Advancements and Perspectives in Embedded Discrete Fracture Models (EDFM)
:1. Introduction
2. Fractures as Physical Features
3. Fractures as Numerical Entities
Fracture Geometry | Fracture Models | Reference |
Non-conforming | Effective continuum model (1ϕ) | [39] |
Warren and Root (2ϕ2K) | [26,40] | |
Multiporosity | [41,42] | |
MINC | [43] | |
EDFM | [44] | |
pEDFM | [45] | |
cEDFM | [46] | |
XFEM | [47] | |
Conforming | Lower-dimensional elements | [37,48] |
Local Grid Refinement (LGR) | [15,34] |
4. EDFM Formulation
5. Low-Permeability Fractures
6. Enhanced Transmissibility Calculation
7. Geological Considerations
8. Multiphase Flow
9. Thermo-Hydro-Chemo Mechanics (THCM)
10. Data Assimilation under Uncertainties
11. Performance and Accuracy
12. Conclusions and Recommendations
- The multidisciplinary fracture characterization culture has long seen distancing between geoscientists and simulation engineers. Narrowing this gap will enable the assimilation of stochastic techniques built after data and interpretation from outcrops, cores, image logs, seismic surveys, and field measurements. With such a framework in place, history matching to field data and uncertainty assessment of the DFN attributes enhance team communication and aggregate phenomenological findings.
- The consolidation of upscaling processes and field-data assimilation techniques still needs thorough investigation. Considering that numerical discrete fractures are effective representations of large collections of complex smaller joints, their attributes, like fracture aperture or roughness, cannot be derived from direct correlation to direct geometrical observation. Instead, the attributes are intrinsically multiscale, multifactorial, and highly uncertain.
- A comprehensive set of geologically consistent, public-domain benchmarks covering a wide range of complex fracture networks would enable the assessment of available methodologies’ actual scalability and accuracy. Current benchmarks are notably simplistic and limited to single-phase flow in isothermal and mechanically stable environments. Remarkably, the significant differences in drainage mechanisms between NFs and HFs suggest that each case demands particular setups.
- Novel discrete fracture models must assess multiphase capillary-driven fluid imbibition dynamics, especially when targeting naturally fractured reservoirs. Similarly, thermally induced fracture opening and extension and their mechanical interactions still need further understanding.
- Most of the techniques discussed in this paper are still limited to academic investigation. Establishing a discrete fracture framework in commercial software for field-scale at industry standards is the key to moving forward. Training of subsurface technicians has been extensive in dual porosity strategies for a long time, and shifting to a discrete modeling culture is costly and not immediate. For example, the lack of integrated pre- and post-processing tools for fluid flow simulation and visualization is crucial in human-assisted history matching. This limits the use of the models across decision-making chains.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Recommended Technique | Reasoning | |
Hydraulic Fracture | EDFM or Conforming | Fractures are designed with a well-known geometry, and multiphase flow is less relevant. EDFM can be faithful to the fracture geometry and is computationally efficient. Conforming methods are also suitable and efficient for low-density fracture networks with known geometries. |
Natural Fracture (Type 1) | EDFM or Effective continuum (1ϕ) | The matrix is irrelevant for the flow and for connate fluid storage. Fracture distribution and their connectivity can be represented by EDFM or by an upscaled single porosity effective continuum model. |
Natural Fracture (Type 2, 3) | EDFM or 2ϕ2K | The contrast between matrix and fracture conductivities can be modeled as a continuum using dual porosity or directly related to an effective geometry with EDFM. |
Natural Fracture (Type 4) | pEDFM, cEDFM or Conforming | Fractures with large extensions whose geometry is mapped from seismic data with low uncertainty can be conformed to the grid. Sub-seismic features are likely to take advantage of pEDFM or cEDFM flexibility |
Waterflooding | EDFM or 2ϕ2K | Multiphase flow raises concerns about how to represent the fracture’s role in this context in both approaches and how to calibrate the transfer function in the DPDK approach. |
Gas-EOR and Storage | EDFM or 2ϕ2K | Multiphase flow raises concerns about representing the fracture’s role in this context. However, EDFM tends to be computationally more efficient in reactive transport. |
Steamflooding | 2ϕ2K or MINC | It’s unclear if EDFM can handle heat flow when coupled with commercial simulators. |
Iterative workflows | 2ϕ2K or EDFM | One must avoid costly operations like re-meshing and property redistribution during iterative workflows. Hence, more flexible schemes are preferred. |
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Poli, R.E.B.; Barbosa Machado, M.V.; Sepehrnoori, K. Advancements and Perspectives in Embedded Discrete Fracture Models (EDFM). Energies 2024, 17, 3550.
Poli REB, Barbosa Machado MV, Sepehrnoori K. Advancements and Perspectives in Embedded Discrete Fracture Models (EDFM). Energies. 2024; 17(14):3550.
Chicago/Turabian StylePoli, Renato Espirito Basso, Marcos Vitor Barbosa Machado, and Kamy Sepehrnoori. 2024. "Advancements and Perspectives in Embedded Discrete Fracture Models (EDFM)" Energies 17, no. 14: 3550.
APA StylePoli, R. E. B., Barbosa Machado, M. V., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2024). Advancements and Perspectives in Embedded Discrete Fracture Models (EDFM). Energies, 17(14), 3550.