2
One of the most important changes between the previous edition (IEC 60891:2009 [
46]) and the new third edition (IEC 60891:2021 [
3]) was the improvement of
“procedure 2”, in order to take into account the non-linearity of the irradiance correction factor. Instead of having a unique
, two irradiance correction factors
are used (noted as
in the standard). The first step consists in calculating
, using the definition of
(Equation (
In a second step, (Equation (
64)) must be applied:
The relative version of the temperature coefficients of current and voltage are used (see Equations ((
65) and (
66)). In addition,
can also be translated to
using (Equation (
In (Equation (
66)) the value of
is required. If it is not available, it can be calculated using (Equation (
- B09:
IEC 60891:2021 procedure 4
procedure 4 was a novelty in IEC 60891:2021 [
3], and it can be used to correct a wide range of irradiance and temperature levels. The method was based on a previous article by Hishikawa et al. [
86] and it is strongly related to the single-diode model, so it can be inaccurate if the device does not adjust well to that model. In addition to the current temperature coefficient
and the series resistance
, it requires knowing a technology-dependent parameter named
. The method assumes that this is a constant that does not depend on the conditions, recommending a value of
1.232 V for all crystalline silicon PV modules. For modules using other technologies, the parameter should be adjusted from experimental data.
The translation procedure is performed in two steps. First, each
I–V pair
is shifted to an auxiliary point
, in order to correct the irradiance gap between
using (Equations (
68) and (69)):
The second step consists of correcting the points to take into account the temperature difference between
by means of (Equations (
70) and (71)):
is the number of cells in series and
is the short-circuit current at STC that should also be known. If this is not the case, it can be estimated using (Equation (
- B10:
Modified IEC 60891:2021 procedure 4 (b)
This is a slight variant of the previous method B09. Actually, the technology-dependent parameter
has a physical meaning [
86]: it is the product of the diode ideality factor
m and the material band-gap energy
referring to
(Equation (
To estimate the band-gap energy
(expressed in eV) of a specific semiconductor material as a function of the device temperature
T, it is possible to use (Equation (
74)) [
(the band-gap energy at 0 kelvin),
should be taken from the literature for each specific technology.
- C01:
Ideal Single-Diode Model
As in any numerical method, this one is based on a physical model of the solar cell. The most extended underlying model for simulating the
I–V characteristic curve of a photovoltaic device is the single-diode model (SDM), which includes a current source, a diode, and two parasitic resistances: the series resistance
and the parallel or shunt resistance
Figure 1). However, it is possible to find in the literature some simplified approaches where one or both of these parasitic resistances were neglected. In a first approach, the simplest version of the SDM known as the “three-parameter model” (that we call ideal SDM or ISDM) will be addressed, without including any parasitic resistance, i.e., the series resistance is assumed as
and the parallel resistance can be removed (
). The mathematical expression associated with this model is given by (Equation (
As can be seen, there are only three unknown parameters to be determined from the experimental
I–V pairs of the curve: the photo-generated current
, the dark saturation current
, and the diode ideality factor
m. Initially, the values of these parameters referring to the initial conditions
can be estimated. However, it could be very convenient to correct the values of these parameters to fixed reference conditions, for example STC. In fact, there are some expressions used to translate these parameters from the measurement conditions
or vice versa. Many authors [
88] have provided expressions equivalent to (Equation (
76)) for correcting
, whereas it is possible to find different approaches for expressing the dependence of
on the device temperature
T similar to (Equation (77)).
in this context should be assumed to be a dimensionless factor to convert from eV to joules.
Using (Equations (
79)), it is possible to translate the parameters to any
, in such a way that the model can simulate
I–V curves under any desired target conditions. Therefore, the objective is the determination of the parameters at STC using as input a measured
I–V curve under
, to later simulate the
I–V curve at
. The identification of the parameters from a discrete set of
I–V pairs can be performed using a numerical curve-fitting routine (included for example in the Optimization Toolbox of Matlab [
- C02:
Simplified Single-Diode Model
In the literature, it is reported that the latter ISDM could be very inaccurate, so many authors have proposed including a series resistance
, neglecting only the parallel resistance
, as can be seen in
Figure 3. The behavior of this model is described using (Equation (
Therefore, there are four unknown parameters:
. Finally, most of these numerical methods assume the series resistance
as a constant intrinsic parameter (Equation (
79)) without dependence on
G or
- C03:
Single-Diode Model
The next step in complexity can be achieved by assuming the presence of a parallel resistance
, resulting in an equivalent circuit to the one depicted in
Figure 1, which corresponds to the classic single-diode model in its “five-parameter” version (Equation (
9)). In this case, the system of equations to use with the fitting tool is composed of (Equations (
9), (
76), (77), (
79), and (
80)), assuming that the parallel resistance
is also constant:
- C04:
Single-Diode Model (b)
This method tries to improve on the previous approach. Although the series resistance
continues to be considered as a constant, for the parallel resistance
, a dependence on the irradiance
G is stated through (Equation (
- C05:
Equation of Ruschell
Based on experimental data, Ruschel et al. [
18] stated that the previous approaches are not sufficiently accurate for low irradiance levels, due to the non-linear behavior of the parallel resistance for those cases. Therefore, in that paper, an alternative equation for translating
was proposed, introducing two additional fitting parameters,
, that depend on cell technology (Equation (
- C06:
PVsyst is a software that implements several models to be used by engineers to design different types of photovoltaic projects [
89]. In order to deal with the problem related to the difficulties derived from the modeling of the parallel resistance
, the expression (Equation (
83)) is used in this software [
are values that must be known beforehand for each different technology, and
(the parallel resistance
) should be determined during the identification of the other parameters from the initial curve.
This latter formulation could be simplified assuming a fixed ratio
, in such a way, (Equation (
83)) can be rewritten as (Equation (
84)) [
18] (this ratio
should be given for each technology instead of
- C07:
Equation of Walker
Although the most widely known equation to express the relationship between the dark saturation current
and the device temperature
T is (Equation (77)), other authors [
90] preferred to use a slightly different expression, where the ratio
is raised by
(instead of only by 3), because this alternative approach seems to better fit experimental data in same cases (Equation (
Therefore, the method noted herein as C07 is exactly the result of performing curve fitting using (Equations (
9), (
76), (
79), (
84), and (
85)) to determined the five unknown parameters under STC conditions.
- C08:
Method of Laurino
In order to improve the accuracy, some authors also included an additional dependence of the series resistance
on the device temperature. This is the case in Laurino et al. [
54], where a direct linear dependence is assumed by means of the temperature coefficient
of the series resistance
, only introduced in their own IEC 60891:2021 [
3] (procedures 1 and 2). In fact, (Equation (
57)) is also proposed for use with (Equation (
76)), (Equations (
84) and (
85)) to translate the intrinsic coefficients.
- C09:
Expression of Ding
After an in-depth analysis, Ding et al. [
55] presented an expression to simulate the series resistance
as a function of the temperature (Equation (
T is assumed to be expressed in kelvin,
is the series resistance at 0 K, and
is a parameter that must be fitted from experimental data in a similar way to
77]. In this method, instead of determining the value of
, the objective is the estimation of
- C10:
Method of Cotfas
This method uses (Equations (
76), (77) and (
80)) to translate
, and
, respectively, whereas it presents an alternative expression for the series resistance
, which not only depends on
T, but also on
G (Equation (
T is assumed to be expressed in kelvin and
(noted as
in the original paper) is assumed to be a constant.
Finally, methods C11, C12, C13, C14, and C15 are exactly the same as methods C01, C02, C06, C07, and C08, respectively, changing only (Equation (
76)) for (Equation (
88)), which is also based on method A10:
, as was explained before, is only a fitting parameter that accounts for the possible non-linearity between the photo-induced current
and the irradiance
G. The value of
should be determined from experimental data, because it is not provided by the manufacturers.
- D01:
Simplified double-diode model (4 parameters)
In order to simplify the physical model of a PV cell, in the SDM, the current losses due to the recombination in the p–n junction are neglected. However, if higher accuracy is required, it is possible to add a second diode in parallel, to take into account this phenomenon, obtaining the DDM (see
Figure 2).
In a first approach to this model, it is possible to neglect the parallel resistance
, assuming a infinite value for it, obtaining (Equation (
The parameters required to identify
are reduced to four, as
. As this model includes a saturation current for the first diode and a second saturation current for the other diode, in order to correct an
I–V curve from the initial conditions to the target conditions, it is necessary to provide two different expressions that allow us to correct each saturation current, for example (Equations (
90) and (91)):
In addition, for the photo-generated current
, it is again possible to use (Equation (
76)). Finally, the series resistance
is assumed to be independent of
G and
T. In this paper, we also propose the model noted as D05, identical to D01, except for the fact of using (Equation (
88)) instead of (Equation (
- D02:
Double-diode model (5 parameters)
The full version of the DDM [
57] (see
Figure 2) assumes a finite value for the parallel resistance
, in such a way (Equation (
14)) must be held. As for the series resistance
, this parallel resistance is stated as a constant
. The parameters that must be identified increase to five: (
). The model noted as D06 is a modified version of D02, where (Equation (
88)) is used.
- D03:
Double-diode model (6 parameters)
In order to achieve a better fit to experimental data, a few works from the literature [
91] proposed freeing one or both ideality factors. For example, the ideality factor
of the second diode to range inside an interval, whereas the ideality factor of the fist diode is fixed (
). Therefore, there is an extra parameter to identify. Similarly, D07 is this method but using (Equation (
88)) for translating
- D04:
Double-diode model (7 parameters)
Finally, the most generalized version of the DDM [
20] frees both ideality factors
. On the one hand, this gives the model a better fit to the measured curve, but on the other hand, it is also possible to capture a high level of noise in the model, leading to overfitting [
92]. As in the previous model, a modified version D08 is proposed in this paper, to quantify the improvement achieved when using (Equation (
- E01:
Method of Lo Brano
This method [
59] is based on the SDM and tries to determine the five parameters from the initial curve measured under
. Again, the objective is the estimation of
Afterward, these parameters can be translated to other operating conditions, and using this information, it is possible to simulate the I–V curve for any target condition . However, instead of using as input all the I–V pairs of the measured curve, only data from a few selected points are taken into account.
The relationship between the voltage
V and the current
I stated by (Equation (
9)) should be held for each operating point of the
I–V curve, including the short-circuit point (SC), the open-circuit point (OC), and the maximum power point (MPP), among others. For each one of these points, it is possible to define an equation, in such a way that we can build a system that could be solved if achieving the same number of equations as unknowns. From SC, OC, and MPP, we have (Equations (
92)–(94)) respectively, all of them referring to the initial conditions
As we have five unknowns, two additional equations are required. On the one hand, if the derivative of
I with respect to
V is calculated and evaluated at the SC condition, the result should be the slope of the
I–V curve when crossing the ordinate (
V) axis (Equation (
95)). This slope
can be estimated from a selection of
I–V pairs around SC:
On the other hand, the slope of the
I–V curve when crossing the abscissa (
A) axis should be equal to the derivative of
I with respect to
V evaluated at OC, obtaining the final (Equation (
Finally, we have achieved a system with five unknowns
and five equations (Equations (
96)). This system can be solved with any symbolic resolver; for example, the Optimization Toolbox of Matlab [
The next step is the translation of the parameters into STCs or to other target conditions using equations that can be found in the literature. In case of this method E01, the corrections are made by means of (Equations (
80)), whereas the method noted as E07 uses (Equation (
88)) instead of (Equation (
76)). Afterwards, it is possible to use the translated values of the intrinsic parameters to simulate the new
I–V curve under the target conditions.
- E02:
Method of Sera
Initially, we have (Equations (
92)–(94)) that take advantage of the points SC, OC, and MPP. In addition, the unknowns are reduced to four, because the parallel resistance
is approximated using the inverse of
evaluated at SC (Equation (
Therefore, only one additional equation is required to solve the system. It is known that the derivative of
with respect to
V must be zero at the MPP, in such a way, the following expression can be derived (Equation (
Once the parameters have been estimated, the translation equations can be used and the curve under any target conditions can be simulated. Sera et al. [
60] proposed using (Equation (
85)) instead of (Equation (77)) for correcting
. To translate
, (Equation (
99)) can be used in case of method E02, whereas the method E08 uses (Equation (100)):
- E03:
Method of Orioli
To reduce the number of unknowns to three, Orioli and Di Gangi [
61] assumed that
is equal to
under the same conditions (Equation (
The set of equations is composed of (Equation (
96)) and two new additional equations (Equations (
102) and (103)), in such a way that the unknowns are
Once the unknowns have been determined, this method uses a different procedure to translate the saturation current
. First, it is assumed that
. Then,
is calculated using (Equation (
43)). Finally, the new value of
is given by (Equation (
This method E09 is identical to E03 but using (Equation (
88)) instead of (Equation (
76)) to correct
- E04:
Method of De Soto
De Soto et al. [
62] provided some translation equations to correct the intrinsic parameters from STCs to other conditions of irradiance and temperature (see that in (Equation (
106)), the diode ideality factor
m is not divided
as in other previous expressions to translate
This system of equations is composed of (Equations (
92)–(94) and (
98)), requiring that an additional condition is solved. Using the translation equations, it is possible to express
in terms of
, by means of (Equations (
Therefore, it is possible to achieve a fifth equation using the OC point but under an operating temperature
(Equation (
112)) and assuming that
Another possibility is using (Equation (
88)) for translating
, such a procedure is noted in this paper as E10.
- E05:
Method of Toledo
This method developed by Toledo and Blanes [
63] requires as input four arbitrary
I–V points from the initial curve to extract the parameters of the SDM. As such, for each point, we need the voltage coordinate
, the current coordinate
, and the slope of the
I–V curve at that point. In our paper, the method was tested using SC, OC, MPP, and an additional point between MPP and OC, estimated using the
power function (defined in the original paper describing the method) with
This method is based on the resolution of a single equation with one variable, noted as
. Let
be the voltage coordinates of the four selected points,
the current coordinates of those points, and
the slopes or derivatives with respect to
V at those points. First, the following functions
are defined:
In a second step,
are also defined:
Now, it is possible to define the polynomial
(Equation (
It is necessary to find a root of the polynomial smaller than the absolute value of any
. This value will be equal to the auxiliary variable
E. Then, it is possible to obtain the other auxiliary variables
using (Equations (
The intrinsic parameters are given by (Equations (
127)–(131)), assuming in our paper that the number of cells in parallel
Finally, the method E05 finishes with the translation of those parameters to other conditions of
G and
T using (Equations (
76), (77), (
79) and (
80)), and the simulation of the
I–V curve using the SDM (Equation (
9)). In the case of method E11, (Equation (
76)) is substituted with (Equation (
- E06:
Method of Xiao
In order to reduce the number of unknown parameters of the SDM, this method neglects the parallel resistance, i.e.,
. An additional reasonable simplification is the identification of the photo-generated
current with the short-circuit current
). Therefore, three equations are necessary to resolve the system of equations. The first refers to the SDM model under the MPP point (Equation (
The second equation can be the expression of the saturation current
as a function of the diode ideality factor
The third equation comes from the expression of the series resistance
, in terms of the the ideality factor
m (Equations (
134) and (135)):
The last step is the correction of the parameters from
using (Equations (
76), (77), (
79), and (
80)). The method E12 is identical but using (Equations (
88)) instead of (Equation (
- F01:
Method of Saloux
This is the most simple explicit method [
64], because it is based on the ISDM, i.e., both parasitic resistances are neglected. This means that
. The basic expressions to estimate and translate the other parameters are (Equations (
- F02:
Method of Phang
Initially, this method [
25] estimates the slopes at the OC and SC points to calculate
, respectively:
Then, the following variables
C, and
D are computed:
In order to estimate the five SDM parameters at the initial conditions
, (Equations (
148)–(152)) are used:
This method finishes by using (Equations (
76), (77), (
79), and (
80)) to correct the parameters to the target conditions
and by simulating the new curve.
- F03:
Method of Cubas (a)
There are different explicit methods presented by the same author. This first method [
65] starts by assuming
given by (Equation (143)). Then, it continues with the calculation of auxiliary variables
B, and
C by means of (Equations (
The next step is the computation of the five parameters of the SDM under conditions
, by means of (Equations (
Eventually, (Equations (
76), (77), (
79), and (
80)) are used to translate these parameters from
- F04:
Method of Cubas (b)
is estimated in a different way [
65] (Equation (
is an empirical value.
The other equations are the same as given in the previous method G03, except for the substitution of (Equation (157)) with the new (Equation (
- F05:
Method of Cubas (c)
In this method [
66], it is assumed that the value of the diode ideality factor
m is known beforehand. Then, the following variables
C, and
D are estimated using (Equations (
The next step is the computation of the series resistance
by means of (Equation (
169)), which uses
(the lower branch of the
W–Lambert function [
can be estimated using (Equation (
163)), whereas
are determined using (Equations (160) and (161)), respectively.
- F06:
Method of Khan
This approach [
67] begins by estimating
using (Equations (
142) and (143)), respectively, and assuming a parallel resistance at the initial conditions
. The next step is the calculation of the value of the series resistance
by means of (Equation (
Then, the remaining three parameters are computed thanks to (Equations (
- F07:
Method of Petrone
The method presented by Petrone et al. [
26] is also based on the explicit expression of the SDM in terms of
, the main branch of the
W–Lambert function. In order to compute the five parameters referring to the initial conditions
, the following equations should be executed in sequence (Equations (
- F08:
SPR method
Cannizzaro et al. [
68] proved that it is possible to neglect only one of the parasitic resistances without losing much accuracy. The selection of the resistance (series or parallel) to be neglected depends on the value of an indicator known as the serial–parallel ratio (
SPR), which can be estimated in the following way:
Once the value of the
SPR is known, the set of equations to be executed is different depending on if
or if
. In the first case, the parallel resistance is neglected (
) and (Equations (
188)–(191)) are taken into account:
In the second case, the series resistance is neglected (
) and (Equations (
192)–(198)) must be executed:
is the lower branch of the
- F09:
Method of Bai
This method [
69] begins by estimating
using (Equations (
142) and (143)) respectively. Afterward, it is necessary to calculate the auxiliary variables
A and
In the following, the five parameters of the SDM referred to
are computed as (Equations (
- F10:
Method of Cristaldi
In this approach [
70], instead of working on the classical SDM, a derived model is assumed (neglecting the parallel resistance
), where the
I–V curve is expressed as a function of the current
I returning values of voltage
V (Equation (
where the new parameters to determine are
A, with the latter representing the product of
The first step is the estimation of the parameter
referring to the initial temperature
, which can be performed by means of (Equation (
The photo-generated current
and the series resistance
can be estimated using (Equations (
209) and (210)), respectively:
In order to translate the photo-generated current
to the target conditions, we can use (Equations (
211) and (212)):
In addition, (Equation (
213)) can correct
from the initial to target conditions, assuming that
are expressed in kelvin:
The open-circuit voltage
can be corrected from
using (Equations (
214) and (215)):
Finally, assuming that
, it is possible to simulate the
I–V curve at
using (Equation (
207)) with a current sweep.
- F11:
Explicit Sera method
In this method [
71], the following sequence of equations must be executed to obtain the parameters of the SDM model (neglecting the parallel resistance
- F12:
Explicit Toledo method
This approach was presented by Toledo and Blanes [
72] and it takes as input SC and another three arbitrary points of the initial
I–V curve. In our paper, the method was tested using SC, OC, MPP, and an additional point between MPP and OC, estimated using the
power function with
(this function is also defined by [
This first method starts by assuming
given by (Equation (143)). Let
be the voltage coordinates of the four selected points, and
the current coordinates of those points. Then, the auxiliary variables
, and
are computed:
The next step is the estimation of
C, and
Finally, the values of the parameters in the initial conditions
can be estimated using (Equations (
- F13:
Explicit Batzelis’ method (b)
In addition to the method A10, Batzelis and Papathanassiou [
93] presented a similar approach that is able to determine the five parameters of the SDM. In the first step, it is necessary to evaluate
using (Equation (
35)) and
by means of (Equation (36)). Next, we calculate the parameters of the SDM referring to the initial conditions (Equations (
Finally, methods F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24, F25, and F26 are the same as the methods from F01 to F13, respectively, changing only (Equation (
76)) for (Equation (
- G01:
Method of Villalva
Contrary to the explicit methods, this type of procedure requires several iterations of the set of equations, until a termination condition is fulfilled. In the case of the method proposed by Villalva et al. [
16], a few simple equations are executed, augmenting in each iteration the value of the series resistance
until the actual set of parameters can simulate an
I–V curve whose
value is very close to the
value of the measured curve. In practice, this procedure is very naive, because it is not able to provide an estimation of the diode ideality factor
m. In fact, it requires a value of
m as an input parameter. The following steps must be carried out:
- (a)
The value of the photo-generated current is set as:
- (b)
The saturation current is determined using (Equation (
- (c)
The initial value for is set.
- (d)
The parallel resistance is estimated by means of (Equation (
- (e)
For each point j of a mesh of voltage points, the I–V curve is simulated using the SDM with , , m, and . Then, the maximum power value is estimated. If is less than a threshold, we have finished. Otherwise, we continue.
- (f)
The value of the series resistance is incremented by (this value can be adjusted, e.g., ).
- (g)
The parallel resistance is updated using (Equations (
242) and (243)):
- (h)
The photo-generated current is updated using (Equation (
- (i)
Jump to step (e)
This method finishes by using using (Equation (
76)) to correct
and assuming constant values for
. Finally,
in the target conditions can be translated with (Equation (
- G02:
Method of Boutana
As with the previous approach G01, the method presented by Boutana et al. [
73] also requires as input the diode ideality factor
m. The steps used to simulate the
I–V curve referring to
are the following:
- (a)
First, the value of the open-circuit voltage is normalized by the thermal voltage using (Equation (
- (b)
Then, the fill factor under the initial conditions
is calculated by means of (Equation (
- (c)
It is possible to estimate a sort of fill factor without the influence of the parasitic resistances using (Equation (
- (d)
Then, the series resistance
, assumed to be constant, can be estimated using the following expression (Equation (
- (e)
The short-circuit current
and the open-circuit voltage
under the target conditions
can be achieved using (Equations (
15) and (
43)), respectively.
- (f)
Again, the open-circuit at
is normalized using (Equation (
250)). Then,
can also be computed using (Equation (251)):
- (g)
A sort of normalized series resistance
referring to
can be calculated (Equation (
- (h)
The fill factor under the target conditions
can be approximated using the following expression (Equation (
- (i)
An auxiliary variable is initialized.
- (j)
For each point
j of a mesh of voltage points
, it is possible to generate a current value
, as indicated by (Equation (
- (k)
The main electrical parameters of this new curve are computed (including ).
- (l)
Finish if is smaller than a threshold. Otherwise, continue.
- (m)
The value of is incremented by (this value can be adjusted, e.g., ).
- (n)
Jump to step (j)
Once we have finished, the I–V curve generated in step j) is the corrected I–V curve referring to .
- G03:
Method of Carrero
This procedure allows the estimation of the five parameters of the SDM [
74]. The list of steps to follow is
- (a)
First, an initial value for the diode ideality factor
is calculated using (Equations (
- (b)
Both initial values for the series resistance and parallel resistance are determined by means of (Equations (
- (c)
The diode ideality factor
m is updated (Equations (
- (d)
Both parasitic resistances are updated according to (Equations (
- (e)
If the variation in is smaller than a threshold, the loop should stop and we continue to step (f). Otherwise, we jump to step (c).
- (f)
The photo-generated current
is estimated by means of (Equation (
272)) and the saturation current
using (Equation (273)):
- G04:
Method of Stornelli
In this approach [
75], the following steps must be performed:
- (a)
The first step of this method is assuming an initial value for the diode ideality factor .
- (b)
The second step consists of estimating the values for the series resistance
, the saturation current
, and the photo-generated current
by means of (Equations (275)–(277)):
- (c)
We need to obtain a calculated value of the voltage at MPP:
- (d)
If the discrepancy between the actual and the calculated is smaller than a threshold, we must jump to step (f). In other cases, we continue.
- (e)
If , the value of the diode ideality factor m is increased by . Otherwise, () m is decreased by (the value for could be for example 0.01). Now, we jump to step (b).
- (f)
Once the value of
m has been determined, in the second part of the procedure, the value of
is adjusted.The initial value for
is given by (Equations (
279) and (280)):
- (g)
The saturation current
is updated using (Equation (
- (h)
The photo-generated current
is determine using (Equation (
- (i)
Once we have values for , , m, , and , it is possible to resolve the SDM model in order to obtain , the calculated value of current corresponding to the measured according to this set of parameters.
- (j)
If the discrepancy between the actual and the calculated is smaller than a threshold, we can finish the loop. Otherwise, we continue.
- (k)
If , the value of the parallel resistance is increased by . If not, (), is decreased by (the value for could be for example ). Then, we jump to step g).
- (l)
Finally, we can perform the translation from
using (Equations (
76), (77), (
79), and (
The rest of the methods (from G05 to G08) are identical to G01 to G04, respectively, changing only (Equation (
76)) for (Equation (
- H01:
Linear Interpolation
The main drawback of the previous procedures is the requirement to know in advance some temperature coefficients and intrinsic parameters. Some of these are not provided by the manufacturers and those that are available are not valid for all the cases, for example when the PV modules are degraded PV modules.
An alternative is to use an interpolation method that takes as input two or more initial I–V curves, without requiring any additional parameters. The most simple and basic approach in this category is known as linear interpolation and it takes as input two I–V curves, in order to perform a sort of interpolation between them to create a new curve referring the target conditions:
Curve 1a: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Curve 1b: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Therefore, it is necessary to estimate a target curve referring to the conditions . This can be achieved through an interpolation procedure at different levels.
On the one hand, it is necessary to perform the interpolation in the temperature vs. irradiance space, as can be seen in
Figure 4. Given the point
, representing the operating conditions of the
Curve 1a, and the point
, representing the operating conditions of the
Curve 1b, it is possible to connect both points with a straight line (Equation (
283)) in such a way that any point
belonging to this line can be expressed as a linear combination of both initial points:
is the weight to determine depending on both the initial conditions and the target conditions.
Once the value of the weight
is known, we can move on to reproducing a similar interpolation in the current versus voltage space (
I–V plane). As can be seen in
Figure 5, given a discrete point
i-th point belonging to
Curve 1a) and another point
j-th point belonging to
Curve 1b), it is possible to obtain a new point, supposed to belong to the final
Curve 2 (its
j-th point), which can be expressed as a linear combination of the previous points using exactly the same weight
as determined in the previous step (Equations (
284) and (285)):
There are a pair problems that must be addressed. First, this procedure can be only used if the target conditions
are able to be expressed as a linear combination of the operating conditions of both initial curves. Therefore, the applicability of this approach is very limited. In addition, from a practical point of view, care must be taken when selecting the pair of
I–V points to be interpolated (one from
Curve 1a and another one from
Curve 1b). For each point of
Curve 1a, which we can note as
, its is necessary to select a partner for
Curve 1b, let this be
, but this selection is not trivial. We can select both points in such a way that (Equation (
286)) is satisfied [
- H02:
Bilinear Interpolation
Based on the previous approach H01, Marion et al. [
7] presented an improved procedure of interpolation that takes as input four
I–V curves, to perform a sort of
bilinear interpolation. There are two different irradiance levels (
) and two different temperature levels (
), in such a way that each initial curve refers to the following operating conditions:
Curve 1a: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Curve 1b: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Curve 1c: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Curve 1d: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
As can be seen in
Figure 6, the points of the G/T plane representing these four
I–V curve points are arranged on a square, and depending on how the are combined, it is possible to obtain through interpolation the corresponding
I–V curve under any target conditions
. The following steps should be performed:
- (a)
First, it is possible to perform a linear interpolation of Curve 1a and Curve 1b to create an auxiliary curve Curve ab, referring to . Let be the weight used to perform the linear interpolation.
- (b)
Then, it is also possible to perform a second linear interpolation of Curve 1c and Curve 1d to create a second auxiliary curve Curve cd, referring to . The weight used to perform the linear interpolation will be exactly , the same as used for the previous interpolation.
- (c)
Finally, Curve ab and Curve cd are used as inputs when performing a final linear interpolation to generate Curve 2, referring to . The weight used to perform the linear interpolation can be noted as .
The main drawback of this procedure is the task of achieving four
I–V curves arranged as described in
Figure 6, especially if the measurements are taken outdoors.
- H03:
IEC 60891 procedure 3
Procedure 3 described in IEC 60891:2021 [
3] has two possible versions: one that uses four
I–V curves as input, but also a simplified variant in which only three
I–V curves are required:
Curve 1a: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Curve 1b: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
Curve 1c: , where , measured at an irradiance and a cell temperature .
The advantage of this interpolation method with respect to the previous ones is that the
I–V curves are not required to be arranged in any specific way. The operating conditions
of these curves can be arranged on the G/T plane as any triangle (see
Figure 7), in such a way that the
I–V curve referring to any target conditions
inside this triangle can be obtained through interpolation (extrapolation if the point is outside the triangle). The objective is to estimate a target curve
referring to
. This can be achieved by taking advantage of a auxiliary
I–V curve
, referring to the intermediate conditions
.This auxiliary
Curve x is built from
Curve 1a and
Curve 1b using linear interpolation. In a second step,
Curve 1c and
Curve x are also used as input for a second interpolation to build the final target
Curve 2.
First, it is necessary to perform the interpolation in the G/T space, as can be seen in
Figure 7. Once the required weights
have been determined, it is possible to use those values to finish the interpolation in the
I–V plane. The conditions
are generated using a linear combination of
(see Equations (
287) and (288)), with
the weight to estimate. The final conditions
come from the interpolation of
by means of the other weight
(see Equations (289) and (290)). The values of the weights can be determined by solving a system of equations, whose unknowns are
It is necessary to select, for each pair
Curve 1a, its counterpart
Curve 1b, verifying
). Then, from both pairs, a new pair
of the new
Curve x is generated using (Equations (
291) and (292)). Similarly, defining
, using a point from
Curve 1c and its counterpart in
Curve x (satisfying
), the pair
Curve 2 can be obtained using (Equations (293) and (294)). This process is sketched in
Figure 8 and
Figure 9.
This method has several drawbacks that must be clearly highlighted. First, for its application, it is not enough to use a unique I–V curve as input, because we need to measure three of them. Moreover, the points associated with these three curves must be arranged in the irradiance/temperature plane on a triangular shape, in such a way the point representing the target conditions should be inside this triangle. Therefore, in order to test this method, it is necessary to find measurements of I–V curves verifying that requirement.
A second drawback of this methodology is the fact that during the interpolation of two initial I–V curves, for each iteration, it is necessary to identify different pairs of points to be interpolated (one from the first I–V curve and another from the second input I–V curve). This step is not clearly explained in the standard IEC 60891:2021, and depending on how the points are distributed along both I–V curves, a deformed I–V curve could be obtained, so a visual inspection of the result may be necessary.