AttPNet: Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Set Analysis
:1. Introduction
- We propose a novel model named AttPNet which uses attention mechanism for both global feature masking and channel weighting to focus on characteristic regions and channels.
- Our model achieved 93.6% accuracy of overall instances on ModelNet40 benchmark dataset without voting and outperforms the existing best point set model by 0.7%. Given that the performance improvement is slow in recent years, the performance improvement of our model is significant.
- Experiments show that our model generalizes better on test data with random translation, rotation, and missing points perturbations Table 1.
2. Related Work
2.1. Point Cloud Networks
2.1.1. Projection and Voxelization
2.1.2. PointNet & PointNet++
2.1.3. Graph Networks
2.1.4. Point Convolution
2.1.5. Sequence Network
2.2. Attention-Based Methods in Computer Vision
3. Method
3.1. Channel Weighting Edge Convolution (CW-EdgeConv) Module
3.2. Global Attention Module
3.3. Architecture for Classification and Segmentation
3.4. Alternative Attention Modules
3.4.1. Global Hard-Attention Module
3.4.2. Spatial-Attention Edgeconv
4. Experiment
4.1. Implementation Details
4.2. Classification Results
4.3. ModelNet40
4.4. ECT
4.5. Part Segmentation Results
4.5.1. Dataset
4.5.2. Shapenet
4.6. Visualization of Attention
4.7. Robustness
4.7.1. Missing Points
4.7.2. Rotation and Translation Perturbations
5. Additional Visualization of Rotated Attention Mask
6. Additional Ablation Study on the ModelNet40 Dataset
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Translation | R | R | R |
Ours | 93.4 | 93.2 | 92.1 | 86.3 |
PointNet++ | 90.6 | 90.3 | 88.6 | 83.8 |
Method | Input | OA (%) |
PointNet [3] | 1024 | 89.2 |
PointNet++ [4] | 1024 | 90.7 |
PointNet++ [4] | 5000 + n | 91.9 |
PointCNN [38] | 1024 | 92.2 |
DGCNN [16] | 1024 | 92.2 |
PCNN [39] | 1024 | 92.3 |
SpiderCNN [20] | 1024 + n | 92.2 |
SpiderCNN-4 [20] | 1024 + n | 92.4 |
PointConv [19] | 1024 + n | 92.5 |
Point2seq [23] | 1024 | 92.6 |
RS-CNN [40] | 1024 | 92.9 |
SO-Net-2 [41] | 2048 | 90.9 |
SO-Net-3 [41] | 5000 + n | 93.4 |
Ours (BASELINE) | 1024 | 92.5 |
Ours (global attention) | 1024 | 92.9 |
Ours (hard attention) | 1024 | 92.5 |
Ours (multi-attention) | 1024 | 93.3 |
Ours (global + channel) | 1024 | 93.6 |
Number | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
OA (%) | 92.8 | 93.1 | 92.6 | 92.9 | 93.3 |
Method | OA (%) |
PointNet [3] | 47.78 |
PointNet++ [4] | 94.62 |
Ours (global + channel) | 96.28 |
Method | Class mIoU | Instance mIoU |
PointNet [3] | 80.4 | 83.7 |
PointNet++ * [4] | 81.9 | 85.1 |
SpiderCNN [20] | 82.4 | 85.3 |
SPLATNet [13] | 82.0 | 84.6 |
SyncSpecCNN [44] | 82.0 | 84.7 |
DGCNN [16] | 82.3 | 85.1 |
SO-Net * [41] | 80.8 | 84.6 |
Ours | 82.8 | 85.2 |
Model | #Points | BN | DP | Act. | Max | Max&Avg. | Acc |
A1 | 1 k | LR | √ | 90.8 | |||
A2 | 1 k | √ | LR | √ | 91.6 | ||
A3 | 1 k | √ | LR | √ | 93.2 | ||
A4 | 1 k | √ | √ | LR | √ | 93.6 | |
A5 | 1 k | √ | √ | R | √ | 92.8 | |
A6 | 2 k | √ | √ | LR | √ | 93.6 | |
A7 | 1 k | √ | √ | LR | √ | 93.3 |
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Yang, Y.; Ma, Y.; Zhang, J.; Gao, X.; Xu, M. AttPNet: Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Set Analysis. Sensors 2020, 20, 5455.
Yang Y, Ma Y, Zhang J, Gao X, Xu M. AttPNet: Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Set Analysis. Sensors. 2020; 20(19):5455.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYang, Yufeng, Yixiao Ma, Jing Zhang, Xin Gao, and Min Xu. 2020. "AttPNet: Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Set Analysis" Sensors 20, no. 19: 5455.
APA StyleYang, Y., Ma, Y., Zhang, J., Gao, X., & Xu, M. (2020). AttPNet: Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Set Analysis. Sensors, 20(19), 5455.