Financial Investment Valuation Models for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Projects: Trends and Challenges
:1. Introduction
Knowledge Gap, Objectives, and Contributions
2. Materials and Methods
- (i)
- Review techniques allow knowledge creation using bibliographic data from published studies and statistical analyses. This group encompasses systematic literature reviews, meta-analyses, and qualitative studies.
- (ii)
- Evaluation techniques assess the academic impact of scientific studies considering their relative influence based on productivity measures such as the number of publications per year and researchers, impact metrics such as the number of citations, and hybrid metrics such as the average number of citations and productivity and impact indexes.
- (iii)
- Relational techniques offer information about the structure of a research topic, identify patterns between researchers and affiliations, and detect topics of interest and research methods through co-citation analyses.
(((TITLE = (“Photovoltaic” OR “PV”)) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY = (“Energy storage”)) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY = (“Real Options” OR “Game Theory” OR “Option games” OR “Net present value” OR “NPV” OR “Internal rate of return” OR “IRR” OR “Payback” OR “PBP” OR “Return on Investment” OR “ROI” OR “Discounted cash flows” OR “DCF” OR “LCOE” OR “Levelized cost of energy” OR “Levelized cost of electricity”)) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY = ((“Investment*” OR “Investment appraisal” OR “Investment assessment” OR “Invesment feasibility” OR “Investment analys*” OR “Investment decision*” OR “Investment model*” OR “Strategic decision*” OR “Strategic investment*” OR “Decision-making” OR “Decision making” OR “Financ*” OR “Financial model*” OR “Financial feasibility” OR “Financial Assessment” OR “Economic*” OR “Economic Feasibility” OR “Economic assessment” OR “Valuing investment*” OR “Valuat*” OR “Assessment” OR “Feasibility”))
3. Bibliometric Analysis
3.1. General Information
3.2. Performance Analysis
3.2.1. The Evolution of Published Studies and Citations
3.2.2. Analysis of Sources
3.2.3. Analysis of the Researchers
3.2.4. The Leading Countries and Institutions
3.2.5. Most Frequently Used Keywords
- (i)
- Green cluster (Figure 10b): It relates photovoltaic systems—energy storage systems—investments—techno-economic analysis, which are the keywords that stand out because of their frequency. The payback period is the investment valuation method that appears in this cluster, which allows us to infer its use as a criterion for the techno-economic comparison or investment decision of photovoltaic systems with storage.
- (ii)
- Yellow cluster (Figure 10c): The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) stands out as the most frequently used keyword. This is one of the traditional methods of investment valuation of energy projects. Its use is evident in optimization analysis, another keyword relevant to this cluster. Hybrid energy systems and microgrids are also highlighted. This shows that the analyses of photovoltaic systems with storage have frequently been carried out in systems with more than one energy generation or storage technology and have focused on microgrids within the framework of distributed energy generation. It explains the relationship between this cluster and red in the building keyword and reveals the gap regarding the study of these investments at the utility scale.
- (iii)
- Red cluster (Figure 10d): The economic analysis stands out because of its frequency. In this cluster, the Net Present Value appears to be the most recurrent investment valuation method and is part of the traditional methods. The sensitivity analysis is also highlighted as a complementary method to investment valuation when these methods (considered deterministic) are used. This cluster’s keywords relate to those in yellow, inferring that the economic analysis is integrated with the levelized cost of energy to evaluate photovoltaic power generation projects with storage.
3.2.6. Trending Topics over the Years
3.3. Science Mapping
3.3.1. The Root
3.3.2. Trunk
3.3.3. Branches and Leaves
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (i)
- It focuses on understanding the methods that have been used to analyze the financial viability of photovoltaic projects with storage. In this regard, the review carried out by Delapedra-Silva et al. [16] considered the methods used for renewable energy generation projects in general, and Kozlova et al. [20] and Lazo et al. [19] considered photovoltaic projects but focused on the review of studies that used real options, which is one of the methods that can be used.
- (ii)
- It presents a novel approach based on the use of tools such as Bibliometrix and VOSViewer that allows for a complete overview of the evolution of the research topic based on the evolution of publications, the analysis of journals, authors, countries, institutions, studies, keywords, and trends. The reviews in [16,19,20] used systematic literature review techniques, but they did not analyze the thematic structure of the topic using ToS analyses and co-citation analyses, which can be used in the literature review and can identify trends in research development in a specific area.
- (iii)
- It offers the intellectual structure of the research topic based on the Tree of Science’s exposition that allows identifying the seminal studies on the topic (root), those that shape the theory (trunk), and new trends (branches and leaves).
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Description | Results | Description | Results |
Timespan | 2013:2023 | Authors | 913 |
Sources (journals, books, etc.) | 70 | Authors of single-authored docs | 10 |
Documents | 268 | AUTHOR COLLABORATIONS | |
Annual growth rate% | 24.01 | Single-authored docs | 11 |
Document average age | 2.98 | Co-suthors per doc | 3.98 |
Average citations per doc | 32.63 | International co-authorships % | 5.597 |
References | 13,287 | DOCUMENT TYPES | |
DOCUMENT CONTENTS | Article | 263 | |
Keywords plus (ID) | 1791 | 5 | 5 |
Author’s keywords (DE) | 919 |
# | Researcher | Affiliation | h-Index | TGCs | TCT | NP | PY_Start |
1 | Chun Sing Lai | Brunel University London | 27 | 2877 | 428 | 3 | 2017 |
2 | David Parra | Université de Genève | 31 | 2914 | 281 | 4 | 2015 |
3 | Idiano D’Adamo | Sapienza Università di Roma | 46 | 5454 | 274 | 7 | 2016 |
4 | Massimo Gastaldi | Università degli Studi dell’Aquila | 35 | 3108 | 241 | 5 | 2016 |
5 | Federica Cucchiella | Università degli Studi dell’Aquila | 35 | 3805 | 229 | 4 | 2016 |
6 | Abdul Rauf Bhatti | Government College University Faisalabad | 17 | 1304 | 212 | 3 | 2018 |
7 | Ahmad Arabkoohsar | Technical University of Denmark | 43 | 5078 | 197 | 3 | 2015 |
8 | Ricardo Nicolau Nassar Koury | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | 19 | 1516 | 197 | 3 | 2015 |
9 | Luiz Henrique Jorge MacHado | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | 24 | 2153 | 197 | 3 | 2015 |
10 | Loiy Al-Ghussain | University of Kentucky | 17 | 1255 | 188 | 3 | 2018 |
# | Country/Region | NP | TCs | TC/TP |
1 | China | 1050 | 43 | 24.40 |
2 | Italy | 657 | 17 | 38.60 |
3 | Iran | 334 | 12 | 27.80 |
4 | USA | 661 | 11 | 60.10 |
5 | India | 281 | 11 | 25.50 |
6 | Spain | 217 | 11 | 19.70 |
7 | United Kingdom | 579 | 9 | 64.30 |
8 | Australia | 418 | 9 | 46.40 |
9 | Malaysia | 557 | 8 | 69.60 |
10 | Saudi Arabia | 395 | 8 | 49.40 |
Author’s Keywords | Occurrences | Keywords Plus | Occurrences | |
1 | Energy storage | 160 | Energy storage | 645 |
2 | Photovoltaic system | 137 | Photovoltaic system | 497 |
3 | Levelized Cost of Energy | 29 | Economic analysis | 175 |
4 | Techno-Economic analysis | 26 | Renewable energy resources | 101 |
5 | Economic analysis | 24 | Investments | 99 |
6 | Optimization | 23 | Power generation | 79 |
7 | Renewable energy resources | 22 | Costs | 78 |
8 | Self-Consumption | 17 | Optimization | 73 |
9 | Net Present Value | 10 | Techno-Economic analysis | 58 |
10 | Electric Vehicles | 9 | Buildings | 48 |
11 | Energy | 8 | Levelized Cost Of Energy | 45 |
12 | Payback Period | 8 | Energy | 40 |
13 | Wind | 8 | Sensitivity analysis | 35 |
14 | Microgrid | 7 | Cost Benefit analysis | 32 |
15 | Distributed Generation | 5 | Profitability | 30 |
Financial Methods | Year | |||||
2011 | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 | 2019 | ||
Traditional | NPV | [71] | [66] | |||
IRR | [70] | |||||
PBP | ||||||
ROI | ||||||
LCOE | [63] | [26] | [64,65,68] | [67] |
Financial Methods | Year | ||||||||||
2013 | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | ||
Traditional | NPV | [85] | [29,81] | [32] | [31,88,92,95] | [84,87,91] | [83] | ||||
IRR | [85] | [27,40] | [90] | [87] | |||||||
PBP | [85] | [90] | [92,95] | [76] | [42] | [38] | |||||
ROI | [86] | ||||||||||
LCOE | [73] | [27,40] | [43,44,82] | [72,75,78,80,92] | [77,79] | [96] | [74,89,94] | [83] | |||
Advanced | ROs | [94] | [93] | ||||||||
GT | |||||||||||
OGs |
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Share and Cite
Gómez-Restrepo, A.M.; González-Ruiz, J.D.; Botero Botero, S. Financial Investment Valuation Models for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Projects: Trends and Challenges. Energies 2024, 17, 2653.
Gómez-Restrepo AM, González-Ruiz JD, Botero Botero S. Financial Investment Valuation Models for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Projects: Trends and Challenges. Energies. 2024; 17(11):2653.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGómez-Restrepo, Angela María, Juan David González-Ruiz, and Sergio Botero Botero. 2024. "Financial Investment Valuation Models for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Projects: Trends and Challenges" Energies 17, no. 11: 2653.
APA StyleGómez-Restrepo, A. M., González-Ruiz, J. D., & Botero Botero, S. (2024). Financial Investment Valuation Models for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Projects: Trends and Challenges. Energies, 17(11), 2653.