Physical Activity Frequency and Depression in the Spanish Population
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Participants
2.3. Ethics
2.4. Informed Consent
2.5. Variables and Procedures
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Practical Applications
4.2. Limitations
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | ||||
Age (years) | Total (n = 21,150) | Men (n = 10,024) | Women (n = 11,126) | p |
Median (IQR) | 55 (27) | 53 (26) | 56 (28) | <0.001 |
Mean (SD) | 54.7 (17.7) | 53.7 (17.2) | 55.7 (18.1) | - |
Age group (years) | Total (n = 21,150) | Men (n = 10,024) | Women (n = 11,126) | p* |
18–34 | 2913 (13.8) | 1409 (14.1) | 1504 (13.5) | <0.001 |
35–49 | 5647 (26.7) | 2841 (28.3) | 2806 (25.2) | |
50–64 | 5842 (27.6) | 2881 (28.7) | 2961 (26.6) | |
65–74 | 3404 (16.1) | 1555 (15.5) | 1849 (16.6) | |
75–89 | 3344 (15.8) | 1338 (13.3) | 2006 (18.0) | |
PA frequency | Total (n = 21,131) | Men (n = 10,014) | Women (n = 11,117) | p* |
Never | 7733 (36.6) | 3282 (32.8) | 4451 (40.0) | <0.001 |
Occasionally | 8212 (38.9) | 3906 (39.0) | 4306 (38.7) | |
Various/Month | 2153 (10.2) | 1163 (11.6) | 990 (8.9) | |
Various/Week | 3033 (14.4) | 1663 (16.6) | 1370 (12.3) * | |
PA frequency (days per week) | Total (n = 21,017) | Men (n = 9965) | Women (n = 11,052) | p* |
0 days/week | 11,122 (52.9) | 4953 (49.7) | 6169 (55.8) * | <0.001 |
1–2 days/week | 2535 (12.1) | 1180 (11.8) | 1355 (12.3) | |
3–4 days/week | 3447 (16.4) | 1743 (17.5) | 1704 (15.4) * | |
5+ days/week | 3913 (18.6) | 2089 (21.0) | 1824 (16.5) * | |
Strength training days | Total (n = 20,959) | Men (n = 9933) | Women (n = 11,026) | p* |
0 days/week | 17,291 (82.5) | 7953 (80.1) | 9338 (84.7) * | <0.001 |
1–2 days/week | 1470 (7.0) | 682 (6.9) | 788 (7.1) | |
3–4 days/week | 1395 (6.7) | 816 (8.2) | 579 (5.3) * | |
5+ days/week | 803 (3.8) | 482 (4.9) | 321 (2.9) * | |
Depressive Symptoms | Total (n = 21,013) | Men (n = 9961) | Women (n = 11,052) | p* |
None | 18,065 (86.0) | 8996 (90.3) | 9069 (82.1) * | <0.001 |
Mild/Moderate | 2541 (12.1) | 854 (8.6) | 1687 (15.3) * | |
Moderate Severe/Severe | 407 (1.9) | 111 (1.1) | 296 (2.7) * | |
Depression | Total (n = 21,013) | Men (n = 9961) | Women (n = 11,052) | p* |
Major Depression | 579 (2.8) | 163 (1.6) | 416 (3.8) * | <0.001 |
Other Depression | 706 (3.4) | 231 (2.2) | 475 (4.3) * | |
None | 19,728 (93.9) | 9567 (96.0) | 10,161 (91.9) * |
Pa Frequency | |||||||
General Population | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | Never | Occasional | Various/Month | Various/Week | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 6057 (79.2) a | 7234 (88.5) b | 1979 (92.1) c | 2782 (91.8) c | 18,052 (86.0) | <0.001 | 0.156 |
Mild/Moderate | 1317 (17.2) a | 847 (10.4) b | 152 (7.1) c | 224 (7.4) c | 2540 (12.1) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 272 (3.6) a | 94 (1.1) b | 17 (0.8) b | 23 (0.8) b | 19,714 (93.9) | ||
Men | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | Never | Occasional | Various/month | Various/week | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 2764 (85.0) a | 3569 (92.0) b | 1090 (94.1) c | 1565 (94.1) c | 8988 (90.3) | <0.001 | 0.132 |
Mild/Moderate | 415 (12.8) a | 281 (7.2) b | 65 (5.6) b,c | 92 (5.5) c | 853 (8.6) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 72 (2.2) a | 30 (0.8) b | 3 (0.3) | 6 (0.4) b | 111 (1.1) | ||
Women | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | Never | Occasional | Various/month | Various/week | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 3293 (74.9) a | 3665 (85.3) b | 889 (89.8) c | 1217 (89.1) c | 9064 (82.1) | <0.001 | 0.156 |
Mild/Moderate | 902 (20.5) a | 566 (13.2) b | 87 (8.8) c | 132 (9.7) c | 1687 (15.3) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 200 (4.6) a | 64 (1.5) b | 14 (1.4) b | 17 (1.2) b | 295 (2.7) | ||
Days of Pa Per Week | |||||||
General Population | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 8948 (81.3) a | 2274 (89.7) b | 3169 (92.1) c | 3562 (91.3) c | 17,953 (86.0) | <0.001 | 0.143 |
Mild/Moderate | 1746 (15.9) a | 233 (9.2) b | 247 (7.2) c | 300 (7.7) c | 2526 (12.1) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 313 (2.8) | 27 (1.1) b | 26 (0.8) b | 39 (1.0) b | 405 (1.9) | ||
Men | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 4253 (86.8) a | 1099 (93.1) b | 1649 (94.8) b | 1941 (93.3) b | 8942 (90.3) | <0.001 | 0.121 |
Mild/Moderate | 563 (11.5) a | 76 (6.4) b | 85 (4.9) b | 126 (6.1) b | 850 (8.6) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 86 (1.8) a | 5 (0.4) b | 6 (0.3) b | 14 (0.7) b | 111 (1.1) | ||
Women | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 4695 (76.9) a | 1175 (86.8) b | 1520 (89.3) c | 1621 (89.1) c | 9011 (82.1) | <0.001 | 0.151 |
Mild/Moderate | 1183 (19.4) a | 157 (11.6) b | 162 (9.5) b | 174 (9.6) b | 1676 (15.3) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 227 (3.7) a | 22 (1.6) b | 20 (1.2) b | 25 (1.4) b | 294 (2.7) | ||
Days of Strength Training Per Week | |||||||
General Population | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Eff.Size |
None | 14,539 (84.7) a | 1349 (92.0) b | 1286 (92.3) b | 719 (90.0) b | 17,893 (85.9) | <0.001 | 0.078 |
Mild/Moderate | 2253 (13.1) a | 107 (7.3) b | 98 (7.0) b | 69 (8.6) b | 2527 (12.1) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 375 (2.2) a | 11 (0.7) b | 9 (0.6) b | 11 (1.4) a,b | 406 (1.9) | ||
Men | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 7064 (89.5) a | 637 (93.7) b,c | 774 (95.1) c | 437 (91.0) a,b | 8912 (90.3) | <0.001 | 0.063 |
Mild/Moderate | 733 (9.3) a | 41 (6.0) b,c | 37 (4.5) c | 37 (7.7) b,c | 848 (8.6) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 100 (1.3) a | 2 (0.3) b | 3 (0.4) b | 6 (1.3) a,b | 111 (1.1) | ||
Women | |||||||
Depressive Symptoms | None | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Eff. Size |
None | 7475 (80.6) a | 712 (90.5) b | 512 (88.4) b | 282 (88.4) b | 8981 (82.0) | <0.001 | 0.083 |
Mild/Moderate | 1520 (16.4) a | 66 (8.4) b | 61 (10.5) b | 32 (10.0) | 1679 (15.3) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 275 (3.0) a | 9 (1.1) b | 6 (1.0) b | 5 (1.6) a,b | 295 (2.7) |
Pa Frequency | |||||||
General Population | |||||||
Depression | Never | Occasional | Various/month | Various/week | Total | p | Effect Size |
Major Depression | 382 (5.0) a | 142 (1.7) b | 24 (1.1) c | 30 (1.0) c | 578 (2.8) | <0.001 | 0.159 |
Other Depression | 350 (4.6) a | 260 (3.2) b | 42 (2.0) c | 54 (1.8) c | 706 (3.4) | ||
None | 6914 (90.4) a | 7773 (95.1) b | 2082 (96.9) c | 2945 (97.2) c | 19,714 (93.9) | ||
Men | |||||||
Depression | Never | Occasional | Various/month | Various/week | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 105 (3.2) a | 43 (1.1) b | 5 (0.4) c | 10 (0.6) b,c | 163 (1.6) | <0.001 | 0.136 |
Other Depression | 104 (3.2) a | 99 (2.6) b | 16 (1.4) b | 12 (0.7) b | 231 (2.3) | ||
None | 3042 (93.6) a | 3738 (96.3) b | 1137 (98.2) c | 1641 (98.7) c | 9558 (96.0) | ||
Women | |||||||
Depression | Never | Occasional | Various/month | Various/week | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 277 (6.3) a | 99 (2.3) b | 19 (1.9) b | 20 (1.5) b | 415 (3.8) | <0.001 | 0.165 |
Other Depression | 246 (5.6) a | 161 (3.7) b | 26 (2.6) b | 42 (3.1) b | 475 (4.3) | ||
None | 3872 (88.1) a | 4035 (93.9) b | 945 (95.5) b,c | 1304 (95.5) c | 10,156 (91.9) | ||
Days of Pa Per Week | |||||||
General Population | |||||||
Depression | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 449 (4.1) a | 35 (1.4) b | 41 (1.2) b | 50 (1.3) b | 575 (2.8) | <0.001 | 0.146 |
Other Depression | 488 (4.4) a | 72 (2.8) b | 61 (1.8) c | 84 (2.2) b,c | 705 (3.4) | ||
None | 10,070 (91.5) a | 2427 (95.8) b | 3340 (97.0) c | 3767 (96.6) b,c | 19,604 (93.9) | ||
Men | |||||||
Depression | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 131 (2.7) a | 5 (0.4) b | 9 (0.5) b | 18 (0.9) b | 163 (1.6) | <0.001 | 0.124 |
Other Depression | 159 (3.2) a | 27 (2.3) a,b | 11 (0.6) c | 34 (1.6) b | 231 (2.3) | ||
None | 4612 (94.1) a | 1148 (97.3) b | 1720 (98.9) c | 2029 (b) | 9558 (96.0) | ||
Women | |||||||
Depression | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 318 (5.2) a | 30 (2.2) b | 32 (1.9) b | 32 (1.8) b | 412 (3.8) | <0.001 | 0.155 |
Other Depression | 329 (5.4) a | 45 (3.3) b | 50 (2.9) b | 50 (2.7) b | 474 (4.3) | ||
None | 5458 (89.4) a | 1279 (94.5) b | 1620 (95.2) b | 1738 (95.5) b | 10,095 (91.9) | ||
Days of Strength Training Per Week | |||||||
General Population | |||||||
Depression | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 538 (3.1) a | 14 (1.0) b,c | 11 (0.8) c | 14 (1.8) b | 577 (2.8) | <0.001 | 0.079 |
Other Depression | 637 (3.7) a | 24 (1.6) b | 25 (1.8) b | 19 (2.4) b | 705 (3.4) | ||
None | 15,992 (93.2) a | 1429 (97.4) b | 1357 (97.4) b | 766 (95.9) c | 19,544 (93.8) | ||
Men | |||||||
Depression | 0 days | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Effect size |
None | 7064 (89.5) a | 637 (93.7) b,c | 774 (95.1) c | 437 (91.0) a,b | 8912 (90.3) | <0.001 | 0.065 |
Mild/Moderate | 733 (9.3) a | 41 (6.0) b,c | 37 (4.5) c | 37 (7.7) b,c | 848 (8.6) | ||
Moderate Severe/Severe | 100 (1.3) a | 2 (0.3) b | 3 (0.4) b | 6 (1.3) a,b | 111 (1.1) | ||
Women | |||||||
Depression | None | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | Total | p | Effect size |
Major Depression | 389 (4.2) a | 11 (1.4) b | 6 (1.0) b | 8 (2.5) a,b | 414 (3.8) | <0.001 | 0.086 |
Other Depression | 434 (4.7) a | 12 (1.5) b | 19 (3.3) a | 9 (2.8) a,b | 474 (4.3) | ||
None | 8447 (91.1) a | 764 (97.1) b | 554 (95.7) b | 302 (94.7) b | 10,067 (91.9) |
Pa Frequency | ||||||
Age Group | Symptoms | Never | Occasional | Various/Month | Various/Week | p |
18–34 years | Yes | 77 (8.9) a | 65 (7.3) a | 29 (6.3) a | 53 (7.7) a | 0.376 |
35–49 years | Yes | 236 (12.6) a | 190 (9.7) b | 58 (7.7) b,c | 72 (6.9) c | <0.001 |
50–64 years | Yes | 384 (19.0) a | 305 (12.2) b | 49 (9.1) c | 73 (9.7) b,c | <0.001 |
65–74 years | Yes | 282 (24.4) a | 191 (12.0) b | 22 (8.5) b | 33 (8.8) b | <0.001 |
75–89 years | Yes | 610 (35.2) a | 190 (15.4) b | 11 (7.8) c | 16 (9.3) c | <0.001 |
Pa Days Per Week | ||||||
Age Group | Symptoms | None | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | p |
18–34 years | Yes | 106 (9.3) a | 30 (6.7) a,b | 42 (5.5) b | 45 (8.4) a | <0.05 |
35–49 years | Yes | 333 (13.1) a | 79 (8.5) b | 76 (6.3) b | 67 (7.2) b | <0.001 |
50–64 years | Yes | 520 (17.3) a | 79 (10.3) b | 85 (9.4) b | 122 (11.0) b | <0.001 |
65–74 years | Yes | 381 (20.1) a | 47 (18.4) a | 44 (11.5) b | 54 (6.5) c | <0.001 |
75–89 years | Yes | 719 (29.7) a | 25 (18.4) b | 26 (13.8) b,c | 51 (10.1) c | <0.001 |
Strength Training Days Per Week | ||||||
Age Group | Symptoms | None | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | p |
18–34 years | Yes | 160 (8.4) a | 19 (5.4) a | 25 (5.9) a | 19 (9.0) a | 0.085 |
35–49 years | Yes | 461 (10.9) a | 37 (6.4) b | 36 (7.0) b | 21 (8.6) a,b | <0.001 |
50–64 years | Yes | 719 (14.5) a | 39 (11.0) a,b | 29 (10.1) b | 21 (11.5) a,b | <0.05 |
65–74 years | Yes | 485 (16.3) a | 17 (12.8) a,b | 12 (9.4) b | 11 (9.9) a,b | <0.05 |
75–89 years | Yes | 803 (25.8) a | 6 (12.8) b | 5 (13.9) a,b | 8 (15.1) a,b | <0.05 |
Pa Frequency | ||||||
Age Group | Depression | Never | Occasional | Various/Month | Various/Week | p |
18–34 years | Yes | 32 (3.7) a | 26 (2.9) a,b | 7 (1.5) b | 16 (2.3) a,b | 0.114 |
35–49 years | Yes | 101 (5.4) a | 71 (3.6) b | 23 (3.1) b | 25 (2.4) b | <0.001 |
50–64 years | Yes | 186 (9.2) a | 136 (5.4) b | 19 (3.5) b,c | 23 (3.0) c | <0.001 |
65–74 years | Yes | 135 (11.7) a | 79 (5.0) b | 11 (4.2) b | 11 (2.9) b | <0.001 |
75–89 years | Yes | 278 (16.1) a | 90 (7.3) b | 6 (4.3) b | 9 (5.2) b | <0.001 |
Days of Pa Per Week | ||||||
Age group | Depression | None | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | p |
18–34 years | Yes | 43 (3.8) a | 17 (3.8) a | 7 (0.9) b | 14 (2.6) a | <0.005 |
35–49 years | Yes | 137 (5.4) | 33 (3.6) b | 28 (2.3) b | 21 (2.3) b | <0.001 |
50–64 years | Yes | 252 (8.4) a | 28 (3.6) b | 36 (4.0) b | 48 (4.3) b | <0.001 |
65–74 years | Yes | 177 (9.3) a | 15 (5.9) a,b | 18 (4.7) b,c | 26 (3.1) c | <0.001 |
75–89 years | Yes | 328 (13.6) a | 14 (10.3) a,b | 13 (6.9) b,c | 25 (5.0) c | <0.001 |
Strength Training Days Per Week | ||||||
Age group | Depression | None | 1–2 days | 3–4 days | 5+ days | p |
18–34 years | Yes | 64 (3.4) a | 4 (1.1) b | 8 (1.9) a,b | 5 (2.4) a,b | 0.061 |
35–49 years | Yes | 188 (4.4) a | 10 (1.7) b | 13 (2.5) b | 9 (3.7) a,b | <0.005 |
50–64 years | Yes | 331 (6.7) a | 14 (3.9) b | 10 (3.5) b | 9 (4.9) a,b | <0.05 |
65–74 years | Yes | 221 (7.4) a | 7 (5.3) a,b | 3 (2.3) b | 5 (4.5) a,b | 0.081 |
75–89 years | Yes | 371 (11.9) a | 3 (6.4) a | 2 (5.6) a | 5 (9.4) a | 0.392 |
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Denche-Zamorano, Á.; Ajenjo-Gomez, D.; Pereira-Payo, D.; Galán-Arroyo, C.; Vega-Muñoz, A.; Contreras-Barraza, N.; Gil-Marín, M.; Perez-Gomez, J. Physical Activity Frequency and Depression in the Spanish Population. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 14704.
Denche-Zamorano Á, Ajenjo-Gomez D, Pereira-Payo D, Galán-Arroyo C, Vega-Muñoz A, Contreras-Barraza N, Gil-Marín M, Perez-Gomez J. Physical Activity Frequency and Depression in the Spanish Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(22):14704.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDenche-Zamorano, Ángel, David Ajenjo-Gomez, Damián Pereira-Payo, Carmen Galán-Arroyo, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz, Nicolás Contreras-Barraza, Miseldra Gil-Marín, and Jorge Perez-Gomez. 2022. "Physical Activity Frequency and Depression in the Spanish Population" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 22: 14704.
APA StyleDenche-Zamorano, Á., Ajenjo-Gomez, D., Pereira-Payo, D., Galán-Arroyo, C., Vega-Muñoz, A., Contreras-Barraza, N., Gil-Marín, M., & Perez-Gomez, J. (2022). Physical Activity Frequency and Depression in the Spanish Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 14704.