Sustainable Intelligent Charging Infrastructure for Electrification of Transportation
:1. Introduction
2. What Is Sustainable Electric Power Network?
2.1. Free Fuel-Based Energy Conversion
2.2. Ultra-Low Cost
2.3. Water Utilization, Ecosystem Impact, and Health Impact
2.4. Resiliency against Natural and Manmade Disasters
2.5. Access to All
2.6. Energy Storage
3. PV, Complimentary Wind, and Lithium-ion Battery-Based Power Network for DC Fast Charging
3.1. System Reliability and Standardization
3.2. Factors Impacting the Fast Charging Network
3.3. Efficiency of Fast Charging Power Network through Loss Minimization
4. Additional Factors to Reinforce the Proposed Charging Network
4.1. Role of Power Electronics
4.2. Intelligent Charging Technologies and Related Opportunities
4.3. Intelligent Energy Management Systems
4.4. Communication and Internet of Things (IoT)
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- LVDC—LVDC converter losses: The efficiency ratings for low voltage DC-DC converters are cited up to 98% in recent times [80]. Furthermore, voltage ranges from 9 to 420 V are achieved at 93% efficiency [80]. In our case, we are considering dedicated state of the art DC-DC converters (possible WBG implementation). Hence, the efficiency is considered up to 97% as seen in reference [81].
- PV inverter MVDC—MVAC loss: The efficiency rating of 96% is considered as per current industry standards [82].
- Transformer MVAC—HVAC—MVAC converter loss: A 1% loss value is considered for non-ideal practical scenario.
- HVAC—HVDC—HVAC converter and HVDC transmission loss: The comparable losses for a 400 kV overhead AC transmission line to a 500 kV HVDC transmission line are 9.4% to 6%, respectively [83]. Hence, in our case, they are considered as 9% for AC transmission lines and 5% for HVDC transmission lines considering the HVDC lines can go up to 800 kV for 2.3% losses [83]. The HVDC converter station losses are outlined for Voltage Source Converter (VSC up to 350kV) and Current Source Converter (CSC up to 800 kV) as 1% and 0.7–0.8% per converter end, respectively [84]. Thus, to gain the independent power control advantage associated with VSCs, state-of-the-art WBG-enabled version of this technology is utilized. The loss per converter end is assumed to be 2% for up to 500kV.
- LVDC—HVDC -HVDC converter losses: In this conversion topology, a 1% intermediate DC-to-DC conversion stage loss and 2% intermediate stage-to-HVDC conversion loss is considered as per reference [85]. These losses can be further reduced considering state-of-art (possible WBG) incorporation. However, for the purpose of industrial practicality, a 3% value is finalized.
- Charger-based MVAC—LVDC inverter losses: A 250 kW Tesla supercharger is claimed to deploy an efficiency of 96%, thus rendering a loss of 4% [86].
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Units | Level 1 110V, 1.4 kW | Level 2 220V, 7.2 kW | DC Fast Charger 480V, 50 kW | Tesla Supercharger 480 V, 140 kW | XFC 800+V, 400 kW |
Range per minute of charge (miles) | 0.082 | 0.42 | 2.92 | 8.17 | 23.3 |
Time to charge for 200 miles (minutes) | 2143 | 417 | 60 | 21 | 7.5 |
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Paniyil, P.; Powar, V.; Singh, R. Sustainable Intelligent Charging Infrastructure for Electrification of Transportation. Energies 2021, 14, 5258.
Paniyil P, Powar V, Singh R. Sustainable Intelligent Charging Infrastructure for Electrification of Transportation. Energies. 2021; 14(17):5258.
Chicago/Turabian StylePaniyil, Prahaladh, Vishwas Powar, and Rajendra Singh. 2021. "Sustainable Intelligent Charging Infrastructure for Electrification of Transportation" Energies 14, no. 17: 5258.
APA StylePaniyil, P., Powar, V., & Singh, R. (2021). Sustainable Intelligent Charging Infrastructure for Electrification of Transportation. Energies, 14(17), 5258.