Pipeline Infrastructure for CO2 Transport: Cost Analysis and Design Optimization
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Pipeline
2.2. Compressor and Pump
2.3. Booster Stations
3. Results & Discussion
3.1. Pressure Drop
3.2. Pipeline
3.3. Anomalies
3.4. Sensitivity Analysis
4. Conclusions
- Costs: The estimated levelized transport costs span a wide range, from 0.25 €/t to 55.82 €/t, depending on the transported mass, which varies from 1000 t/day to 25,000 t/day, and transport distances ranging from 25 km to 500 km. When factoring in initial compression costs, the LCO2T extends from 33.21 €/t to as high as 92.82 €/t for the same parameters. The calculated costs are based on various assumptions and serve as fundamental reference points for infrastructure planning.
- Pipeline diameter: An analysis was conducted on eight different pipeline diameters, spanning from 150 mm to 500 mm. The resulting LCO2T calculations play a pivotal role in identifying the optimal pipeline diameter tailored to specific mass flow requirements and transport distances.
- Flow temperature: This research emphasizes the impact of CO2 flow temperature within the pipeline. Elevated temperatures cause higher pressure loss, emphasizing the influence of environmental conditions on pipeline performance.
- Booster stations: Determining the exact distance at which a booster pump should be placed is one of the key highlights of this study. It is clear from the results that the number of booster stations plays a key role in determining the optimal diameter size, as it significantly impacts the total LCO2T.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Abbreviations and Notations
Symbols | Unit | Meaning |
M€ | Base cost of compressor | |
k€ | Base cost of pump | |
M€ | Compressor investment cost | |
J/kg/K | Specific heat under constant pressure | |
k€ | Pump investment cost | |
€ | Total investment cost of compressor and pump | |
J/kg/K | Specific heat under constant volume | |
- | Capacity factor for compressor and pump | |
- | Capacity factor for pipeline | |
- | Compression ratio | |
- | Capital recovery factor for compressor and pump | |
- | Capital recovery factor for pipeline | |
m | Diameter of pipeline | |
€/year | Annual energy cost of compression and pumping | |
- | Friction factor | |
- | Interest rate | |
- | Cumulative inflation rate from 2010 to 2024 | |
€/m | Pipeline investment cost | |
€ | Total investment cost for pipeline | |
- | Ratio of specific heat under constant pressure to specific heat under constant volume | |
m | Length of pipeline | |
€/t | Levelized cost of compressor and pump energy | |
€/t | Levelized cost of initial compressor and pump investment | |
€/t | Levelized cost of compressor and pump O&M | |
€/t | Levelized cost of pipeline transport | |
€/t | Levelized cost of pipeline investment | |
€/t | Levelized cost of pipeline O&M | |
t/day | CO2 mass flow rate per day | |
kg/kmol | Molecular weight of CO2 | |
t/year | Mass of CO2 transported per year | |
- | Multiplication exponent | |
years | Lifetime | |
- | Number of compressor stages | |
- | Number of parallel compressor units | |
- | Number of parallel pump units | |
€/year | Operations and maintenance costs for compressor and pumps | |
€/year | Operations and maintenance costs for pipeline | |
bar | Base pressure | |
bar | Critical pressure/Outlet pressure of compressor | |
€/kWh | Electricity cost | |
bar | Final pressure of pump | |
bar | Inlet pressure of pump | |
bar | Inlet pressure of compressor | |
Sm3/day | Standard volume flow rate | |
kJ/kmol/K | Universal gas constant | |
- | Reynolds number | |
K | Base temperature | |
K | Flow temperature | |
K | CO2 temperature at compressor inlet | |
m/s | Velocity of CO2 in pipeline | |
kW | Base scale of compressor | |
kW | Total compression power | |
kW | Maximum capacity of compressor unit | |
kW | Pumping power per unit | |
kW | Maximum capacity of pump unit | |
kW | Compressor power per stage | |
- | Compressor scaling factor | |
- | Pump scaling factor | |
- | Compressibility factor | |
- | Average CO2 compressibility factor | |
Greek symbols | Unit | Meaning |
bar | Pressure drop | |
mm | Pipe roughness | |
- | Isentropic efficiency | |
- | Pump efficiency | |
kg/m3 | Density of CO2 at average pressure and temperature | |
kg/m3 | Density of CO2 at base temperature and pressure | |
kg/m/s | Dynamic viscosity | |
Abbreviations | Meaning | |
CAPEX | Capital expenditure | |
CCUS | Carbon capture, utilization, and storage | |
LCO2T | Levelized cost of carbon dioxide transport | |
O&M | Operation and maintenance | |
OPEX | Operational expenditure |
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Diameter [mm] | Investment Cost () [€/m] |
150 | 323.62 |
200 | 431.5 |
250 | 539.37 |
300 | 647.24 |
350 | 755.12 |
400 | 862.99 |
450 | 970.86 |
500 | 1078.74 |
Assumption | Value | Unit |
[26] | 90% | |
8% | ||
50 | years | |
Fix O&M factor [25] | 2.6% |
Stage | Pressure Range [bar] | Average Temperature [K] [29] | ||
1 | 0.995 | 1.27 | 1.0–2.36 | 356 |
2 | 0.989 | 1.28 | 2.36–5.59 | 356 |
3 | 0.974 | 1.30 | 5.59–13.21 | 356 |
4 | 0.937 | 1.35 | 13.21–31.22 | 356 |
5 | 0.846 | 1.52 | 31.22–73.80 | 356 |
Assumption | Value | Unit |
8% | ||
15 | years | |
90% | ||
0.306 | €/kWh | |
[16] | 0.9 | |
[34] | 36.55% | |
Universal gas constant (R) | 8.314 | kJ/(kmolK) |
Molecular weight of CO2 (M) | 44.01 | kg/kmol |
Compressor | ||
[30] | 313.15 | K |
1 | bar | |
73.8 | bar | |
[29] | 5 | |
[16] | 80% | |
[16,33] | 21.9 | M€ |
[16] | 13,000 | kW |
[16] | 0.67 | |
[16] | 35,000 | kW |
Pump | ||
[16] | 303.15 | K |
73.8 | bar | |
150 | bar | |
[16] | 75% | |
[16] | 74.3 | k€ |
[16] | 0.58 | |
[16,35] | 2000 | kW |
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Solomon, M.D.; Scheffler, M.; Heineken, W.; Ashkavand, M.; Birth-Reichert, T. Pipeline Infrastructure for CO2 Transport: Cost Analysis and Design Optimization. Energies 2024, 17, 2911. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17122911
Solomon MD, Scheffler M, Heineken W, Ashkavand M, Birth-Reichert T. Pipeline Infrastructure for CO2 Transport: Cost Analysis and Design Optimization. Energies. 2024; 17(12):2911. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17122911
Chicago/Turabian StyleSolomon, Mithran Daniel, Marcel Scheffler, Wolfram Heineken, Mostafa Ashkavand, and Torsten Birth-Reichert. 2024. "Pipeline Infrastructure for CO2 Transport: Cost Analysis and Design Optimization" Energies 17, no. 12: 2911. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17122911
APA StyleSolomon, M. D., Scheffler, M., Heineken, W., Ashkavand, M., & Birth-Reichert, T. (2024). Pipeline Infrastructure for CO2 Transport: Cost Analysis and Design Optimization. Energies, 17(12), 2911. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17122911