A Quantitative Comparison of Calibration Methods for RGB-D Sensors Using Different Technologies
:1. Introduction
- Contact devices. They need a direct contact with the subject of interest to provide 3D information.
- Contactless devices. They are able to provide 3D information from the distance.
- Passive methods measure the scene radiance as a function of the object surface and environment characteristics using (usually) non-controlled ambient light external to the imaging system. Hence, only visible features of the scene are measured, providing high accuracy for well-defined features, such as targets and edges. However, unmarked surfaces are hard to measure [9]. In this category, techniques such as shape-from-X (e.g., shading, defocus, silhouettes, etc.), structure-from-motion and stereo are included. Stereo vision has received significant attention over the past decade in order to provide more accurate results and obtain them faster [10]. Usually, the methods use two or more calibrated RGB cameras to get the depth image by computing the disparity information from the images that conform to the system [11]. Stereoscopic cameras have been used for many purposes, including 3D reconstruction [12]. This technology can provide both colour and depth information, but it is required to be calibrated every time its location is changed, making its portability more difficult. Besides, they need the presence of texture to obtain the 3D information. In some devices, the distance between both cameras could be changed to fit the working range of the system.
- Active methods use their own light source in the imaging system for the active illumination of the scene [13]. The sensor is usually focused on known features from this light source. Then, the illumination and the features are designed to be easily measured in most environments. Since they have difficulties with varying surface finish or sharp discontinuities such as edges [9], compared with the passive approach, active visual sensing techniques are in general more accurate and reliable [14]. Active sensors could be classified into two broad categories [15]: triangulation and time delay. The former rely on the triangulation principle using the light system, the scene and the sensor. The main differences between the methods include the nature of the controlled illumination (laser or incoherent light) and its geometry (beam, sheet, or projected pattern). Laser triangulators, structured light and moiré methods are examples that fall into this level. Time delay systems measure the time between emission and detection of light reflected by the scene (Time-of-flight, ToF) or the phase difference between two waves (Interferometry). Focusing on the ToF, pulsed-light and continuous wave modulation are the technologies available nowadays. Pulsed-light sensors directly measure the round-trip time of a light pulse. In order to obtain a range map, they use either rotating mirrors (LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging o Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) or a light diffuser (Flash LIDAR). LIDAR cameras usually operate outdoors and their range can be up to a few kilometers. Continuous wave sensors measure the phase difference between the emitted and received signals and usually operate indoors. Thier ambiguity-free range is usually fixed from 30 cm to 7 m [16,17]. A extensive comparison of ToF technologies can be found in [18].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. RGB-D Cameras
- Structured Light (SL) based sensors are composed of a near-infrared emitter and an infrared (IR) camera. The infrared emitter projects a known pattern over the scene, simultaneously the IR camera gets the pattern and computes the disparity between the known and the observed pattern [42,43,44]. Usually, the infrared is chosen as the bandwidth of the projected pattern to avoid interfering with visible light in the scene. Nevertheless, a drawback of this technology is the impossibility of working in places where the illumination hinders the perception of the pattern [45]. More information about this technology can be found in [20]. For example, consumer RGB-D as Microsoft Kinect, Asux Xtion Pro or PrimeSense Carmine use structured light by projecting a speckle pattern over the scene (see Figure 2).
- Time-of-Flight (ToF). As has previously been stated, ToF sensors obtain the distance to a subject of interest by measuring the time between the emission of a signal and its reflection from the subject. Consumer cameras that use this technology are based on a continuous wave sensor combined with a calibrated and internally synchronized RGB camera. A near-infrared emitter emits incoherent light, which is a modulated signal with a frequency ω. This light incises in the scene, producing a reflected signal with a phase shift with respect to the emitted signal (see Figure 3). Hence, the distance is given by the Equation (1), where c is the speed of light [46]. Microsoft Kinect V2 is the best representative example of this kind of cameras, achieving one of the best image resolutions among ToF cameras commercially available and an excellent compromise between depth accuracy and phase-wrapping ambiguity [18].
2.2. Camera Calibration Parameters
2.2.1. Intrinsic Parameters
2.2.2. Extrinsic Parameters
2.3. Calibration Methods
2.3.1. Bouguet Method
2.3.2. Burrus Method
2.3.3. Herrera Method
3. Experimentation
3.1. Calibration Results
3.2. Experimental Results
3.2.1. Plane Fitting Test
3.2.2. Measurement Error
3.2.3. Object Registration
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Intrinsic Parameters
Appendix A.2. Extrinsic Parameters
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Sensor | Measuring Range (m) | Error | Field of View HxV (Degrees) | Resolution Colour/Depth | Depth Resolution (cm) | Technology | FPS |
Kinect v1 | 0.8–3.5 | <4 cm | 57 × 43 | 640 × 480 640 × 480 | 1 @ 2 m | SL | 15/30 |
Carmine 1.08 | 0.8–3.5 | - | 57.5 × 45 | 640 × 480 640 × 480 | 1.2 @ 2 m | SL | 60 |
Carmine 1.09 | 0.35–1.4 | - | 57.5 × 45 | 640 × 480 640 × 480 | 0.1 @ 0.5 m | SL | 60 |
Xtion Pro | 0. 8–3. 5 | - | 58 × 45 | 1280 × 1024 640 × 480 | 1 @ 2 m | SL | 30/60 |
Real Sense | 0. 2–1. 2 | 1% | 59 × 46 | 1920 × 1080 640 × 480 | - | SL | 30/60 |
Kinect v2 | 0. 5–4. 5 | 0.5% | 70 × 60 | 1920 × 1080 512 × 424 | 2 @ 2 m | ToF | 15/30 |
Senz3D | 0. 2–1. 0 | - | 74 × 41. 6 | 1080 × 720 320 × 240 | - | ToF | 30 |
Method | Year | Citations | Joint Calibration | Input Data | Type of Target | Known Target | Number of Images (Approx.) | Available Code |
Daniel Herrera et al. [35] | 2012 | 223 | Y | D,C | Chessboard | Y | 20 | Y [57] |
Zhang and Zhang [33] | 2011 | 107 | Y | Z,C | Chessboard | Y | 12 | Y [58] |
[34] | 2011 | 37 | Y | I,Z,C | Chessboard | Y | 30 | Y [34] |
Bouguet [56] | 2004 | 2721 | N | I,C | Chessboard | Y | 20 | Y [56] |
Raposo et al. [36] | 2013 | 30 | Y | D,C | Chessboard | Y | 10 | Y [59] |
Staranowicz et al. [37] | 2014 | 13 | Y | Z,C | Spheres | N | - | Y [60] |
Tsai [49] | 1987 | 7113 | N | C | Flat surface with squares | Y | 1–8 | Y [58] |
Fuchs and Hirzinger [46] | 2008 | 150 | N | Z | Chessboard + robotic arm | Y | 50 | N |
Lichti [61] | 2008 | 452 | N | Z | Rectangular targets of different sizes | N | - | N |
Jiejie Zhu et al. [62] | 2008 | 251 | N | Z | Chessboard | Y | - | N |
Lindner and Kolb [63] | 2007 | 76 | N | Z | Chessboard | Y | 68 | N |
Burrus | Bouguet | Herrera | ||||
RGB Camera | IR Camera | RGB Camera | IR Camera | RGB Camera | IR Camera | |
0 | ||||||
0 | ||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
0 | ||||||
0 | 0 | |||||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
R | ± | ± | ||||
T | ± | ± |
Burrus | Bouguet | Herrera | ||||
RGB Camera | IR Camera | RGB Camera | IR Camera | RGB Camera | IR Camera | |
307 | ||||||
0 | ||||||
0 | ||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
0 | ||||||
0 | ||||||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
− | − | − | − | − | ||
R | ± | ± | ||||
T | ± | ± |
Burrus | Bouguet | |||
RGB Camera | IR Camera | RGB Camera | IR Camera | |
0 | 0 | |||
R | ± | |||
T | ± |
© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Villena-Martínez, V.; Fuster-Guilló, A.; Azorín-López, J.; Saval-Calvo, M.; Mora-Pascual, J.; Garcia-Rodriguez, J.; Garcia-Garcia, A. A Quantitative Comparison of Calibration Methods for RGB-D Sensors Using Different Technologies. Sensors 2017, 17, 243. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17020243
Villena-Martínez V, Fuster-Guilló A, Azorín-López J, Saval-Calvo M, Mora-Pascual J, Garcia-Rodriguez J, Garcia-Garcia A. A Quantitative Comparison of Calibration Methods for RGB-D Sensors Using Different Technologies. Sensors. 2017; 17(2):243. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17020243
Chicago/Turabian StyleVillena-Martínez, Víctor, Andrés Fuster-Guilló, Jorge Azorín-López, Marcelo Saval-Calvo, Jeronimo Mora-Pascual, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez, and Alberto Garcia-Garcia. 2017. "A Quantitative Comparison of Calibration Methods for RGB-D Sensors Using Different Technologies" Sensors 17, no. 2: 243. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17020243
APA StyleVillena-Martínez, V., Fuster-Guilló, A., Azorín-López, J., Saval-Calvo, M., Mora-Pascual, J., Garcia-Rodriguez, J., & Garcia-Garcia, A. (2017). A Quantitative Comparison of Calibration Methods for RGB-D Sensors Using Different Technologies. Sensors, 17(2), 243. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17020243