Cloud2Edge Elastic AI Framework for Prototyping and Deployment of AI Inference Engines in Autonomous Vehicles
:1. Introduction
1.1. The EB-AI Framework
- Ability to digest automotive specific input data such as video streams, LiDAR and/or radar data;
- Providing tunable state of the art DNN architectures for a broad spectrum of autonomous driving applications;
- Ability to deploy and evaluate the obtained AI Inference Engines via HiL testing on edge devices (e.g., target ECUs).
1.2. Contributions
- A simple yet elegant AI Inference Engine concept, based on the SiL and HiL principles;
- A data-driven V-Model approach guiding the design of AI-based autonomous driving applications;
- A modular Cloud2Edge AI framework for autonomous driving applications coined EB-AI;
- An elastic framework able to overcome network bandwidth and privacy concerns by dynamically deploying deep learning training tasks among Edge and Cloud;
- The development of two real-world AI Inference Engines for environment perception and most probable path prediction;
- A discussion on the advantages of such a hybrid deployment, in terms of training parallelization, privacy-preservation, fault tolerance and scalability.
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Deep Learning Overview
2.2. Deep Learning Libraries and Tools
2.3. AI Frameworks in Autonomous Driving
3. EB-AI Toolchain
3.1. V-Model and Workflow
3.2. EB-AI Architecture
4. Hybrid Deployment Advantages
4.1. Privacy-Preserving Techniques
4.2. Fault Tolerance and Elastic Scalability
5. EB-AI Use Cases
5.1. Use Case 1: Driving Environment Perception
5.2. Use Case 2: Most Probable Path Prediction
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ADAS | Advanced Driver Assistant Systems |
ADTF | Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AV | Autonomous Vehicle |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
DL | Deep Learning |
dSPS | distributed Stream Processing Systems |
DNN | Deep Neural Network |
DP | Differential Privacy |
EB | EletktroBit |
GOL | Generative One-shot Learning |
GPU | Graphic Processing Unit |
HiL | Hardware-in-the-Loop |
IoT | Internet-of-Things |
IoU | Intersection over Union |
ML | Machine Learning |
MLP | Multi-Layer Perceptron |
MPC | Multi-Party Computation |
OTA | Over-the-Air |
ReLu | Rectified Linear Unit |
RM | Resource Manager |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network |
ROS | Robotic Operative System |
SiL | Software-in-the-Loop |
TC | Training Coordinator |
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Grigorescu, S.; Cocias, T.; Trasnea, B.; Margheri, A.; Lombardi, F.; Aniello, L. Cloud2Edge Elastic AI Framework for Prototyping and Deployment of AI Inference Engines in Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors 2020, 20, 5450.
Grigorescu S, Cocias T, Trasnea B, Margheri A, Lombardi F, Aniello L. Cloud2Edge Elastic AI Framework for Prototyping and Deployment of AI Inference Engines in Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors. 2020; 20(19):5450.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGrigorescu, Sorin, Tiberiu Cocias, Bogdan Trasnea, Andrea Margheri, Federico Lombardi, and Leonardo Aniello. 2020. "Cloud2Edge Elastic AI Framework for Prototyping and Deployment of AI Inference Engines in Autonomous Vehicles" Sensors 20, no. 19: 5450.
APA StyleGrigorescu, S., Cocias, T., Trasnea, B., Margheri, A., Lombardi, F., & Aniello, L. (2020). Cloud2Edge Elastic AI Framework for Prototyping and Deployment of AI Inference Engines in Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors, 20(19), 5450.