Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Arsenic Biogeochemistry and Toxicity in Fluvial Ecosystems: A Review
:1. Arsenic Occurrence and Fate in Freshwater Environments
2. Arsenic Sources
3. Arsenic Speciation in Freshwater Ecosystems
4. Arsenic in Sediments and Sediment-Water Interactions
4.1. Precipitation/Dissolution
4.2. Oxidation/Reduction
4.3. Adsorption/Desorption
5. Microbial Biofilms in Freshwater Systems
6. Arsenic Biosorption Mediated by Biofilms
7. Effects of Arsenic Toxicity in Microorganisms and in Trophic Interactions
8. Changes in Arsenic Toxicity through Microbiological Biospeciation
8.1. Arsenite Oxidation
8.2. Arsenate Reduction
8.3. Arsenic Methylation and Demethylation
8.4. Synthesis of Arsenosugars and Arsenolipids
9. Cases of Arsenic-Impacted Sites: Current Knowledge and Future Research Needs
9.1. Pampean Streams: Effects of Naturally-Occurring Arsenate in Surface Waters
9.2. The Anllóns River: Polluted Sediments Resulting from Former Mining Activities
9.3. Future Research Needs
10. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Database | As-Exposed Organisms | Mean Toxic Dose | Concentration Units | Toxicity Endpoint | Effect Measurement |
PAN | Biofilms (Periphyton) | 37.5 | µg As L−1 | IC20 | Carbon content |
59.9 | Nitrogen content | ||||
44.9 | Photosynthesis | ||||
30 | Photosynthesis | ||||
22.5 | Photosynthesis | ||||
22.5 | Biomass | ||||
15 | Diversity | ||||
Diatoms | 60 | µg As L−1 | NR | General biochemistry | |
150 | General biochemistry | ||||
25 | General biochemistry | ||||
1.5 | pg cell−1 | LOEC | Abundance | ||
4.5 | NOEC | Abundance | |||
ECOTOX | Algae | 79.4 | mg AsV L−1 | LC50 | Abundance |
1.19 | NOEC | Biomass | |||
8.59 | mg AsIII L−1 | NOEC | Biomass |
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Barral-Fraga, L.; Barral, M.T.; MacNeill, K.L.; Martiñá-Prieto, D.; Morin, S.; Rodríguez-Castro, M.C.; Tuulaikhuu, B.-A.; Guasch, H. Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Arsenic Biogeochemistry and Toxicity in Fluvial Ecosystems: A Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 2331.
Barral-Fraga L, Barral MT, MacNeill KL, Martiñá-Prieto D, Morin S, Rodríguez-Castro MC, Tuulaikhuu B-A, Guasch H. Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Arsenic Biogeochemistry and Toxicity in Fluvial Ecosystems: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(7):2331.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBarral-Fraga, Laura, María Teresa Barral, Keeley L. MacNeill, Diego Martiñá-Prieto, Soizic Morin, María Carolina Rodríguez-Castro, Baigal-Amar Tuulaikhuu, and Helena Guasch. 2020. "Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Arsenic Biogeochemistry and Toxicity in Fluvial Ecosystems: A Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 7: 2331.
APA StyleBarral-Fraga, L., Barral, M. T., MacNeill, K. L., Martiñá-Prieto, D., Morin, S., Rodríguez-Castro, M. C., Tuulaikhuu, B.-A., & Guasch, H. (2020). Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Arsenic Biogeochemistry and Toxicity in Fluvial Ecosystems: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2331.