Air Conditioning Energy Saving from Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence: Case Study of a Split-Type Air Conditioner
:1. Introduction
2. VSD Applied to Split-Type Air Conditioners
2.1. Energy Efficiency Study Case and Baseline
2.2. Proportional-Integral-Differential Control
2.3. Control Model
- Rapidly decrease the indoor temperature, and this control goal decreases TI(t) to equal Tset in 25 min.
- Stably control the indoor temperature, with the control goal stabilizing to TI(t) in the range of Tset °C for an unlimited amount of time.
3. Cloud-Based AI Development
- After the introduction of AI, the time required to reduce indoor temperature and maintain a stable temperature range unchanged.
- After the introduction of AI, the energy consumption reduced from the aforementioned PID control.
3.1. Review of AI Techniques
- AI applied to HVAC control and not to diagnosis, prediction, or forecasting.
- Containing actual quantization data and energy saving percentages reported after AI technique implementation.
- Fully reported implementation control structure.
3.2. Energy Efficiency Improvement Methodology #1: Fuzzy + PID Control
3.3. Energy Efficiency Improvement Methodology #2: MPC
3.4. Additional hardware
4. Experimental Setup
4.1. Energy Efficiency Measurement
4.1.1. EER
4.1.2. CSPF
4.2. Environmental Control Chamber Test
5. Results and Discussions
6. Conclusions
- MPC was the most effective methodology for improving the energy efficiency of air conditioners. In the study case, a split-type air conditioner equipped with a VSD and PID control had an EER value of 5.7. By using MPC, the cloud-based AI could increase the EER value to 6.22. Up to 9.12% energy efficiency improvement was achieved.
- Dynamic control responses were tested under four weather conditions, including late spring, early summer, hot summer, and early autumn. In the late spring with low outside temperatures, the cloud-based AI maintained a compressor speed 24.12% lower than that of the original PID control in the air conditioner. In the hot summer, the cloud-based AI maintained a speed 9.8% lower than originally and achieved high energy efficiency.
- Compared with a high-efficiency motor, heat exchanger, and VSD applications on air conditioners, the cloud-based AI was the most cost effective way to improve energy efficiency. It only cost 1 USD to achieve a 0.58% improvement in energy efficiency. This was 5–8 times less expensive than the other three methods. For other energy improving methodologies applied to air conditioners, the cost–benefit ratios all had gentle curves; thus, more cost must be invested to improve energy efficiency. Only AI introduction could increase cost–benefit ratios and considerably improve energy efficiency without considerable cost.
- The cloud-based AI used the MPC to extract the control case in the database with SI. The demanded rotational speed was directly inputted to the compressor, and the error feedback control of the PID control was replaced. Thus, indoor temperature control could achieve in stable periods.
- According to climate conditions, cloud-based AI could provide linear outputs related to ΔT between indoor and outdoor environments, and had linear changes. Thus, heat transmitted from outdoor to indoor environments was minimized.
- The cloud-based AI could allow mobile phones to collect indoor statuses to estimate heat gain. In addition, the control model could be controlled precisely, such as the parameters shown in Equation (3).
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AC | air conditioning |
AI | artificial intelligence |
ANN | artificial neural network |
COP | coefficient of performance |
CSPF | cooling season power factor |
heat coefficient | |
DMS | decision making system |
control error | |
EER | energy efficiency ratio |
GA | genetic algorithm |
GS | global similarity |
h | hour |
HVAC | heating, ventilation and air conditioning |
IEA | international energy agency |
IR | infra-red |
cost function of temperature control | |
evaluation function of the control system | |
kW | kilo-watt |
KP | proportional coefficient |
KI | integral coefficient |
KD | differential coefficient |
m | thermal mass in an indoor environment |
MAS | multi-agent system |
min | minute |
ML | machine learning |
MPC | model-based predictive control |
PID | proportional-integral-differential |
air conditioning cooling capacity | |
occupants’ heat gain | |
R(t) | compressor rotational speed |
Rth | thermal resistance between indoor and outdoor environments |
RMB | Chinese Yuan |
RNN | recurrent neural network |
RBR | rule-based reasoning |
RT | refrigeration ton |
SDK | software developing kits |
SI | similarity index |
SNN | spiking neural network |
SP | set point |
SPopm | optimized set point |
sensor output prediction of the next stage | |
indoor air temperature varied with time | |
constant outdoor air temperature | |
desired temperature set | |
USD | united states dollar |
VSD | variable speed drive |
VRF | variable refrigerant flow |
and | experience parameters for sensor value prediction |
pheromone intensity | |
weighting coefficients |
- Available online: (accessed on 1 November 2019).
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AI Techniques | References | Effects |
Genetic algorithm and model-based predictive control for the air conditioning system | [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] | Max energy saving up to 39.8% |
Fuzzy + proportional-integral-differential controller for the air conditioning system | [12,13,14,15,16] | Max 36.8% |
Neural networks (NNs) including artificial, spiking, and recurrent NNs for thermal comfort control and energy saving in the air conditioning system | [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] | Max 36.5% |
Distributed AI for understanding users’ behavior in working spaces | [25,26,27,28,29,30,31] | Max 34.9% |
Cloud-based AI for intelligent control | [32,33,34,35,36] | Max 22.5% |
Improved energy consumption by the Internet of Things and machine learning/reinforcement learning/deep learning | [37,38] | Max 20% |
Knowledge-based system for HVAC control | [39,40] | Max 20% |
Decision-making system for household energy saving and HVAC control | [41,42] | Max 10% |
Rule-based reasoning for the optimized scheduling control of a chiller | [43] | Max 4% |
Multi-agent system in the end control device | [44,45,46,47] | Max 1.1% |
Parameter | Range |
Cooling capacity | 2.5–12 kW |
Heating capacity | 3–13.5 kW |
Air volume flow rate | 300–2500 m3/h |
Static pressure | −50 to 450 Pa |
Differential pressure | 0–1000 Pa |
Pressure measurement accuracy | ±0.5 Pa |
Pressure control accuracy | ±2 Pa |
Indoor dry-bulb temperature | 5–45 °C |
Indoor humidity | 35–93% |
Outdoor dry-bulb temperature | −20 to 60 °C |
Outdoor humidity | 25–90% |
Indoor/outdoor temperature measurement accuracy | ±0.1 °C |
Indoor/outdoor temperature control accuracy | ±0.2 °C |
Indoor/outdoor humidity measurement accuracy | ±0.2 °C (WB) |
Indoor/outdoor humidity control accuracy | ±0.5 °C (WB) |
Standard uncertainty of energy efficiency measurement | ±0.15% |
Parameter | Range |
Cooling capacity | 1.05–10.47 kW |
Heating capacity | 1.05–10.47 kW |
Indoor dry-bulb temperature | 5–45 °C |
Indoor humidity | 40–80% |
Outdoor dry-bulb temperature | 5–60 °C |
Outdoor humidity | 25–90% |
Indoor/outdoor temperature measurement accuracy | ±1 °C |
Indoor/outdoor temperature control accuracy | ±2 °C |
Dimensions | 5 × 3 × 2.6 m3 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Lee, D.; Tsai, F.-P. Air Conditioning Energy Saving from Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence: Case Study of a Split-Type Air Conditioner. Energies 2020, 13, 2001.
Lee D, Tsai F-P. Air Conditioning Energy Saving from Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence: Case Study of a Split-Type Air Conditioner. Energies. 2020; 13(8):2001.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Dasheng, and Fu-Po Tsai. 2020. "Air Conditioning Energy Saving from Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence: Case Study of a Split-Type Air Conditioner" Energies 13, no. 8: 2001.
APA StyleLee, D., & Tsai, F.-P. (2020). Air Conditioning Energy Saving from Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence: Case Study of a Split-Type Air Conditioner. Energies, 13(8), 2001.