A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Vehicle-Based Measures
2.2. Subjective Measures
2.3. Driver Behavioral Measures
2.4. Driver Physiological Measures
- to detect drowsiness using EEG and ECG alone, and combining both modalities to improve the performance of the system;
- to propose a channel reduction paradigm to reduce the number of electrodes and to increase the practicality of the proposed technique in real driving environments.
3. Materials and Methods for Inducing and Detecting Driver Drowsiness
3.1. Simulator-Based Driving Environment
3.2. Sample Population
3.3. Materials
3.4. Data Collection
3.5. Subjective Measure
3.6. Ground Truth Management Using Observational Analysis
3.7. Physiological Data Pre-Processing
3.8. Feature Extraction of Physiological Data
3.8.1. EEG Time Domain Feature Extraction
3.8.2. EEG Frequency Domain Feature Extraction
3.8.3. ECG Data Feature Extraction
3.9. Feature Selection
3.10. Classifying Drowsiness and Channel Reduction
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Subjective Measures
4.2. Physiological Measures
4.2.1. EEG Time Domain Analysis
4.2.2. EEG Frequency Domain Analysis
Absolute Power Analysis
Relative Power Analysis
4.2.3. ECG Results
4.3. Performance Analysis by Combining EEG and ECG Channels Compared with Using Them Alone
4.4. Channel Reduction to Improve Wearability
5. Conclusions and Future Work
- The study was conducted in a simulator-based environment in which the room temperature, lighting conditions and other environmental variables were constant. However, in real driving conditions these variables constantly change, introducing more artifacts into the physiological signals due to diverse environmental conditions and driving behavior. Therefore, future studies should examine the performance of this system under real driving conditions with variable environmental conditions.
- To develop a real time drowsiness monitoring device, the computational complexity of the proposed system should be decreased. This includes the optimization of the drowsiness detection algorithm and the removal of various artifacts in real time.
- The effects of drowsiness should be further explored using other physiological signals such as electrooculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG). EMG sensors are less limited in terms of wearability compared with EEG sensors, which require drivers to wear a large cap while driving.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Channel | Significant Feature (p-Value) |
P4 | , , (0.022), (0.013) |
P7 | (0.018), Energy (0.005) |
C3 | |
O1 | (0.039), , Energy (0.009), |
O2 |
Channel | Significant Feature (p-Value) |
P3 | |
P4 | , , (0.014), |
P7 | (0.044) |
P8 | (0.023) |
C3 | (0.006), |
Cz | (0.032) |
O1 | (0.048), |
O2 | (0.039), (0.047) |
State → | Alert State | Drowsy State | ||||||
Features → | b | a | b | a | b | a | b | a |
Mean | 0.54 | 0.32 | 2.01 | 859.82 | 0.46 | 0.37 | 1.39 | 1338.47 |
STD | 0.10 | 0.08 | 0.98 | 114.12 | 0.08 | 0.06 | 0.59 | 121.61 |
Accuracy | (a) Only ECG | ||
70.00% | Predicted Class | ||
Actual Class | Alert | Drowsy | ← Classified as |
39 | 16 | Alert | |
17 | 38 | Drowsy | |
Accuracy | (b) Only EEG | ||
76.36% | Predicted Class | ||
Actual Class | Alert | Drowsy | ← Classified as |
43 | 12 | Alert | |
14 | 41 | Drowsy | |
Accuracy | (c) Combining ECG and EEG | ||
80.90% | Predicted Class | ||
Actual Class | Alert | Drowsy | ← Classified as |
46 | 9 | Alert | |
12 | 43 | Drowsy |
Channel Combination | Performance |
O1, ECG | 79.82% |
O2, ECG | 80.90% |
P7, ECG | 80.00% |
P4, ECG | 79.09% |
C3, ECG | 76.36% |
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Share and Cite
Awais, M.; Badruddin, N.; Drieberg, M. A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability. Sensors 2017, 17, 1991. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17091991
Awais M, Badruddin N, Drieberg M. A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability. Sensors. 2017; 17(9):1991. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17091991
Chicago/Turabian StyleAwais, Muhammad, Nasreen Badruddin, and Micheal Drieberg. 2017. "A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability" Sensors 17, no. 9: 1991. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17091991
APA StyleAwais, M., Badruddin, N., & Drieberg, M. (2017). A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability. Sensors, 17(9), 1991. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17091991