Intelligent Techniques for Detecting Network Attacks: Review and Research Directions
:1. Introduction and Background
- (i)
- What is/are the classification algorithms implemented?
- (ii)
- What is/are the datasets employed for developing the intelligent systems?
- (iii)
- Furthermore, this research article compared the results obtained using different evaluation metrics.
- (i)
- Which algorithm(s) was/were commonly implemented and in which kind of attacks?
- (ii)
- Which dataset(s) is/are considered more reliable based on the results obtained?
2. Network Attacks
2.1. Types of Network Attacks
2.2. Network Attack Detection and Prevention Techniques
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS): Referred to also as network-based IDS (NIDS). This system intensely monitors malicious network activities and notifies officials if an attack is detected with no prevention abilities. Signature-based and anomaly-based detection are the two most prevalent approaches used by IDS to identify threats. Signature-based procedures are applied to detect only known threats, relying on a database containing a list of pre-existing characteristics of known attacks (attacks signatures) to identify suspicious events. The database needs to be continuously updated to include emerging attacks. On the other hand, anomaly-based procedures attempt to differentiate malicious traffic from real traffic based on a change in the network traffic; thus, they can detect unknown threats. Inconsistencies such as high-size traffic, network latency, traffic from uncommon ports, and abnormal system performance, all represent changes in the normal behaviors of the system and can indicate the presence of network attacks.
- Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): Known also as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS). It scans the network continuously for the presence of illegal or rogue control points that are detected on the basis of changes in behavior. The system automatically takes countermeasures to tackle the threats and defend the system. The primary objective of an IDPS is to keep malicious or undesired packets and attacks from causing any harm. IDPS is more effective than IDS as it not only detects threats, but is able to take action against them. There are two types of IDPS: network-based intrusion detection and prevention systems (NIDPS) that analyze the network protocol to identify any suspicious activities and host-based intrusion detection and prevention systems (HIDPS) that are used to monitor host activities for any suspicious events within the host.
3. Intelligent Network Attack Mitigation Techniques
3.1. Problem Domains of the Reviewed Articles
3.1.1. Insider Threat
3.1.2. DDoS Attacks
3.1.3. Phishing Attacks
3.1.4. Zero-Day Attacks
3.1.5. Malware Attacks
3.1.6. Malware Botnet Attacks
3.1.7. Detecting Attacks over IoT Networks
3.1.8. Malicious Traffic Classification
Malicious Traffic in a Cloud Environment
3.1.9. Attacks at DNS Level
3.1.10. Intrusion Detection
3.2. Common Intelligent Algorithms Applied
3.3. Common Datasets Used
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Attack Name | Description | Attack by (Packets, Tools, etc.) |
Active Attacks | ||
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks | ||
Jamming Attack | By using the channel that they are communicating on, it prohibits other nodes from accessing it to connect. | Radio frequency noise. |
Flooding | A DoS attack in which a server receives many connection requests but does not reply to complete the handshake. (ICMP Flood, SYN Flood, HTTP Flood). | Unbound number of requests without acknowledgment of packet after receiving it. |
Smurf Attack | A network layer DDoS attack caused due to the network tools misconfiguration. | Source IP fooling victim IP. |
Teardrop Attack | A DoS attack that bombards a network with many Internet Protocol (IP) data fragments, then the network is unable to recombine the fragments back into their original packets. | Sending fragmented packets to the target machine. |
Man in the Middle Attacks | ||
Ransomware | A form of malware that infiltrates and encrypts important files and systems, preventing a person from accessing their own data. | B0r0nt0k (encryption ransomware), Mado (malicious program) |
Session Hijacking | To obtain unauthorized access to the Web Server, the Session Hijacking attack disrupts the session token by stealing or guessing a valid session token (e.g., predictable session token). | Malicious JavaScript Codes, XSS, Session Sniffing. |
Passive Attacks | ||
Active Reconnaissance | An intruder is engaged in targeting the system to acquire information about vulnerabilities (e.g., port scanning). | Nmap, Metasploit. |
Passive Reconnaissance | Gathering information about computers and networks without actively engaging with them (e.g., eavesdropping, OS fingerprinting). | Wireshark, Shodan. |
Traffic Analysis | A method to gather and monitor wireless frames, packets, or messages to drive information for communication patterns. | Sniffing tools. |
War Driving | Mapping the wireless access points with wireless networks with vulnerabilities in moving cars. | iStumbler, Global Positioning System (GPS), antenna, Wifiphisher. |
Bitcoin Attack | ||
Zero Access | An attack that has an unknown pattern or aims to exploit a potentially serious software security vulnerability that the developer or security personnel are not aware of. | Undiscovered vulnerabilities (hardest to detect). |
Account Attacks | ||
Credential Stuffing | A kind of cyber-attack in which attackers break into a system using a list of compromised user credentials. (e.g., dictionary attack). | Bots for automation, fake IP addresses. |
Account Takeover | Account Takeover is like identity theft where a criminal gets unauthorized access to another person’s account (e.g., phishing, call center fraud). | Obtaining compromised credentials. |
Account Lockout | An attacker who does not have access to genuine website users’ credentials yet nevertheless does harm to them by taking advantage of security mechanisms (e.g., brute force attack). | Locking a huge number of user accounts. |
Security Breaches | ||
Vulnerability Scanning | A continuous automated process of finding security flaws in websites on a network to exploit threaten and attack those websites. | Bots that look for security issues and match them to known vulnerabilities in a database. |
API Abuse | API Abuse is defined as unauthorized or unlawful access to a server’s API via mobile or desktop applications. | Stealing application codes for valuable intellectual property. |
Authors | Year | Problem Domain | Dataset | Techniques | Results (Evaluation Metrics) |
Churcher et al. [128] | 2021 | IDS | Bot-IoT | KNN, SVM, DT, NB, RF, LR, ANN | Binary class: Accuracy (RF-99%) Multi-class: Accuracy (KNN-99%) |
Yang et al. [89] | 2021 | Malicious Traffic | CTU-13 | ResNet + DQN + DCGAN | Accuracy-99.94% |
Tuor et al. [10] | 2021 | Insider Threat | CERT v6.2 | SVM, isolation forest, DNN, RNN | Recall (DNN, RNN, isolation forest-100%) |
Marin et al. [62] | 2021 | Malware Attack | USTCTFC2016 | DeepMAL-using CNN layers | Accuracy (Rbot-99.9%, Neris-63.5%, Virut-54.7%) |
Ahuja et al. [24] | 2021 | DDoS | Private Dataset | CNN, RNN, LSTM, CNN-LSTM, SVC-SOM, SAE-MLP | Accuracy (SAE-MLP-99.75%) |
Yuan et al. [106] | 2021 | Malicious Traffic | Private Dataset | Neural Network, RNN | Accuracy (CapsNet, IndRNN = 99.78%) |
Alshammari et al. [99] | 2021 | Malicious Traffic | ISOT CID | DT, KNN, RF, NB, SVM, NNet | Cross val: Accuracy (RF, DT, KNN-100%) Spit val: Accuracy (RF, DT-100%) |
Mohammad and Alsmadi [145] | 2021 | IDS | NSL-KDD10 UCI benchmark datasets | NB and C4.5 using HW | Reduced features give similar results Accuracy (C4.5-93.90%) |
Qaddoura et al. [109] | 2021 | Common IoT attacks | IoT 20 | SLFN | SLFN + SVM-SMOTE: ratio-0.9, k value-3 for k-means++ |
Qaddoura et al. [110] | 2021 | Common IoT attacks | IoT 20 | LSTM, SLFN | G-mean (LSTM + SLFN-78%) |
Maniriho et al. [108] | 2021 | Common IoT attacks | IoT 20 | RF | DoS: Accuracy-99.95% MITM: Accuracy-99.9761% Scan: Accuracy-99.96% |
Butnaru et al. [51] | 2021 | Phishing Attacks | Public Dataset from Kaggle & PhishTank | RF, MLP, SVM, NB, DT | Accuracy (RF-99.29%) |
Lin et al. [50] | 2021 | Phishing Attacks | Private Dataset | Neural Network (Phishpedia) | Accuracy (Phishpedia-99.2%) |
Rehman et al. [42] | 2021 | DDoS | CICDDoS2019 | GRU, RNN, NB, SMO | Accuracy (GRU-99.94%) |
Wang et al. [96] | 2020 | Malicious Traffic | ISCX 2016 | NB | Accuracy (NB-90%) |
Miller et al. [95] | 2020 | Malicious Traffic | Wireshark Network Captures | Neural Network | Accuracy (NNet-93.71%) |
Thaseen et al. [127] | 2020 | IDS | Wireshark Network Captures | NB, SVM, RF, KNN | Accuracy (RF-99.81%) |
Alam et al. [43] | 2020 | Phishing Attacks | Phishing dataset from Kaggle | RF, DT | Accuracy (RF-97%) |
Barut et al. [60] | 2020 | Malware Traffic | Dataset from Stratosphere IPS, CICIDS2017 | NB, C4.5, DT, RF, SVM, AdaBoost | Accuracy, DR (RF-99.996%), FAR (RF-2.97%) |
Pande et al. [28] | 2020 | DDoS | NSL-KDD | RF, SVM, Clustering, Neural Networks | Accuracy (RF-99.76%) |
Cui et al. [140] | 2020 | IDS | Network Captures | BC | TPR (BC-98.75%) |
Alsubaie et al. [133] | 2020 | IDS | WSN-DS | J.48 form of DT, ANN | Accuracy (J.48-99.66%) |
Dutta et al. [84] | 2020 | Malicious Traffic | IoT-23, LITNET-2020, and NetML-2020 | ensemble of DNN, LSTM, DSAE | Accuracy-99.7% |
Al-Haija et al. [74] | 2020 | Common IoT attacks | NSL-KDD | CNN | Binary class: Accuracy-99.3% Multiclass: Accuracy-98.2% |
Khan et al. [75] | 2020 | Common IoT attacks | NSL-KDD | ELM | Accuracy-93.91% |
Elsayed et al. [21] | 2020 | DDoS | CICDDoS2019 | AE with RNN | Accuracy-99% |
Yuan et al. [12] | 2020 | Insider Threat | CERT v4.2 | LSTM + CNN | AUC-0.9449 |
Ahmed et al. [58] | 2020 | Zero-day attacks | CTU-13 | ANN | Accuracy (ANN-99.6%) |
Doriguzzi-Corin et al. [23] | 2020 | DDoS | ISCX2012, CICIDS2017, CICIDS2018, UNB201X | CNN | CSECIC2018: Accuracy-98.88% ISCX2012: Accuracy-99.87% CIC2017: Accuracy-99.67% UNB201X: Accuracy-99.46% |
Yang et al. [82] | 2020 | Malicious Traffic | Network Captures | RNN | Accuracy (RNN-98%) |
Ramos et al. [71] | 2020 | Botnet Attacks | ISOT-HTTP, CSE-CICIDS2018 | RF, DT, SVM, NB, KNN | CIC-IDS2018: Accuracy (RF, DT-99.99%) ISOT-HTTP: Accuracy (DT-99.90%) |
Sethi et al. [101] | 2020 | Malicious Traffic | ISOT CID, NSL-KDD | DDQN | ISOT CID: Accuracy-96.87% NSL-KDD: Accuracy-83.40% |
Singh et al. [111] | 2020 | Malicious DoH Traffic (at DNS level) | CIRA-CIC-DoHBrw-2020 | GB, NB, RF, KNN, LR | Accuracy (RF, GB-100%) |
Mohammad et al. [35] | 2020 | DDoS | UNSW-NB15, UCI datasets | Improved Rule Induction (IRI) | F Score (IRI-93.90%) |
Letteri et al. [70] | 2020 | Malware Attack | MTA KDD 19 | MLP using AE optimization or RRw optimization | Accuracy (MLP with RRw opt.-99.60%) |
Rendall et al. [48] | 2020 | Phishing Attack | Private Dataset | SVM, NB, DT, MLP | Accuracy (MLP, DT-86%) |
Kim et al. [41] | 2020 | DDoS | KDD-99, CICIDS2018 | CNN, RNN | Accuracy (CNN-99% or more) |
Alrashdi et al. [81] | 2019 | Common IoT attacks | UNSW-NB15 | RF | Accuracy (ML-99.34%) |
Chawla et al. [146] | 2019 | IDS | ADFA | RNN, CNN | Time Taken (CNN-GRU 10× faster than LSTM) |
Halimaa et al. [130] | 2019 | IDS | NSL-KDD | SVM, and NB. | Accuracy (SVM-93.95%) |
Ongun et al. [98] | 2019 | Malicious Traffic | CTU-13 | LR, RF, and GB | AUC (RF-99%) |
De Lucia et al. [91] | 2019 | Malicious Traffic | Datasets from | SVM and CNN | F-Score (SVM-0.9997) |
Filho et al. [32] | 2019 | DDoS | CICDoS2017, CICIDS2017, CICIDS2018 | RF, LR, AdaBoost, Stochastic Gradient Descent, DT, and Perceptron | Accuracy (RF-96%) |
Radivilova et al. [30] | 2019 | DDoS | SNMP-MIB | RF | Accuracy (RF-0.9) |
Zhang et al. [116] | 2019 | IDS | NSL-KDD | AE | F-Score-76.47% Recall-79.47% |
Vijayanand et al. [34] | 2019 | DDoS | CICIDS2017 | SVM, Multi-Layer Deep Networks | Accuracy (MLDN-99.99%) |
Hu et al. [14] | 2019 | Insider Threat | Private Dataset | CNN | FAR-2.94% FRR-2.28% |
Ullah et al. [76] | 2019 | Common IoT attacks | Private Dataset | CNN | Accuracy (CNN-97.46%) |
Baek et al. [18] | 2019 | DDoS | Private Dataset | MLP | Accuracy (MLP-50%) |
Shi et al. [26] | 2019 | DDoS | CICIDS2017 | LSTM | Accuracy (LSTM-99%) |
Sabeel et al. [20] | 2019 | DDoS | CICIDS2017 | DNN, LSTM | TPR (DNN-99.8%) TPR (LSTM-99.9%) |
Wu et al. [117] | 2019 | IDS | UNSW-NB15, NSL-KDD | CNN, RNN | Binary Class: Accuracy-99.24% Multiclass: Accuracy-99.05% |
Tama et al. [148] | 2019 | IDS | NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15 | rotation forest + bagging | UNSW-NB15: Accuracy-91.27% NSL-KDD: Accuracy-85.8% |
Rao et al. [54] | 2019 | Phishing Attacks | Private Dataset | LSTM + SVM | Accuracy (LSTM + SVM-97.3%) |
Min et al. [149] | 2018 | IDS | ISCX2012 | RF, SVM, NN, CNN | Accuracy (RF-99.13%) |
Pektas et al. [73] | 2018 | Botnet Attacks | ISOT HTTP, CTU-13 | MLP + LSTM | ISOT: F score-98.8% CTU: F score-99.1% |
Ahmad et al. [135] | 2018 | IDS | NSL-KDD | SVM, RF, ELM | Accuracy (ELM-99.5%) |
Shafiq et al. [94] | 2018 | Malicious Traffic | HIT Trace 1 captures NIMS dataset | BayesNet, NB, AdaBoost, Bagging, PART, C4.5, RF, Random Tree, Sequential Minimal Optimization, oneR, Hoeffding | HIT: Accuracy (PART-97.88%) NIMS: Accuracy (RF-100%) |
Park et al. [64] | 2018 | Malware Traffic | Kyoto 2006+ | RF | F-Score (RF-99%) |
Chou et al. [83] | 2018 | Malicious Traffic | NSL-KDD | NNET | Accuracy (NNet-97.65%) |
Nguyen et al. [147] | 2018 | IDS | UNSW-NB15, KDD-99, NSL-KDD | NNET | Accuracy (KDD-99-97.11%) |
Al-Qatf et al. [114] | 2018 | IDS | NSL-KDD | SVM, STL | Binary: (Accuracy-84.96%) Multiclass (Accuracy-80.48%) |
Millar et al. [88] | 2018 | Malicious Traffic | UNSW-NB15 | NNET | F-Score (Flow image-94.2%) |
Wu et al. [67] | 2018 | Malware Traffic | EMBER | DQN, SARSA, Double DQN | Accuracy (DQN-93.5%) |
Li et al. [49] | 2018 | Phishing Attacks | 50K-PD, 50K-IPD | GBDT + XGBoost + LightGBM | 50K-PD: Accuracy-97.3% 50K-IPD: Accuracy-98.6% |
Vanhoenshoven et al. [104] | 2017 | Malicious Traffic | Malicious URLs | KNN, RF, SVM, DT, NB, MLP | Accuracy (RF-97%) |
Kumar et al. [141] | 2017 | IDS | Wireshark Network Captures | ensemble of RF, PART and JRIP | Accuracy-98.2% |
Anderson et al. [151] | 2017 | Malware Traffic | Captured TLS encrypted sessions | Linear Regression, l1/l2-LR, DT, RF ensemble, SVM, MLP | Accuracy (LR-99.92%) |
Almseidin et al. [125] | 2017 | IDS | KDD-99 | J.48, RF, Random Tree, Decision Table, NB, Bayes Network, MLP | Accuracy (RF-93.77%) |
Ghanem et al. [131] | 2017 | IDS | Five datasets gathered from an IEEE 802.11 and a private dataset | SVM | DR, OSR (on all datasets-100%) |
Xu et al. [90] | 2017 | Malicious Traffic | Network Capture | RF, LR | Kernet: DR(RF-100%) User-level: DR(RF-99%) |
Tama et al. [78] | 2017 | Common IoT attacks | CIDDS-001, UNSW-NB15, GPRS-WEP, GPRS-WPA2 | DNN | CIDDS-001: Accuracy-94.17% UNSW-NB15: Accuracy-99.99% GPRS-WEP: Accuracy-82.89% GPRS-WPA2: Accuracy-94% |
Yuan et al. [16] | 2017 | DDoS | ISCX 2012 | RNN | Error Rate (RNN-2.103%) |
Amira et al. [136] | 2017 | IDS | NSL-KDD | NB, DT, NBTree, BFTree, J.48, RFT, MLP | Accuracy (MLP-98.54%) |
Niyaz et al. [27] | 2017 | DDoS | Network Capture | SAE | Accuracy (SAE-95.65%) |
Belavagi et al. [124] | 2016 | IDS | NSL-KDD | LR, SVM, NB, RF | Accuracy-(RF-99%) |
Mehmood et al. [132] | 2016 | IDS | KDD-99 | SVM, NB, J.48, Decision Table | Accuracy (J.48-–99%) |
Alrawashdeh et al. [122] | 2016 | IDS | KDD-99 | RBM, DBN, DBN + LR | Accuracy (DBN + LR-97.9%) |
Robinson et al. [38] | 2016 | DDoS | CAIDA conficker, CAIDA DoS, KDD-99 | NB, RF, MLP, voting, BayesNet, IBK, J.48 | Accuracy (RF-100%) |
Thabtah et al. [47] | 2016 | Phishing | Datasets from UCI | NNet | Accuracy-93.06% |
Tahir et al. [142] | 2015 | IDS | NSL-KDD | hybrid of K-means Clustering and SVM | DR-96.26% |
Choudhury et al. [126] | 2015 | IDS | NSL-KDD | BayesNet, LR, IBK, J.48, PART, JRip, Random Tree, RF, REPTree, boosting, bagging, and blending | Accuracy (RF-91.523%) |
Niyaz et al. [115] | 2015 | IDS | NSL-KDD | STL with AE | Accuracy (STL-98%) |
David et al. [66] | 2015 | Malware Attacks | Private Dataset | DBN | Accuracy (DBN-98.6%) |
Barati et al. [40] | 2015 | DDoS | CAIDA USCD 2007 | GA + MLP | AUC-0.9991 |
Abuadlla et al. [121] | 2014 | IDS | Network Capture | NNET, RBFN | Accuracy-99.4% |
Xie et al. [102] | 2014 | Malicious Traffic | ADFA | SVM | Accuracy (70%), FPR (20% when k = 5) |
Mohammad et al. [44] | 2014 | Phishing Attacks | Private Dataset | ANN | Accuracy (testing set-92.18%) |
Beaver et al. [57] | 2013 | Zero-day Attacks | KDD-99 | AdaBoost | Accuracy (AdaBoost-94%) |
Devikrishna et al. [120] | 2013 | IDS | KDD-99 | ANN | Successfully detected and classified attacks |
Lehnert et al. [144] | 2012 | IDS | KDD-99 | SVM, Clustering, NNET | Error Rate (SVM-2.79%) |
Sharma et al. [143] | 2012 | IDS | KDD-99 | K-means clustering via NB | DR-99% |
Gogoi et al. [137] | 2012 | IDS | TUIDS, NSL-KDD, KDD-99 | Clustering | TUIDS Packet level: accuracy = 99.42%. KDD: accuracy = 92.39%. NSL-KDD: accuracy = 98.34% |
Hasan et al. [118] | 2012 | IDS | DARPA 1998 | NNET | Accuracy (NNet-92%) |
Wattanapongsakorn et al. [139] | 2011 | IDS | Network Capture | DT, Bayesian, Ripple Rule Back Propagation Neural Network | DR (DT-95.5%) |
Al-Janabi et al. [123] | 2011 | IDS | KDD-99 | ANN | DR (ANN-91%) |
Sun et al. [87] | 2010 | Malicious Traffic | Network Capture | SVM, RBFNN, PNN | Accuracy (PNN-88.18%) |
Algorithm | Papers That Applied It | No. of Articles | Problem Domains | Performance (Highest Accuracy) |
SVM | [10,28,34,42,48,51,54,60,71,87,91,99,102,104,124,127,128,130,131,132,135,142,144,149,151] | 26 | Insider Threat, DDoS, Malware, Botnet, Malicious Traffic, IDS, Phishing | 93.95% (IDS) |
DT | [32,43,48,51,60,71,99,104,128,132,136,139,151] | 13 | Insider Threat, DDoS, Phishing, Malware, Botnet, Malicious Traffic, IDS | 100% (Malicious Traffic) |
RF | [28,30,32,38,43,51,60,64,71,81,90,94,98,99,104,108,111, 124,125,126,127,128,135,136,148,149,151] | 27 | DDoS, Phishing, Malware, Botnet, IoT Network, Malicious Traffic, DNS Level Attack, IDS | 100% (Malicious Traffic, DDoS) |
NB | [38,42,48,51,60,71,94,99,104,111,124,125,127,128,130, 132,136,143,145] | 19 | DDoS, Malware, Botnet, Malicious Traffic, DNS Level Attack, IDS, Phishing | 90% (Malicious Traffic) |
KNN | [71,99,104,111,127,128] | 6 | Botnet, Malicious Traffic, DNS Level Attack, IDS | 100% (Malicious Traffic) |
MLP | [18,34,38,40,48,51,73,104,125,151] | 11 | DDoS, Malware, Botnet, Malicious Traffic, IDS, Phishing | 99.60% (Malware) |
ELM | [75,135] | 2 | IDS | 99.5% (IDS) |
LR | [32,90,98,111,124,126,128,151] | 8 | DDoS, Malware, Malicious Traffic, DNS Level Attack, IDS | 99.92% (Malware) |
J.48 | [38,125,126,132,133,136] | 6 | DDoS, IDS | 99.66% (IDS) |
ANN | [44,58,120,123,128,133] | 6 | Phishing, Zero-Day, IDS | 99.6% (Zero-Day) |
RNN | [10,16,21,24,41,42,82,106,117,146] | 10 | Insider Threat, DDoS, Malicious Traffic, IDS | 100% (Insider Threat) |
CNN | [23,24,41,62,74,76,91,117,146,149] | 10 | Insider Threat, DDoS, Malware, IoT Network, Malicious Traffic, IDS | 99% (DDoS) |
DNN | [10,20,78,84] | 4 | Insider Threat, DDoS, IoT Network, Malicious Traffic | 99.99% (IoT Network) |
LSTM | [20,24,26,54,73,84,110] | 7 | DDoS, Botnet, IoT Network, Malicious Traffic, Phishing | 99% (DDoS) |
CNN-LSTM | [12,24] | 2 | Insider Threat, DDoS | 99.48% (DDoS) |
AE | [21,115,116] | 3 | DDoS, IDS | 99% (DDoS) |
Dataset | Articles | Number | Last Time Dataset Used | Publicly Available |
DARPA-1998 | [118] | 1 | 2012 | [119] |
KDD-99 | [38,41,57,120,122,123,125,132,137,143,144,147] | 12 | 2018 | [39] |
NSL-KDD | [28,74,75,83,101,114,115,116,117,124,126,130,135,136,137,142,145,147,148] | 19 | 2021 | [29] |
UNSW-NB15 | [35,78,81,88,117,147,148] | 7 | 2020 | [36] |
CICIDS-2017 or 2018 | [20,23,26,32,34,41,60,71] | 8 | 2020 | [17] |
CTU-13 | [58,73,89,98] | 4 | 2021 | [59] |
IoTID 20 | [108,109,110] | 3 | 2021 | [107] |
Kyoto 2006+ | [64] | 1 | 2018 | [65] |
CERT v6 or v4 | [10,12] | 2 | 2021 | [11,13] |
SNMP-MIB | [30] | 1 | 2019 | [31] |
ISCX 2012 or 2016 | [16,23,96,149] | 4 | 2020 | [17,97] |
ADFA | [102,146] | 2 | 2019 | [103] |
CAIDA | [38,40] | 2 | 2016 | [37] |
ISOT CID | [99,101] | 2 | 2021 | [100] |
ISOT HTTP | [71,73] | 2 | 2020 | [72] |
Malicious URLs Dataset | [104] | 1 | 2021 | [105] |
EMBER | [67] | 1 | 2018 | [68] |
CICDDoS2019 or CICDoS2017 | [21,32,42] | 3 | 2020 | [22,33] |
USTCTFC2016 | [62] | 1 | 2016 | [63] |
GPRS WPA2/WEP | [78] | 1 | 2017 | [80] |
MTA KDD 19 | [70] | 1 | 2020 | [69] |
LITNET-2020 | [84] | 1 | 2020 | [85] |
CIRA-CIC-DoHBrw-2020 | [111] | 1 | 2020 | [112] |
Bot-IoT | [128] | 1 | 2019 | [129] |
Kaggle Datasets | [43,51] | 2 | 2021 | [52,154] |
UCI Datasets | [35,47,145] | 3 | 2021 | [155] |
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Aljabri, M.; Aljameel, S.S.; Mohammad, R.M.A.; Almotiri, S.H.; Mirza, S.; Anis, F.M.; Aboulnour, M.; Alomari, D.M.; Alhamed, D.H.; Altamimi, H.S. Intelligent Techniques for Detecting Network Attacks: Review and Research Directions. Sensors 2021, 21, 7070.
Aljabri M, Aljameel SS, Mohammad RMA, Almotiri SH, Mirza S, Anis FM, Aboulnour M, Alomari DM, Alhamed DH, Altamimi HS. Intelligent Techniques for Detecting Network Attacks: Review and Research Directions. Sensors. 2021; 21(21):7070.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAljabri, Malak, Sumayh S. Aljameel, Rami Mustafa A. Mohammad, Sultan H. Almotiri, Samiha Mirza, Fatima M. Anis, Menna Aboulnour, Dorieh M. Alomari, Dina H. Alhamed, and Hanan S. Altamimi. 2021. "Intelligent Techniques for Detecting Network Attacks: Review and Research Directions" Sensors 21, no. 21: 7070.
APA StyleAljabri, M., Aljameel, S. S., Mohammad, R. M. A., Almotiri, S. H., Mirza, S., Anis, F. M., Aboulnour, M., Alomari, D. M., Alhamed, D. H., & Altamimi, H. S. (2021). Intelligent Techniques for Detecting Network Attacks: Review and Research Directions. Sensors, 21(21), 7070.