An Experimental Investigation of Surfactant-Stabilized CO2 Foam Flooding in Carbonate Cores in Reservoir Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Materials
2.2. Bulk Foam Stability Tests
2.3. Foam Dynamic Tests
2.4. Oil Recovery Experiments
3. Results
3.1. Foam Stability Tests
3.1.1. The Effect of Surfactant Concentration
3.1.2. The Effect of Temperature
3.1.3. The Effect of Brine Salinity
3.2. Foam Performance in Porous Media in the Absence of Oil
3.2.1. Foam Quality Scan
3.2.2. Flow Rate Tests
3.2.3. In Situ Foam Generation Test by Co-Injection
3.2.4. Effect of Surfactant Concentration on Foam Strength in Porous Media
3.3. Oil Recovery Experiments
4. Conclusions
- Above a threshold value, increasing the AOS concentration had an insignificant effect in bulk foam screening tests at the measured foam volume and half-life at ambient pressure, suggesting an economic optimum surfactant concentration.
- Foam stability decreased with increasing temperature during bulk foam tests at ambient pressure. This effect was stronger at a low surfactant concentration, showing the importance of screening at elevated temperatures.
- Foam behavior was insensitive to salinity over the range of salinities tested with this surfactant.
- In high-pressure CO2 core flood experiments in carbonate outcrop cores, the foam apparent viscosity became higher with increasing gas fractional flow until the transition point of 70%. Above the transition point, the apparent viscosity of the foam declined. This supports the concept of a critical capillary pressure for foam instability.
- Temperature had a detrimental effect on the foam transport behavior in porous media in the absence of oil. The foam stability and strength decreased dramatically with increasing reservoir temperature beyond a threshold, limiting the effectiveness at or above 80 °C.
- Foam flooding tests showed that the pressure drop across cores increased with increasing AOS concentration, which was more noticeable after the injection of a sufficient amount of the surfactant. This is important in the termination of the minimum chemical requirement.
- The co-injection of CO2 and brine alone at a fixed gas fractional flow prior during two oil recovery experiments was able to produce around 10% of the OOIP, but this method still left significant unrecovered oil. This is a characteristic of the recovery efficiency of immiscible gas displacement processes.
- Core floods in a limestone core with crude oil showed that the addition of a surfactant demonstrated to support transient CO2 foam stability was able to enhance oil recovery. The addition of a foam-forming surfactant as a tertiary CO2 flooding method following waterflooding, CO2 flooding, and the co-injection of CO2/brine improved oil recovery by about 6–10% of the OOIP. The ability to increase the microscopic displacement efficiency is attributed to mitigation of heterogeneity on the core scale and sweep improvement offered by foam.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Diameter, mm | Length, mm | Porosity, % | Kabs, mD |
38 | 151 | 15.3 | 120 |
38 | 151 | 15.9 | 100 |
38 | 147 | 18.3 | 66 |
38 | 154 | 18.3 | 45 |
38 | 147 | 19.8 | 175 |
38 | 150 | 18.9 | 630 |
Ions | Na+ | Ca2+ | Mg2+ | Cl− | SO42− | Total |
SSW, ppm | 3240 | 350 | 740 | 5440 | 3010 | 13,000 |
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Koyanbayev, M.; Hazlett, R.D.; Wang, L.; Hashmet, M.R. An Experimental Investigation of Surfactant-Stabilized CO2 Foam Flooding in Carbonate Cores in Reservoir Conditions. Energies 2024, 17, 3353.
Koyanbayev M, Hazlett RD, Wang L, Hashmet MR. An Experimental Investigation of Surfactant-Stabilized CO2 Foam Flooding in Carbonate Cores in Reservoir Conditions. Energies. 2024; 17(13):3353.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKoyanbayev, Madiyar, Randy Doyle Hazlett, Lei Wang, and Muhammad Rehan Hashmet. 2024. "An Experimental Investigation of Surfactant-Stabilized CO2 Foam Flooding in Carbonate Cores in Reservoir Conditions" Energies 17, no. 13: 3353.
APA StyleKoyanbayev, M., Hazlett, R. D., Wang, L., & Hashmet, M. R. (2024). An Experimental Investigation of Surfactant-Stabilized CO2 Foam Flooding in Carbonate Cores in Reservoir Conditions. Energies, 17(13), 3353.