1. Introduction
In 2018, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) announced a funding scheme. The focus was on improving ‘5-min ahead’ forecasts for wind and solar farms operating in the National Electricity Market (NEM).
The way the NEM works is that there are three types of generators. Scheduled generators submit a bid stack every five minutes detailing how much electricity they can supply in the subsequent five minutes at each of ten price bands from AUD-1000–AUD14000 per MW. They are termed price makers. Renewable energy generators with capacity between 30 and 100 MW are termed semi-scheduled generators. They do not submit bids, but can be curtailed and are termed price takers. Generators of any type under 30 MW are non-scheduled and cannot be curtailed.
In partnership with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), ARENA is seeking to demonstrate that wind and solar farms can provide more accurate forecasts of their output into AEMO’s central dispatch system. At present, wind and solar farms can be disadvantaged if their available output does not match AEMO’s forecast. If the forecasts are too low, wind and solar farms are restricted in how much electricity they can be paid to produce. If forecasts are too high, the wind or solar farm may be obliged to pay for the cost of stabilising the frequency, which increases the price of electricity and this is ultimately passed on to consumers.
The Solar Power Ensemble Forecaster (SPEF) project was one of the ones funded by ARENA to assist the solar farms in developing their forecast models. In the SPEF project, researchers from University of South Australia (UniSA), University of New South Wales (UNSW), The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and Industrial Monitoring and Control (IMC) utilised an ensemble of forecast models, which are combined using machine learning to generate a single forecast output. Each of the models utilises a different technology or technique, such as using sky-camera and satellite images to analyse cloud evolution and motion to forecast electrical power output.
The SPEF project [
1] produced substantial results including:
Significant increases in forecast performance were achieved, as compared to AEMO’s incumbent forecasting system;
Significant causer pays fees savings were achieved from operational forecasts submitted to AEMO at all four sites analysed. In the existing causer pays approach, if participants deviate from their dispatch trajectory in a way that makes the frequency worse (i.e., they are below target when the frequency is low, or vice versa), then a penalty is determined for the participant.
However, one expects that the results, especially for the value proposition, could be enhanced if probabilistic forecasting of wind and solar farms was employed. This would be especially true in the present climate in Australia, where, increasingly, the operators of these facilities have onsite storage systems. Large-scale renewable energy plants with storage capabilities for power of 5 MW or more correspond to scheduled generators, which sell their electricity through the spot market. As a consequence, the managers of large-scale farms integrated with an energy storage must schedule the output profile of their systems and submit bids into the market. The short term bid stack is submitted every five minutes for the following five minute interval. One can imagine that if one were to have a probabilistic forecast available, one could examine the width of the prediction interval and make strategic decisions about how to act.
Therefore, a solar or wind farm with 5 MW storage could decide if the prediction interval is narrow to set their bid stack in such a manner that they are almost assured of participating in the market. On the other hand, if the prediction interval is wide, they could decide it is too risky to be in the market and possibly incur causer pays fees. Instead they could design the bid stack to be out of the market and instead store the energy in the battery, to be used later.
There is a vast literature on forecasting of solar radiation, over many time scales. Refer to [
2] for a critique of the value of deterministic forecasts, that also contains references to several forecasting techniques. Similarly, one of the present authors (Boland), in conjunction with colleagues, described a comparison between using additive deseasoning using Fourier series and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) tools and a separate approach using multiplicative deseasoning with a clear sky model and artificial neural networks (ANN) and also a third using a clear sky model plus ARMA [
3]. Significantly, the simpler version of Fourier series plus ARMA performed at least as well over both continental and island locations. There have also been various articles on probabilistic forecasting of solar radiation, using a variety of methods (see [
7] as examples).
Specifically, in [
4], the authors use an ensemble of various activation functions in ANNs to create the prediction intervals. It is applied to datasets obtained from a lab-scale DC micro-grid system for testing. In [
5], the systematic change in distribution of the noise terms of the forecasting model is utilised to construct the prediction intervals. This systematic change reflects the fact that the distribution of solar radiation is dependent on the time of day and time of year. For example, the distribution has a higher variance and skewness in the middle of the day in summer than at any other time. In [
6], the authors exploit both this systematic change in variance, as well as the conditional change in variance to construct the prediction intervals. The conditional change in variance is typical of a series displaying the ARCH effect, the autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic or variance clustering effect. Periods of high volatility are interspersed with periods of low volatility. The authors of [
7] use quantile regression and picking the error distribution to work with based on bins for the errors for varying levels of point forecasts. This is perhaps the most comprehensive of the present methods. Ensemble forecasting of clear sky index followed by post processing of the raw forecasts was used in [
8]. Reforecasting using ANN methods is utilised in [
9] to improve the skill of three methods, physical based on cloud movement, ARMA and k nearest neighbour approaches. Seeing that the physical model is probably for forecasting solar radiation, we assume that the others are too. Presumably we can infer from this that an indirect method whereby radiation is forecast and then the plant power output is modelled from that needs further enhancement. From the inspection of the literature it would appear that for solar power, the article of [
7] stands out in that they forecast the power output by using the history of power output. In [
10], ARMA and generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) models are used to construct prediction intervals for solar radiation. They do not take into account the systematic change in variance that is evident in [
6]. There are several other articles we could refer to here but we would like to simply point to [
11], where the authors use a deep convolutional neural net for their forecasting. We want to point out that while this approach is very useful, we choose to take a simple tool where we can utilise the physical and statistical attributes of the output to build our prediction intervals. One very valuable review article is [
12], where the authors describe in some detail a vast array of tools from the simple ARIMA type to ANNs to sophisticated machine learning tools.
The literature is more extensive on probabilistic forecasting of wind. The authors of [
13] present both parametric and non-parametric methods for probabilistic forecasting of wind power, but not output from wind farms. Probabilistic forecasting of wind power based on pinball loss optimisation is presented in [
14]. Gaussian mixture models are used in [
15] for constructing prediction intervals. Ensemble methods have been used from [
16] to more recently [
17]. Ensemble methods come in different varieties. Ensembles of future trajectories can be developed using physical models of the atmosphere run with different initial conditions. Alternatively, they can be realisations of trajectories constructed using different models, including statistical ones.
In summary, the methods for probabilistic forecasting of wind and solar energy are varied. They range from use of ensemble methods, particularly for wind speed, to parametric methods using assumptions that the error distributions are either Gaussian, Laplace, or other, to non-parametric methods such as quantile regression. In the literature, there is little evidence of direct methods of constructing prediction intervals for solar or wind farms. By direct methods, we mean by using the history of the output from a farm as the basis for forward prediction.
One main contribution of this paper is that we use the power output as the input variable for the forecasting, for both wind and solar farms. One reason that we would advocate this approach is that it is difficult to know how to measure the wind at a wind farm or solar radiation at a solar farm to include the spatial variability inherent over the area of an installation. This approach also enables us to take advantage of inherent physical attributes of the output. The attribute for wind farms that we take into account is that of the so-called ARCH effect, the concept that periods of high volatility are followed by periods of low volatility. In other words, the variance changes conditionally, the variance at time
t depends on the variance at previous times. For solar farms, as in solar energy forecasting [
5], there is the systematic change in distribution—The distribution of the errors changes over the day. In [
5], there a corresponding change over the year. However, for solar farms, the oversizing of the field compared to the inverters means that there is essentially no significant seasonal variation over the year, as on a clear day in winter the output hits the capacity, as well as in the summer.
2. Materials and Methods
The data used in this study come from Snowtown wind farm in South Australia (latitude 33.78 S, longitude 138.21 E), and Broken Hill solar farm in New South Wales (latitude 31.96 S, longitude 141.46 E). The wind farm data are instantaneous power output at five minute intervals from 2017–2018, and the solar farm data are also five minute power output at the same time interval. There are a number of stages of the wind farm at Snowtown and the one we are using has a capacity of 98 MW, while the Broken Hill solar farm has a capacity of 54 MW.
The general procedure is to divide the dataset into training and testing sets. Since for both the solar and wind farms there are two years of data, we have simply taken the first year as the training set and the second as the testing data. The solar farm output has inherent diurnal seasonal variation, while the wind farm output does not. The attributes have both been tested to confirm this using spectral methods.
2.1. Wind Farm Model
Since there is no seasonal component in the wind farm output, we will deal with it first. Note that in this section, we give details of the model constructed in the training phase. The classical time series forecasting approach is via an autoregressive moving average (ARMA(
q)) model.
coefficients are estimated and are subject to specific constraints in order to describe a stationary model. In the case of the Snowtown wind farm, detailed analysis results in a simple autoregressive model of order 2 (
) being the most parsimonious one.
The one ahead forecast thus becomes
In the simplest of situations for constructing prediction intervals around the forecast, we would have the error
display the characteristics of white noise, that is they would be independent and identically distributed (iid). However, while the
are uncorrelated, they are dependent. This means that they exhibit an autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) effect. This is evident when one examines the autocorrelation for
, the proxy for the variance, as if the variance were uncorrelated there would be at most
of the lags being outside the confidence bounds—See
Figure 1. The standard method for dealing with this effect would be to use an ARCH or perhaps a generalised ARCH or GARCH model for forecasting the variance. One could then construct appropriate error bounds for the forecast. However, this procedure would assume that the errors are close to normally distributed. As we see from
Figure 2, this is not the case (the
p-value for a test of normality is <0.005).
Thus, we have to transform the errors to the standard normal distribution. To do so, define the combined collection of errors as the random variable
Y. Note that in reality there is a random variable for each time
t, but for the wind farm we are assuming that the distributions for each time are similar so we can group all the errors together as coming from the same distribution. This assumption follows from the lack of seasonality in the wind farm output. Then for the error at each time
t, find the probability
. Then, transform each
by finding
is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution
Z. The usual procedure then is to square the
and construct a forecast for the variance using either an ARCH or GARCH model, whichever is appropriate. However, as found in [
6], an exponential smoothing forecast model is an efficient alternative. For the estimate of the variance at time
, we have
The optimal value of
is selected by minimising the sum of squared differences between the model and the data, as in linear regression. In the case of Snowtown, the forecast is
This will give the forecast of the variance, that is it will give an estimate of the variance at time
t from the history up to that time. We then construct the upper and lower bounds (in the standard normal space) for the prediction interval by
, where
, and
is the value of the standard normal distribution for a specified confidence level, for example
for a
confidence level. Subsequently, we calculate
, and then the bounds for the prediction interval are given by
is the cumulative distribution function of the errors.
2.2. Solar Farm Model
There are inherent differences between the forecast model for the solar farm output versus the wind farm output. The first one is that there is an inherent seasonality in the solar farm output. The first step is to identify and model the form of the seasonality. We have identified several significant cycles using spectral analysis. Fourier series will be used in this step. Define the output at time
t by
is the seasonal component,
is the mean solar output, and
are the significant frequencies in the data.
It is imperative to note that for solar farms in Australia in particular, the seasonality in most instances is different from the seasonality in solar radiation. On a clear day, the solar radiation profile has a distinct peak—See
Figure 3. However, in most installations in Australia, the field is oversized compared to the capacity of the inverters. This results in the output displaying a flat maximum over a number of hours on a clear day in summer as in
Figure 4, or a smaller number of hours in winter as in
Figure 5.
There are significant modifications to the structure of the Fourier series representation of the radiation, as given in [
18]. For solar radiation, one needed the yearly cycle, daily cycle plus the first two harmonics, plus what are termed the beat frequencies. These modulate the amplitude of the daily cycle to suit the time of year. With solar farms being capped, there is no yearly cycle nor beat frequencies as the amplitude does not change over the year.
Once the Fourier series component has been identified, it is subtracted from the data and the deseasoned data are ready to be modelled.
Form , where is the solar farm power output in , and is the Fourier series representation of the seasonal component of the output;
Check the sample autocorrelation function (SACF) and sample partial autocorrelation function (SPACF) to see what form of an should be used;
There are two things to note here:
- -
The Fourier series and models are estimated on a training set and then tested on a period of time not in the training set;
- -
Many people at this stage use much more esoteric means for modelling, like ANN or other machine learning techniques.
The Fourier series fit is given by
After this is subtracted from the original data, the resulting
is fitted with an
model, determined by finding the optimum values of
We now describe how to construct the prediction intervals for the solar farm output. In this situation, the desire is that
are iid, but as with the wind farm noise terms, this is not the case. However, similar to the situation in [
5], there is a systematic change in distribution of the noise terms. There is a difference though, because of there being no yearly cycle in the original output data. Therefore, instead of needing to cater for change of distribution for both time of day and time year, here we only need to consider changes due to time of day.
Thus, the algorithm for producing prediction intervals is:
Deposit the noise terms in the training set into 24 separate bins for each hour of the day (obviously night-time hours are not needed but this simple method negates the need to determine how day length changes throughout the year). What this means is that at each time step, the noise, or error, is placed into a repository corresponding to the time of day;
Depending on what confidence level is desired, determine the appropriate quantiles to correspond to the ends of the intervals, for example for a prediction interval, find the and percentiles of the errors of the process—L and U;
For time t, get the forecast level and form the ends of the interval;
2.3. Summary of Methods
There are significant differences between the approaches for wind farms versus solar farms. These mainly result from the fact that the wind farm output studied, common to other wind farms in Australia that we have examined, does not exhibit any significant seasonality. The solar farms we have studied do not show significant yearly seasonality, but obviously display daily seasonality. This basic difference leads directly to the different approaches for the two systems.
2.3.1. Wind Farm
No seasonality model is needed and only a simple autoregressive model is needed for the point forecast. This is estimated using the year of training data. Then, the procedure for developing the prediction intervals for the year of testing data is as follows:
Gather the noise terms for the whole year of the training set, forming a probability distribution function (pdf);
At each time t in the training set, apply a normalising transform to the noise, using the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the noise terms;
Square the normalised noise terms to form proxies for the variance;
Construct an exponential smoothing forecast model for this time series, as in Equation (
For the testing set, at time t, transform the noise term using the procedure above and the cdf of the training set, and then square the result;
Use Equation (
5) to forecast the variance for time
. Form the lower and upper bounds for the forecast, using the standard deviation thus estimated and the standard normal distribution score corresponding to the level of prediction needed—For example
for a
prediction interval;
Back transform these values to the noise distribution from the training set;
Add these bounds to the point forecast for time made at time t, to form the desired prediction interval;
Repeat for each time in the testing set.
2.3.2. Solar Farms
The approach for the solar farms is slightly more complicated for the point forecast and less complicated for the prediction interval forecast. For the point forecast, we need to model the seasonality, as well as the conditional movement of the mean, as shown in an ARMA model—Or a neural network model in other works.
For the prediction intervals, we are considering only the systematic change in distribution. The schema is as follows.
If the standard assumptions held, the way to build error bounds around the forecast would be to just to take the standard deviation of the white noise, multiply it by where the value of z corresponds to the level of probability one wants—e.g., for a prediction interval. Then add those values to the forecast;
Since the distributions are not normal, one instead finds, for a prediction interval, the and percentiles of the errors of the process and add them to the forecast;
Another complication—The error distributions change over the day. Therefore, we perform this process separately for each hour of the day. For solar radiation, they change over the day and the year.
2.4. Evaluation of Results
Validating the procedure for constructing interval forecasts is different from that of point forecasts. For point forecasts, one is concerned with how close the forecast values are to the subsequently observed values, and that the forecasts are not biased towards systematically over or under forecasting. Thus, the measures that are employed include man bias error (MBE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), usually both normalised by division by the mean value of the test set, and skill score—See [
For evaluating the performance of probabilistic forecasts, one is keen to ensure that the forecasted intervals encompass the data at the required confidence level and that the intervals are not too wide. In other words we test for reliability (or coverage) and sharpness (interval width).
Thus, we go through this procedure:
In order to validate the approach, we first check the coverage. If you try for a
prediction interval,
of the observations should be within the intervals [
However, the width of the interval is also important, the smaller the better if also including the observed value within it;
Note though that there are times when the observed value is just outside the prediction interval;
Therefore, to take into account this feature, and also the width of the intervals, we look at the interval score for intervals formed for a
interval [
Note that in the calculations, this score is normalised by dividing by the mean output of the wind or solar farm.
It is insufficient to simply perform these calculations without comparing the results to some benchmark. Therefore, for solar farm output, we construct a smart persistence forecast. Pick a clear day’s output. Get the profile of that day—Call it the clear sky model (CSM). There are various ways to do this. One can either search for the clearest day possible in the period with longest day-length in the training set. Or one can be a bit more systematic and select the maximum value for each 5 min period in the whole training set and then smooth this profile using Fourier series. This latter method is what we have employed—See
Figure 6. Then, for each
t, calculate the ratio of the output at that time versus the clear day profile. For time
, find the output that has the same ratio to the CSM. For the wind farm output, we proceed in a simpler manner since there is no seasonality. Note that if one were to be forecasting wind speed rather than wind farm output, there may well be seasonality. In a farm, particularly onshore, this seasonality appears to be smoothed out, due, probably, to the topography and the workings of the turbines. Note also that even with a potential seasonality of wind speeds, this is likely to be intermittent due to calming of the winds from time to time. Therefore, we use simply persistence as the benchmark,
As well as comparison with a benchmark forecast model, often a comparison is performed with respect to results from other articles in the literature. However, in [
21], the authors point out that a score obtained by a forecast method is not a measure of the skill of the forecast since the results depend strongly on the sky conditions of the site. They further quote [
22] as stating that the meteorological conditions of the site impact the quality of solar probabilistic forecasts. In conclusion, the score for the reference model at the site reflects the difficulties of forecasting for the site and comparison with that score shows the skill of the proposed model.
Another difficulty of comparisons with the results of other research is that different time frames are used for validation, and also different protocols for construction of measures. An example of the latter is from [
23]. Although we, and others, normalise the interval score by dividing by the mean output, they use the difference between the maximum and minimum output. This is not exactly for the interval score but for the PINAW, which is simply the average length of the prediction intervals. In [
19], the authors mention that the normalisation can be by the mean irradiation or the installed capacity. Obviously this can be altered slightly, as we have, to mean output.
Therefore, all of these reasons make comparisons with other studies problematic. As a result, we have focused on comparisons with reference forecasting tools. In future work, it is possible to compare with other tools directly using the same data and protocols, but if the model is very complicated that may be difficult unless the code is made available.