Towards Topology-Free Programming for Cyber-Physical Systems with Process-Oriented Paradigm
:1. Introduction and Motivation
- First of all, in the field of automation, parallelism is an integral part of the control algorithm. This circumstance is reflected in so-called process-oriented languages; for example, in the recently developed poST language, which is a process-oriented dialect of the IEC 61131-3 Structured Text [13]. In the poST language, a program is built as a set of weakly dependent processes—FSM-like structures. Therefore, the process-oriented specification of the control algorithm contains information about its possible parallelization.
- Secondly, in contrast to parallel programming goals, the need for parallelization is primarily caused not by the desire to reduce the computation time but by the desire to reduce the cost of the system as a whole and the cost of its maintenance by using smaller, less expensive, and more flexible microprocessors, reducing the length of wires, reducing the complexity of wiring, and improving maintainability, providing the opportunity to implement various control strategies [3,14].
- Thirdly, for control problems, an extremely important circumstance is the possibility of formally verifying the algorithms being created. For the process-oriented paradigm, we developed the mathematical model of hyperprocesses. Informally, a hyperprocess involves expanding the processes in the system into one process by periodically turning on the logical processes in the program according to the round robin strategy to execute the code in their current states. A number of formal methods for the process-oriented programming languages have been developed [15,16] based on the semantics of a hyperprocess. Correspondingly, when developing a methodology for the topologically independent programming of control systems based on a process-oriented approach, it is desirable to reuse the existing verification methods.
2. Related Works
2.1. Distributed Control Systems for Vehicles
2.2. Design of Distributed Control Systems Based on IEC 61131-3/61499
2.3. Solving Conflicts in Distributed Systems
3. Theoretical Framework for the Proposed Approach
- interaction with an external environment via sensors, actuators, controls, and indicators;
- indefinite running time;
- cyclic execution;
- event-driven behavior;
- synchronism, expressed in the active use of operations with time intervals, which is required to ensure that the control program matches the dynamic characteristics of the plant;
- control flow concurrency, which aims to describe the parallelism of physical processes on the plant;
- hierarchical structure.
3.1. Process-Oriented Programming
3.2. Deploying a Process-Oriented Specification on a Distributed Architecture with Semantics of a Centrally Controlled Implementation
- deterministic behavior of a distributed system;
- a high degree of granularity up to placing only one process on a node of the distributed system;
- preserving the semantics of the monolithic implementation.
4. Proposed Approach
4.1. Motivation and Hypothesis
4.2. The Heuristic Approach
- two processes using the same variable should both be in the same cluster;
- two processes using the same process should both be in the same cluster;
- processes forming a loop relative to the use relation should be in the same cluster.
- If , and , then .
- If , and , then .
- .
- If , and , then .
5. Case-Study: Bottle-Filling System and Sluice System
5.1. The Bottle-Filling System
5.2. Process-Oriented Specification of Plant Simulator and Controller
- In the first step, the algorithm produces seven clusters identified by the process names: Initialization, MainLoop, TankFilling, ForcedSterilization, KeepSterilization, BottleFilling, and NextBottle clusters.
- In the second step, the algorithm adds the variables to the clusters: iLowLevel to the MainLoop cluster; iHighLevel and oFillTank to the TankFilling cluster; iHighTemp and oSteam to the ForcedSterilization cluster; iLowTemp to the Keep Sterilization cluster; iBottleLevel and oFillBottle to the BottleFilling cluster; iBottlePosition and oConveyor to the NextBottle cluster.
- In the third step, the algorithm merges the ForcedSterilization and KeepSterilization clusters to the ForcedSterilization cluster because the processes use the same variable.
- In the fourth step, the algorithm merges the Initialization and MainLoop clusters to the Initialization cluster because both processes use the same process (KeepSterilization).
- In the fifth step, the algorithm produces no changes because looped processes MainLoop and Initialization already belong to the same cluster. Thus, finally, we have five independent clusters separated by variables and processes.
5.3. Implementation on AVR Microcontrollers
5.4. The Sluice Control System
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CAN | Controller Area Network |
CPS | Cyber-Physical System |
CPPS | Cyber-Physical Production System |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
HCECC | Hierarchical and Concurrent Execution Control Chart |
IAS | Industrial Automation System |
MCU | Microcontroller Unit |
MVC | Model-View-Controller |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
PRET | PREcision Timed (machine) |
PTIDES | Programming Temporally Integrated Distributed Embedded Systems |
TTCAN | time-triggered CAN |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter |
WCET | Worst Case Execution Time |
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Zyubin, V.E.; Garanina, N.O.; Anureev, I.S.; Staroletov, S.M. Towards Topology-Free Programming for Cyber-Physical Systems with Process-Oriented Paradigm. Sensors 2023, 23, 6216.
Zyubin VE, Garanina NO, Anureev IS, Staroletov SM. Towards Topology-Free Programming for Cyber-Physical Systems with Process-Oriented Paradigm. Sensors. 2023; 23(13):6216.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZyubin, Vladimir E., Natalia O. Garanina, Igor S. Anureev, and Sergey M. Staroletov. 2023. "Towards Topology-Free Programming for Cyber-Physical Systems with Process-Oriented Paradigm" Sensors 23, no. 13: 6216.
APA StyleZyubin, V. E., Garanina, N. O., Anureev, I. S., & Staroletov, S. M. (2023). Towards Topology-Free Programming for Cyber-Physical Systems with Process-Oriented Paradigm. Sensors, 23(13), 6216.