Safety Requirements for Transportation of Lithium Batteries
:1. Introduction
2. Safety Tests for Shipment of Lithium Batteries
2.1. UN Safety Tests
2.2. Additional International Safety Tests for Lithium Batteries
3. International Regulations for the Safe Transport of Lithium Batteries
3.1. UN Model Regulations
3.2. International Regulations for Transportation by Air
3.3. International Regulations for Transport by Surface (Road/Rail/Sea Freight)
4. Lithium Battery Transportation in the United States
4.1. Transportation Regulations Available in the United States
4.2. Differences between U.S. and International Regulations
4.3. Norms in Practice and Differences between the Norms and Regulations
5. Lithium Battery Transportation in China
5.1. Transportation Regulations Available in China
5.2. Norms in Practice and Differences between the Norms and Regulations
6. Lithium Battery Transportation in Europe
6.1. Transportation Regulations Available in Europe
6.2. Differences between European and International Regulations
6.3. Norms in Practice and Differences between the Norms and Regulations
7. Lithium Battery Transportation in South Korea
7.1. Transportation Regulations Available in South Korea
7.2. Differences between South Korean and International Regulations
7.3. Norms in Practice and Differences between the Norms and Regulations
8. Lithium Battery Transportation in Japan
8.1. Transportation Regulations Available in Japan
8.2. Differences between Japanese and International Regulations
8.3. Norms in Practice and Differences between the Norms and Regulations
9. Conclusions and Recommendations
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
49 CFR | Part 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations |
ADN | The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways |
ADR | The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road |
CAAC | Civil Aviation Administration of China |
CAO | Cargo Aircraft Only |
DGR | Dangerous Goods Regulations |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Council |
EN | European Norms |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
HMR | Hazardous Materials Regulations |
IAG | International Airlines Group |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and electronics Engineers |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
ITC | Inland Transport Committee |
JIS | Japanese Industrial Standard |
KC | Korea Certification |
METI | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry |
MLIT | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
PSE | Product Safety Electrical Appliance & Material |
PSD | Product Safety Data Sheet |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
OTIF | Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail |
PAX | passenger aircraft |
PG | packing group |
PHMSA | Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration |
PI | packing instruction |
QMP | quality management program |
RID | Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SOC | State of charge |
SP | Special provision |
UL | Underwriters Laboratories |
ULD | Unit load device |
UN | United Nations |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
UPS | United Parcel Service |
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Test Step | Test Type | Specific Procedures |
Test T.1 | Altitude simulation | Test cells and batteries stored at a pressure of 11.6 kPa or less for at least 6 h at ambient temperature (20 ± 5 °C). |
Test T.2 | Thermal | Rapid thermal cycling between high (75 ± 2 °C) and low (−40 ± 2 °C) storage temperatures, stored for at least 6 h at the test temperature, time interval between high and low test temperature change less than 30 min. |
Test T.3 | Vibration | The vibration is a sinusoidal waveform with a logarithmic sweep between 7 Hz (1 gn peak acceleration) and 200 Hz (8 gn peak acceleration) and back to 7 Hz; 12 times cycle, 3 mutually perpendicular mounting positions. |
Test T.4 | Shock | Subjected to a half-sine shock (150 gn peak acceleration) and pulse duration (6 ms); 3 shocks cycling in the positive and negative directions for each of 3 mutually perpendicular mounting positions (total of 18 shocks). |
Test T.5 | External short circuit | Short circuit with a total external resistance of less than 0.1 Ω at (55 ± 2 °C), 1 h duration. |
Test T.6 | Impact | A 15.8-mm-diameter bar placed across the sample cell center, and a 9.1-kg mass is dropped from a height of (61 ± 2.5 cm) onto the sample. |
Test T.7 | Overcharge | Overcharging test should be conducted for 24 h with charge current (twice the manufacturer’s recommended maximum) and minimum test voltage. The minimum test voltage is defined in two categories (a) when recommended charge voltage ≤18 V and (b) when recommended charge voltage >18 V: Both categories are further explained as: |
(a) the lesser of 22 V or 2 times the maximum charge voltage or, | ||
(b) 1.2 times the maximum charge voltage. | ||
Test T.8 | Forced discharge | Each cell is forced discharged by connecting it in series with a 12 V DC power supply at an initial current equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer. |
Organization | Safety Standards |
IEC | IEC 62133: Secondary Cells and Batteries Containing Alkaline or Other Non-Acid Electrolytes—Safety Requirements for Portable Sealed Secondary Cells, and for Batteries Made from Them, for Use in Portable Applications. |
IEC 62281: Safety of Primary and Secondary Lithium Cells and Batteries During Transport. | |
IEEE | IEEE 1625: Rechargeable Batteries for Multi-Cell Mobile Computing Devices. |
IEEE 1725: Rechargeable Batteries for Cellular Telephones. | |
SAE | SAE J 2929: Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Battery System Safety Standard Lithium-Based Rechargeable Cells. |
SAE J 2464: Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage System Safety and Abuse Testing. | |
UL | UL 1642: Lithium Batteries. |
UL 1973: Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications. | |
UL 2054: Household and Commercial Batteries. | |
UL 2580: Batteries for Use in Electric Vehicles. | |
UL 2271: Batteries for Use in Light Electric Vehicle Applications. | |
UL 2272: Electrical Systems for Self-Balancing Scooters. |
UN Number | Proper Shipping Name |
UN 3090 | Li-metal batteries (including lithium alloy batteries). |
UN 3091 | Li-metal batteries contained in equipment 1 (including lithium alloy batteries). |
UN 3091 | Li-metal batteries packed with equipment (including lithium alloy batteries). |
UN 3480 | Li-ion batteries (including Li-ion polymer batteries). |
UN 3481 | Li-ion batteries contained in equipment 1 (including Li-ion polymer batteries). |
UN 3481 | Li-ion batteries packed with equipment (including Li-ion polymer batteries). |
Packing Instructions | UN 3090-PI968 | UN 3091-PI969 | UN 3091-PI970 | ||||
PI968-Section II | PI968-Section IB | PI969-Section II | PI970-Section II | ||||
Description | Standalone Li-metal cells/batteries | Li-metal cells/batteries packed with equipment | Li-metal cells/batteries contained in equipment | ||||
Aggregate lithium content (W) | Wcel ≤ 0.3 g or Wbat ≤ 0.3 g | Wcel > 0.3 g and Wcel ≤ 1g | Wbat > 0.3 g and Wbat ≤ 2 g | Wcel ≤ 1 g or Wbat ≤ 2 g | Wcel ≤ 1 g or Wbat ≤ 2 g | Wcel ≤ 1 g or Wbat ≤ 2 g | |
Number (N) of cells or batteries per package | No limit | Ncel ≤ 8 | Nbat ≤ 2 | Nbat > 2 or Ncel > 8 | Those necessary to power the equipment and 2 spares | Nbat ≤ 2 or Ncel ≤ 4 | Nbat > 2 or Ncel > 4 |
Maximum net quantity per package | CAO: 2.5 kg; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: N/A; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: N/A; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: 2.5 kg; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: 5 kg PAX: 5 kg | CAO: 5 kg PAX: 5 kg | CAO: 5 kg PAX: 5 kg |
Packing | First, Li-metal cells and batteries must be placed in inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery, cells and batteries must be protected against short circuits (only for batteries or batteries packed with equipment); Second, equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation; Third, strong outer packaging (e.g., cardboard box) required. | ||||||
Labelling | | | | No | | ||
Transport document | General warning statement (see Note 3) | “Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods” | General warning statement | No | General warning statement | ||
Description of content placed on the air waybill | “Li-metal batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI968-CAO” | UN 3090; Li-metal batteries, PI968 IB; Number of packages and gross mass per package | “Li-metal batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI969” | No | “Li-metal batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI970” | ||
Number of packages per consignment or overpack | One | No limit | No limit | No limit | No limit |
Description | UN 3090-PI968 | UN 3091-PI969 | UN 3091-PI970 |
Standalone Li-Metal Cells/Batteries | Li-Metal Cells/Batteries Packed with Equipment | Li-Metal Cells/Batteries Contained in Equipment | |
Packing instructions | PI968-Section IA | PI969-Section I | PI970-Section I |
Aggregate lithium content (W) | Wcel > 1 g or Wbat > 2 g | ||
Number of cells or batteries per package | No limit | Those necessary to power the equipment and 2 spares | No limit |
Maximum net quantity per package | CAO: 35 kg PAX: Forbidden | CAO: 35 kg PAX: 5 kg | CAO: 35 kg PAX: 5 kg |
Packing | First, Li-metal cells and batteries must be placed in inner packaging that completely enclose the cell or battery, cells and batteries must be protected against short circuits (only for batteries or batteries packed with equipment); Second, equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation; Third, UN approved packaging: Packing Group (PG) II. | First, equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation; Second, strong outer packaging (e.g., cardboard box) required; Third, UN approved packaging not required. | |
Labelling | | | |
Transport document | Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: UN 3090 LI-METAL BATTERIES, 9, II | Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: UN 3091 LI-METAL BATTERIES PACKED WITH EQUIPMENT, 9, II | Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: UN 3091 LI-METAL BATTERIES CONTAINED IN EQUIPMENT, 9 |
Packing Instructions | UN 3480-PI965 | UN 3481-PI966 | UN 3481-PI967 | ||||
PI965-Section II | PI965-Section IB | PI966-Section II | PI967-Section II | ||||
Description | Standalone Li-ion cells/batteries (SOC ≤ 30%) | Li-ion cells/batteries packed with equipment | Li-ion cells/batteries contained in equipment | ||||
Li-ion cells/batteries Watt-hour (E) rating | Ecel ≤ 2.7 Wh | Ecel >2.7 Wh and Ecel ≤ 20 Wh | Ebat > 2.7 Wh and Ebat ≤ 100 Wh | Ecel ≤ 20 Wh or Ebat ≤ 100 Wh | Ecel ≤ 20 Wh or Ebat ≤ 100 Wh | Ecel ≤ 20 Wh or Ebat ≤ 100 Wh | |
Number (N) of cells or batteries per package | No limit | Ncel ≤ 8 | Nbat ≤ 8 | Nbat > 2 or Ncel > 8 | Those necessary to power the equipment and 2 spares | Nbat ≤ 2 or Ncel ≤ 4 | Nbat > 2 or Ncel > 4 |
Maximum net quantity per package | CAO: 2.5 kg; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: N/A; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: N/A; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: 10 kg; PAX: Forbidden | CAO: 5 kg PAX: 5 kg | CAO: 5 kg PAX: 5 kg | CAO: 5 kg PAX: 5 kg |
Packaging | First, Li-ion cells and batteries must be placed in inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery, cells and batteries must be protected against short circuits (only for batteries or batteries packed with equipment); Second, equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation; Third, Strong outer packaging (e.g., cardboard box) required. | ||||||
Labelling | | | | Not Require | | ||
Transport document | General warning statement (see Note 3) | “Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods” | General warning statement | No limit | General warning statement | ||
Information on the air waybill | “Li-ion batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI965-CAO” | UN 3480; Li-ion batteries, PI965 IB; Number of packages and gross mass per package | “Li-ion batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI966” | Not Require | “Li-ion, batteries in compliance with Section II of PI967” | ||
Number of packages per consignment or overpack | One | No limit | No limit | No limit | No limit |
Description | UN 3480-PI965 | UN 3481-PI966 | UN 3481-PI967 |
Standalone Li-Ion Cells/Batteries (SOC ≤ 30%) | Li-Ion Cells/Batteries Packed with Equipment | Li-Ion Cells/Batteries Contained in Equipment | |
Packing instructions | PI965-Section IA | PI966-Section I | PI967-Section I |
Li-ion cells/batteries Watt-hour rating (E) | Ecell > 20 Wh or Ebat > 100 Wh | ||
Maximum net quantity per package | CAO: 35 kg PAX: Forbidden | CAO: 35 kg PAX: 5 kg | CAO: 35 kg PAX: 5 kg |
Number of cells or batteries per package | No limit | Those necessary to power the equipment and 2 spares | No limit |
Packaging | First, Li-ion cells and batteries must be placed in inner packaging that completely enclose the cell or battery, cells and batteries must be protected against short circuits (only for batteries or batteries packed with equipment); Second, equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation; Third, UN approved packaging: PG II. | First, equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation; Second, strong outer packaging (e.g., cardboard box); Third, UN approved packaging not required. | |
Labelling | | | |
Transport document | Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: UN 3480 LI-ION BATTERIES, 9, II | Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: UN 3481 LI-ION BATTERIES PACKED WITH EQUIPMENT, 9, II | Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: UN 3481 LI-ION BATTERIES CONTAINED IN EQUIPMENT, 9 |
Information on the air waybill | “Dangerous Goods as per Shipper’s Declaration” |
Description | Standalone Lithium Cells/Batteries | Lithium Cells/Batteries Packed with Equipment | Lithium Cells/Batteries Contained in Equipment | |
Packing instructions | ADR/RID/IMDG Special Provision (SP)188 | ADR/RID/IMDG SP188 | ADR/RID/IMDG SP188 | |
Lithium content (W) or watt-hour rating (E) | Li-metal cells/batteries: Wcel ≤ 1 g; Wbat ≤ 2 g Li-ion cells/batteries: Ecel ≤ 20 Wh; Ebat ≤ 100 Wh | |||
Number of cells or batteries per package | No limit | No limit | Nbat > 2 or Ncel > 4 | Nbat ≤ 2 or Ncel ≤ 4 |
Mass limit | 30 kg gross mass of the package | No limit | No limit | No limit |
Packaging | First, cells and batteries must be protected against short circuits and damage; Second, cells and batteries must be completely enclosed in inner packaging inside strong outer packaging (only for batteries or batteries packed with equipment); Third, equipment must be protected against accidental activation and packed in applicable strong outer packaging (only for batteries contained in equipment). | |||
Marking or labelling | First, shipment contains “Li-metal” or “Li-ion” batteries; Second, transport according to SP188; Third, the package shall be handled with care and in case of damage a flammability risk exists; Fourth, if the package is damaged, special procedures including inspection and repacking must be followed. Fourth, for more information, please call *** (phone number). | | No limit | |
Sea freight container-marking | No requirement | |||
Transport document | General warning statement (document should list the same information as the above marking content) | No limit |
Description | Lithium Cells/Batteries | Lithium Cells/Batteries Packed with Equipment | Lithium Cells/Batteries Contained in Equipment |
Packing instructions | ADR/RID/IMDG P903 | ADR/RID/IMDG P903 | ADR/RID/IMDG P903 |
Lithium content (W) or watt-hour rating (E) | Li-metal cells/batteries: Wcel > 1 g; Wbat > 2 g Li-ion cells/batteries: Ecel > 20 Wh; Ebat > 100 Wh | ||
Mass limit | ADR/RID: maximum 333 kg gross mass per transport unit. | ||
Packaging | First, cells or batteries must be packed and protected against damage and short circuits; Second, cells or batteries must be completely enclosed in inner packaging and packed with equipment, which must be secured against movement within the outer packaging; Third, applicable strong outer packaging is constructed for cells or batteries contained in equipment to prevent accidental operation; Fourth, UN approved packaging: PG II. | ||
Labelling | | ||
Sea freight container-marking | | ||
Packaging Instruction | Description |
Instructions applied for all packaging | The following packaging is allowed under ADR general provisions 4.1.1 and 4.1.3: First, Drums (1A2, 1B2, 1N2, 1H2, 1D, 1G) Second, Boxes (4A, 4B, 4N, 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F, 4G, 4H1, 4H2) Third, Jerricans (3A2, 3B2, 3H2) |
P903 for healthy cells and batteries | It applies if general provisions 4.1.1 and 4.1.3 are met. Cells or batteries shall be packed in packaging so that the cells or batteries are protected against damage that may be caused by the movement or placement of the cells or batteries within the packaging. |
P908 for damaged or defective cells and batteries | First, each cell or battery shall be individually packed in inner packaging and placed inside an outer packaging, both packagings being leak-proof; Second, inner packaging shall be non-combustible, non-conductive, and thermally insulated; Third, sealed packaging shall have venting devices; Fourth, vibration, shock, and moving of cells must be prevented; Fifth, sufficient inert absorbent material shall be added to inner or outer packaging; Sixth, a cell or battery with a net mass > 30 kg shall be limited to one piece per outer packaging. |
P909 for cells and batteries for disposal or recycling | First, metal packaging shall be fitted with a non-conductive lining material. Second, cells < 20 Wh (1 g Li) or batteries < 100 Wh (2 g Li) may be packed in strong outer packaging up to 30 kg; Third, if cells or batteries are contained in equipment, strong outer packaging may be used. |
LP903, LP904 | For large packages |
Special Provision | Description |
188 | Cells and batteries are not subject to other provisions of ADR if they meet the following criteria: First, cell rating is < 20 Wh or < 1 g lithium Second, battery rating is < 100 Wh or < 2 g lithium |
230 | Cells and batteries must meet provision of, which describes cell and batteries contained in equipment. The provision specifies pre-tests, cell configurations, and ventilation. QMP etc. |
310 | Tests of UN Manual Section 38.3 do not apply to production series of no more than 100 cells and batteries when these prototypes are carried for testing, if they are packed in an outer package meeting the criteria of packaging group I. Each cell and battery is individually packed in an inner packaging with cushioning material, which should be non-combustible and non-conductive. |
348 | Batteries manufactured after 31 December 2011 should be marked with the Wh rating on the outside case. |
360 | Vehicles only powered by Li-metal or Li-ion batteries should be classified under the entry UN 3171 battery-powered vehicle. |
376 | Damaged or defective cells or batteries not confirming the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria should comply with the requirements of this special provision: First, cells or batteries identified as being defective for safety reasons, cells or batteries that have leaked or vented, cells or batteries that cannot be diagnosed prior to carriage, and cells or batteries that have sustained physical or mechanical damage. Second, packages should be marked “DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE LI-ION BATTERIES” or “DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE LITHIUM-METAL BATTERIES”, as applicable. Cells and batteries should be packed in accordance with packing instructions P908 or LP904, as applicable. Third, cells and batteries expected to react dangerously under the normal conditions of carriage should not be carried except under conditions specified by the competent authority. |
377 | First, cells and batteries for disposal or recycling may be packaged in accordance with P909. These cells and batteries are not subject to the requirements of (a) to (e); Second, packages should be marked “LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR DISPOSAL” or “LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR RECYCLING”. |
636 | Cells contained in equipment, during carriage, should not fall below 2 V or two-thirds of the voltage of the undischarged cell, whichever is the lower. Cells and batteries are not subject to the other provisions of ADR (including 376 and if they meet the following conditions: First, P909 is completely applied except for the “additional requirements” of 1 and 2 where both and 1 specifies that cell and battery should be designed and packed to present short circuit and dangerous evolution of heat and 2 specifies the level of protections required for cell and battery; Second, the total amount of lithium cells or batteries per transport unit does not exceed 333 kg; Third, packages are marked “LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR DISPOSAL” or “LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR RECYCLING” as appropriate. |
Size | Li-Metal | Li-Ion | Shipping Classification | Special Packaging/Markings Required | ||
Cell | Battery | Cell | Battery | |||
Small (no more than) | 1 g | 2 g | 20 Wh | 100 Wh | Excepted | Yes |
Medium (between) | 1 g and 5 g | 2 g and 25 g | 20 Wh and 60 Wh | 100 Wh and 300 Wh | Class 9 (except by motor vehicles or rail) [54] | Yes |
Large (more than) | 5 g | 25 g | 60 Wh | 300 Wh | Class 9 | Yes |
Regulation Category | International Regulations | U.S. HMR (49 CFR) | |
Available Transport Modes | Road/Rail/Sea | Road/Rail/Sea | |
Number of cells or batteries per package | No limit (if net mass per cell or battery ≤ 30 kg) | Only one (if net mass per cell or battery > 30 kg) | No limit |
Packaging | First, each cell or battery must be individually packed in inner packaging (which is surrounded by thermal insulation material) inside an approved outer packaging; Second, metal packaging should be fitted with a non-conductive lining material; Third, UN approved packaging: PG II. | First, each cell or battery must be placed in individual, non-metallic inner packaging (which is surrounded by cushioning material) inside an approved outer packaging; Second, UN approved packaging: PG I. | |
Test Criteria Standard | UN | IEC | |
Part III S38.3 | IEC 62133 | IEC 62281 | |
External short circuit | ● | ● | ● |
Abnormal charge | ● | ● | ● |
Forced discharge | ● | ● | ● |
Crush | ● | ||
Impact | ● | ● | |
Shock | ● | ● | ● |
Vibration | ● | ● | ● |
Heating | ● | ||
Temperature cycling | ● | ● | ● |
Low pressure (altitude) | ● | ● | ● |
Projectile | |||
Drop | ● | ● | |
Continuous low-rate charging | ● | ||
Molded casing heating test | |||
Open-circuit voltage | |||
Insulation resistance | |||
Reverse charge | |||
Penetration | |||
Internal short circuit | ● | ||
Immersion | |||
Fire |
Multilateral Agreement | Countries | Differences between Multilateral Agreements and International Regulations |
M285 | Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland | The agreement allows relaxation in packing and in sizing of lithium batteries carried for disposal or recycling while they are still inside equipment and when the equipment can provide the equivalent safety. The agreement overcomes the strict requirement of international regulations on instruction P909 in Subsection about equipment containing lithium cells and batteries. |
M292 | Germany, France, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands, Switzerland | The agreement allows approval by a country-based competent authority even if the competent authority is not under ADR contract. By derogation from the provisions of chapter 3.3 under SP 376 of the ADR, if Li-ion or Li-metal cells or batteries that have been identified as being damaged or defective, these products are no longer required to be tested in accordance with the applicable provisions of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria and need approval from authority. |
M294 | Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland | The agreement concerns SP 310 for pre-production of large Li-ion batteries not tested under UN subsection Manual of Tests and Criteria 38.3, with the gross mass exceeding 100 kg. M294 confirms the requirement of an insulated and sturdy structure to prevent any mechanical movement while transporting pre-production shipment. Under the agreement, large pre-production batteries can be carried in a strong non-approved package that still confirms packing agreement under the treaty. |
M295 | Germany, France, Switzerland | The agreement provides packaging requirements for prototype or damaged cells/batteries contained in the equipment. These cells/batteries should be transported in accordance with SP 376 and packaged according to international regulations. The consignor should include the phrase “carriage agreement under the terms of Section 1.5.1 of the ADR (M295)” in the transport document. |
M296 | Germany, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland | The agreement defines carriage of hybrid lithium batteries that contain both primary Li-metal cells and rechargeable Li-ion cells. In the hybrid system, these batteries should not be designed for getting charged externally. In such a case, rechargeable Li-ion batteries can only be charged from the primary lithium cells. The complete system should have overcharging protection and is tested under the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria. The consignment is restricted by weight and capacity. |
Postal Company | Standalone Lithium Cells/Batteries | Lithium Cells/Batteries Packed with Equipment | Lithium Cells/Batteries Contained in Equipment |
Europe Quick mail | Not allowed | Allowed with MSDS | Allowed |
Deutsche Post | Not allowed | Not allowed | Not allowed |
Royal Mail | Not allowed | Allowed with MSDS | Allowed with MSDS |
Swiss Post | Not allowed | Not allowed | Allowed |
European Special line | Not allowed | Allowed with MSDS & UN 38.3 instructions | Allowed with MSDS |
Test Items | DENAN | IEC 62133:2012 |
Continuous low-rate charge | At temperature | |
Vibration | ||
Temperature cycling | ||
External short circuit | Charge (extremes) | Charge (extremes) |
Test (55 °C) | ||
Test (55 °C) | ||
At temperature | ||
Free fall | ||
Mechanical shock | ||
Thermal abuse | ||
Crushing of cells | Charge (extremes) | Charge (extremes) |
Test (extremes) | ||
Test (extremes) | ||
At temperature | ||
Low pressure | ||
Overcharge | ||
Forced discharge | At temperature | |
Cell protection—high charge | ||
Forced internal short circuit |
Test Items | DENAN | IEC 62133:2012 |
Vibration | ||
Battery enclosure test | ||
Temperature cycling | ||
External short circuit | Charge (extremes) Test (20 °C) At temperature | Charge (extremes) Test (55 °C) |
Free fall | ||
Mechanical shock | ||
Function of overcharge protection | ||
Free fall with appliance |
Transport Mode | Japanese Legal System | International System |
Air | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) ➢ Civil Aviation Bureau | International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) |
Sea | MLIT ➢ Maritime Technology and Safety Bureau | International Maritime Organization ➢ International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code |
Inland (road) | Ministry of Home Affairs ➢ Fire and Disaster Agency Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ➢ Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau | Inland Transport Committee (ITC) ➢ ADR |
Inland (rail) | Central Office for the International Transport by Rail ➢ RID |
Battery Classification | Standard for Batteries That Can Be Sent by International Mail | ||
Type | Structure | Interior Content of Lithium | Watt-Hour Rated Value |
Li-metal battery | Electric cell | 1 g or less | - |
Assembled battery | 2 g or less | - | |
Lithium battery Lithium-polymer battery | Electric cell | - | 20 Wh or less |
Assembled battery | - | 100 Wh or less (must be indicated on the exterior container) |
© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Huo, H.; Xing, Y.; Pecht, M.; Züger, B.J.; Khare, N.; Vezzini, A. Safety Requirements for Transportation of Lithium Batteries. Energies 2017, 10, 793.
Huo H, Xing Y, Pecht M, Züger BJ, Khare N, Vezzini A. Safety Requirements for Transportation of Lithium Batteries. Energies. 2017; 10(6):793.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHuo, Haibo, Yinjiao Xing, Michael Pecht, Benno J. Züger, Neeta Khare, and Andrea Vezzini. 2017. "Safety Requirements for Transportation of Lithium Batteries" Energies 10, no. 6: 793.
APA StyleHuo, H., Xing, Y., Pecht, M., Züger, B. J., Khare, N., & Vezzini, A. (2017). Safety Requirements for Transportation of Lithium Batteries. Energies, 10(6), 793.