Real-Time Peak Valley Pricing Based Multi-Objective Optimal Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Renewable Resources
:1. Introduction
- (a)
- A VPP diminishes the need for the conventional generation to provide the provision of dynamic ancillary services.
- (b)
- It controls a cluster of heterogeneous renewable energy resources (RERs).
- (c)
- The intermittency and uncertainty caused by renewables such as solar and wind power, which are highly weather dependent, can be reduced to a certain extent.
- (d)
- It maintains favorable grid conditions for real-time management and supervision in emergencies.
- To ensure efficient management of the grid, sources such as fuel cells and CHP can be considered for optimal scheduling to reduce the cost of power generation along with emissions in a VPP system.
- To handle a non-convex problem such as VPP efficiently, advanced, and recently developed soft computing (SC) techniques can be implemented or modified by choosing related constraints.
- To incentivize the participants, peak-valley pricing mechanisms with the incorporation of (15 min) interval scheduling is introduced and compared with day-ahead scheduling.
- One centrally controlled VPP system comprised of multiple resources including solar PV modules, WT, fuel cells, electric loads, heat-only units, and CHP units has been attempted to solve the multi-objective optimal scheduling problem.
- The multi-objective optimal scheduling of the VPP considering renewable resources has been solved using the weighting factor method to simultaneously maximize profit and minimize emissions.
- Peak valley’s power pricing strategy is introduced in the multi-objective optimal scheduling of the VPP problem.
- The new price-based multi-objective black widow optimization (MOBWO) is presented and implemented by considering constraint handling.
- Statistical analysis was performed for both single and multi-objective optimal scheduling of the VPP problems and quality solution sets were obtained from the MOBWO algorithm after 100 different independent trials.
- Pareto optimal solutions were obtained specifically for multi-objective optimal scheduling of the VPP problem for the maximization of profit along with simultaneously minimizing the emissions for both scenarios I and II, respectively.
- Results obtained by the proposed MOBWO algorithm were also compared with the latest published works.
2. VPP Concept
3. Problem Formulation
3.1. Objective Function
3.1.1. Net Profit
- p and s are set of plants and scenarios, t is time ranges from 1 to 24 in Day-ahead scheduling, followed by 1 to 96 in 15-min scheduling.
- cph and cse are the tariffs for purchasing and selling power from the grid system.
- πs is the probability of scenarios.
- pem is the energy market price; cens is the cost of energy not served.
- cchp and chou are the cost function of CHP and heat-only units.
- phou is the price of heat-only units.
3.1.2. Emission
- echp and ehou are the emissions by CHP and heat-only units, respectively.
- eph and ese are the emissions by the grid system.
3.1.3. Multi-Objective Framework
- w is considered as 0.5 for giving equal weightage to both objectives.
3.2. Constraints Handling
3.2.1. Power Balancing
- is equivalent to power scenario s, time t, and plant p.
- is the exchanging power between the main grid and the CHP system at interval i (MW).
- is the power of the fuel cell at interval i (MW).
- is the power of the wind turbine at interval i (MW).
- is the power of the solar photovoltaic at interval i (MW).
- is the electrical load at interval i (MW).
3.2.2. Heat Balancing
- is the ratio of heat to the electricity of the fuel cell at interval i (MW).
- is the efficiency of the heat rate boiler (MW).
- is the power of a gas boiler at interval i (MW).
- is thermal power balance at interval i (MW).
3.3. Power Switching between Main Grid and CHP Units
- is the minimum exchange of power between the main grid and the CHP system.
- is the maximum exchange of power between the main grid and the CHP system.
3.4. Constraints of Waste Heat and Gas Boiler
- is the minimum limit of the waste heat boiler.
- is the maximum limit of the waste heat boiler.
- is the minimum limit of the gas boiler.
- is the maximum limit of the gas boiler.
3.5. Fuel Cells
- is the fuel cell efficiency at interval i (p.u.) and
- is the ratio of heat to the electricity of the fuel cell at interval i (MW).
Ramp Rate Limit of Fuel Cell
- T is the up-ramp limit and is the down-ramp limit of the fuel cell.
- is the power generated by the fuel cell at interval i (kW).
- is the power generated by the fuel cell at the previous interval (kW).
3.6. CHP Units
- is the electrical output power of the CHP and
- is the commitment status of the CHP.
3.7. Solar PV Modules
- is output power, is the number of PV modules, and is the solar radiation (KW/).
- is the open-circuit voltage and is the short circuit current.
- is the current temperature and is the voltage temperature coefficient.
- is the solar cell temperature and FF denotes the Fill Factor of the PV module.
3.8. Wind Turbine
- is the output power of the wind turbine (MW).
- is the nominal power of the wind turbine (MW).
- is the number of wind turbines.
4. Optimization Algorithm
4.1. Population Initialization
- are the floating numbers in the form of variables.
4.2. Procreation, Cannibalism, Mutation
5. Results
- Case I: Single-objective scheduling for profit maximization.
- Case II: Single-objective scheduling for emission minimization.
- Case III: Multi-objective scheduling for profit/emission, i.e., maximization followed by minimization.
5.1. Scenario Generation
5.1.1. Scenario I (Day-ahead Scheduling)
5.1.2. Scenario II (15-min Interval Scheduling)
- (a)
- Buying and selling of electricity one day before the following day.
- (b)
- The VPP acts as a price taker in the day-ahead market.
- (c)
- Ease of unit commitment and power dispatching.
- (a)
- This scheduling helps to determine the imbalance in settlement prices.
- (b)
- Offers the purchase and selling of electricity during the functioning day.
- (c)
- Real-time scheduling stabilizes the differences between day-ahead and real-time demand and production of electricity.
- (d)
- Operating systems that work in real-time can execute quickly without any delay, resulting in a nearly immediate output.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Con sent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
TPP | Traditional power plant |
DERs | Distributed energy resources |
VPP | Virtual power plant |
MOBWO | Multi-objective black widow optimization |
MOOS | Multi-objective optimal scheduling |
MOSS | Multi-objective scheduling strategy |
SP | Spot pricing |
TOU | Time of use |
EVs | Electric vehicles |
ES | Energy storage |
RERs | Renewable energy resources |
ICT | Information communication technology |
IRP | Integrated resource planning |
P2P | Peer to peer |
NM | Net metering |
BTM | Behind the meter |
PSO | Particle swarm optimization |
GA | Genetic algorithm |
DR | Demand response |
V2H | Vehicle to home |
BSS | Battery storage system |
CEM | Consecutive energy management |
SOC | State of charge |
TNPC | Total net present cost |
UC | Unit commitment |
SC | Soft computing |
PV | Photovoltaics |
WT | Wind turbine |
FC | Fuel cells |
CHP | Combined heat and power |
EL | Electric load |
EM | Energy market |
PLR | Part load ratios |
FOR | Feasible regions of operation |
Probability distribution function | |
FF | Fill factor |
ACO | Ant colony optimization |
ABC | Artificial bee colony |
ANN | Artificial neural network |
CR | Cannibalism rate |
MR | Mutation rate |
RP | Reproduction rate |
PVPP | Peak valley power pricing |
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Refs. No. | Nature of Problem | Control Method | Features of Control Method |
[22,23] | Heuristic | PSO/MOPSO | Fewer parameters. Ease of implementation. Local entrapment. |
[24,25] | Stochastic | ABC | Poor in exploitation stage. Limited population diversity. |
[26,27] | Computational | ANN | More precise predictions. Good computational efficiency. |
[28,29] | Heuristic | GA | Can determine multiple solutions simultaneously. |
[30,31] | Meta-heuristic | ACO | Can discover good solutions rapidly. |
[32,33] | Mathematical | Fuzzy Logic | Improved prediction accuracy. Use of Fuzzy sets. |
[34,35] | Mathematical | Game Theory | Computational load increases as the no. of participants increases. |
This paper | Meta-heuristic | BWO/MOBWO | High searching accuracy. Better updating strategy. Converge to the global optimum in lesser iterations. |
Emissions | Heat-Only Unit | CHP Unit |
SO2 | 0.0027 | 0.0036 |
NOX CO2 | 0.3145 401.43 | 0.1995 723.94 |
(MW) | (m/s) | (m/s) | (m/s) | |
150 | 3.5 | 25 | 13.5 | 3 |
(V) | (A) | (I/°C) | (V/°C) | (°C) | (A) | (V) | |
21.98 | 5.32 | 0.003 | 0.0144 | 43 | 4.76 | 17.32 | 2240 |
(MWth) | ($/MWth2) | ($/MWth) | ($) |
1.2 | 0.052 | 3.0651 | 4.8 |
($/MW2) | ($/MW) | ($) | ($/MWth2) | ($/MWth) | ($/MW.MWth) | ($) | ($) |
0.0345 | 44.5 | 26.5 | 0.03 | 4.2 | 0.031 | 20 | 20 |
Output | Ref. [46] | MOPSO [22] | ABC | ACO | Proposed MOBWO |
Maximum Profit ($) | 19,737 | 23,302.8271 | 24,191.8221 | 24,950.7372 | 27,785.6723 |
Minimum Profit ($) | - | 22,600.1679 | 19,636.7483 | 20,190.8183 | 21,400.3254 |
Mean Profit ($) | - | 22,955.3462 | 21,914.2852 | 22,570.7776 | 24,592.9985 |
Computational time (Seconds) | - | 148.095 (For 20 runs) | 139.3737 (For 100 runs) | 135.4932 (For 100 runs) | 123.058 (For 100 runs) |
Output | Ref. [47] | MOPSO [22] | ABC | ACO | Proposed MOBWO |
Minimum Emission (Kg) | 56,270 | 64,432.3217 | 62,467.8291 | 61,346.4838 | 57,532.2738 |
Maximum Emission (Kg) | 77,430 | 67,077.3937 | 72,383.7292 | 71.463.2612 | 67,342.3798 |
Mean Emission (Kg) | - | 66,070.1682 | 67,425.7792 | 66,404.8725 | 62,437.3268 |
Computational Time (Sec) | - | 171.4826 (For 20 runs) | 153.4826 (For 100 runs) | 131.3633 (For 100 runs) | 81.3745 (For 100 runs) |
Period | Detail Time (Hr.) | Purchase Price ($/MWh) | Sale Price ($/MWh) |
Peak | 9,12,17,22 | 0.0079 | 0.0044 |
Intermediate | 13,16 | 0.0070 | 0.0035 |
Valley | 1,8,23,24 | 0.0062 | 0.0026 |
Objective Functions | Profit ($) | Emissions (Kg) | ||||||
Parameters | MOPSO [22] | ABC | ACO | MOBWO | MOPSO [22] | ABC | ACO | MOBWO |
MaxFprofit | 23,302.83 | 24,286.82 | 25,183.74 | 26,167.78 | 122,963.46 | 119,789.29 | 119,432.37 | 116,400.85 |
MinFemission | 9883.69 | 10,320.38 | 11,723.47 | 11,808.47 | 64,432.32 | 62,467.83 | 61,346.48 | 58,785.34 |
Objective Functions | Profit ($) | Emissions (Kg) | ||||
Parameters | ABC | ACO | MOBWO | ABC | ACO | MOBWO |
MaxFprofit | 27,392.5631 | 26,312.3523 | 28,415.3525 | 120,913.4532 | 120,325.463 | 119,843.4532 |
MinFemission | 10,404.7262 | 11,123.4253 | 11,929.7262 | 56,402.4216 | 57,342.4235 | 59,921.3248 |
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Share and Cite
Pandey, A.K.; Jadoun, V.K.; Sabhahit, J.N. Real-Time Peak Valley Pricing Based Multi-Objective Optimal Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Renewable Resources. Energies 2022, 15, 5970.
Pandey AK, Jadoun VK, Sabhahit JN. Real-Time Peak Valley Pricing Based Multi-Objective Optimal Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Renewable Resources. Energies. 2022; 15(16):5970.
Chicago/Turabian StylePandey, Anubhav Kumar, Vinay Kumar Jadoun, and Jayalakshmi N. Sabhahit. 2022. "Real-Time Peak Valley Pricing Based Multi-Objective Optimal Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Renewable Resources" Energies 15, no. 16: 5970.
APA StylePandey, A. K., Jadoun, V. K., & Sabhahit, J. N. (2022). Real-Time Peak Valley Pricing Based Multi-Objective Optimal Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Renewable Resources. Energies, 15(16), 5970.