Recognition of Fine-Grained Walking Patterns Using a Smartwatch with Deep Attentive Neural Networks
:1. Introduction
- We defined a set of fine-grained walking styles that appear every day and proposed a wearable system that can recognize these predefined patterns in a supervised fashion.
- We conducted an experiment to validate the feasibility of an intelligent wearable system with feature-based machine learning and recent deep learning algorithms, including attention-based deep neural networks.
- We visualized and analyzed the parameters in the attention layer, which indicate the extent to which the classification result would depend on input signals from different time steps.
2. Related Work
2.1. Fine-Grained Recognition of Walking Activity
2.2. Smartwatch-Based Activity Recognition
3. Experiment
3.1. Equipment
3.2. Activity Definition
3.3. Proposed Method
3.3.1. Problem Definition
3.3.2. Data Collection
3.3.3. Data Segmentation
3.3.4. Feature-Based Machine Learning
3.3.5. Deep Learning Algorithm
GRU and LSTM with Attention Mechanism
4. Results
4.1. Classification Results
4.2. Blind Test
5. Discussion
5.1. Classification Performance
5.2. Attention Mechanism
5.3. Walking with Something in the Right Hand
5.4. Evaluation on Walking-Related Datasets
6. Limitations and Applications
6.1. Limitations
6.2. Applications
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Class | Description |
C0 | walking | walking on flat ground |
C1 | walking snow | walking on thick snow (approx. 5 cm to 7 cm) |
C2 | walking umbrella left | walking with umbrella in left hand on a rainy day |
C3 | walking umbrella right | walking with umbrella in right hand on a rainy day |
C4 | walking phone left | walking while looking at a smartphone in the left hand |
C5 | walking phone right | walking while looking at a smartphone in the right hand |
C6 | walking dumbbell left | walking with a 2-kg dumbbell in the left hand |
C7 | walking dumbbell right | walking with a 2-kg dumbbell in the right hand |
C8 | walking dumbbell both | walking with a 2-kg dumbbell in each hand |
C9 | walking cross arms | walking with arms crossed |
C10 | walking hands behind back | walking with hands behind the back |
C11 | walking pocket both | walking with hands in pockets |
C12 | jogging | fitness running |
C13 | uphill | walking up a hill |
C14 | downhill | walking down a hill |
C15 | upstairs | walking up steps |
C16 | downstairs | walking down steps |
C17 | standing and sitting | doing something while standing or sitting |
Type of Machine Learning | Classification Accuracy | Classification Model | Target Motions | Literature |
Feature-Based | 84.26% | decision tree | walking, walking carrying items, running, sitting, standing, lying, stretching, watching TV, scrubbing, folding laundry, brushing teeth, working, eating, or drinking, reading, bicycling, vacuuming, ascending stairs, riding elevator, or escalator | [13] |
90.80% | random forest | walking, running, sitting, lying | [3] | |
93.30% | random forest | walking, running, ascending stairs, standing, sitting, kicking soccer ball, dribbling basketball, playing catch with tennis ball, typing, handwriting, clapping, brushing teeth, folding laundry, eating, or drinking | [4] | |
93.91% | decision tree | walking, running, standing, walking slope-up, walking slope-down | [18] | |
82.46% | Gaussian mixture model | walking, walking slope-up, walking slope-down, ascending stairs, descending stairs, | [16] | |
Deep Learning | 99.24% | neural network (5-level layer) | walking, running, working, reading, studying, taking a rest, playing a computer game, eating, or drinking, cooking, washing dished, taking a transport | [1] |
91.06% | neural network (multilayer perceptron) | walking, running, ascending stairs, descending stairs, sitting, standing | [8] | |
98.70% | neural network (multilayer perceptron) | walking, running, ascending stairs, descending stairs, sitting, standing, lying | [19] | |
92.05% | neural network (multilayer perceptron) | walking, walking slope-up, walking slope-down, ascending stairs, descending stairs | [6] | |
99.40% | neural network (CNN) | walking, running, jumping, ascending stairs, descending stairs, standing and sitting, lying, bicycling | [17] |
No. | Class | Total Duration (min) | Total Duration (h) |
C0 | walking | 188.7 | 3.14 |
C1 | walking snow | 109.2 | 1.82 |
C2 | walking umbrella left | 108.3 | 1.81 |
C3 | walking umbrella right | 86.8 | 1.45 |
C4 | walking phone left | 188.0 | 3.13 |
C5 | walking phone right | 188.0 | 3.13 |
C6 | walking dumbbell left | 180.2 | 3.00 |
C7 | walking dumbbell right | 191.8 | 3.20 |
C8 | walking dumbbell both | 70.5 | 1.18 |
C9 | walking cross arms | 99.8 | 1.66 |
C10 | walking hands behind back | 200.0 | 3.33 |
C11 | walking pocket both | 180.0 | 3.00 |
C12 | jogging | 96.2 | 1.60 |
C13 | uphill | 121.7 | 2.03 |
C14 | downhill | 148.2 | 2.47 |
C15 | upstairs | 194.2 | 3.24 |
C16 | downstairs | 174.0 | 2.90 |
C17 | standing sitting | 185.2 | 3.09 |
Total | 2768.8 | 46.45 |
Feature Name | Descriptions |
sum_values | sum over the timeseries values |
fft_coefficient | Fourier coefficients of the one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform for real input by fast Fourier transform algorithm |
autocorrelation | autocorrelation coefficient |
partial_autocorrelation | value of partial autocorrelation function at the given lag |
ar_coefficient | unconditional maximum likelihood of an autoregressive process |
fourier_entropy | binned entropy of the power spectral density of the time series |
change_quantiles | average absolute value of consecutive changes of the time series inside the corridor |
binned_entropy | binned entropy |
agg_linear_trend | linear least-squares regression for values of the time series |
permutation_entropy | permutation entropy |
number_peaks | number of peaks of the time series |
lempel_ziv_complexity | complexity estimate based on the Lempel–Ziv compression algorithm |
Approach | Model | T = 100 (Approx. 2 s) | T = 150 (Approx. 3 s) | ||
Train Accuracy (Fm) | Test Accuracy (Fm) | Train Accuracy (Fm) | Test Accuracy (Fm) | ||
Feature-based | NB | 49.564 (48.494) | 49.441 (48.442) | 53.019 (51.801) | 53.382 (52.108) |
RF | 54.764 (49.016) | 53.895 (48.152) | 53.968 (48.096) | 53.400 (47.439) | |
SVM | 88.513 (88.357) | 83.524 (83.262) | 88.843 (88.707) | 84.933 (84.706) | |
Deep Learning | Conv1D | 96.902 (96.893) | 94.597 (94.571) | 99.212 (99.211) | 96.976 (96.971) |
GRU | 99.968 (99.967) | 96.122 (96.109) | 100.0 (100.0) | 96.788 (96.782) | |
LSTM | 99.970 (99.974) | 96.252 (96.249) | 99.989 (99.990) | 97.158 (97.156) | |
GRU + Att | 99.949 (99.946) | 96.157 (96.156) | 99.997 (99.996) | 96.902 (96.903) | |
LSTM + Att | 99.994 (99.996) | 96.103 (96.091) | 99.994 (99.993) | 97.096 (97.097) |
Approach | Model | T = 100 (Approx. 2 s) Inference Time (msec) | T = 150 (Approx. 3 s) Inference Time (msec) |
Feature-based | NB | 3.553 ± 0.327 (521.888 ± 3.797) | 3.554 ± 0.092 (547.842 ± 0.479) |
RF | 9.726 ± 0.908 (564.915 ± 3.968) | 9.627 ± 0.448 (526.848 ± 9.573) | |
SVM | 8.947 ± 0.167 (519.796 ± 3.379) | 7.249 ± 0.137 (566.064 ± 3.605) | |
Deep Learning | Conv1D | 32.336 ± 2.131 | 31.831 ± 2.390 |
GRU | 34.947 ± 1.998 | 35.542 ± 2.173 | |
LSTM | 34.493 ± 1.636 | 36.731 ± 2.022 | |
GRU + Att | 35.261 ± 1.932 | 36.398 ± 1.934 | |
LSTM + Att | 35.174 ± 1.908 | 36.693 ± 1.985 |
No. | Class | Duration (min) |
C0 | walking | 2.4 |
C1 | walking snow | 2.1 |
C2 | walking umbrella left | 2.5 |
C3 | walking umbrella right | 2.0 |
C4 | walking phone left | 3.0 |
C5 | walking phone right | 3.0 |
C6 | walking dumbbell left | 1.9 |
C7 | walking dumbbell right | 2.1 |
C8 | walking dumbbell both | 2.9 |
C9 | walking cross arms | 2.1 |
C10 | walking hands behind back | 3.1 |
C11 | walking pocket both | 3.0 |
C12 | jogging | 1.4 |
C13 | uphill | 0.5 |
C14 | downhill | 0.7 |
C15 | upstairs | 0.7 |
C16 | downstairs | 0.5 |
C17 | standing sitting | 2.0 |
Total | 35.9 |
PAMAP2 [55] | PAMAP2-Hand [55] | SBHAR [56] | DG [7] | Our Dataset | |
Sensor | IMUs on the hand, chest and ankle | IMU on the hand | smartphone on the waist | embedded board on the waist | smartwatch on the wrist |
Dim. | 18 (=3 × 6) | 6 (=1 × 6) | 6 (=1 × 6) | 9 (=3 × 3) | 6 (=1 × 6) |
# of classes | 12 classes | 12 classes | 12 classes | 2 classes | 18 classes |
Sampling rate | 50 Hz (downsampled) | 50 Hz (downsampled) | 50 Hz | 50 Hz (downsampled) | 50 Hz |
Window | 3 s | 3 s | 3 s (50% overlap) | 3 s | 3 s |
Metric | Fm | Fm | Fm | F1 | Fm |
LSTM+Att | 92.850 | 86.830 | 94.123 | 82.596 | 97.097 |
GRU+Att | 86.981 | 86.981 | 94.069 | 82.979 | 96.875 |
LSTM | 91.383 | 86.188 | 93.353 | 82.805 | 97.156 |
bi-LSTM | 92.112 | 84.805 | 93.132 | 82.756 | 97.122 |
Conv1D | 93.093 | 89.811 | 94.295 | 85.272 | 96.971 |
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Kim, H.; Kim, H.-J.; Park, J.; Ryu, J.-K.; Kim, S.-C. Recognition of Fine-Grained Walking Patterns Using a Smartwatch with Deep Attentive Neural Networks. Sensors 2021, 21, 6393.
Kim H, Kim H-J, Park J, Ryu J-K, Kim S-C. Recognition of Fine-Grained Walking Patterns Using a Smartwatch with Deep Attentive Neural Networks. Sensors. 2021; 21(19):6393.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Hyejoo, Hyeon-Joo Kim, Jinyoon Park, Jeh-Kwang Ryu, and Seung-Chan Kim. 2021. "Recognition of Fine-Grained Walking Patterns Using a Smartwatch with Deep Attentive Neural Networks" Sensors 21, no. 19: 6393.
APA StyleKim, H., Kim, H.-J., Park, J., Ryu, J.-K., & Kim, S.-C. (2021). Recognition of Fine-Grained Walking Patterns Using a Smartwatch with Deep Attentive Neural Networks. Sensors, 21(19), 6393.