Enablers and Barriers in the Market-Driven Rollout of Smart Metering: Polish Technology Innovation System Analysis
:1. Introduction
- What are the incumbent, emerging, and complementary technologies as well as technological trajectories in market-driven SM rollouts?
- What is the impact of key actors’ positions towards SMs on the effectiveness of market-driven SM deployments?
- What is the influence of regulations, economic and financial instruments, and soft instruments on market-driven SM deployments?
- What are the key enablers and barriers in market-driven rollouts of SMs?
2. Literature Review
2.1. Market-Driven SM Rollouts around the World
- In Brazil, the SM rollout has not been enshrined in any public policy, similar to Poland. Another similarity is the key driver of the SM implementation: the tariff schemes. In particular, the voluntary white tariffs provide customers with a possibility of benefitting from reduced price rates at times of lowest electricity consumption in the power system. Contrary to the Polish case, the pace of the SM rollout is dictated, not by DSOs, but by consumers signing up for this tariff type [15].
- In Hungary, the SM penetration rate in 2018 was among the lowest in the EU—1%, while at the same time in Poland it was 8.3% [5]. Similar to Poland, Hungarian policymakers have not set clear procedures, timelines, or obligation schemes for DSOs to implement SMs. A potential explanation for the difference in the effectiveness of rollouts between the two countries is the role of the regulatory authorities. While in Poland they demonstrated an early and clear support for SM implementation (described further in Section 4.3), their Hungarian counterparts failed to move the SM agenda forward [17].
- In Portugal, the SM penetration rate in 2018 was 25%, after a jump from 10% in 2017 [5]. The primary difference between the Polish and Portuguese SM cases is the number of DSOs engaged in the rollout; in Portugal there is only one main DSO, whose active role in SM deployment was sufficient to push the rollout even without binding regulations. Its main motivation was to enable demand response programs. They were seen as a promising way of dealing with the increasing share of renewables in the Portuguese power grid [13].
2.2. Context of the Market-Driven SM Rollout in Poland—The National Electricity Industry
- Generation: Poland has the largest share of fossil generation in the EU. In 2020, the share of fossil fuels in power generation exceeded 80% [22]. In absolute values terms, between February and July 2020, Poland was Europe’s biggest coal-based power generator for the first time ever, as Germany saw a significant coal generation fall [22]. Still, electricity production from renewables is increasing rapidly. A spectacular growth has been observed in Photovoltaics (PVs), especially in prosumer installations. In 2020, PVs supplied the power system with 176% more energy than in 2019 [23]. In May 2021, the number of prosumers exceeded 0.5 m, i.e., nearly 3% of electricity end users had their own RES installation [24,25]. Prosumers are the DSOs’ priority customers for installing SMs, because introducing an RES installation typically requires replacement of conventional electricity meters with bidirectional ones.
- Transmission: The Polish transmission system is composed of 280 lines with a total length of 15,202 km (220 and 400 kV), one 750 kV line with a total length of 114 km (currently not in use), 109 extra-high voltage stations, and an under-sea 450 kV DC Poland–Sweden connector [26]. The Polish Transmission System Operator (TSO) is expected to be the biggest beneficiary of the SM rollout [4], mainly due to the peak savings.
- Distribution: The Polish distribution system is dominated by five of the biggest DSOs. PGE, operating in eastern and central Poland, covers the biggest area. The largest distributor in terms of number of customers is Tauron, which supplies energy to over 5.5 million customers on a twice smaller area than PGE. Then there is Energa, which serves 3 million customers in the northern and central part of the country, and Enea, with 2.5 million customers in the west. Innogy in Warsaw provides electricity to 1 m users. Unlike other players, it is a private company [27]. All DSOs play a central role in SM implementation, as they own the metering systems, and they are in charge of installing them.
3. Materials and Methods
- Technologies and infrastructures, with regard to which we analyze the past development of SM technologies and infrastructures in which SMs are rolled out;
- Actors and networks in the SM rollout, with regard to which we map key stakeholders, i.e., public and private institutions as well as their collaboration platforms;
- Policy instruments affecting SM rollouts, with regard to which we follow the classification of the policy instruments of Peñasco, Verdolini, and Larkin [29]. We exclude from the analysis five policy instruments from the classification that are not applicable to SM TIS (i.e., emissions standards, funds to sub-national governments, auctions, green certificates, and comparison labels).
4. Results
4.1. Technologies and Infrastructures
4.1.1. Incumbent and Emerging Technologies
4.1.2. Complementary Technologies and Services
4.1.3. Technological Trajectories
4.2. Actors and Networks
4.2.1. Demand
4.2.2. Supply
4.2.3. Research and Education
4.2.4. Supporting Institutions—Government Bodies
4.2.5. Supporting Institutions—Industrial and Financial Institutions
4.3. Policy Instruments
4.3.1. Regulation—Building Codes
4.3.2. Regulations—Product Standards
4.3.3. Regulations—Sectoral Standards
4.3.4. Regulations—Auditing
4.3.5. Regulations—Obligation Schemes
4.3.6. Regulations—Carbon Emissions Reduction Target
4.3.7. Regulations—Net Metering
4.3.8. Economic and Financial Instruments—Government Procurement
4.3.9. Economic and Financial Instruments—RD&D Funding
4.3.10. Economic and Financial Instruments—Tariffs
4.3.11. Economic and Financial Instruments—Grants and Subsidies
4.3.12. Economic and Financial Instruments—Loans
4.3.13. Economic and Financial Instruments—Tax Relief/Exemption
4.3.14. Economic and Financial Instruments—User Charges
4.3.15. Economic and Financial Instruments—GHG Emission Allowance Trading Scheme
4.3.16. Economic and Financial Instruments—White Certificates
4.3.17. Soft Instruments—Endorsement Labels
4.3.18. Soft Instruments—Information Campaigns
4.3.19. Soft Instruments—Voluntary Approaches
5. Discussion
5.1. DSOs as Major Innovating Actors
5.2. Knowledge Development and Exchange
5.3. Actors’ Vision and Expectations
5.4. Market Formation and Governance Processes
5.5. Resources, Costs and Sustainability
5.6. Policy and Practice Recommendations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AMI | Advanced Metering Infrastructure |
BAS | Building Automation System |
CSIRE | Central Energy Market Information System (in Polish: Centralny System Informacji o Rynku Energii) |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
EC | European Commission |
EU | European Union |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
HAN | Home Area Network |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies |
ME | Ministry responsible for Energy (in Polish: Minister właściwy ds. Energii) |
NIK | Supreme Audit Office (in Polish: Najwyższa Izba Kontroli) |
OBIS | Object Identification System |
PLN | Polish zloty |
PTPiREE | Polish Electricity Transmission and Distribution Association (in Polish: Polskie Towarzystwo Przesyłu i Rozdziału Energii Elektrycznej) |
RD&D | Research, Development and Demonstration |
SGs | Smart Grids |
SM | Smart Meter/Smart Metering |
TIS | Technology Innovation System |
TSO | Transmission System Operator |
UKE | Office of Electronic Communications (in Polish: Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej) |
URE | Energy Regulatory Office (in Polish: Urząd Regulacji Energetyki) |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
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Geographical Focus | Type of SM Rollouts Studied | SM TIS Elements Focus | Reference | ||||
Mandated | Market-Driven | Technologies | Actors | Policies | |||
Multi-country studies | EU-28 | + | + | + | + | + | [11] |
EU-10 | + | + | + | [12] | |||
The Netherlands UK Norway Portugal | + | + | + | + | + | [13] | |
Denmark Finland Germany The Netherlands Sweden | + | + | + | [14] | |||
Single country studies | Brazil | + | + | [15] | |||
Finland | + | + | [16] | ||||
Hungary | + | + | + | [17] | |||
India | + | + | [18] | ||||
The Netherlands | + | + | + | [19] | |||
The Netherlands | + | + | [20] | ||||
Portugal | + | + | [21] |
No. | Technological Area | SM 1: SMARTEMU-3 by Apator (Polish Producer, WSE-Listed Company) (2014) | SM 2: AD13A.1-3-1 by ADD Group (Moldovan Producer, Sold 420,000 m to Polish DSO Energa) (2017) | Requirements of the “Draft of Technical Requirements for Static Direct Electricity Meters” (Technical Standard Published by the PTPiREE—Chamber Uniting Inter Alia Polish DSOs) (2018) | Technological Trajectories | Assessed Level of Technology and Market Development |
1 | Data collection (measurement) | Bidirectional | Bidirectional | Bidirectional | Bidirectional | stabilisation |
2 | Data storage | storage of the monthly load profiles in the memory | 15 min interval profile: 6 parameters for about 63 days | Storage of the load profile in the memory for at least 63 days at 15 min sampling period for six measurement quantities | Storage of the load profile in the memory for at least 63 days at 15 min sampling period for six measurement quantities | stabilisation |
3 | Data communication (technology/protocol) | Basic communication module: PLC Prime, PLC OSGP GSM/3G, USB, MBus, optionally: RS-232/RS-485 | PLC: • Built-in OFDM PLC modem • Two RS-485 outputs on a common bus, providing WAN communication (via 3GPP module) Data concentrator communication channels: PL LV, 2G (GSM/GPRS) (800 MHz, 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz), 3G (UMTS) (2100 MHz, 1900 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz), 4G (LTE) (2100 MHz, 1800 MHz) | 1. LTE: B3 (1800 MHz), B7 (2600 MHz), B8 (900 MHz), B20 (800 MHz), 2. GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 900/1800 MHz | 1. LTE: (a) 1800 MHz (b) 2600 MHz (c) 900 MHz (d) 800 MHz (e) 450 MHz 2. GSM/GPRS/EDGE: (a) 900 MHz (b) 1800 MHz | acceleration |
4 | Data security | DLMS/COSEM, AES128 encryption | DLMS/COSEM, AES-GCM-128 | DLMS/COSEM, AES at least 128 bit (HLS), TLS v.1.3 mechanisms protecting against DoS/DDoS attacks. | DLMS/COSEM AES 128 bit | acceleration |
5 | Data display and identification | LCD (messages based on OBIS codes; PN-EN 62056-61) | LCD, 8 digits, configurable decimal place (up to 3 digits); special symbols, data identification according to IEC 62056-61 (OBIS) | LCD (messages based on OBIS codes; PN-EN 62056-61) | LCD, OBIS codes; PN-EN 62056-61 | acceleration |
Policy Instrument | Assessment of the Instrument Use | ||||
Not Used/Underdeveloped/ Implementation Delayed | Used in a Limited Extent/ Not Effectively, Plans Exist | Actively Used | |||
Regulations | Codes/ standards/ mandates | Building codes and standards | + | ||
Product standards | + | ||||
Sectoral standards | + | ||||
Auditing | + | ||||
Obligation schemes/ quotas | Obligation schemes | + | |||
Carbon Emissions Reduction Target | + | ||||
Other regulation | Net metering | + | |||
Economic and financial instruments | Direct investment | Government procurement | + | ||
RD&D funding | + | ||||
Fiscal/financial incentives | Tariffs | + | |||
Grants and subsidies | + | ||||
Loans/soft loans | + | ||||
Taxes—tax relief/exemption | + | ||||
User charges | + | ||||
Market-based instruments | GHG emission allowances trading scheme | + | |||
White certificates | + | ||||
Soft instruments | Performance labels | Endorsement label | + | ||
Information campaigns | By energy agencies | + | |||
By energy suppliers | + | ||||
By other institutions | + | ||||
Voluntary approaches | Negotiated Agreements (Public-private sector) | + | |||
Public Voluntary Schemes | + | ||||
Unilateral Commitments (Private sector) | + |
Stakeholder Group | Recommendation | Justification |
Policy makers | Consider integration of SM requirements in the building codes | Building codes in Poland require installations of certain types of meters, e.g., water or electricity meters (though not necessarily smart ones). It is recommended to consider providing similar requirements with regard to SM installations in new buildings. |
Consider using Carbon Emissions Reduction Target along with the SM rollouts | Carbon Emissions Reduction Target for DSO-driven SM rollouts could link the DSOs incomes from SM, not necessarily with the number of SM installed, but rather with carbon emissions reductions resulting from energy savings reached thanks to SM use by consumers due to behavior change. | |
Continue investment in facilitating SM rollouts through government procurement and RD&D funding | The experiences of Poland clearly show that government procurement and RD&D funding are effective instruments of SM technology push, as demonstrated by the success story on OneMeter, a start-up supported by the EU funds in Poland that developed beacons enabling SM functionalities in standard electricity meters. It is recommended to continue investment in facilitating SM rollouts through such policy instruments. | |
Analyze the possibilities of introducing tax reliefs or exemptions for SM installations | Due to expected positive externalities (energy savings), it is recommended to analyze the possibilities of introducing tax incentives in the form of tax reliefs or exemptions that could boost foreign direct investment as well as research and development. However, the related costs in terms of government revenue loss and administrative overheads should be considered as well. | |
Analyze the possibilities of introducing user charges for SM installation and operation instead of including the SM-related costs in the grid charges (tariffs) | User charges for SM installation and operation may be considered as a better option than grid charges, as the latter are available for the grid operators only, which excludes third-party metering point operators from the market. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze the possibilities of introducing such financial instruments in the SM financing model. | |
Analyze the possibilities of using revenues from GHG trading scheme for the financing of SM rollouts | The Directive 2003/87/EC stipulates that at least 50% of the revenues generated from the auctioning of GHG allowances (or the equivalent in the financial value of these revenues) should be used to support the achievement of specific climate and energy activities [101]. The list of objectives on which these revenues should be spent includes, inter alia, energy efficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to consider using this instrument for the financing of SM rollouts. | |
Consider including SM rollouts as measures eligible for issuing white certificates | White certificate schemes have been introduced in several EU Member States, including Poland [11]. Still, the regulations underlying this financial mechanism do not consider SM rollouts as measures eligible for issuing this type of tradeable assets. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the possibilities of extending the list of eligible measures by adding the investments in SM systems. | |
Follow-up on results of auditing | The experiences of the Polish auditing scheme of the SM rollout (comprehensive studies performed by NIK) suggest that more focus of governmental bodies should be placed on the follow-up of auditors’ findings. Appropriate remedial, corrective, preventive, and improvement actions need to be implemented according to auditing results to enable SM rollouts. | |
Provide regular information on SM penetration rate in the power grids | Information on the progress of SM rollouts by different DSOs is usually either dispersed or published incidentally (e.g., under NIK’s reports in Poland). This limits the public oversight of the process and the competition among different DSOs. Therefore, it is recommended to provide regular information on SM penetration rate in power grids managed by different DSOs. | |
DSOs | Combine SM rollouts with a tailor-made set of soft measures addressing preferences of individual end-users | Prior research (e.g., [102]) shows that soft measures (e.g., information, advice) coupled with SM installation can provide measurable energy savings in the residential sector. Therefore, it is recommended that DSOs combine their SM rollouts with a tailor-made set of soft measures addressing the preferences of their individual customers. |
Explore collaboration opportunities with providers of BEMS to integrate SM with other systems, allowing for empowering users and energy savings | As required by the Electricity Directive Recast [94], SM systems should allow for providing data for consumer energy management systems. Therefore, it is recommended that DSOs explore collaboration opportunities with providers of BEMS to integrate SM they install with other systems used by consumers in order to empower them and facilitate achieving energy savings. | |
Civil society organisations, energy agencies and research organisations | Collect and analyze evidence from SM pilots on the benefits of SM rollouts for different groups of stakeholders | SM rollouts can provide various benefits for consumers, going beyond energy savings, such as improvement in quality of service, facilitated acquisition of energy from renewables, improved control, and more tariff and service options [103]. Other SM stakeholders, including DSOs, can also benefit, e.g., from avoided costs of meter readings, demand response opportunities, and a better understanding of customers’ energy use. Still, the benefits actually achieved in SM rollouts need to be measured and analyzed to encourage action from the SM sceptics or the uninformed. Therefore, it is recommended to collect and analyze evidence from SM pilots on the benefits of SM rollouts for different groups of stakeholders. |
Organize educational and awareness raising campaigns informing consumers about the benefits of SMs and their potential integrations with consumers’ BEMS | Communication with consumers and their engagement in the SM rollout should be regarded as measures going beyond an information campaign. This should be considered as “a process with multiple steps and activities that identifies the root obstacles to change and then nudges, motivates, or enables people to behave in a different way” [103]. Therefore, given the relatively weak visibility of SM awareness actions in Poland, it is recommended to organize educational and awareness raising campaigns informing consumers about the benefits of SMs and their potential integrations with consumers’ BEMS. |
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Share and Cite
Kochański, M.; Korczak, K.; Skoczkowski, T. Enablers and Barriers in the Market-Driven Rollout of Smart Metering: Polish Technology Innovation System Analysis. Energies 2021, 14, 5259. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175259
Kochański M, Korczak K, Skoczkowski T. Enablers and Barriers in the Market-Driven Rollout of Smart Metering: Polish Technology Innovation System Analysis. Energies. 2021; 14(17):5259. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175259
Chicago/Turabian StyleKochański, Maksymilian, Katarzyna Korczak, and Tadeusz Skoczkowski. 2021. "Enablers and Barriers in the Market-Driven Rollout of Smart Metering: Polish Technology Innovation System Analysis" Energies 14, no. 17: 5259. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175259
APA StyleKochański, M., Korczak, K., & Skoczkowski, T. (2021). Enablers and Barriers in the Market-Driven Rollout of Smart Metering: Polish Technology Innovation System Analysis. Energies, 14(17), 5259. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175259