Improved Control of Grid-connected DFIG-based Wind Turbine using Proportional-Resonant Regulators during Unbalanced Grid
:1. Introduction
2. DFIG Control
2.1. DFIG Control Strategy
2.2. Grid-Side Converter Regulation Using PR regulators
3. Grid Code (Output Current Limitation)
4. Digital Real-Time Simulation of the RSC
5. Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for the Grid-Side Converter
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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DFIG System Parameters | |
Rated Power | 2 MW |
Rated speed | 1500 tr/min |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Grid voltage | 400 V (line-to-line) |
DC bus voltage | 800 V |
Stator resistance and inductance | 0.0026 Ω, 8.7e−2 mH |
Rotor resistance and inductance | 0.0029 Ω, 2.6 mH |
Mutual inductance | 0.0025 H |
Proportional constant of PI current regulator | 0.5771 |
Integral constant of PI current regulator | 491.5995 |
Power Parameters of the GSC | |
Nominal DC voltage | VDC = 800 V |
Switching frequency | fsw = 24,416 Hz |
Line inductance | L = 0.15 mH |
AC system | Voltage amplitude VRST: 400 V(rms) (line-to-line) Nominal frequency: 50 Hz |
Control Subsystem Parameters | |
Constants of the proportional-resonant (PR) current regulators in α-β axes | kp,Iαβ = 0.0011 ki,Iαβ = 0.1 |
Resonant and cut-off frequencies | ωo = 314.16 rad/s ωc = 1 rad/s |
Constants of the proportional-integral (PI) voltage regulator | kp,VDC = 3977.5 ki,VDC = 152,110 |
Sample times of the power and control subsystems | = 5.1196 μs = 40.957 μs |
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Share and Cite
El Karkri, Y.; Rey-Boué, A.B.; El Moussaoui, H.; Stöckl, J.; Strasser, T.I. Improved Control of Grid-connected DFIG-based Wind Turbine using Proportional-Resonant Regulators during Unbalanced Grid. Energies 2019, 12, 4041.
El Karkri Y, Rey-Boué AB, El Moussaoui H, Stöckl J, Strasser TI. Improved Control of Grid-connected DFIG-based Wind Turbine using Proportional-Resonant Regulators during Unbalanced Grid. Energies. 2019; 12(21):4041.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEl Karkri, Yassir, Alexis B. Rey-Boué, Hassan El Moussaoui, Johannes Stöckl, and Thomas I. Strasser. 2019. "Improved Control of Grid-connected DFIG-based Wind Turbine using Proportional-Resonant Regulators during Unbalanced Grid" Energies 12, no. 21: 4041.
APA StyleEl Karkri, Y., Rey-Boué, A. B., El Moussaoui, H., Stöckl, J., & Strasser, T. I. (2019). Improved Control of Grid-connected DFIG-based Wind Turbine using Proportional-Resonant Regulators during Unbalanced Grid. Energies, 12(21), 4041.