Psychosocial Interventions for the Treatment of Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Umbrella Review
:1. Introduction
- (a)
- What is the volume and characteristics of research on psychosocial treatments for the reduction of cancer-related fatigue?
- (b)
- What psychosocial interventions or treatment modalities present evidence of efficacy for the reduction of cancer-related fatigue?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Identification and Collection of Articles
2.2. Detailed Inclusion Criteria
- (a)
- Inclusion criteria: Reviews of the literature published in indexed journals, whose main objectives are to evaluate the efficacy of nonpharmacological psychosocial interventions for the reduction of FRC in cancer survivors. The interventions being compared are interventions based on cognitive models; emotional expression interventions, including art therapy; interventions based on psychoeducational strategies; interventions based on behavioural strategies; and mindfulness. We considered any measurement of outcome or effectiveness in reducing CRF. We included reviews with studies of Level 1b (well-designed individual randomized controlled trials—not a pilot or feasibility study with a small sample size) or Level 2b (individual prospective cohort studies, low-quality randomized controlled trials, e.g., <80% follow-up or low number of participants, pilot or feasibility studies; ecological studies; two-group, non-randomized studies).
- (b)
- Exclusion criteria: Studies on the efficacy of drugs or nutritional and related supplements. Studies on the efficacy of exercise or variants of physical activity. Studies on the efficacy of minimally invasive or manipulative therapies. Studies that did not have the reduction of FRC as their main objective. Articles in which the keywords did not appear. A second publication of the same study.
2.3. Identification and Collection of Data
2.4. Methods for Critical Appraisal of the Included Reviews
3. Results
3.1. Volume and Characteristics of Research
3.2. Methodological Quality and Critical Analysis of Reviews
3.3. Synthesis of Research Evidence
4. Discussion
4.1. Study Limitations
4.2. Clinical Implications
4.3. Implications for Research
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Summary of Methodological Quality and RoB Assessment in Included Studies
KERRYPNX | Level of Evidence (Oxford) Level of Certainty (GRADE) | Authors | Cochrane Risk-of-Bias Tool for Randomized Trials 1 | Risk-of-Bias Judgment 2 | ||||||
1a | 1b | 2a | 3 | 4 | 5 | Other Bias | ||||
Abrahams, H.J.G., et al. [45] |
| Arving 2007 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
Duijts 2012 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Gellaitry 2010 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Gielissen 2006 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ 3 | ⴱ 4 | ⴲ 5 | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Graves 2003 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Heiney 2003 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Mann 2012 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Norhouse 2005 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Savard 2005 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Van den Berg 2015 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Chambers 2013 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Northouse 2007 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Goedendorp 2010 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||
Johansson 2008 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | n/a | Some concerns | ||
Tang, Y., et al. [46] |
| Xie 2006 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | Moderate |
Gil Bar-sela 2007 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Wu 2010 | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Moderate | ||
Lu and Hu 2010 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | Moderate | ||
Zhou and LI 2011 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Moderate | ||
Chen, 2011 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Zhou 2011 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Moderate | |||
Huang 2012 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | |||
Romito 2013 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||||
Huang, J., et al. [47] |
| Li 2005 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns |
Zeng 2008 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Wang 2010 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Huang 2010 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Luo 2012 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Zhang 2013 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Zhao 2014 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Liu 2016 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Amanda P 2010 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Roy 2017 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Ding 2016 | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Zhou 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Chen 2018 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Purcell 2011 | ||||||||||
Willems 2017 | ||||||||||
Seiler, A., et al. [48] |
| Bantum 2014 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | - | Some concerns |
Bruggeman- Everts 2015 | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | |||
Foster 2016 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Freeman 2015 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Low | ||
Galiano 2016 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴱ | Low | ||
Rabin 2011 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | Some concerns | ||
Ritterband 2012 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Willems 2016 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Some concerns | ||
Yun 2012 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Low | ||||||||||
Xu, A., et al. [49] |
| Admiraal 2017 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | Low |
Bantum 2014 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Boele 2018 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Foster 2016 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Low | ||
Golsteijn 2018 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Lee 1014 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Owen 2005 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Smith 2018 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Somer 2018 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Syrjala 2018 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Vallerand 2018 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Van der Berg 2015 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Willems 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Zhang 2013 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Zhu 2018 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Corbett, T.K., et al. [50] |
| Bantum 2014 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns |
Bennett 2007 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Low | ||
Blaess 2016 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Bower 2015 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Bruggeman-Everts 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | Low | ||
Carlson 2016 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Dirksen 2008 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Dodds 2015 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Dolbeault 2009 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Espie 2008 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Ferguson 2016 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Fillion 2008 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Foster 2015 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Freeman 2015 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Gielissen 2006 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Heckler 2016 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Hoffman 2012 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Johns 2014 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Moderate | ||
Lenngacher 2012 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Matthews 2014 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Prinsen 2013 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Reeves 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | Low | ||
Reich 2017 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Reif 2012 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Moderate | ||
Ritterband 2012 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Rogers 2017 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Sandler 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | Low | ||
Savard 2005 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Van Der Lee 2012 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Low | |||
Van Weert 2010 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Willems 2016 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Yun 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | ||
Yun 2012 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Moderate | ||
Poort, H., et al. [9] |
| Armes 2007 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Moderate | |
Barsevick 2004 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Barsevick 2010 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Bordeleau 2003 | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Bruera 2013 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Some concerns | |||
Chan 2011 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Classen 2001 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Edelman 1999 | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Johansson 2008 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Savard 2006 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Some concerns | |||
Sharpe 2014 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Hight | |||
Spiegel 1981 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Some concerns | |||
Steel 2016 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | ¿ | Some concerns | |||
Walker 2014 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ¿ | Moderate | |||
Xie, C., et al. [52] |
| Li Q 2018 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Low |
Tang 2018 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Gao 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Wang K a2017 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Wang K b2017 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Wang P 2017 | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Low | ||
Qing 2018 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Liu, LL 2017 | ⴲ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Reich 2014 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Lengacher 2016 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Low | ||
Reich 2017 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Lengacher 2012 | ¿ | ¿ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴲ | Some concerns | ||
Hoffman 2012 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | ¿ | ⴱ | ⴲ | ⴱ | Low | ||
He, J., et al. [53] |
| Cao 2016 | U | U | U | U | L | L | L | B |
Tang 2018 | U | U | U | U | L | L | L | B | ||
Johns 2015 | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | A | ||
Johns 2016 | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | A | ||
Lengacher 2016 | L | U | U | U | L | L | L | B | ||
Goedendorp, M.M., et al. [51] Internal validity (vanTulder,97). Cochrane | Jadad Internal validity | |||||||||
| Armes 2007 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | 2 | 4.5 | ||||
Barsevick 2004 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | 1 | 4.5 | |||||
Cohen 2007 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴲ | 1 | 4.5 | |||||
Forester 1985 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | 1 | 2.5 | |||||
Ream 2006 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | 3 | 4 | |||||
Spiegel 1981 | ⴲ | ⴱ | ⴱ | 1 | 2.5 | |||||
Yates 2005 | ⴲ | ⴲ | ⴱ | 3 |
Appendix B. Review Characteristics
Reference | Delivery by | Specific Fatigue 1 Frequency | Delivery Mode 2 Type of Delivery 3 | Outcome Measure |
Abrahams, H.J.G., et al. [45] | Psychologic (7); nurse (4); social worker (1); PhD candidate (1); group therapist (1); unspecified (1) | y (2); n (12) 3–13 sessions | (5); (5); (2); n/a (2) (9); (2); = (2); + = (1) | 5 (QLQ-C30); SF-36; POMS fatigue; CIS fatigue; MFI global fatigue |
Tang, Y., et al. [46] | Unspecified | Unspecified Unspecified | n/a n/a | 2 (BFI; RPFS-C) |
Huang, J., et al. [47] | Doctor, nurse, other professional; unspecified number | y (8); n (5) 1 week–6 months | (13) (13); = n/a | 8 (BFI) 5 (CFS; MFS); FACT-G; FACT-B; |
Seiler, A., et al. [48] | Unspecified | y (9); n (6) 6–48 weeks | (15); (6), (9); n/a (6) | 4 (CIS); SIP; 2 (BSI-18); 4 (EORTC - QLQ - C30); 4 (BFI); WHIRS; PHQ-8; FFQ; 4 (HADS); 2 (PFS-R); QLACS; 2 (PSEFSM); 2 (SC-SES); 2 (FACT-G); PWI; 2 (PHQ-9); FACIT-F; SF-36; PSQI; BPI; PWI; PAR; POMS; ISI; MFSI-SF; WAI; FSS; ECSI; MNA; MOS-SS |
Xu, A., et al. [49] | Unspecified programme developer | y (1); n (14) 4 weeks–6 months | (15) (13); = (2) | 4 (BFI); 3 (CIS); 2 (FACIT - F); PROMIS; FSI |
Corbett, T.K., et al. [50] | Psychologist (12); nurse (6); cancer survivor (2); therapist (5); Master’s student (4); coach (3); doctor (2); other professional (1); social workers (1); PhD candidate (1); unspecified (6) | Unspecified 4 weeks–6 months | (16); (21); (7); = (5); (21) | 3 (BFI); SCFS; 2 (FACT-F); 5 (FSI); 4 (POMS); SF-12; 3 (EORTC-F); 3 (MFI); 3 (FACIT-F); 3 (CIS-f); MDASI; PFS; FAQ; MFSI-SF; FSS |
Goedendorp, M.M., et al. [51] | Nurse (11); others professional (9); doctor (1); therapists (2); psychologist (1); social worker (2); unspecified (1) | y (5); n (22) 3 sessions–1 year/weekly | (17); (10) (20); = (3); + = (3); O(1); | 4 (VAS-f); 6 (EORTC QLQ-C30); 2 (MFI); 12 (POMS); SCFS; GFS; LASA; STAI; SDS; FSI; SADS; SES; 2 (FACT-F); FACIT-F; SF-36; PFS; NFRS |
Poort, H., et al. [9] | Nurse (4); others professional (2); therapist (2) | y (6); n (8) 2 weeks–12 months | (6); (8); (4); = (3); + = (4); (1) | 5 (POMS5); 4 (VAS); 5 (EORTC QLQ-C30); FACIT; PFS; MFI; FACT-F; SCFS; GFS; ESAS |
Xie, C., et al. [52] | Coach (15) | n (15) 6–8 weeks | (15) n/a (15) | 6 (PFS-R); 3 (CFS); FSS; 2 (DASI); 2 (FSI); POMS |
He, J., et al. [53] | Unspecified (5) | Unspecified (5) 6–8 weeks | (5) n/a (5) | CFS; PFS; 3 (FSI) |
Jacobsen, P.B., et al. [54] | Unspecified (24) | y (5); n (19) 1 session–1 year | (7); (4); n/a (30) (2); = (2); O (2); n/a (18) | n/a |
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Reference | Reviews Characteristics | Intervention GRADE | Assessment Tools | Results and Heterogeneity | Authors’ Conclusions |
Abrahams, H.J.G., et al. [45], Psycho-Oncology | 14 RTCs 1091 Breast cancer, 1008 Prostate cancer, 78% survivors | Intervention: 71% cognitive therapy and control with waiting list, GRADE—low | 4 | β = −0.27 [95% CI = −0.40; −0.15]). Heterogeneity: n/a (n/a: unspecified): | The review found statistically significant moderated effects of psychosocial interventions on fatigue. Increased effects were found for cognitive behavioural therapy and fatigue-specific interventions for patients with clinically relevant fatigue. A specific focus on decreasing fatigue seems beneficial for patients with breast cancer with clinically relevant fatigue. |
Tang, Y., et al. [46] Journal of Psychosocial Oncology | 9 RTCs 754 Breast cancer, 50% survivors | Intervention: art therapy and unspecified control, GRADE—moderate | 2 | (SMD = −1.90 (95% CI −2.93 to −0.87, p = 0.0003). Heterogeneity: not applicable | The review provides initial evidence to suggest that art therapy benefits patients with respect to the treatment of fatigue but is not statically significant. Additional and better-quality studies must be conducted, particularly with larger sample sizes, with greater specificity of the design of trials and interventions and a longer follow-up duration. |
Huang, J., et al. [47] Clinical Rehabilitation | 13 RTCs 1603 adult patients with any type of cancer, 15% survivors | Intervention: self-management education program with a variety of supporting online strategies and control group with psychoeducational strategies (77%), GRADE—moderate | 5 | Scores of CFS and MFS scales WMD = −10.15, 95% CI (−11.42, −8.89), p < 0.00001) Heterogeneity: Chi2 = 129.28, df = 4 (p < 0.00001): I2 = 97%, p < 0.01 | This meta-analysis demonstrates that the internet-based self-management program for cancer-related fatigue patients, as one form of rehabilitation, can reduce the incidence of fatigue and associated symptoms among CRF patients. The long-term effects remain uncertain. |
Seiler, A., et al. [48] Psycho-Oncology | 8 RTCs + 1 (+6 protocols) 2264, mostly survivors of any type of cancer | Intervention: mostly behavioural therapies with at least one online intervention and control, GRADE—low | 30 | r = 0.27, 95% CI [0.1109–0.4218], p < 0.01). the Egger’s regression test (p = 0.735) and rank correlation test (p = 0.477) Heterogeneity: I2 = 87.46%, p <0.001 | eHealth interventions appear to be effective for managing fatigue in cancer survivors with CRF. Analysis revealed that therapist-guided interventions were more efficacious than self-guided. The continuous development of eHealth interventions for the treatment of CRF in cancer survivors and their testing through long-term, large-scale efficacy outcome studies is encouraged. |
Xu, A., et al. [49] Journal of Advanced Nursing | 9 RTCs 2337, mostly adult survivors with various types of cancer | Intervention: mostly behavioural therapy with online support and face-to-face in control, GRADE—very low | 5 | SMD−0.24 (−0.39–−0.08), p = 0.03; χ2 = 17.43, df = 8 (p = 0.03). Heterogeneity: I2 = 54% moderate, significant in some of these subgroups | E-health-based self-management is effective for CRF. More high-quality randomized control trials are warranted to confirm these conclusions. |
Corbett, T.K., et al. [50] Systematic reviews | 33RTCs 4525 adult survivors, unspecified type of cancer | Intervention: 45% cognitive therapy and 51% waiting list in control, GRADE—moderate | 15 | Synthesized data narrative, unspecified data Heterogeneity: n/a | Eleven psychological interventions reported a significant effect. This review showed some tentative support for psychological interventions for fatigue after cancer treatment. However, as the RCTs were heterogeneous in nature and the number of high-quality studies was limited, definitive conclusions are not yet possible. |
Goedendorp, M.M., et al. [51] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews | 27RTCs 3324, patients over 16 years old in active treatment, unspecified type of cancer. | Intervention: mostly psychoeducational strategies and usual care control, GRADE—moderate | 17 | Synthesized data narrative: SMD varied between 0.17 to 1.07 Heterogeneity: n/a | There is limited evidence that psychosocial interventions are effective in reducing fatigue. The remaining 20 studies were regarded as not effective. At present, psychosocial interventions specifically for fatigue are a promising type of intervention. Most aspects of the included studies were heterogeneous and, therefore, it could not be established which other types of interventions or elements were essential in reducing fatigue. |
Poort, H., et al. [9] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews | 12 RTCs 535 adults with incurable cancer | Intervention: half cognitive therapy and half behavioural therapies and usual care control, GRADE—very low | 10 | SMD −0.25, 95% (CI) −0.50 to 0.00 Heterogeneity: T1: I2 = 43%, Tau2 = 0,08; Chi2 = 19.47; df = 11 (p = 0.05) | This review provides little evidence regarding the benefits of psychosocial interventions provided to reduce fatigue. Meta-analysis does not support the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for reducing fatigue. The quality of the evidence in this review is very low and results of this review should be interpreted with caution. |
Xie, C., et al. [52] Journal of Psychosomatic Research | 15/14 RTCs 3008 adults in active treatment for any type of cancer | Intervention: mindfulness and usual care in control, GRADE—strong | 6 | SMD = −0.89, 95%CI (−1.19, −0.59), p < 0.001] Heterogeneity: I2 = 93% Tau 2 = 0.44; Chi2 = 298.63; df = 20 (p = < 0.00001) | This review indicates that mindfulness is effective for CRF management and can be recommended as a beneficial complementary therapy for CRF patients. |
He, J., et al. [53] Journal of the National Medical Association | 5 RTCs 700 adults for any type of cancer | Intervention: mindfulness and usual care in control, GRADE—low | 3 | SMD = −0.51,95% CI [−0.81–0.20], p = 0.001 Heterogeneity: I2 = 69% Tau2 = 0.08; Chi2 = 12.71; df = 4 (p = 0.01) | This systematic review has found that mindfulness decompression therapy can alleviate cancer-related fatigue to a certain extent. The results tend to be stable, and the grading results are shown as low-quality evidence. The mechanism needs to be further studied in the future. |
Jacobsen, P.B., et al. [54] Health Psychology | 41 RTCs Unspecified participants | Intervention: 52% cognitive therapy and usual care in control 50%, GRADE—low | unspecified | 0.09 (95% CI 0.02–0.18) dw= 0.10, 95% CI (0.02–0.18). Heterogeneity: Qw = 30.20 p < 0.05 | Findings provide limited support for the use of nonpharmacological interventions to manage cancer-related fatigue. The effect size for psychological interventions, but not activity-based interventions, was statistically significant. The lack of research with heightened fatigue as an eligibility criterion is a notable weakness of the existing evidence base. |
Items PRISMA | Abrahams, H.J.G., et al. [45] | Tang, Y., et al. [46] | Huang, J., et al. [47] | Seiler, A., et al. [48] | Xu, A., et al. [49] | Corbett, T.K., et al. [50] | Goedendorp, M.M., et. al. [51] | Poort, H., et al. [9] | Xie, C., et al. [52] | He, J., et al. [53] | Jacobsen, P.B., et al. [54] |
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Share and Cite
Cedenilla Ramón, N.; Calvo Arenillas, J.I.; Aranda Valero, S.; Sánchez Guzmán, A.; Moruno Miralles, P. Psychosocial Interventions for the Treatment of Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Umbrella Review. Curr. Oncol. 2023, 30, 2954-2977.
Cedenilla Ramón N, Calvo Arenillas JI, Aranda Valero S, Sánchez Guzmán A, Moruno Miralles P. Psychosocial Interventions for the Treatment of Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Umbrella Review. Current Oncology. 2023; 30(3):2954-2977.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCedenilla Ramón, Nieves, Jose Ignacio Calvo Arenillas, Sandra Aranda Valero, Alba Sánchez Guzmán, and Pedro Moruno Miralles. 2023. "Psychosocial Interventions for the Treatment of Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Umbrella Review" Current Oncology 30, no. 3: 2954-2977.
APA StyleCedenilla Ramón, N., Calvo Arenillas, J. I., Aranda Valero, S., Sánchez Guzmán, A., & Moruno Miralles, P. (2023). Psychosocial Interventions for the Treatment of Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Umbrella Review. Current Oncology, 30(3), 2954-2977.