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A Multi-Functional Reactive Power Compensation Device with the Capability of Grounding Fault Regulation and Its Parameter Design Method

National Electric Power Conversion and Control Engineering Technology Research Center, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
New Smart City High-Quality Power Supply Joint Laboratory of China Southern Power Grid, Shenzhen Power Supply Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518020, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2024, 17(18), 4531;
Submission received: 4 August 2024 / Revised: 27 August 2024 / Accepted: 6 September 2024 / Published: 10 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)


Aiming at the problems of low equipment utilization and the high-capacity requirements of existing arc-suppression devices, a multi-functional reactive power compensation device with the capability of grounding fault regulation (MF-RPCD) is proposed. Firstly, the topology and operation mechanism of MF-RPCD are introduced in this paper. MF-RPCD works in a reactive power compensation mode when a power grid is under normal operation to ensure the unit power factor operation of the power-grid side. When a single line-to-ground fault occurs in the power grid, MF-RPCD works in a fault-regulation mode to effectively suppress the ground-fault current. Secondly, the parameters of the active and passive parts of MF-RPCD are optimally designed to ensure the stable operation of MF-RPCD. Finally, the correctness, feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed topology and functions are verified using simulations and experiments.

1. Introduction

A distribution network structure is complex and grounding faults frequently occur. More than 70% of faults are single line-to-ground (SLG) faults. A medium-voltage distribution network generally operates in a low-current mode. With the expansion of a distribution network and the extensive use of power cables, the ground capacitance value of the line increases and the fault current sharply increases when a single-phase grounding fault occurs, making it difficult for the arc to extinguish itself. If the fault current is not effectively suppressed, it may cause serious accidents such as insulation breakdown and interphase short circuits [1,2,3].

Literature Review

As an effective passive arc-suppression device, an arc-suppression coil is widely used in distribution networks [4,5]. At present, many scholars have carried out in-depth research on arc-suppression coils [6,7,8]. In [6], an adjustable arc-suppression coil is proposed. By shifting the on-load switch, the equivalent inductance of the arc-suppression coil could be changed. In [7,8], the grounding method of arc-suppression-coil parallel resistance is proposed. Although the topology of an arc-suppression coil is simple, it can only compensate reactive current components instead of active and harmonic current components.
With the development of power electronics technology, many scholars have conducted preliminary research on active arc-suppression methods. Compared with the passive arc-suppression method, the active arc-suppression method can realize the full compensation of a fault current [9,10]. In [11], an active inverter is used to cooperate with the arc-suppression coil and an arc-suppression current is injected into the neutral point of a power grid. In [12], an electromagnetic hybrid arc-suppression coil based on a magnetically controlled reactor and an active compensator is proposed to quickly and effectively compensate a fault current. However, the above devices can only work during SLG faults and the equipment utilization rate is low.
To solve the above problems, in [13], an active arc-suppression device based on a three-phase cascade H-bridge converter is proposed. When an SLG fault occurs, the arc-suppression current is output. When the power grid is in a normal condition, the reactive power compensation current is output. On the basis of [13], the energy characteristics of a device during arc suppression are analyzed in [14]. In [15], an alternate arc-suppression method was proposed to stabilize the DC-link voltage of a multi-function arc-suppression device (MF-ASD) during an SLG fault. An arc-suppression coil [16] or a single-phase converter [17] can be connected to the common point of an active arc-suppression device so that the common-point voltage of the active arc-suppression device can be regulated. The above devices combine reactive power compensation and arc suppression to improve the utilization and practicability of the devices. However, the higher requirements of the withstand voltage for the devices lead to higher costs and more complex designs.
Based on existing devices and problems, a multi-functional reactive power compensation device with the capability of grounding fault regulation (MF-RPCD) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the topology of MF-RPCD is introduced in this paper. Secondly, the operation characteristics of MF-RPCD in different modes are analyzed in detail. In addition, the parameters of the active and passive parts of MF-RPCD are optimally designed. Finally, the correctness, feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed topology structure and functions are verified by simulations and experiments.

2. Topology of MF-RPCD

The topology of MF-RPCD is shown in Figure 1. MF-RPCD adopts a three-phase structure and each phase of MF-RPCD can operate independently. Active and passive parts are included in MF-RPCD. The active part is composed of a DC-link capacitor and converter, and the passive part is composed of a thyristor-controlled LC (TCLC). The TCLC is used to compensate the reactive components of a fault current. By controlling the firing angle of the thyristor, the TCLC can be equivalent to a continuously controllable inductor or capacitor. Therefore, the capacity of the converter can be reduced and the reliability of MF-RPCD can be improved. The active part is used to compensate the active components of the fault current and improve the performance of the TCLC structure. The active and passive parts can coordinate and cooperate with each other to achieve functional complementarity.
In Figure 1, Ex (x = a, b and c), Vsx, Vinvx and Vg are the system voltage, busbar voltage, output voltage of the converter and fault voltage, respectively. Ix, Ig and Icx are the system current, fault current and output current of MF-RPCD, respectively. rx and C0x are the line-to-earth leakage resistance and capacitance, respectively. C1 and Cdc are the TCLC capacitance and DC-link capacitance, respectively. L1 and L2 are the TCLC inductance and filter inductance, respectively. Rf is the ground-fault resistance.

3. Operation Mechanism of MF-RPCD

3.1. Analysis of the Working Mode of MF-RPCD

When a power grid is in a normal condition, MF-RPCD works in the reactive power compensation mode. The equivalent circuit diagram during reactive power compensation is shown in Figure 2. Among them, Qinv, QTCLC, QC0 and QL are the reactive power compensated by the converter, the reactive power compensated by the TCLC, the reactive power generated by the phase-to-ground leakage capacitance and the reactive power consumed by the load, respectively.
At this time, the power relationship is expressed as follows:
Q inv + Q TCLC + Q C 0 = Q L
The reactive power QTCLC compensated by the TCLC is as follows:
Q TCLC = V TCLCa 2 + V TCLCb 2 + V TCLCc 2 X cap
where Xcap is the impedance of Ceq.
The reactive power QC0 generated by the phase-to-ground leakage capacitance can be expressed as follows:
Q C 0 = E a 2 ω ( C 0 A + C 0 B + C 0 C )
According to Equations (1)–(3), the reactive power output by the converter Qinv can be calculated as follows:
Q inv = Q L Q C 0 Q TCLC
In this mode, the TCLC can be equivalent to the capacitance Ceq and the output reactive power of the active part can be reduced. A phasor diagram of the reactive power compensation mode is shown in Figure 3. Taking phase A as an example, the relationship between voltage and current is as follows:
V sa = V inva + V TCLCa
I ca = V TCLCa j ω C eq
The compensation current Ica output by MF-RPCD is 90° ahead of the phase A voltage. During this period, the TCLC needs to be capacitive and output a large voltage VTCLCa that lags the compensation current by 90°. Therefore, the output voltage of the converter Vinva can be reduced.
When an SLG fault occurs in a power grid, MF-RPCD works in the fault-regulation mode. An equivalent circuit diagram during arc suppression is shown in Figure 4. Among them, Pinv and PC0 are the active power compensated by the converter and the active power generated by the phase-to-ground leakage resistance, respectively.
When an SLG fault occurs in phase A, the arc-suppression current is output by the non-faulty phase of MF-RPCD. Assuming Ea + Eb + Ec = 0, the line-to-earth parameters can be obtained using the methods of [18,19]. According to KCL law, the current flow relationship of the distribution network is expressed as follows:
V sa ( 1 r A + 1 R f + j ω C 0 A ) + V sb ( 1 r B + j ω C 0 B ) + V sc ( 1 r C + j ω C 0 C ) ( I ca + I cb + I cc ) = 0
The arc-suppression current is as follows:
I cb = ( E b E a ) ( 1 r B + j ω C 0 B ) I cc = ( E c E a ) ( 1 r C + j ω C 0 C )
At this time, the power relationship is expressed as follows:
P inv = P C 0
Q inv + Q TCLC = Q C 0
The active power PC0 and reactive power QC0 can be expressed as follows:
P C 0 = 3 E a 2 ( 1 r b + 1 r c ) Q C 0 = 3 E a 2 ω ( C 0 B + C 0 C )
The reactive power QTCLC compensated by the TCLC is as follows:
Q TCLC = V TCLCb 2 + V TCLCc 2 X ind
where Xind is the impedance of Leq.
According to Equations (8)–(12), the active power Pinv and reactive power Qinv output by the converter can be obtained as follows:
P inv = P C 0 Q inv = Q C 0 Q TCLC
In this mode, the TCLC can be equivalent to the inductance Leq and the output reactive power of the active part is reduced. Most of the reactive power required for arc suppression can be output by the TCLC and the active power and remaining reactive power are output by the active part.
A phasor diagram of the fault-regulation mode is shown in Figure 5. During an SLG fault, the arc-suppression current is output by the non-fault phase of MF-RPCD to regulate the fault current. Taking phase B as an example, the relationship between voltage and current is as follows:
V sb = V invb + V TCLCb
I cb = V TCLCb j ω L eq
The arc-suppression current Icb output by MF-RPCD lags the phase B voltage by 90°. During this period, the TCLC needs to be inductive and output a large voltage VTCLCb that leads the compensation current by 90°. Therefore, the output voltage of the converter Vinvb can be reduced.

3.2. Control Strategy of MF-RPCD

MF-RPCD is mainly used in the neutral ungrounded system of a 10 kV distribution network. A control strategy block diagram of MF-RPCD is shown in Figure 6. When the distribution network is in a normal condition, the TCLC becomes capacitive by adjusting the firing angle. A three-phase load current iloadx (x = a, b, c) is collected. The reactive current is calculated using instantaneous reactive power theory and the reference value of the reactive power compensation current of each phase is obtained. The output current of MF-RPCD can track the reference value of the reactive current through the current loop and the reactive power compensation is realized.
When an SLG fault occurs in a power grid, MF-RPCD switches to the fault-regulation mode and the TCLC becomes inductive by adjusting the firing angle. The arc-suppression current of Equation (8) is taken as the reference value and the arc-suppression current is obtained. The non-fault-phase MF-RPCD is controlled to output the arc-suppression current. After a period of time, the arc-suppression current is reduced. If the neutral-point voltage decreases, the fault is eliminated. Otherwise, the fault still exists. At this time, the fault feeder line needs to be isolated.

4. Parameter Design of MF-RPCD

This section provides the parameter design of the active and passive parts to ensure the stable operation of MF-RPCD. Among them, the TCLC capacitor, TCLC inductor, filter inductor and DC-link capacitor voltage are mainly considered, so the above parameters are designed in this section.
The fundamental frequency impedance of the TCLC can be expressed as follows:
X TCLC = π X L 1 X C 1 X C 1 ( 2 π 2 α + sin 2 α ) π X L 1 + X L 2
where α is the firing angle. XL1 and XC1 are the impedance of L1 and C1, respectively.
The current output by MF-RPCD can be expressed as follows:
I cx = V invx V sx j X TCLC
where XTCLC is the impedance of the TCLC.
According to the complex form of Vinvx, Vinvx can be expressed as follows:
V invx = V invx cos δ + j V invx sin δ
where δ is the angle between Vinvx and Vsx. When MF-RPCD works in a reactive power compensation mode, Vinvx and Vsx are in the same phase (δ = 0). When MF-RPCD works in a fault-regulation mode, the angle between Vinvx and Vsx is acute (0 < δ < 90°).
Substituting Equation (18) into (17), the current output by MF-RPCD can be calculated as follows:
I cx = V invx cos δ + j V invx sin δ V sx j X TCLC         = V invx sin δ X TCLC j V invx cos δ V sx X TCLC         = I R + j I m
where IR and Im are the amplitude of the active current and the reactive current output by MF-RPCD, respectively.
According to Equation (19), Vinvx can be expressed as follows:
V invx = V sx ( I R X TCLC V sx ) 2 + ( I m X TCLC V sx 1 ) 2
In order to minimize Vinvx, the partial derivative of Equation (20) to XTCLC is obtained by setting it to zero:
V invx X TCLC = I R 2 X TCLC V sx 2 + ( I m 2 X TCLC V sx 2 I m V sx ) ( I R X TCLC V sx ) 2 + ( I m X TCLC V sx 1 ) 2 = 0
According to Equation (21), the expression for XTCLC that minimizes Vinvx can be obtained as follows:
X TCLC = I m V sx I R 2 + I m 2

4.1. Design of TCLC Capacitance C1

According to the relationship between power, voltage and current, the active and reactive power output by MF-RPCD are as follows:
P = V sx I R
Q = V sx I m
By substituting Equations (23) and (24) into Equation (22), XTCLC is obtained as follows:
X TCLC = Q V sx 2 P 2 + Q 2
During reactive power compensation, Vsx = Ex and only reactive power is output by MF-RPCD. At this time, the capacitive reactance is minimum and the corresponding capacitive reactive power is maximum when the firing angle α = 180°. The capacitive reactance can be expressed as follows:
X CAP ( min ) = V sx 2 Q MaxCap = X L 2 X C 1
where QMaxCap is the maximum value of the TCLC capacitive reactive power.
In order to meet the requirements of reactive power compensation, QMaxCap should be designed as follows:
Q MaxCap Q L
According to Equation (25), C1 can be obtained as follows:
C 1 = Q MaxCap Q MaxCap ω 2 L 2 ω E x

4.2. Design of TCLC Inductance L1

During arc suppression, the phase-to-phase voltage is borne by MF-RPCD. At this time, the inductive reactance is minimum and the corresponding inductive reactive power is maximum when the firing angle α = 90°. The inductive reactance can be expressed as follows:
X Ind ( min ) = 3 E x I mMax I RMax 2 + I mMax 2 = X L 1 X C 1 X C 1 X L 1 + X L 2
where IRMax and ImMax are the maximum arc-suppression active current and the maximum arc-suppression reactive current output by the non-fault-phase MF-RPCD, respectively.
In order to meet the requirements of arc suppression, IRMax and ImMax should be designed as follows:
I RMax 3 E x r x I mMax 3 E x ω C 0 x
According to Equation (29), L1 is obtained as follows:
L 1 = 3 E x I mMax ω L 2 ( I RMax 2 + I mMax 2 ) ω ( I RMax 2 + I mMax 2 ) ω 3 L 2 C 1 ( I RMax 2 + I mMax 2 ) + 3 E x ω 2 C 1 I mMax

4.3. Design of Filter Inductor L2

The function of the filter inductor L2 is to reduce the output current ripple of MF-RPCD. The value range of L2 is as follows:
L 2 V dcx 8 f s Δ i cxmax
where Vdcx, fs and △icxmax are the DC-link voltage, the switching frequency and the maximum output current ripple, respectively.

4.4. Design of DC-Link Voltage Vdcx

When the modulation ratio m is constant, the change in Vdcx is the same as Vinvx. By substituting Equations (22) and (29) into Equation (20), the minimum DC-link voltage V1 in the fault-regulation mode is as follows:
V 1 = 3 E x [ I RMax ( X L 1 X C 1 X C 1 X L 1 + X L 2 ) 3 E x ] 2 + [ I mMax ( X L 1 X C 1 X C 1 X L 1 + X L 2 ) 3 E x 1 ] 2
By substituting Equations (25) and (26) into Equation (20), the minimum DC-link voltage V2 in the reactive power compensation mode can be obtained as follows:
V 2 = Q MaxCap ( X L 2 X C 1 ) E x E x
According to Equations (33) and (34), the minimum DC-link voltage is obtained as follows:
M i n . V dcx = max ( V 1 , V 2 ) m

4.5. Comparison of Schemes

To prove the superiority of MF-RPCD, a comparison of the costs and numbers between the proposed scheme and a traditional non-neutral arc-suppression device [14] was conducted.
The switching device was selected as FF300R12KE3. The DC-link capacitor was selected as the film capacitor and the thyristor was selected as VS-ST1000C24K0. The numbers and costs are shown in Table 1. As can be seen in Table 1, in terms of costs and number of switching devices, MF-RPCD has more advantages than traditional non-neutral arc-suppression devices.

5. Simulation Results

To verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the topology structure and functions of MF-RPCD in this paper, a simulation model based on a MATLAB/Simulink 2021a platform was built. The simulation parameters are shown in Table 2.

5.1. Simulation of a Power Grid in a Normal Condition

The simulation waveforms of a power grid in a normal condition are shown in Figure 7. MF-RPCD did not work during 0~0.3 s and worked in the reactive power compensation mode during 0.3~0.8 s.
The waveforms of Eb and Ib are shown in Figure 7a. As shown in the figure, Eb = 5774 V and Ib = 35.4 A. Eb and Ib remained in-phase, which indicated that MF-RPCD had a good reactive power compensation effect.
The waveforms of Ica, Icb and Icc are shown in Figure 7b. At this time, the reactive power compensation current was output by MF-RPCD to compensate the reactive power of the load.
The waveforms of the TCLC voltage of phase B VTCLCb and Icb are shown in Figure 7c. It can be seen from the figure that the TCLC voltage lagged the output current by 90°. The equivalent impedance of the TCLC part was capacitive and the TCLC could be equivalent to a capacitance by controlling the firing angle.
The waveforms of Vsb, Vinvb and VTCLCb1 are shown in Figure 7d. As can be seen from the figure, because a 1574 V capacitive voltage was output by the TCLC, the output voltage of the converter was only about 4200 V. Therefore, the DC-link voltage required by the converter was reduced.

5.2. Simulation of an SLG Fault Condition

An SLG fault occurred in phase A during 0.9~1.3 s. Thus, MF-RPCD worked in a reactive power compensation mode during 0.8~0.9 s. Then, MF-RPCD worked in a fault-regulation mode during 0.9~1.3 s. Further, the SLG fault in phase C was eliminated after 1.3 s and MF-RPCD worked in the reactive power compensation mode again. The simulation results are shown in Table 3.
The waveforms of Ig are shown in Figure 8a. At 0.9 s, phase A of MF-RPCD exited the operation and the non-fault phase (phase B and phase C) of MF-RPCD output an arc-suppression current. As can be seen from the figure, the fault current was reduced to about 1 A.
The waveforms of Eb and Ib are shown in Figure 8b. During reactive power compensation, Eb and Ib were in-phase. During suppression, Eb was ahead of Ib. After the SLG fault disappeared, MF-RPCD switched to a reactive power compensation mode.
The waveforms of Ica, Icb and Icc are shown in Figure 8c. The fault phase of MF-RPCD did not output a current and the non-fault phase (phase B and phase C) of MF-RPCD output an arc-suppression current. At this time, Ica = 0 and Icb = Icc = 21.9 A.
The waveforms of VTCLCb and Icb are shown in Figure 8d. It can be seen from the figure that the TCLC voltage was 90° ahead of the output current. The equivalent impedance of the TCLC part was inductive and the TCLC could be equivalent to an inductance by controlling the firing angle.
The waveforms of Vsb, Vinvb and VTCLCb1 are shown in Figure 7d. As can be seen from the figure, because a 5800 V inductive voltage was output by the TCLC, the output voltage of the converter was only about 4200 V. Even if the voltage of the non-fault phase rose to the phase-to-phase voltage, the output voltage of the converter could still be maintained at a low level.

6. Experimental Results

In order to further verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed topology and functions, experiments were conducted and the experimental parameters were consistent with the simulation parameters. The experimental results are shown in Table 4.
As shown in Figure 9a, when an SLG fault occurred, MF-RPCD worked in an arc-suppression mode. At this time, the fault phase voltage Vg and fault current Ig were reduced to 0 and arc suppression was realized.
It can be seen from Figure 9b that when the power grid was in a normal condition, MF-RPCD worked in a reactive power compensation mode. At this time, the system voltage and current were in the same phase and reactive power compensation was realized.
As shown in Figure 9c, in the reactive power compensation mode and the arc-suppression mode, the MF-RPCD output capacitive voltage and inductive voltage, respectively. Therefore, the capacity of the active part could be reduced.

7. Conclusions

Aiming at the problems of low equipment utilization and the high-capacity requirements of existing arc-suppression devices, a multi-functional reactive power compensation device with the capability of grounding fault regulation was proposed. The conclusions are as follows:
Reactive power compensation and arc suppression were realized, greatly improving the utilization and practicability of the device.
The TCLC could be equivalent to a continuously controllable capacitance and inductance. When MF-RPCD worked in a reactive power compensation mode or fault-regulation mode, a large capacitive or inductive voltage could be output by the TCLC, which could effectively reduce the capacity of the converter and the cost.
The correctness, feasibility and effectiveness of the MF-RPCD topology and functions were verified in this paper, providing theoretical support for engineering applications.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Z.H. and Q.G.; methodology, Z.H. and H.Z.; software, Y.H. and X.L.; validation, Y.H.; formal analysis, H.Z. and Z.H.; investigation, H.Z.; resources, X.L.; data curation, H.L.; writing—original draft, H.L.; writing—review and editing, X.L. and Z.H.; visualization, X.L. and Z.H.; supervision, Q.G.; project administration Q.G.; funding acquisition, H.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Science and Technology Project of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, grant number 090000KC23020073.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors Huaying Zhang, Huicong Liu and Xiaorui Liang were employed by the company Shenzhen Power Supply Co., Ltd. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


ExSystem voltage
VsxBusbar voltage
VinvxOutput voltage of the converter
VgFault voltage
IxSystem current
IgFault current
IcxOutput current of MF-RPCD
VTCLCxOutput voltage of the TCLC
rxLine-to-earth leakage resistance
C0xLine-to-earth leakage capacitance
C1TCLC capacitance
CdcDC-link capacitance
L1TCLC inductance
L2Filter inductance
RfGround-fault resistance
QinvReactive power compensated by the converter
QTCLCReactive power compensated by the TCLC
QC0Reactive power generated by the phase-to-ground leakage capacitance
QLReactive power consumed by the load
XcapImpedance of equivalent capacitance
PinvActive power compensated by the converter
PC0Active power generated by the phase-to-ground leakage resistance
XindImpedance of equivalent inductance
αFiring angle
XL1Impedance of the TCLC inductance
XC1Impedance of the TCLC capacitance
XTCLCImpedance of the TCLC
δAngle between the busbar voltage and output voltage of the converter
IRAmplitude of the active current
ImAmplitude of the reactive current
QMaxCapMaximum value of the TCLC capacitive reactive power
IRMaxMaximum arc-suppression active current
ImMaxMaximum arc-suppression reactive current
VdcxDC-link voltage
fsSwitching frequency
icxmaxMaximum output current ripple
mModulation ratio


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Figure 1. Topological structure of MF-RPCD.
Figure 1. Topological structure of MF-RPCD.
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Figure 2. Equivalent circuit diagram during reactive power compensation (the green line is the power flow of the system during reactive power compensation and the arrow represents the direction of power flow).
Figure 2. Equivalent circuit diagram during reactive power compensation (the green line is the power flow of the system during reactive power compensation and the arrow represents the direction of power flow).
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Figure 3. Phasor diagram of reactive power compensation mode (the green line, the red line and blue line are Ica, VTCLCa and Vinva, respectively).
Figure 3. Phasor diagram of reactive power compensation mode (the green line, the red line and blue line are Ica, VTCLCa and Vinva, respectively).
Energies 17 04531 g003
Figure 4. Equivalent circuit diagram during arc suppression (the red line is the power flow of the system during arc suppression and the arrow represents the direction of power flow).
Figure 4. Equivalent circuit diagram during arc suppression (the red line is the power flow of the system during arc suppression and the arrow represents the direction of power flow).
Energies 17 04531 g004
Figure 5. Phasor diagram of fault-regulation mode (the green line, the red line and blue line are Icb, VTCLCb and Vinvb, respectively).
Figure 5. Phasor diagram of fault-regulation mode (the green line, the red line and blue line are Icb, VTCLCb and Vinvb, respectively).
Energies 17 04531 g005
Figure 6. Control strategy block diagram of MF-RPCD.
Figure 6. Control strategy block diagram of MF-RPCD.
Energies 17 04531 g006
Figure 7. Simulation waveforms of a power grid in a normal condition.
Figure 7. Simulation waveforms of a power grid in a normal condition.
Energies 17 04531 g007aEnergies 17 04531 g007b
Figure 8. Simulation waveforms of a power grid in a SLG fault condition.
Figure 8. Simulation waveforms of a power grid in a SLG fault condition.
Energies 17 04531 g008aEnergies 17 04531 g008b
Figure 9. Experimental waveforms.
Figure 9. Experimental waveforms.
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Table 1. Comparison between MF-RPCD and an existing scheme.
Table 1. Comparison between MF-RPCD and an existing scheme.
TypeTraditional Non-Neutral Arc-Suppression DeviceMF-RPCD
NumberCHB module3012
DC-link capacitor (5 mF/1200 V)3012
Filter inductance33
TCLC inductance/3
TCLC capacitor/3
CostDC-link capacitor (1200 V)USD 3300USD 1320
FF300R12KE3USD 9720USD 3888
VS-ST1000C24K0/USD 1896
Filter inductanceUSD 1500USD 1500
TCLC inductance/USD 2100
TCLC capacitor/USD 600
Total costUSD 14,520USD 11,304
Table 2. Simulation parameters.
Table 2. Simulation parameters.
Distribution network voltage (kV)10Filter inductance (mH)5
Phase-to-ground leakage resistance (kΩ)10Load impedance (Ω)110
Phase-to-ground leakage capacitance (uF)7Power factor of load0.7
Ground-fault resistance (Ω)100DC-link capacitance (mF)5
TCLC capacitance (mF)0.2TCLC inductance (mH)20
Table 3. Simulation results.
Table 3. Simulation results.
TypeReactive Power Compensation ModeFault-Regulation Mode
Eb5774 V5774 V
Ib25.5 A21.9 A
Ig/1 A
Vsb5774 V10,000 V
Vinvb4200 V4200 V
VTCLCb11574 V5800 V
Characteristics of TCLCCapacitiveInductive
Table 4. Experimental results.
Table 4. Experimental results.
TypeReactive Power Compensation ModeFault-Regulation Mode
Eb5774 V5774 V
Vg5774 V50 V
Ig/0.5 A
Vsb5774 V10,000 V
Vinvb4200 V4200 V
VTCLCb11574 V5800 V
Characteristics of TCLCCapacitiveInductive
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MDPI and ACS Style

Huang, Z.; Hou, Y.; Zhang, H.; Liu, H.; Liang, X.; Guo, Q. A Multi-Functional Reactive Power Compensation Device with the Capability of Grounding Fault Regulation and Its Parameter Design Method. Energies 2024, 17, 4531.

AMA Style

Huang Z, Hou Y, Zhang H, Liu H, Liang X, Guo Q. A Multi-Functional Reactive Power Compensation Device with the Capability of Grounding Fault Regulation and Its Parameter Design Method. Energies. 2024; 17(18):4531.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Huang, Zejun, Yuchao Hou, Huaying Zhang, Huicong Liu, Xiaorui Liang, and Qi Guo. 2024. "A Multi-Functional Reactive Power Compensation Device with the Capability of Grounding Fault Regulation and Its Parameter Design Method" Energies 17, no. 18: 4531.

APA Style

Huang, Z., Hou, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, H., Liang, X., & Guo, Q. (2024). A Multi-Functional Reactive Power Compensation Device with the Capability of Grounding Fault Regulation and Its Parameter Design Method. Energies, 17(18), 4531.

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