2.2. Search Strategy
The search strategy composes of a search pattern, which describes the repositories used in this review. In addition, we considered three viewpoints for research questions analysis: population, intervention, and outcome. Finally, the search strings were built using Boolean ANDs and ORs, in a defined time range.
The Search Pattern used combinations of key terms in digital libraries such as Scopus, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, and IEEE Xplore. Journals or conference proceedings have been included to select the main studies of this work.
The Population defined for this study are: seismological data centers, seismic–volcanic monitoring network organizations, and the scientific community. These groups are focused on the diffusion of early warnings of seismic and volcanic events.
The Outcome has been defined through two main factors, which could support the availability of information in the SDCs. The first factor refers to designing a mechanism to retrieve seismic data, and the second factor considers a validation method to add redundant networks.
Procedures considered in Intervention help to identify algorithms applied in data acquisition and seismic transmission networks. Likewise, it includes seismic data formats, protocols, and software solutions for data storage and processing.
It is essential to mention that a recommended way to create the search string is to structure them in terms of population, intervention, comparison, and outcome [
21]. The selected search period is from the years 2000 to 2021 because, since 2000, most SDCs had already migrated their analog to digital systems, including transmission media and systems for the acquisition and processing of seismic data. The expressions were constructed using logical operators for searches (AND and OR), shown in
Table 1.
The most important terms were “data acquisition and processing systems“ for seismic–volcanic monitoring phenomena, “algorithms and protocols“ related to the availability of information, “seismic networks“ description, and “seismic data standards“ for data transmission. The search results allow the selection of publications related to this study.
2.6. Data Analysis
In this section, 51 articles are identified which contribute to the objectives of this study. Below, an overview includes the research area, justification for the study, the sampling strategy, the methodology, and the publication year. Application areas in recent studies are data transmission networks, data acquisition and processing, seismic data standards, and early warning trends.
Behr et al. [
23] proposed a strategy for a virtual seismologist (VS) through an open-source real-time monitoring software for SC3 to test and evaluate the EEW algorithm. The objective was latency reduction, upgrade software in network components, and reconfiguration in dataloggers. Within this methodology used for VS(SC3) evaluation, Monte Carlo simulation was applied to optimize alert times, P- and S-wave delays, filtering, phase detection, and true and false alert detections. Stubailo et al. [
24] made a latency data recognition for seismic data transmission as a crucial parameter in EEW. A partial solution is proposed through the reconfiguration of datalogger parameters, deploying software upgrades in seismic networks. Other studies by Weber et al. [
29], Adams et al. [
30], and Vidal et al. [
28] described seismic sensors, data-logger components, and methods used in specific networks for real-time monitoring.
Scarpato et al. [
27] developed ad hoc software applied in wireless data transmission systems, as well as acquisition and visualization systems, for a specific volcanic area.
The main measured parameters were delay, standard deviation, and packet loss statistics. Other QoS metrics such as real time delay, availability, and robustness (fault tolerance) identified network performance.
Zhong et al. [
38] proposed an ad hoc development wireless transmission for heterogeneous networks in seismic exploration. A test environment considered acquisition, wireless transmission, and data control. The system used IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11b/g. Reddy et al. [
37] proposed a procedure and simulation for energy consumption reduction with a large number of hops. Network architecture was based on the IEEE 802.11ad. Evaluation parameters were: average power consumption, end-to-end latency in contrast with operating frequency, bandwidth, transmit power, and receiver sensitivity.
Kaur et al. [
32] and Piyare et al. [
33] reviewed TDMA protocols and the advantage of using WSN and LoRa networks. The objective was to improve energy consumption, transmission latency, traffic, bandwidth use, and others for seismic monitoring applications. Iqbal et al. [
34] made a WSN analysis for seismic data acquisition networks; the study considered data throughput and transmission time from wireless geophones to gateway node in a wireless network architecture based on IEEE802.11af standards.
Mothku et al. [
35] proposed a mechanism to improve reliable data transmission in a wireless sensor using Markov decision processes, because of wireless link fluctuations in faulty regions. The model helped to improve the packet level reliability with stringent delivery delay requirements in the presence of faulty nodes. The measured parameter, packet redundancy levels in the network coding process, applied link loss rates and redundancy levels.
Zhou et al. [
31] proposed a routing protocol for underwater sensor networks (UWSN), i.e., “Q-learning-based localization-free any path routing (QLFR) protocol” which focused on holding time mechanism for packet forwarding, and analysis of routing protocol performance. The goal was to decrease high energy consumption and large latency in the underwater environment using Q-learning-based localization-free anypath routing.
Li et al. [
25] proposed a data compression algorithm to decrease the size of SEG-Y files and the conversion of miniSEED files for the transmission and storage of large amounts of seismic exploration data. The compression algorithm was developed with the Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm, providing experimental results. Helal et al. [
36] proposed a seismic data compression model through the convolutional neural network (CNN). The main goal was to contribute to memory optimization in transmission equipment, and to preserve seismic information for rebuilding.
Dost et al. [
39] described the most common seismic data formats; common conversion programs; standards for exchange and data storage; as well as the format structure of SEED, SAC, GSE, CSS, SEISAN, miniSEED, ASCII, ESSTF, and conversion methods. Ringler et al. [
26] made a summary of the Standard for Exchange of Earthquake Data (SEED format), as well as the structure and advantages of dataless SEED, which was the most common format used to share metadata.
Abdelwahed et al. [
42] developed an ad hoc application for seismic waveform analysis in a specific organization. Cordery et al. [
40] proposed a processing workflow to improve the quality of the final processed data. The goal was to significantly decrease noise, and to recover missing signals of seismic broadband sensors. Y. An et al. [
51] proposed a workflow for automatic fault recognition in seismic data using deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). It required conversion of geological project files to other formats.
Krischer et al. [
56] published the ObsPy Python library developed for seismological packages and workflows, through the integration and re-purposing of established legacy codes, using the data processing time, conversion formats, and modern workflows composed in Python. The study was proposed because some seismological tools face several hurdles to generalize into scientific Python system, such as special file formats, unknown terminology, and no suitable replacement for a non-trivial piece of software. Hosseini et al. [
46] proposed ObspyDMT Python, a software tool used for the query, retrieval, processing, and management of seismological data sets. It allowed some repetitive and complex diary seismological tasks such as data storage, preprocessing of information, instrument correction, and quality control routines. Other previous studies (e.g., Beyreuther et al. [
44] and Megies et al. [
45]) also proposed the Python toolbox for seismology and SAC file conversion, unifying a wide variety of computing platforms, file formats, methods for accessing seismological data through information preprocessing standards, as well as libraries to access and process seismological waveform data and metadata.
For data processing, seismic signal deconvolution methods were applied to improve filtering effects or attenuation at the source of seismic waves, and Pilikos et al. [
41] proposed a method to reconstruct seismic data using a relevance vector machine (RVM). Experiments were conducted on synthetic and field data sets. Anvari et al. [
47] proposed a method to reduce random seismic noise and seismic signal attenuation using Hankel sparse low-rank approximation. Their sampling strategy was used through acquisition parameters to simulate synthetic data composed of 76 traces. A 25 Hz Ricker wavelet generated the seismic section, and the seismic noise was contaminated with white Gaussian random noise. The test results of noise attenuation were compared with the NLM, OptSLR, DRR, and OptWSST methods using land field data and synthetic seismic data.
Wang et al. [
48] proposed an automatic picking method for multi-mode surface-wave dispersion curves with unsupervised machine learning to reduce time on human–machine interaction, improve efficiency, and increase accuracy of data processing. Seismic data were changed to 3D dispersion images through GMM clustering, DBSCAN algorithms, and filters for dispersion curves. Results were analyzed on synthetic tests and field data. Zhao et al. [
49] developed open-source software for automatic phase detection of seismic waves using a deep learning model. The model was trained with 700,000 waveforms from the Northern California earthquake catalog and showed detection accuracy, identification of events and noise, and low computing resources for processing P- and S-wave arrival times. The designed software includes an application terminal interface, docker container, data visualization, and SSH protocol data transmission, and also supports SAC, MSEED, and NumPy array.
Bin et al. [
52], 2021, made a review of IoGN sensing devices, algorithms, architecture, and applications for seismic data acquisition units and data servers. The main techniques that could be applied to IoGN are denoising methods, including compressed sensing (CS) and autoencoders (AE) used to reduce seismic noise. IoGN sensing devices are accelerometers and geophones. Common ADC 16/24-bit resolutions and communication modules use IEEE 802.11 or cellular network standards, as well as ZigBee and GPRS communications from end devices to remote Web servers.
Yoon et al. [
50] proposed a seismic data reconstruction model through recurrent neural network (RNN) algorithms. The authors made tests of different RNN algorithms via the traces to trace approach using available field data provided by a petroleum geo-services company. The ML model training split the training data and validation sets. The proposed model learns high-level features from complex field data and predicts the missing traces in the sparsely seismic sample. A simple comparison of deep bidirectional with and without skip connections was made, using architectures and hyperparameters for both models.
Suarez et al. [
53] described the structure and goals of an integrated system of networks within the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN), as well as the instrumentation characteristics, data exchange of high-quality seismological data, standardization format, and access. Detrick et al. [
54] summarized Global Seismographic Network (GSN) data that are used for the research of operational missions of the USGS, the NOAA, and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, as well as studies of earthquakes, tectonics, and volcanology.
Pueyo et al. [
57] proposed a communications system, LoRaMoto, which aimed to exchange information about civilians’ safety aftermath of an earthquake when outages in communication networks following earthquakes limit the capacity to obtain information. LoRaMoto helps to extend the LoRaWAN architecture and implements a packet forwarding mechanism to keep emergency management organizations informed. The LoRaWAN network protocol has scalability and performance limitations when there is node mobility. However, the LoRaMoto system does not use node mobility; it is closer to an ad hoc network. A performance evaluation was made by simulating a realistic environment to understand scalability and portability. Limitations in scalability were related to the density and capacity of gateways for node communication.
Ebel et al. [
18] presented a description of a seismic monitoring network (RSN—U.S), transmission media, data processing, and collaboration with other organizations to improve the monitoring technology. Its main products have been active structure/fault monitoring, use of earthquake focal mechanisms, and classification of event types. M.Filippucci et al. [
59] made a description of the OTRIONS seismic network waveform database, their cloud infrastructure for acquisition, and a storage system with access to the station metadata. Their network had a high level of security in data exchange through multi-protocol VPN services. Yu. E. et al. [
55] summarized the main station information system (SIS) features that are a repository for managing, checking, and distributing high-quality metadata. Data centers, such as the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS), use SIS information to identify parameters such as the overall response, channel gain, and hardware components.
Krischer et al. [
43] developed an Adaptable Seismic Data Format (ASDF) to store any number of synthetic, processed, or unaltered waveforms in a single file, including comprehensive meta-information (event or station information) in the same file. Guimaraes et al. [
58] analyzed the main file structures for storing and processing seismic data in the cloud and proposed a solution that can improve real-time performance using classic standards (for example, SEG-Y) and modern formats (for example, SEG-Y and ASDF). It decreased seismic processing and helped to efficiently convert to and from SEG-Y.
Behr et al. [
60] presented an application of the virtual seismologist (VS) algorithm for earthquake early warning (EEW). A VS algorithm was used to estimate magnitudes and ground motion in the Swiss Seismological Service and other European networks. Perol et al. [
61] proposed an algorithm optimization tool for earthquake detection and localization based on convolutional neural networks (ConvNetQuake) for reviewing the exponential growth of the volume of seismic data. This allowed rapid earthquake detection and location for EEW. Tariq et al. [
62] proposed a real-time EEW event detection algorithm (SWEDA) that detects seismic wave types, using time and frequency domain parameters mapped on a 2D mapping interpretation scheme. Chin et al. [
69] proposed an EEW model through recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for earthquake detection with a real-time response.
The data set included 128 earthquake events collected in the Taiwan zone with 1797 seismic waveforms cut from the earthquake events. Two types of architectures were used, a common model to detect the P-wave and the S-wave characteristics, and a developed model was used to detect three targets: (1) a vector related to a number of input features, (2) LSTM cells to build the hidden layers as storage to preserve the state instance, and (3) the output layer to calculate the final probability for each category of the target events.
Bai et al. [
64] applied compressive sensing (CS) to achieve high-efficiency data observations through seismic waveform sparseness, random sampling of observations, and data recovery of seismic waveform data. The model used two conditions: a sparse representation of data in a transform domain, and incoherence between the sampling method and sparse transform. Moreover, other authors such as Baraniuk et al. [
65] used CS for digitizing signals and used more general and random test functions processed via measurements. This allowed for faster capture, sampling, and processing rates, with lower power consumption, especially in cases of larger and higher-dimensional seismic data sets. Arrais D. et al. [
67] presented a review of the current information availability at seismic monitoring systems. The proposed solutions at software and network infrastructure use data recovery mechanisms through traffic control points in primary nodes and redundancy in data transmission networks to increase information availability. Dimililer et al. [
72] presented an overview of IoT models, deep learning and machine learning studies for EEW, and geophysical applications. The study suggested combination techniques for high-resolution seismic imaging based on deep learning algorithms.
Zhang Qi et al. [
68] proposed a system of real-time earthquake detection by monitoring millions of queries related to earthquakes from an online search engine (China). The testing set was set up with the results of the MID detector (multi-internal derivative-based detection algorithm) and labelled with earthquake catalogs. Yin et al. [
70] developed a KD tree application for large databases to reduce EEW delays identified in the processing time and estimated real-time earthquake parameters. An offline test was made using a database with feature sets of the waveform, and it was compared with real observed seismic parameters. The database was focused on values of peak ground acceleration, velocity, and displacement (PGA, PGV, and PGD), instead of common parameters such as hypocenter distance. Torky et al. [
66] used hybrid convolutional neural network (ConvLSTM) techniques to indirectly predict seismic response of mid-rise and high-rise buildings in earthquake-prone areas, and to assist earthquake early warning systems. They used accelerometer mesh with a sampling frequency of 10-20-100 Hz for torsional vibration and waveform detection. For it, some parameters and filtering techniques were applied (including the fast Fourier transform (FFT) Butterworth filter and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition).
DeLaPuente et al. [
71] proposed a seismic simulation workflow to deliver accurate short-time reports of earthquake effects. The objective was to reduce high computational resources for simulations in detailed geological models used in the impact evaluation of large earthquakes. It contains four subsystems deployed as services to produce ground-shaking maps and useful information for civil protection agencies. The simulation procedure contains an automatic alert service, smart access, a control center, and a post-process service. Korolev et al. [
63] proposed an automated information system (AIS) for data processing in a specific geographic area for observation science data integration. Their main characteristic was the homogeneity of the instrumental network through Reftek Sw/Hw, the RTPD protocol, and the Zabbix monitoring system.
Within the methodology used by several authors, it was possible to identify the mechanisms or platforms, protocols, formats, and topologies. Furthermore, these evaluation parameters applied to the selected articles were contrasted with four application areas, and, as a result of this analysis, the next section contains the most relevant contributions from reviewed studies.