Federated Learning in Smart City Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities
:1. Introduction
2. Challenges in Smart Cities Sensing
2.1. Data Trustworthiness
2.2. User Incentives
2.3. Data Quality Management
2.4. Node Deployment
2.5. Energy Consumption
2.6. User Privacy Protection
3. Review of Federated Learning Solutions
- Step 1: Each participant downloads the latest model from server A;
- Step 2: Each participant trains the model using local data, uploads the encrypted gradient to server A, and server A aggregates the gradient update model parameters of each user;
- Step 3: Server A returns the updated model to each participant;
- Step 4: Each participant updates their own model.
- Selection: At the beginning of each training round, a predefined subset of participating users is selected. This selection method can be adjusted or calibrated based on the server requirements or with a custom selection methodology.
- Configuration: The server uses the selected aggregation method and sends the training parameters and model configuration to the selected participants. The participants can proceed to model training.
- Reporting: The participants have trained their models and update the server with their parameters and the server aggregates the updates.
3.1. Aggregation Methods
3.2. Reputation Models to Ensure Data Trustworthiness
3.3. Privacy Preservation
3.4. BlockChain
4. Opportunities for Federated Learning in Smart Cities Sensing
4.1. User Incentives
4.2. Data Quality
4.3. Data Privacy Protection
4.4. Server Side Overhead
4.5. Federated Learning Applications
4.5.1. Federated Visual Security Sensing
4.5.2. Federated Autonomous Vehicles
4.5.3. Federated Aided Diagnosis
5. Open Issues, Related Challenges and Opportunities
5.1. Energy Consumption
5.2. Adversarial Attacks
5.3. Data Distribution
6. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Area | Ref. | Motivation and Key Idea | Proposed Approach | Open Issues and Further Opportunities |
Protocol | [138] | Scalable production system for Federated Learning | Standard protocol as a basis for Federated Learning | Need for optimization for application-specific scenarios |
[139] | Promote client selection under heterogeneous resource scenarios | FedCS protocol to select users based on their resource availability | Relies on the truthfulness of user resource availability submissions. | |
[140] | Federated Learning for traffic prediction models | Suitable protocol for small-scale Federated Learning enabled traffic control | Extension to larger scale of recruited clients. | |
Aggregation | [141] | A standard aggregation method | FedAvg algorithm to aggregate the average model parameters of updates | An alternative to equally weighing all local model updates during aggregation. |
[143] | Optimize Federated Learning in heterogeneous networks | Proximal parameter to limit the impact of variable updates allowing partial work to be done | Solutions for the cases where not all updates are of positive contribution | |
[144] | Optimize Federated Learning through data distribution | Loss-based Adaptive Boosting to compare local model losses prior to aggregation | Extensions to consider heterogeneous contribution scenarios during aggregation | |
Reputation Models | [145] | Incentive to promote reliable Federated Learning | Multi-weight subjective logic to formulate reputation scores | Advanced reputation scores to directly reflect performance of users |
[146] | Enhanced client selection to improve model performance | Local model performance metrics to formulate reputation scores | Minimum computational overhead for assessment of reputation scores for every user | |
[147] | Reputation-awareness | Interaction records to generate reputation opinions | Reputation scores to reflect performance of users directly | |
Differential Privacy | [150] | Enhanced privacy preservation through sketching | Obfuscation of the original data to achieve differential privacy | Performance versus privacy gain |
[41] | Differential privacy in Federated Learning | Noise before model aggregation | Considering varied size and distribution of user data | |
[151] | Enhanced privacy and efficiency of Federated Learning in industrial AI applications | Add noise according to Gaussian distribution to local models | Extensive analyses on high-dimensional data | |
BlockChain | [152] | Accountable Federated Learning | Combine aggregator and blockchain to preserve privacy of users | Fairness assurance in participant rewarding |
[153] | Enhanced privacy for Federated Learning | Noise at the initial stage onto the original data, and use BlockChain to facilitate the Federated Learning process | Tackle potential performance issues due to noising too early | |
[154] | Improved fairness and privacy in Federated Learning | Scale rewards with respect to participant contribution | Extension to non-IID scenarios | |
[155] | Privacy Preserving Federated Learning for industrial IoT applications | Use blockchain with Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) and noise to local model features | Extension to non-IID data or heterogeneous device scenarios |
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Jiang, J.C.; Kantarci, B.; Oktug, S.; Soyata, T. Federated Learning in Smart City Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities. Sensors 2020, 20, 6230. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216230
Jiang JC, Kantarci B, Oktug S, Soyata T. Federated Learning in Smart City Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities. Sensors. 2020; 20(21):6230. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216230
Chicago/Turabian StyleJiang, Ji Chu, Burak Kantarci, Sema Oktug, and Tolga Soyata. 2020. "Federated Learning in Smart City Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities" Sensors 20, no. 21: 6230. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216230
APA StyleJiang, J. C., Kantarci, B., Oktug, S., & Soyata, T. (2020). Federated Learning in Smart City Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities. Sensors, 20(21), 6230. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216230