Environmental Impact of Demolishing a Steel Structure Design for Disassembly
:1. Introduction
1.1. Design for Disassembly
- designing for reduced consumption and environmental impact of raw materials, components and energy;
- designing for the use of cleaner production techniques and technologies;
- designing for reduction in quantity and harmfulness of post-production waste;
- design for recovery and use of post-consumer waste.
1.2. Circular Economy in Steel Constructions
1.3. Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Goal and Scope, System Boundaries, Scenario Assumptions
2.2. Subject of the Study and Functional Unit
2.3. LCIA (Life Cycle Inventory Analysis) Methodology
2.4. Implementation of LCA
3. Results
3.1. Global Warming Potential
3.2. Primary Energy Use
4. Discussion
4.1. Comparison with Other Studies
4.1.1. Studies in Which the Individual Processes of the EoL Phase Are considered
4.1.2. Research on LCA of Steel
4.2. Limitations and Future Work
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | The Scenario | Assumed Value | What It Affects | Other Possibilities | The Expected Degree to Which Volatility Affects the Result of the Analysis |
Distance from the steelworks | 1, 2 | road transport 500 km | fuel consumption | e.g., road tr. 700 km; rail tr. 1000 km | low |
Distance from the place of reuse | 2, 3 | road transport 100 km | fuel consumption | e.g., road tr. 200 km, rail tr. 300 km | low |
Connections of steel elements | 1,2,3 | screw | maximum % recovered items possible | rivets welded | very large |
Method of manufacturing sections | 1,2 | hot rolled | energy consumption | cold-formed welded (plated) | large |
Method of cleaning the elements | 2,3 | sandblasting | energy and fuel consumption | manual cleaning | medium |
Overall dimensions of the hall | 32 m × 16 m × 90 m |
Weight of the elements | 135 t |
Area of steel sections | 2 007 m2 |
Joints | bolted |
Hall area | 2 880 m2 |
Process | Flow | Data Source | |
Construction a/Demolition a | Electricity consumption | Professional screwdriver, straight, high-speed FW-5SXD-7 ATMO (1.1 kW; 85 mth b c) [28] | |
Fuel consumption | Tower crane LIEBHERR 125K (7 L/h; 240 mth b) [29] Wheeled tractor John Deere 6215R (30 L/h; 62 mth b) [30] Mobile rough terrain crane REX 25t (16 L/h; 37 mth b) [31] Crawler crane 140t—P&H 5150-R (35 L/h; 70 mth b) [32] | ||
Transport | Fuel consumption | GaBi: Truck, Euro 6, 26—28t—Sphera | |
Melting of steel scrap in an electric furnace | GaBi: EAF Steel billet—Sphera | ||
Manufacture of semi-finished products for section production | GaBi: BF Steel billet—Sphera | ||
Manufacturing of sections on a rolling line | GaBi: Steel sections—AISI | ||
Refurbishment of elements a | Washing of elements with pressurized water | Water use | GaBi: Process water from surface water—Sphera |
Wastewater | GaBi: Municipal wastewater—Sphera | ||
Electricity consumption | Pressure washer 20 MPa Karcher HDS 13/20 4SX (10 L/h; 32 mth b) [33] | ||
Fuel consumption | Cargo Delivery Van Peugeot Boxer Furgon PRO L4H2 435 (15 L/h; 2 mth b) [34] | ||
Sand drying | Electricity consumption | Free-fall concrete mixer 250 dm3 BWE-250k. Altrad Spomasz (1.5 kW; 106 mth b) [35] Agregat grzewczy elektryczny TEH 300 TROTEC (70 kW; 106 mth b) [36] | |
Cleaning of elements to grade Sa 2 1/2 | Fuel consumption | Diesel air compressor ATMOS PDP 35 Perkins 5.0 m³ (6 L/h; 520 mth b) [37] Wheeled tractor John Deere 6215R (30 L/h; 42 mthb) [30] | |
Spray painting of elements with two-component anticorrosion paint | Anticorrosion paint use | GaBi: Emulsion paint—Sphera | |
Electricity consumption | Air compressor 20 m3/min, high-pressure, XATS 377 CD Atlas Copco 186 kW (186 kW, 70 mth b) [38] | ||
Fuel consumption | Cargo Delivery Van Peugeot Boxer Furgon PRO L4H2 435 (15 L/h; 2 mth b) [34] |
Scenario No. | Demolition Material Mass | Weight of Recovered Elements | Mass of Steel for Remelting | Mass of Steel Obtained from Remelting | Additional Material for Manufacturing the Missing Elements |
1 | 135 t | - | 135 t | 128 t | 7 t |
2 | 135 t | 67.5 t | 67.5 t | 64.1 | 3.4 t |
3 | 135 t | 122 t | - | 13 t |
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Broniewicz, E.; Dec, K. Environmental Impact of Demolishing a Steel Structure Design for Disassembly. Energies 2022, 15, 7358. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15197358
Broniewicz E, Dec K. Environmental Impact of Demolishing a Steel Structure Design for Disassembly. Energies. 2022; 15(19):7358. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15197358
Chicago/Turabian StyleBroniewicz, Elżbieta, and Karolina Dec. 2022. "Environmental Impact of Demolishing a Steel Structure Design for Disassembly" Energies 15, no. 19: 7358. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15197358
APA StyleBroniewicz, E., & Dec, K. (2022). Environmental Impact of Demolishing a Steel Structure Design for Disassembly. Energies, 15(19), 7358. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15197358