Diversity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in the Boraginaceae Structures, Distribution, and Biological Properties
:1. Introduction
Species | Pyrrolizidine alkaloids | References |
Alkanna orientalis | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine, 9-tigloylretronecine, 7-seneioylretronecine, 9-senecioylretronecine, triangularine, dihydroxytriangularine, triangularicine, dihydroxytriangularicine, 7-angeloyl-9-(hydroxypropenoyl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(hydroxypropenoyl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl) retronecine. | [40,41] |
A. tinctoria (A. tuberculata) | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine, 9-tigloylretronecine, triangularine, dihydroxytriangularine, triangularicine, dihydroxytriangularicine, 7-acetyl-9-sarracinoylretronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(hydroxypropenoyl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(hydroxypropenoyl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl) retronecine. | [40,41] |
Amsinckia carinata | Echiumine, furcatine, 3'-acetylfurcatine, intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, myoscorpine, supinine. | [42] |
A. douglasiana | Amabiline, cynaustrline, intermedine, lycopsamine, tessellatine, 9-(3'-acetylviridifloryl)turniforcidine. | [42,43] |
A. eastwoodiae | Amabiline, intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, echiumine, lindelofine, lycopsamine, supinine, tessellatine. | [42] |
A. furacata | Furcatine, intermedine, 3'-acetylfurcatine, lycopsamine, supinine, tessellatine. | [42] |
A. grandiflora | Amabiline, intermedine, lycopsamine, 3'-aetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, tessellatine, 9-acetyltessellatine. | [42] |
A. hispida | Echiumine, intermedine, lycopsamine. | [44] |
A. intermedia | Echiumine, intermedine, lycopsamine, sincamidine. | [44] |
A. lunaris | Lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopamine, intermedine, supinine, tesslatine, 9'-acetyltessellatine. | [42] |
A. lycopsoides | Amabiline, echiumine, intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, supinine, tessellatine. | [42,44] |
A. lycopsoides × menziesii var. intermedia | Amabiline, intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, supinine, tessellatine. | [42] |
A. menziesii | Intermedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 3',7-diacetyllycopsamine. | [45] |
A. menziesii var. intermedia | Amabiline, cynaustraine (or steroisomer), echiumine, 3'-acetylechiumine, intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, 3',7-diacetylintermedine, lindelfoline, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, myscorpine, 3'-acetylmyscorpine, supinine, symlandine, tessellatine. | [42,43] |
A. retrosa | Amabiline, intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, myscorpine, 3'-acetylmyscorpine, supinine, tessellatine. | [42] |
A. spectabilis var. microcarpa | Intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, lindelofine, lycopsamine, myscorpine, supinine, tessellatine. | [42] |
A. specabtilis var. spectabilis | Intermedine, 3'-actylintermedine, lindelofine, lycopsamine, supinine. | [42] |
A. spectabilis var. nicolai | Intermedine, lindelofine, lycopsamine, tessellatine, trachelanthamine, supinine. | [42] |
A. tessellata | Intermedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetylintermedine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 3',7-diacetylintermedine, 3'-7-diacetyllycopsamine. | [46] |
A. tessellata var. gloriosa | Amabiline, intermedine, lycopsamine, supinine, tessellatine, tracelanthamine, viridiflorine, 3'-acetylviridiflorine. | [42,43] |
A. tessellata var. tessellata | Amabiline, intermedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, tessellatine, 3'-acetyltessellatine, 9-acetyltessellatine, 9,3'-acetyltessellatine, 9-(3'-acetylviridifloryl)-turniforcidine. | [42] |
A. vernicosa | Furcatine, intermedine, lycopsamine, supinine, 7-trachelanthyl retronecine. | [42] |
Anchusa arvensis (=Lycopsis arvensis) | Echinatine, intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 3',7-diacetylintermedine (or its isomer 3',7-diaetyllycopsamine), supinine, 9-acetyltrachelanthamidine, 9-angeloyltrachelanthamidine. | [40,47] |
A. hispida (=Gastrocotyle hispida) | 7-Angeloylheliotridine, intermedine, lyopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, retronecine, trachelanthamine and its isomer. | [40] |
A. milleri | Heliotridine, 7-angeloylheliotridine, rinderine, retronecine, supinine, viridiflorine, 9-curassavoyleliotridine, 7-acetyl-9-curassavoylheliotridine. | [40] |
A. officinalis | Intermedine, curassavine, lycopsamine, 7-aceyllycopsamine. | [47,48,49] |
A. strigosa | Heliotridine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester, platyneine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester, retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester and its N-oxide, retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1R-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester and its N-oxide, retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-[1'S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylpentanoyl]-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester, supinidine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester, trachelanthamidine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester. | [50,51] |
Arnebia decumbens | 7-angeloylrtronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylrtronecine, 9-tigloylretronecine, europine, heliotrine, lycopsamine, rinderine, supinine. | [52] |
Arnebia euchroma | 7-angeloylrtronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine | [53] |
A. hispidissima | Echimidine, monocrotaline. | [54] |
Asperugo procumbens | Amabiline (or supinine), echinatine. | [47] |
Borago officinalis | Amabiline, intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, supinine, thesinine, thesinine-4'- O-β-D-glucoside. | [55,56] |
Caccinia crassifolia | Supinine, Heliotridine or retronecine trachelanthate. | [57] |
C. glauca | Retronecine 7:9 -dibenzoate. | [58] |
Cerinthe glabra | Lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 3',7-diacetyllycopsamine, supinine, 7-hydroxymethyl butyryl-9-viridifloryl-retronecine (or isomer). | [59] |
Cerinthe minor | Intermedine, 7-angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloyl-7-viridiflorylretronecine, lycopsamine. | [60,61] |
Cordia myxa | macrophylline | [62] |
C. sinensis | floridanine | [62] |
Cryptantha cana | Intermdine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylintemedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine. | [63] |
C. clevelandii | Intermdine, 3'-acetylintermedine, echiumine, 2'',3''-epoxyechiumine, thero-2',3' dihydroxyechiumine, erytho-3''-chloro-2''-hydroxyechiumine. | [63] |
C. confertiflora | Amabiline, intermedine, lycopsamine, tessellatine, 9-acetyltessellatine. | [63] |
C. crassipes | Lycopsamine, intermedine and their 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetylintermedine, amabiline, echiumine, dihydroechumine, echimiplatine, lepanthine. | [64] |
C. fendleri | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, latifoline, neolatifoline. | [63] |
C. flava | Intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylintemedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine. | [63] |
C. inequata | Echimidine, acetylechimidine, echiuplatine, methylechiuplatine, lycopsamine, intermedine, dihydroxyechiumine. | [65] |
C. jamesii | Intermedine, lycopsamine, 3'- acetyllycopsamine, 7-aetyllyopsamine. | [66] |
C. leiocarpa | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, echiumine, intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 2'',3''-epoxyechiumine, thero-2',3'-dihydroxyechiumine, erytho-3''-chloro-2''-hydroxyechiumine | [63] |
C. thyrsiflora | Intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylintemedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine | [63] |
C. utahensis | Cryptanthine | [65] |
C. virgata | Intermedine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylintemedine, lycopsamine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine | [63] |
C. virginiensis | Amabiline, intermedine, lycopsamine, tessellatine. | [63] |
Cynoglossum amabile | Amabiline, echinatine, 7-acetylechinatine, lycopsamine, rinderine, supinine. 9-angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloyl-7-viridiflorylretronecine, | [60,67,68] |
C. australe | Cynausine, cynaustraline. | [68] |
C. clandestinum | 9-Angeloyl-7-viridiflorylretronecine, trachelanhamine | [60] |
C. columnae | N-oxides of echintine, rinderine, 3’-acetylrinderine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2-deoxy-2-methyl)echimidinyl heliotridine. | [69] |
C. creticum | Cynoglossamine, echinatine, 3'-acetylechinatine, heliosupine, 3'-acetylheliosupine, 7-angeloylheliotridine, 7-angeloyl-9-(methylbutyryl) heliotridine, 7α-angeloyl-1-chloromethyl-1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine, 7-senecioylheliotridine, rinderine, 3'-acetylrenderine, supinine, trachelanthamine (or isomer). | [70,71,72] |
C. furcatum (C. zeylanicum) | Echinatine, isoechinatine, neocoromandaline, cynaustraline, lactodine, viridinatine | [73,74,75,76] |
C. germanicum | Echinatine, viridiflorine. | [77] |
C. glochidiatum | Amabiline | [78] |
C. lanceolatum | Cynaustine, cynaustraline. | [78] |
C. latifolium | 7-Angeloylheliotridine, latifoline. | [79] |
C. macrostylum | Echinatine, heliosupine. | [80] |
C. montanum | Cynaustine, cynaustraline, echinatine, heliosupine. | [81] |
C. nervosum | Heliotrine, echinatine, rinderine and their N-oxides. | [82] |
C. officinale | Echinatine, 3'-acetylechinatine, 7-angeloylechinatine, heliosupine, 3'-acetylheliosupine, 7-angeloylheliotridine, 7-angeloyl-1-formyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizidine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)heliotridine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl) heliotridine, 7-tigloylheliotridine, rinderine, 7-angeloylrinderine, trachelanthamine, viridiflorine. | [67,83,84] |
C. pictum | Echinatine, heliosupine, pictumine. | [85] |
C. viridiforum | Heliosupine, viridiflorine. | [86] |
Echium amoenum | Echimidine, echimidine isomer (tigloyl), 7-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine. | [87] |
E. angustifolium | Echimidine | [88] |
E. diffusum | Heliotridine or retronecine esters. | [28] |
E. glomeratum | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, (7S,8R)petranine, (7S,8S)petranine. | [89] |
E. horridum | Echimidine, echimidine isomer (tigloyl), lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 7-angeloyllycopsamine, 7-tigloyllycopsamine, 7-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2, 3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2, 3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine, uplandicine. | [90] |
E. humile | Echimidine, echihumiline, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 7-senecioyllycopsamine, pycnanthine, 7-seneioylretronecine, 9-seneioylretronecine, 7-(2-methylutyryl)retronecine, 7-(methybutyryl)-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine, 7-(2-methybutyryl)-9-echimidinylretronecine. | [91] |
E. hypertropicum | Echimidine, echihumiline, 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinylretronecine, 7-senecioylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyl-lycopsamine | [92] |
E. italicum | Echimidine | [28] |
E. lycopsis (=E. plantagineum) | Echimidine, echiumine, uplandicine, lycopsamine, intermedine, echimplatine, echiuplatine, 3'-acetylintermedine, 3'-acetyllycopsamine, 3'-acetylechiumine, 9-angeloylretronecine, leptanthine. | [4,93,94] |
E. pininana | Echimidine, ehiupinine, 3'-aetylintermedine, hydroxymyoscorpine, myoscorpine. | [95] |
E. rauwolfii | Echimidine, echimidine isomer (tigloyl), 7-acetyllycopsamine, 7-angeloyllycopsamine, 7-tigloyllycopsamine, 7-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2, 3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2, 3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine, uplandicine. | [90] |
E. sericeum | Echimidine, symlandine (or symphytine). | [54] |
E. setosum | Echimidine, echimidine isomer (tigloyl), 7-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, 9-tigloylretronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2-methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2,3-dimethylbutryl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutryl) retronecine, uplandicine. | [96] |
E. simplex | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine. | [61] |
E. stenosiphon Webb subsp. stenosiphon | Echimidine, 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinylretronecine | [92] |
E. tuberculatum | Echimidine,7-angeloyl-9-viridiflorylretronecine, 7-viridiflorylretronecine. | [60] |
E. vulgare | Asperumine, heliosupine, 3'-acetylheliosupine, Echinatine, echiuplantine, leptanthine, echimiplantine, echivulgarine, vulgarine, 7-O-acetylvulgarine, echimidine, echimidine isomer (tigloyl ?), 3'-acetylechimidine, 5'-acetylechimidine, echihumiline, retronecine, 7-angeloylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, 7-tigloylretronecine, 9-tigloylretronecine, 7-(2-methylbutyryl) retronecine, 9-(2-methylbutyryl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2-methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-(2, 3-di methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-tigloyl-9-(2, 3-dihydroxybutryl)retronecine, uplandicine | [11,96,97,98] |
E. wildpretti | Echimidine and its N-oxide. | [99] |
Ehretia aspera | Ehretinine | [100] |
Eritrichium rupestre | 7-Angeloylretronecine, 7-angeloyl-9-viridiflorylretronecine, 7-viridiflorylretronecine | [60] |
Hackelia californica | Hackelidine, longitubine, 7-acetylhackelidine, 9-latifolylretronecine, 7-acetyl-9-latifolylretronecine | [101,102] |
H. floribunda | Latifoline and its N-oxide. | [103] |
H. longituba | Latifoline, neolatifoline, longitubine, 7-angeloylretronecie, 9-angeloylretronecine. | [104] |
Heliotropium acutifolium | Heliotrine | [105] |
H. amplexicaule | Indicine | [29] |
H. angiospermum | Subulacine, lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. arbainense | Europine, heliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [71] |
H. arborescens (=H. peruvianum) | Indicine, 3'-acetylindicine, lasiocarpine. | [107] |
H. arguzioides | Heliotrine, trichodesmine. | [28] |
H. bacciferum | Europine, heliotrine, heleurine and their N-oxides, supinine. | [108,109] |
H. bovei | Europine, 7-acetyleuropine, lasiocarpine, 5'-acetyllasiocarpine, lasiocarpine N-oxide, 5'-acetyllasiocarpine N-oxide. | [110] |
H. bracteatum | Helibractinecine, retronecine, helibracteatinine, helibracteatine | [111,112] |
H. bursiferum | 7-Angeloylretronecine. | [113] |
H. circinatum | 7-angeloylheliotrine, echinatine, europine, heleurine, heliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [114] |
H. confertifolium | lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. crassifolium | Ilamine, europine and their N-oxides. | [115] |
H. curassavicum | Coromandaline, coromandalinine, curassavine, curassavinine, curassanecine, heliocurassavine, heliocurassavinine, heliocurassavicine, heliocoromandaline, heliovicine, 7-angeloylheliotridine, trachelanhamidine, retronecine, supinidine. | [106,116,117,118] |
H. curassavicum var. argentium | 9-(3'-isovaleryl) viridifloryl retronecine, 9-(3'-acetyl) viridifloryl retronecine. | [119] |
H. curassavicum var. curassavicum | 9-(3'-isovaleryl) viridifloryl retronecine, 9-(3'-acetyl) viridifloryl retronecine. | [119] |
H. dasycarpum | heliotrine | [120] |
H. digynum (H. luteum) | Europine, heliotrine, 7-angeloylheliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [121] |
H. disciforme | Heliotrine, 2'-actylheliotrine, heliotrine N-oxide, heleurine, heliorine N-oxide. | [122] |
H. dissitiflorum | Heliotrine, heliotrine N-oxide, europine, 5'-deoxylasiocarpine. | [123] |
H. eichwaldii | Heliotrine, 7-angeloylheliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [124] |
H. esfandiarii | Europine, europine N-oxide. | [125] |
H. europaeum | Europine, acetyleuropine, heleurine, heliotrine, 7-angeloylheliotrine, lasiocarpine, 6-acetyllasiocarpine, heliotrine N-oxide, dehydroheliotrine, 5'-acetyllasiocarpine N-oxide, N-(dihydropyrrolizinomethyl)-heliotrine, supinine. | [126,127] |
H. floridum | Floridine, floridinine, floridimine, heliovicine, 3'-acetyltrachelanthamine. | [128] |
H. foliosisimum | lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. fruticosum | lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. hirsutissimum | Europine, heliotrine, heleurine, lasiocarpine, 3'-acetyllasiocarpine, 5'-acetyllasiocarpine, supinine, N-oxides of acetylasiocarpine, 3'-acetyleheliosupine. | [29,129] |
H. indicum | Echinatine, helindicine, heliotrine, heleurine, indicine, acetylindicine, indicinine, lasiocarpine, lycopsamine, rinderine, supinine, lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamine. | [106,116,130,131,132] |
H. keralense | Intermedine, isolycopsamine, retronesine. | [133] |
H. lasiocarpum | Heliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [29] |
H. marifolium | Europine, heliotrine, indicine, lasiocarpine. | [29] |
H. maris mortui | Europine, lasiocarpine. | [29,71] |
H. megalanthum | Lycopsamine, megalanthonine. | [134] |
H. molle | subulacine | [29] |
H. olgae | Heliotrine, incanine. | [135] |
H. ovalifolium | Heliofoline, retronecine. | [136] |
H. peruvianum | Rinderine | [29] |
H. popovii subsp. gillianum | Heliotrine | [28] |
H. procumbens | Lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. queretaroanum | Lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. racemosum | Lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. ramosissimum | Heliotrine | [28] |
H. rotundifolium | Europine, 5'-acetyleuropine, heliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [137,138] |
H. scabrum | Heliscabine, retronecine. | [139] |
H. sessei | Lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
H. spathulatum | Amabiline, coromandaline, coromandalinine, heliovicine, curassavinine, curassavine, heliospathine, heliospathuline, lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [116,140] |
H. steudneri | Lycopsamine | [27] |
H. strigosum | Strigosine, trachelanthamidine | [25,141] |
H. suaveolens | Echinatine, europine, heliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [29] |
H. subulatum | Subulacine; retronecine, heliotrine, 7-angeloylheliotridine | [142] |
H. supinum | Echinatine, heliosupine, heliotrine, 7-angeloylheliotridine (and its trachelanthic and viridifloric esters), lasiocarpine, supinine. | [27,143] |
H. ternatum | subulacine | [27] |
H. transalpinum | Intermedine, indicine, lycopsamine, rinderine, 3'-acetylrinderine, supinine. | [144] |
H. transalpinum var. transalpinum | Transalpinecine, subulacine. | [145] |
H. transoxanum | Heliotrine | [105] |
H. wigginsii | Lindelofidine, retronecine, supinidine, trachelanthamidine. | [106] |
Lappula glochidiata | Echinatine | [146] |
L. intermedia (Echinospermum intermedium) | Lasiocarpine | [147] |
L. myosotis | Intermedine, lycopsamine , 7-acetylintermedine, 7-acetyllycopsamine. | [35,148] |
L. spinocarpos | Amabiline, intermedine, 7-angeloylheiotridine, 9- heliotrinoylretronecine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, retronecine, trachelanthamine, supinine, viridiflorine. | [40] |
Lindelofia anchusoides (L. macrostyla) | Lindelofamine, lindelofine. | [28] |
L. angustifolia | Amabiline, echinatine | [78] |
L. longiflora | Echinatine and its N-oxide. | [149] |
L. olgae | Viridiflorine | [150] |
L. pterocarpa | Viridiflorine | [151] |
L. spectabilis | Echinatine, 3'-acetylechinatine, monocorotaline. | [124] |
L. stylosa | Echinatine, lindelofine, viridiflorine. | [135] |
L. tschimganica | Echinatine, carategine, viridiflorine. | [152] |
Lithospermum canesens | Canesine, canescenine, 3'-acetycanesine, 3'-acetylcanescenine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, 7-acetylintermedine. | [153,154] |
L. erythrorhizon | Intermedine, myoscorpine, hydroxymyoscorpine. | [155] |
L. officinale | Lithosenine, acetyllithosenine. | [156] |
L. purpureocoeruleum | Lycopsamine | [60] |
Macrotomia echioides | Macrotomine | [28] |
Mertensia bakeri | Lycopsamine | [157] |
M. ciliata | Intermedine, lycopsamine. | [157] |
Messerschmidia argentea | Indicine, 3'-acetylindicine, and their N-oxide. | [158] |
M. sibirica | Lycopsamine, 9-angeloylretronecine. | [28] |
Moltikiopsis ciliata (Lithospermum callosum) | Echinatine, heliotrine. | [108] |
Myosotis scorpioides (=M. palustris) | Myoscorpine, symphytine, scorpioidine, 7-acetylscorpioidine. | [159] |
M. sylvatica | Heliosupine, 3'-acetylheliosupine, 9-angeloylretronecine, trachelanthamine. | [25] |
Neatostema apulum | Amabiline, lycopsamine and their N-oxides. | [160] |
Nonnea lutea | 7-viridiflorylretronecine | [60] |
N. setosa | 7-viridiflorylretronecine | [60] |
Omphalodes verna | Isoretronocanol or its isomer. | [27] |
Onosma alborosea | Intermedine, lycopsamine, 7-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylycopsamine. | [161] |
O. alboroseum × sanguinolentum | 9-Angeloylretronecine, echimidine, lycopsamine, intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylycopsamine. | [161,162] |
O. arenaria | 7-Acetyllycopsamine, 5,6-diydro-7,9-dimethoxy-7H-pyrrolizine, 7-acetylretronecine, 7-acetyl-9-(2-methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-acetyl-9-(2,3-dimethylbutryl) retronecine, 7-acetyl-9-(2-hydroxy-3-methylbutryl) retronecine, 7-acetyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutryl) retronecine, 9-(butyryl-2-ene) supinidine, 3'-acetylsupinine, uplandicine. | [163] |
O. arenaria subsp. pennina | Intermedine, lycopsamine, 7-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylycopsamine. | [161] |
O. erecta | N-oxides of 7-O-acetylechinatine, viridinatine, stereoisomer, 7-epi-echimiplatine, onosmerectine. | [164] |
O. hetrophyllum | Helioridine, 1-methylene-8α-pyrrolizidine. | [165] |
O. leptantha | Echihumiline, 3’-acetylechihumiline, leptanthine and their N-oxides. | [166] |
O. stellulatum | Echimidine, 7-viridiflorylretronecine, heliospathuline, leptanthine, lyopsamine and heir N-oxides, 7-acetylintermedine, dihydroechinatine, trahelanthamine, uplandicine. | [60,167] |
Paracaryum himalayense | Viridiflorine | [151] |
P. intermedium | 7-Angeloylheliotridine, 7-senecioylheliotridine, rinderine, 7-angeloylrindrine, 7-senecioylrinderine, viridiflorine. | [40] |
P. regulosum | Echinatine, heliosupine, 7-angeloylheliotridine, rinderine, viridiflorine. | [40] |
Paracynoglossum imeretinum | Echinatine, heliosupine. | [29] |
Pulmonaria obscura | Intermedine, lycopsamine, 7-acetylintermedine, 7-acetylycopsamine. | [168] |
Rindera austroechinata | Echinatine, rinderine, 7-angeloylheliotridine | [57,152] |
R. baldschuanica | Echinatine, rinderine, trachelanthamine, turkestanine | [152] |
R. cyclodonta | Echinatine | [120] |
R. echinata | Echinatine, trachelanthamine | [120] |
R. oblongifolia | Cerategine, echinatine, turkestanine. | [152] |
R. umbellata | 7-Angeloyl-9-(+)-trachelanthyl heliotridine, lindelofine, punctanecine, 7-angeloyl heliotridane, 7-angeloyl heliotridine, heliosupine, 9-(+)-trachelanthyl-laburnine, echinatine. | [169] |
Solenanthus circinnatus | Echinatine | [151] |
S. coronatus | Echinatine | [135] |
S. karateginus | Cerategine, ehinatine. | [151] |
S. turkestanicus | Rinderine, turkestanine. | [135,150] |
Symphytum aintabicum | Echimidine | [170] |
S. asperum | Echimidine, symphytine, asperumine, ehinatine, heliosupine, acetylechimidine (or its isomer), aetyllyopsamine (or its isomer), symviridine | [171,172] |
S. bohemium | Echimidine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, symphytine. | [173] |
S. caucasium | Asperumine, echimidine, echinatine, heliotrine, lasiocarpine. | [174] |
S. consolidum | Echimidine, symphytine. | [175] |
S. grandiflorum | Echimidine, lycopsamine, symphytine. | [176] |
S. ibericum | Echimidine, lycopsamine, symphytine. | [176] |
S. officinale | Lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, symphytine, echimidine, echinatine, heliosupine, intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, viridiflorine, symviridine. | [17,162,171,172,177,178,179] |
S. orientale | Anadoline, echimidine, symphytine. | [28] |
S. peregrinum | Intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, symphytine. | [27] |
S. sylvaticum subsp. sepulcrale var. sepulcrale | Echimidine N-oxide | [170] |
S. tanaiense | Echimidine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, symphytine. | [173] |
S. tuberosum | 7-Angeloylretronecine; anadoline, echimidine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, symphytine. | [28,162,176] |
S × uplandicum | Echimidine, intermedine, 7-acetylintermedine lycopsamine, 7-acetyllycopsamine, symphytine, symlandine, symviridine, uplandicine. | [172,180] |
Tournefortia sarmentosa | Supinine | [28] |
T. sibirica | Turneforcine | [29] |
T. sogdiana | Echinatine | [57] |
Trahlenthus hissaricus | Trachelanthine, trachelanthamine, viridiforine. | [29] |
T. korolkovii | Trachelanthine, trachelanthamidine, trachelanthamine. | [57,150] |
Trichodesma africanum | Europine, intermedine, lycopsamine, trichodesmine, retronecine, viridiflorine | [40,71,181] |
T. ehrenbergii | Senkirkine, supinine. | [54] |
T. incanum | Inanine, trihodesmine. | [46] |
T. zeylanicum | Supinine | [182] |
Ulugbekia tschimganica | Uluganine | [183] |
Compounds | Sources | References |
3'-Acetylcanesine | Lithospermum canesens | [153,154] |
3'-Acetylcanescenine | Lithospermum canesens | [153,154] |
7-Acetyl-9-curassavoylheliotridine | Anchusa milleri | [40] |
7-Acetyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutryl) retronecine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
7-Acetyl-9-(2-dimethylbutryl) retronecine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
3'-Acetylechinatine | Cynoglossum creticum | [70] |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67] | |
Lindelofia spectabilis | [124] | |
Messerschmidia argentea | [158] | |
7-Acetylechinatine | Cynoglossum amabile | [67] |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67,84] | |
Onosma erecta | [69] | |
3'- Acetylechihumiline | Onosma leptantha | [166] |
3'-Acetylechiumine | Amsinckia menziessi var. intermedia | [42] |
Cryptantha clevelandii | [63] | |
3'-Acetylechimidine | Echium vulgare | [96] |
5'-Acetylechimidine | Echium vulgare | [11] |
5'-Acetyleuropine | Heliotropium disciforme | [122] |
Heliotropium rotundifloium | [138] | |
7-Acetyleuropine | Heliotropium bovi | [110] |
3'-Acetylfurcatine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia furacata | [42] | |
3'-Acetylheliosupine | Cynoglossum creticum | [70] |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67,83] | |
Heliotropium hirsutissimum | [129] | |
7-Acetyl-9-(2-hydroxy-3-methylbutryl) retronecine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
3'-Acetylindicine | Heliotropium arborescens (H. peruvianum) | [28] |
Messerschmidia argentea | [158] | |
3'-Acetylintermedine | Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides × menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [43] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. spectabilis | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Cryptantha cana | [63] | |
Cryptantha crassipes | [64] | |
Cryptantha clevelandii | [63] | |
Cryptantha flava | [63] | |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Cryptantha thyrsiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha virgata | [63] | |
Echium pininana | [95] | |
7-Acetylintermedine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Anchusa arvensis | [40] | |
Borago officinalis | [55] | |
Cryptantha cana | [63] | |
Cryptantha crassipes | [64] | |
Cryptantha flava | [63] | |
Cryptantha thyrsiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha virgata | [63] | |
Lappula myostis | [35] | |
Lithospermum canescens | [153,154] | |
Onosma alborosea | [161] | |
Onosma arenaria pennina | [161] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [167] | |
Pulmonaria obscura | [168] | |
Symphytum officinale | [171,172,179] | |
Symphytum peregrinum | [27] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
5'-Acetyllasiocarpine | Heliotropium hirsutissimum | [129] |
7-Acetyl-9-latifolylretronecine | Hackelia californica | [101] |
3'-Acetyllithosenine | Lithospermum officinale | [156] |
3'-Acetyllycopsamine | Amsinckia grandiflora | [42] |
Amsinckia lunaris | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii | [45] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata | [42] | |
Cerinthe glabra | [40] | |
Cryptantha cana | [63] | |
Cryptantha crassipes | [64] | |
Cryptantha flava | [63] | |
Cryptantha jamesii | [66] | |
Cryptantha thyrsiflora | [63] | |
Echium lycopsis (E. plantagineum) | [93] | |
7-Acetyllycopsamine | Amsinckia grandiflora | [42] |
Amsinckia menziesii | [45] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Amsinckia tessellate var. tessellata | [42] | |
Anchusa arvensis | [40] | |
Anchusa hispida | [40] | |
Anchusa officinalis | [48] | |
Borago officinalis | [55] | |
Cerinthe glabra | [40] | |
Cryptantha cana | [63] | |
Cryptantha crassipes | [64] | |
Cryptantha flava | [63] | |
Cryptantha jamesii | [66] | |
Cryptantha thyrsiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha virgata | [63] | |
Echium horridum | [90] | |
Echium hypertropicum | [92] | |
Echium humile | [91] | |
Echium rauwolfi | [90] | |
Lappula myostis | [35] | |
Lappula spinocarpos | [40] | |
Lithospermum canesens | [153,154] | |
Onosma alborosea | [161] | |
Onosma arenaria | [163] | |
Onosma arenaria pennina | [161] | |
Pulmonaria obscura | [168] | |
Symphytum bohemium | [173] | |
Symphytum officinale | [171,172,179] | |
Symphytum peregrinum | [27] | |
Symphytum tanaiense | [173] | |
Symphytum tubertosum | [28] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
7-Acetyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl) retronecine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
3'-Acetylmyscorpine | Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
7-Acetylretronecine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
3'-Acetylrinderine | Cynoglossum columnae | [69] |
Heliotropium transplinum | [144] | |
7-Acetyl-9-sarracinoyl retronecine | Alkanna tinctoria | [40] |
7-Acetylscorpioidine | Myosotis scorpioides | [159] |
3'-Acetylsupinine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
3'-Acetyltessellatine | Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata | [42] |
9-Acetytessellatine | Amsinckia grandifkora | [42] |
Amsinckia lunaris | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata | [42] | |
3'-Acetyltrachelanthamine | Heliotropium floridum | [128] |
9-Acetyltrachelanthamine | Anchusa arvensis | [40] |
3'-Acetylviridiflorine | Amsinckia tessellata var. gloriosa | [42] |
9-(3'-Acetyl)viridiflory retronecine | Heliotropium curassavicum var. argentinum | [119] |
Heliotropium curassavicum var. curassavicum | [119] | |
9-(3'-Acetylviridifloryl) turniforcidine | A. douglasiana | [42] |
A. tessellata var. tessellata | [42] | |
7-Acetylvulgarine | Echium vulgare | [11] |
Amabiline | Amsinckia douglasina | [42] |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] | |
Amsinckia grandiflora | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsodes menziesii var. intermedium | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var intermedium | [42] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. gloriosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata. | [42] | |
Asperugo procumbens | [47] | |
Borago officinalis | [55] | |
Cryptantha confertiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha crassipes | [64] | |
Cryptantha virginensis | [63] | |
Cynoglossum amabile | [67,68] | |
Cynoglossum glochidiatum | [78] | |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] | |
Lappula spinocarpos | [40] | |
Lindelofia angustiflora | [78] | |
Neatostema apulum | [160] | |
Anadoline | Symphytum orientale | [28] |
Symphytum tuberosum | [28] | |
7α-Angeloyl-1-chloromethy-1,2-dihydropyrrolizidine | Cynoglossum creticum | [70] |
7-Angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)heliotridine | Cynoglossum officinale | [67] |
7-Angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine | Echium horridum | [90] |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Onosma arenaria | [163] | |
7-Angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl)retronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tinctoria | [40] | |
7-Angeloyl-1-formyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizidine | Cynoglossum officinale | [67] |
7-Angeloyl-9-(hydroxypropenoyl)retronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tinctoria | [40] | |
7-Angeloylechinatine | Cynoglossum officinale | [67] |
7-Angeloylheliotridine | Anchusa hispida (Gastrocotyle hispida) | [40] |
Anchusa milleri | [40] | |
Cynoglossum creticum | [70,72] | |
Cynoglossum latifolium | [79] | |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67,84] | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] | |
Heliotropium supinum | [27,143] | |
Lappula spinocarpos | [40] | |
7-Angeloylheliotridine | Paracaryum intermedium | [40] |
Paracaryum regulosum | [40] | |
Rindera austroechinata | [57] | |
7-Angeloylheliotrine | Heliotropium circinatum | [114] |
Heliotropium digynum (H. luteum) | [121] | |
Heliotropium eichwaldii | [124] | |
Heliotropium europaeum | [127] | |
Rindera umbellata | [169] | |
7-Angeloyllycopsamine | Echium horridum | [90] |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
7-Angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)heliotridine | Cynoglossum creticum | [70] |
Cynoglossum offocinale | [67] | |
7-Angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)retronecine | Echium horridum | [90] |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
7-Angeloylretronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40,41] |
Alkanna tinctoria (A. tuberculata) | [40,184] | |
Arnebia decumbens | [52] | |
Arnebia euchroma | [53] | |
Cerinthe minor | [60] | |
Cryptantha fendleri | [63] | |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Echium amoenum | [87] | |
Echium glomeratum | [89] | |
Echium horridum | [90] | |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium simplex | [162] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Eritrichium rupestre | [60] | |
Hackelia longituba | [104] | |
Heliotropium bursiferum | [113] | |
Symphytum tuberosum | [162] | |
9-Angeloylretronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40,41] |
Arnebia decumbens | [52] | |
Cryptantha fendleri | [63] | |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Cynoglossum amabilie | [67] | |
Echium glomaratum | [89] | |
Echium hypertropicum | [92] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium simplex | [162] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Hackelia longituba | [104] | |
Messerchimidia sibrica | [28] | |
Myosotis sylvatica | [25] | |
7-Angeloylrinderine | Cynoglossun officinale | [67] |
9-Angeloyltrachelanthamidine | Anchusa arvensis | [40] |
7-Angeloyl-9-(+)-trachelanthylheliotridine | Rindera umbellata | [169] |
9-Angeloyl-7-viridiflorylretronecine | Cerinthe minor | [60] |
Cynoglossum amabile | [60] | |
Cynoglossum clandestinum | [60] | |
Echium tuberculatum | [60] | |
Eritrichium rupestre | [60] | |
Asperumine | Echium vulgare | [98] |
Symphytum asperum | [172] | |
Symphytum caucasium | [174] | |
9-(Butyryl-2-ene) supinidine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
Canescine | Lithospermum canescens | [153,154] |
Canescenine | Lithospermum canescens | [153,154] |
Carategine | Lindelofia tschimganica | [27] |
Rindera oblongifolia | [152] | |
Solanthus karateginus | [151] | |
Coromandaline | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117,118] |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] | |
Coromandalinine | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] | |
Cryptanthine | Cryptantha utahensis | [65] |
Curassanecine | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Curassavine | Anchusa officinalis | [49] |
Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] | |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] | |
Curassavinine | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] | |
9-Curassavorylheliotridine | Anchusa milleri | [40] |
Cynaustrine | Cynoglossum australe | [68] |
Cynoglossum lanceolatum | [78] | |
Cynoglossum montanum | [81] | |
Cynaustraline | Amsinckia douglasiana | [42] |
Cynoglossum australe | [68] | |
Cynoglossum furcatum | [73] | |
Cynoglossum lanceolatum | [78] | |
Cynoglossum montanum | [81] | |
Cynoglossamine | Cynoglossum creticum | [72] |
Dehydroheliotrine | Heliotropium europaeum | [185] |
5-Deoxylasiocarpine | Heliotropium dissitiflorum | [123] |
3',7-Diacetylintermedine | Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Anchusa arvensis | [40] | |
3',7-Diacetyllycopsamine | Amsinckia menziesii | [45] |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
3',7-Diacetyllycopsamine | Anchusa arvensis | [40] |
Cerinthe glabra | [59] | |
3',9-Diacetyltessellatine | Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata | [42] |
5,6-Dihydro-7,9-dimethoxy-7H-pyrrolizine | Onosma arenaria | [163] |
Dihydroechinatine | Onosma stellulatum | [167] |
thero-2'',3''-Dihydroxyechiumine | Cryptantha clevelandiiCryptantha inequata | [63,65] |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Dihydroxytriangularine | Alkanna orientalis | [40,41] |
Alkanna tinctoria | [40,41] | |
Dihydroxytriangularicine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tinctoria | [40] | |
Echihumiline | Echium hypertropicum | [92] |
Echium humile | [91] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Onosma leptantha | [166] | |
Echimidine | Arnebia hispidissima | [54] |
Cryptantha inequata | [65] | |
Echium amoenum | [87] | |
Echium angustifolium | [88] | |
Echium horridum | [90] | |
Echium humile | [91] | |
Echium hypertropicum | [92] | |
Echium italicum | [28] | |
Echium lycopsis (E. plantagineum) | [94] | |
Echium pininana | [95] | |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
Echium sericeum | [54] | |
Echium. setosum | [96] | |
Echium stenosiphon subsp. stenosiphon | [92] | |
Echium tuberculatum | [60] | |
Echium vulgare | [11,96] | |
Echium wildpretti | [99] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [60,167] | |
Symphytum aintabicum | [170] | |
Symphytum asperum | [171] | |
Symphytum bohemium | [173] | |
Symphytum caucasium | [174] | |
Symphytum consolidum | [175] | |
Symphytum sylvaticum | [170] | |
Symphytum tuberosum | [162] | |
Echimidine isomer (tigloyl) | Echium amoenum | [87] |
Echium horridum | [90] | |
Echimidine isomer (tigloyl) | Echium rauwolfii | [90] |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Echimiplatine | Cryptantha crassipes | [64] |
Echium plantagineum | [93] | |
Echium vulgare | [11] | |
Echinatine | Asperugo procumbens | [47] |
Cynoglossum amabile | [67,68] | |
Cynoglossum columnae | [69] | |
Cynoglossum creticum | [70,71,72] | |
Cynoglossum furcatum (C. zeylanicum) | [74,75] | |
Cynoglossum germanicum | [77] | |
Cynoglossum macrostylum | [80] | |
Cynoglossum montanum | [81] | |
Cynoglossum nervosum | [82] | |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67,84] | |
Cynoglossum pictum | [85] | |
Heliotropium circinatum | [114] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [130] | |
Heliotropium suaveolens | [29] | |
Heliotropium supinum | [27,143] | |
Lappula glochidiata | [146] | |
Lindelofia longiflora | [149] | |
Lindelofia spectabilis | [124] | |
Lindelofia stylosa | [135] | |
Moltikiopsis ciliata | [108] | |
Paracaryum regulosum | [40] | |
Paracynoglossum imeretium | [29] | |
Rindera austroechinata | [57,152] | |
Rindera baldschuanica | [152] | |
Rindera cyclodonata | [120] | |
Rindera echinata | [120] | |
Rindera oblogifolia | [152] | |
Rindera umbellata | [169] | |
Solenanthus circinnatus | [151] | |
Solenanthus coronatus | [135] | |
Solenanthus karateginus | [151] | |
Symphytum asperum | [172] | |
Symphytum caucasium | [174] | |
Symphytum officinale | [179] | |
Tournefortia sogdiana | [57] | |
Echiumine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] | |
Amsinckia hispida | [44] | |
Amsinckia intermedia | [44] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [44] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Cryptantha clevelandii | [63] | |
Cryptantha crassipes | [64] | |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Echium lycopsis | [94] | |
Echiupine | Echium pininana | [95] |
Echiuplatine | Cryptantha inequata | [65] |
Echium plantagineum | [93] | |
Echium vulgare | [11] | |
Echivulgarine | Echium vulgare | [11] |
Ehretinine | Ehretia aspera | [100] |
2'',3''-Epoxyechiumine | Cryptantha clevelandii | [63] |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Erythro-2'',3''-chloro-2''-hydroxyechiumine | Cryptantha clevelandii | [63] |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
7-Epi-echimiplatine | Onosma erecta | [69] |
1α-2α-Epoxy-1β-hydroxymethyl-8α-pyrrolizidine | Heliotropium transalpinum var. transalpinum | [145] |
Europine | Heliotropium arbainense | [71] |
Heliotropium bacciferum | [108,109] | |
Heliotropium bovi | [110] | |
Heliotropium circinatum | [114] | |
Heliotropium crassifolium | [115] | |
Heliotropium digynum (H.luteum) | [121] | |
Heliotropium dissitiflorum | [123] | |
Heliotropium esfandiarii | [125] | |
Heliotropium europaeum | [126,127,186] | |
Heliotropium hirsutissinum | [129] | |
Heliotropium marifolium | [29] | |
Heliotropium maris mortui | [71] | |
Heliotropium rotundifolium | [137,138] | |
Floridanine | Cordia sinensis | [62] |
Floridimine | Heliotropium floridum | [128] |
Floridine | Heliotropium floridum | [128] |
Floridinine | Heliotropium floridum | [128] |
Furcatine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia furacata | [42] | |
Amsinckia vernicosa | [42] | |
Hackelidine | Hackelia californica | [102] |
Heleurine | Heliotropium bacciferum | [109] |
Heliotropium circinatum | [114] | |
Heliotropium disciforme | [122] | |
Heliotropium europaeum | [126,127,186] | |
Heliotropium hirsutissimum | [129] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [131] | |
Helibracteatine | Heliotropium bracteatum | [112] |
Helibractinecine | Heliotropium bracteatum | [111] |
Helibracteatinecine | Heliotropium bracteatum | [112] |
Helibracteatinine | Heliotropium bracteatum | [112] |
Heliofoline | Heliotropium ovalifolium | [136] |
Helindicine | Heliotropium indicum | [130] |
Heliocoromandaline | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Heliocurassavine | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Heliocurassavicine | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Heliocurassavinine | Heliotropium curassavicum | [117] |
Heliospathine | Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] |
Heliospathuline | Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] |
Onosma stellulatum | [167] | |
Heliosupine | Cynoglossium creticum | [70,71,72] |
Cynoglossium macrostylum | [80] | |
Cynoglossium montatum | [81] | |
Cynoglossium officinale | [67,83,84] | |
Cynoglossium pictum | [85] | |
Cynoglossium viridiforum | [86] | |
Heliotropium supinum | [27,143] | |
Myosotis sylvatica | [25] | |
Paracaryum regulosum | [90] | |
Paracynoglossum imeretium | [29] | |
Rindera umbellata | [169] | |
Symphytum asperum | [171] | |
Symphytum officinale | [179] | |
Heliotridine | Anchusa milleri | [90] |
Onosma heterophyllum | [165] | |
Heliotridine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl0-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | Anchusa strigosa | [50] |
Heliotrine | Arenbia decumbens | [52] |
Cynoglossum nervosum | [82] | |
Heliotropium acutifolium | [105] | |
H. arbainense | [71] | |
H. bacciferum | [108,109] | |
Heliotropium circinatum | [114] | |
Heliotropium dasycarpum | [120] | |
Heliotropium digynum | [121] | |
Heliotropium disciforme | [122] | |
Heliotropium dissitiflorum | [123] | |
Heliotropium eichwaldii | [124] | |
Heliotropium europaeum | [127,185,186] | |
Heliotropium hirsutissimum | [129] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [130,131] | |
Heliotropium lasiocarpum | [29] | |
Heliotrine | Heliotropium marifolium | [29] |
Heliotropium olgae | [135] | |
Heliotropium popovii subsp. gillianum | [28] | |
Heliotropium rotundifolum | [137,138] | |
Heliotropium suaveolens | [29] | |
Heliotropium supinum | [27,143] | |
Heliotropium transoxanum | [27] | |
Molyikiopsis ciliate (Lithospermum callosum) | [108] | |
Symphytum caucasium | [174] | |
Heliovicine | Heliotropium spathulatum | [140] |
Heliscabine | Heliotropium scabrum | [139] |
Hydroxymyoscorpine | Echium pininana | [95] |
Ilamine | Heliotropium crassifolium | [115] |
Incanine | Heliotropium olgae | [29] |
Trichodesma incanum | [46] | |
Indicine | Heliotropium amplexicaule | [29] |
Heliotropium arborescens (H. pruvianum) | [107] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [130,131] | |
Heliotropium marifolium | [29] | |
Heliotropium transalpinum | [144] | |
Messerschmidia argentea | [158] | |
Indicinine | Heliotropium indicum | [130,131] |
Isoechinatine | Cynoglossum furcatum (C. zeylanicum) | [75] |
Isolycopsamine | Heliotropium keralense | [190] |
Isoretronocanol (or its isomer) | Omphalodes verna | [27] |
9-(3'-Isovaleryl)viridiflory retronecine | Heliotropium curassavicum var. argentinum | [119] |
Heliotropium curassavicum var. curassavicum | [119] | |
Intermedine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia douglasiana | [42] | |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] | |
Amsinckia furacata | [42] | |
Amsinckia. grandiflora | [42] | |
Amsinckia hispida | [44] | |
Amsinckia intermedia | [44] | |
Amsinckia lunaris | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [42,44] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides × menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii | [45] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Intermedine | Amsinckia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. spectabilis | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. nicolai | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. gloriosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata | [42] | |
Amsinckia vernicosa | [42] | |
Anchusa arvensis (Lycopsis arvensis) | [40] | |
Anchusa hispidia (Gastrocotyle hispidia) | [40] | |
Anchusa officinalis | [48] | |
Borago officinalis | [55] | |
Cerinthe minor | [61] | |
Cryptantha cana | [63] | |
Cryptantha clevelandii | [63] | |
Cryptantha confertiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha flava | [63] | |
Cryptantha inequata | [65] | |
Cryptantha jamesii | [66] | |
Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] | |
Cryptantha thyrsiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha virgata | [63] | |
Cryptantha virginiensis | [63] | |
Heliotropium keralense | [133] | |
Heliotropium transalpinum | [144] | |
Lappula myostis | [35] | |
Lappula spinocarpas | [40] | |
Lithospermum erythrorhizon | [155] | |
Mertensia ciliate | [157] | |
Onosma alborosea | [161] | |
Onosma arenaria pennina | [161] | |
Pulmonaria obscura | [168] | |
Symphytum peregrinum | [27] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
Trichodesma africanum | [71] | |
Lactodine | Cynoglossum furcatum | [76,187] |
Lasiocarpine | Heliotropium arbainense | [71] |
Heliotropium bovei | [110] | |
Heliotropium circinatum | [114] | |
Heliotropium digynum | [121] | |
Heliotropium eichwaldii | [124] | |
Heliotropium europaeum | [126,127,186] | |
Heliotropium hirsutissimum | [129] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [130,131] | |
Heliotropium lasiocarpum | [29] | |
Heliotropium marifolium | [29] | |
Heliotropium maris mortui | [137] | |
Heliotropium rotundifolium | [137,138] | |
Heliotropium suaveolens | [29] | |
Lappula intrmedia | [27] | |
Symphytum caucasium | [174] | |
Symphytum officinale | [177] | |
Latifoline | Cryptantha fendleri | [63] |
Cynoglossum latifolium | [79] | |
Hackelia californica | [101] | |
Hackelia floribunda | [103] | |
Hackelia longituba | [104] | |
Lindelofia stylosa | [27] | |
9-Latifolylretronecine | Hackelia californica | [101] |
Leptanthine | Cryptantha crassipes | [64] |
Echium plantagineum | [93] | |
Echium vulgare | [11] | |
Onosma leptantha | [166] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [167] | |
Lindelofine | Amsickia menzesii var. intermedia | [42] |
Amsickia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] | |
Amsickia spectabilis var. spectabilis | [42] | |
Amsickia spectabilis var. nicola | [42] | |
Lindelofia anchusoides (L. macrostyle) | [28] | |
Rindera umbellata | [169] | |
Lindelofamine | Lindelofia anchusoides (L. macrostyle) | [28] |
Lindelofidine | Heliotropium angiospermum | [106] |
Heliotropium confertifolum | [106] | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | [106] | |
Heliotropium foliosissimum | [106] | |
Heliotropium fruticosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium gregii | [106] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium molle | [106] | |
Heliotropium procumbens | [106] | |
Heliotropium queretaroanum | [106] | |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [116] | |
Heliotropium sessei | [106] | |
Heliotropium racemosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium ternatum | [106] | |
Heliotropium wigginsii | [106] | |
Lithosenine | Lithospermum officinale | [156] |
Longitubine | Hackelia californica | [101] |
Hackelia logituba | [104] | |
Lycopsamine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia douglasiana | [42] | |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] | |
Amsinckia furacata | [42] | |
Amsinckia grandiflora | [42] | |
Amsinckia hispida | [44] | |
Amsinckia intermedia | [44] | |
Amsinckia lunaris | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [42,44] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides × menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii | [45] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. spectabilis | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. nicolai | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata | [46] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. gloriosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata | [42] | |
Amsinckia vernicosa | [42] | |
Anchusa arvensis (Lycopsis arvensis) | [40] | |
Anchusa hispidia (Gastrocotyle hispidia) | [40] | |
Anchusa officinalis | [48] | |
Arnebia decumbens | [52] | |
Borago officinalis | [55] | |
Cerinthe glabra | [59] | |
Cerinthe minor | [61] | |
Cryptantha cana | [63] | |
Cryptantha confertiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha flava | [63] | |
Cryptantha inequata | [65] | |
Cryptantha jamesii | [66] | |
Cryptantha thyrsiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha virgata | [63] | |
Cryptantha virginiensis | [63] | |
Cynoglossum amabile | [67] | |
Echium hypertropicum | [92] | |
Heliotropium transalpinum | [144] | |
Heliotropium megalanthum | [134] | |
Heliotropium steudneri | [27] | |
Lappula myostis | [35] | |
Lappula spinocarpas | [40] | |
Lithospermum purpureocoeruleum | [60] | |
Mertensia bakeri | [157] | |
Mertensia ciliate | [157] | |
Mertensia sibirica | [28] | |
Neatostema apulum | [60] | |
Onosma alborosea | [161] | |
Onosma arenaria pennina | [161] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [167] | |
Pulmonaria obscura | [168] | |
Symphytum bohemium | [173] | |
Symphytum grandiflorum | [176] | |
Symphytum ibericum | [176] | |
Symphytum peregrinum | [27] | |
Symphytum officinale | [171,177] | |
Symphytum tanaiense | [173] | |
Symphytum tuberosum | [162,176] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
Trichodesma africanum | [71] | |
Macrophylline | Cordia myxa | [62] |
Macrotamine | Macrotomia echioides | [28] |
Megalanthonine | Heliotropium megalanthum | [134] |
Methyechiuplatine | Cryptantha inequata | [65] |
1-Methylene-8α-pyrrolizidine | Onosma heterophyllum | [165] |
7-(2-Methylbutyryl)retronecine | Echium humile | [91] |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
9-(2-Methylbutyryl)retronecine | Echium vulgare | [96] |
7-(2-Methylbutyryl)-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine | Echium humile | [91] |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
7-(2-Methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinyl retronecine | Echium humile | [91] |
Echium hypertropicum | [92] | |
Echium stenosiphon subsp. stenosiphon | [92] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Monocrotaline | Arnebia hispidissima | [54] |
Lindelofia spectabilis | [124] | |
Myoscorpine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] | |
Echium pininana | [95] | |
Linelfolia erythrorhizon | [155] | |
Myosotis scorpioides | [159] | |
Neocoromandaline | Cynoglossum furcatum | [74] |
Neolatifoline | Cryptantha fendleri | [63] |
Hackelia logituba | [104] | |
Onosmerectine | Onosma erecta | [69] |
(7S,8R)Petranine | Echium glomeratum | [89] |
(7S,8S)Petranine | Echium glomeratum | [89] |
Pictumine | Cynoglossum pictum | [28] |
Platynecine | Cryptantha leiocarpa | [63] |
Platynecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanosyl ester | Anchusa strigosa | [50,51] |
Punctanecine | Rindera umbellata | [169] |
Pycnanthine | Echium humile | [91] |
Retronecine | Anchusa hispida (Gastrocotyle hispida) | [40] |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Heliotropium angiospermum | [106] | |
Heliotropium confertifolum | [106] | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium foliosissimum | [106] | |
Heliotropium fruticosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium gregii | [106] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium keralense | [133] | |
Heliotropium molle | [106] | |
Heliotropium ovalifolium | [136] | |
Heliotropium procumbens | [106] | |
Heliotropium queretaroanum | [106] | |
Heliotropium racemosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium scabrum | [139] | |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium sessei | [106] | |
Heliotropium ternatum | [106] | |
Heliotropium wigginsii | [106] | |
Lappula spinocarpos | [40] | |
Trichodesma africanum | [40] | |
Retronecine-7:9- dibenzoate | Caccinea glauca | [58] |
Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanosyl ester | Anchusa strigosa | [50,51] |
Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1R-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanosyl ester | Anchusa strigosa | [50,51] |
Rinderine | Anchusa milleri | [40] |
Arnebia decumbens | [52] | |
Cynoglossum columnae | [69] | |
Cynoglossum creticum | [70,72] | |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67,84] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [130,131] | |
Heliotropium peruvianum | [29] | |
Heliotropium transalpinum | [144] | |
Paracaryum intermedium | [40] | |
Paracaryum regulosum | [40] | |
Rindera austroechinata | [57] | |
Rindera baldschuanica | [152] | |
Solanthus turkestanicus | [150] | |
Scorpioidine | Myosotis scorpioides | [159] |
7-Senecioylhelotridine | Cynoglossum creticum | [70] |
Paracarum intermedium | [40] | |
7-Senecioylretronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Echium hypertropicum | [92] | |
Echium humile | [91] | |
9-Senecioylretronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Echium humile | [91] | |
7-Senecioylrinderine | Paracaryum intermedium | [40] |
7-Senecioyllycopsamine | Echium humile | [91] |
Sincamidine | Amsinckia intermedia | [44] |
Senkirkine | Trichodesma ehrenbergii | [54] |
Strigosine | Heliotopium strigosum | [25,141] |
Subulacine | Heliotopium angiospermum | [29] |
Heliotopium molle | [29] | |
Heliotopium subulacatum | [29] | |
Heliotopium ternatum | [27] | |
Heliotopium transalpinum var. transalpinum | [145] | |
Supinine | Amsinckia carinata | [42] |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] | |
Amsinckia furacata | [42] | |
Amsinckia lunaris | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [42,44] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides × menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. spectabilis | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. nicolai | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellate var. gloriosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellate var. tessellate | [42] | |
Anchusa arvensis (Lycopsis arvensis) | [40] | |
Anchusa melleri | [40] | |
Arnebia decumbens | [52] | |
Borago officinalis | [55] | |
Caccina crassifolia | [57] | |
Cerinthe glabra | [59] | |
Cynoglossum amabile | [67] | |
Cynoglossum creticum | [70] | |
Heliotropium bacciferum | [109] | |
Heliotropium europaeum | [127] | |
Heliotropium hirsutissimum | [129] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [130,131] | |
Heliotropium supinum | [27,143] | |
Heliotropium transalpinum | [144] | |
Lappula spinocarpos | [40] | |
Tournefortia samentosa | [28] | |
Trichodesma ehrenbergii | [54] | |
Trichodesma zeylanicum | [182] | |
Supinidine | Heliotropium angiospermum | [106] |
Heliotropium confertifolum | [106] | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium foliosissimum | [106] | |
Heliotropium fruticosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium gregii | [106] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium molle | [106] | |
Heliotropium procumbens | [106] | |
Heliotropium queretaroanum | [106] | |
Heliotropium racemosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium sessei | [106] | |
Heliotropium wigginsii | [106] | |
Supinidine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | Anchusa strigosa | [50,51] |
Symlandine | Amsinckia menziesii var. inermedia | [42] |
Echium sericeum | [54] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
Symphytine | Myosotis scorpioides | [159] |
Symphytum asperum | [171] | |
Symphytum bohemium | [173] | |
Symphytum consolidum | [175] | |
Symphytum grandiflorum | [176] | |
Symphytum ibericum | [176] | |
Symphytum officinale | [171,177,178,179] | |
Symphytum orientale | [28] | |
Symphytum peregrinum | [27] | |
Symphytum tanaiense | [173] | |
Symphytum tuberosum | [28,176] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
Symviridine | Symphytum asperum | [172] |
Symphytum officinale | [172,177] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [172] | |
Tessellatine | Amsinckia douglasiana | [42] |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | [42] | |
Amsinckia furacata | [42] | |
Amsinckia grandiflora | [42] | |
Amsinckia lunaris | [42] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | [42,44] | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides × menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | [42] | |
Amsinckia retrosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. microcarpa | [42] | |
Amsinckia spectabilis var. nicolai | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellate var. gloriosa | [42] | |
Amsinckia tessellate var. tessellate | [42] | |
Cryptantha confertiflora | [63] | |
Cryptantha virginiensis | [63] | |
Thesinine | Borago officinalis | [56] |
Thesinine-4'-O-β-D-glucoside | Borago officinalis | [56] |
7-Tigloyl-9-(2-deoxy-2-methyl)echimidinylheliotridinEchium | Cynoglossum columnae | [69] |
7-Tigloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine | Echium horridum | [90] |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
7-Tigloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl)retronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tincotoria | [40] | |
7-Tigloylheliotridine | Cynoglossum officinale | [67] |
7-Tigloyllycopsamine | Echium horridum | [90] |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
7-Tigloyl-9-(2-methybutyryl)retronecine | Echium horridum | [90] |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
7-Tigloylretronecine | Alkanna tinctoria | [40] |
Arnebia decumbens | [40] | |
Echium amoenum | [87] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
9-Tigloylretronecine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tincotoria | [40] | |
Arnebia decumbens | [52] | |
Echium horridum | [90] | |
Echium rauwolfii | [90] | |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Trachelanthamidine | Heliotropium angiospermum | [106] |
Heliotropium confertifolum | [106] | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | [106,116,118] | |
Heliotropium foliosissimum | [106] | |
Heliotropium fruticosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium gregii | [106] | |
Heliotropium indicum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium molle | [106] | |
Heliotropium procumbens | [106] | |
Heliotropium queretaroanum | [106] | |
Heliotropium racemosum | [106] | |
Heliotropium sessei | [106] | |
Heliotropium spathulatum | [106,116] | |
Heliotropium strigosa | [25] | |
Heliotropium wigginsii | [106] | |
Trachelanthamine | Anchusa hispida | [40] |
Cynoglossum clandestinum | [60] | |
Cynoglossum creticum | [70] | |
Cynoglossum officinale | [67] | |
Lappula spinocarpos | [40] | |
Myosotis sylvatica | [25] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [167] | |
Rindera balaschuanica | [152] | |
R. echinata | [120] | |
Trachelanthus hissaricus | [29] | |
Trachelanthus korolkovii | [57,150] | |
Trachelanthine | Trachelanthus hissaricus | [29] |
Trachelanthus korolkovii | [150] | |
7-Trachelanthyl-laburnine | Rindera umbellata | [169] |
7-Trachelanthylretronecine | Amsinckia vernicosa | [42] |
Transalpinecine | Heliotropium transalpinum var. transalpinum | [145] |
Triangularine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tinctoria | [40] | |
Triangularicine | Alkanna orientalis | [40] |
Alkanna tinctoria | [40] | |
Trichodesmine | Heliotropium arguzioides | [28] |
Trichodesma africanum | [40,181] | |
T. incanum | [46] | |
Turkestanine | Rindera baldschuanica | [152] |
Rindera oblongifolia | [152] | |
Solenanthus turkestanicus | [135,150] | |
Uplandicine | Echium rauwolfii | [90] |
Echium setosum | [96] | |
Echium vulgare | [96] | |
Onosma arenaria | [163] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [167] | |
Symphytum × uplandicum | [180] | |
Uluganine | Ulugbekia tshimganica | [183] |
Viridantine | Cynoglossum furcatum | [76,187] |
Onosma erecta | [69] | |
Viridiflorine | Anchusa milleri | [40] |
Cynoglossum germanicum | [77] | |
Cynoglossum officinale | [40,84] | |
Cynoglossum viridiforum | [97] | |
Lappula spinocarpus | [40] | |
Lindelofia olgae | [150] | |
Lindelofia pterocarpa | [151] | |
Lindelofia stylosa | [135] | |
Lindelofia tschimganic | [152] | |
Paracaryum intermedium | [40] | |
Paracaryum regulosum | [40] | |
Symphytum officinale | [179] | |
Trachelanthus hissricus | [29] | |
Trichodesma africanum | [40] | |
7-Viridiflorylretronecine | Echium tuberculatum | [60] |
Eritrichium rupestre | [60] | |
Nonnea lutea | [60] | |
Nonnea setosa | [60] | |
Onosma stellulatum | [60] | |
Vulgarine | Echium vulgare | [11] |
2. Phytochemical Analysis of PAs
2.1. Mass Spectrometry
No. | Alkaloid | RI | [M]+ | Characteristic ions m/z (relative abundance) | References |
1 | 3'-Acetylcanescine | - | 441 | 441(0.7), 426(2.6), 355(2.4), 255(6.3), 238(62.4), 220(18.3), 180(39), 136(47), 120(100), 93(74), 80(20). | [154] |
2 | 3'- Acetylcanescenine | - | 441 | 441(1.2), 426(2.4), 398(1.6), 355(1.2), 255(5.7), 238(58.2), 220(20.3), 180(44.3), 136(43.4), 120(100), 93(80.3), 80(22.1). | [154] |
3 | 7-Acetyl-9-curassavoylheliotridine | 2275 | 355 | 295(0.1), 268(0.2), 198(8), 181(36), 180(100), 136(22), 121(26), 120(84), 119(12), 95(15), 93(35), 80(17), 67(10), 57(12), 45(9), 43(48). | [40] |
4 | 7-Acetyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutryl) retronecine | 2092 | 299 | 239(3), 181(20), 180(100), 136(20), 120(59), 101(20), 94(32), 93(73), 80(12), 67(5), 55(5), 43(15). | [163] |
5 | 7-Acetyl-9-(2,3-dimethylbutryl) retronecine | 1947** | 295 | 235(8), 180(100), 136(20), 120(36), 101(30), 94(30), 93(65), 80(8), 43(42). | [163] |
6 | 3'-Acetylechinatine | 2220 | 341 | 326(0.1), 298(1), 255(2), 254(2), 181(2), 156(4), 139(21), 138(100), 137(10), 136(10), 120(6), 99(6), 94(20), 93(71), 80(8), 67(5), 43(22). | [84] |
7 | 7-Acetylechinatine | 2235 | 341 | 341(0.1), 281(2), 198(6), 181(39), 180(100), 136(18), 121(35), 120(70), 119(28), 101(9), 94(18), 93(55), 80(7), 43(33). | [67] |
8 | 3'-Acetylechiumine | 2245* | 423 | 423(2), 380(3), 338(3), 337(6), 336(3), 323(2), 280(3), 263(3), 256(2), 238(5), 237(6), 221(34), 220(100), 219(15), 159(5), 141(19), 138(12), 136(54), 121(20), 120(76), 119(34), 106(12), 94(42), 93(56), 83(27), 80(15), 59(3), 55(34), 53(17). | [42] |
9 | 3'-Acetylechimidine | 2640 | 439 | 439(0.1), 424(0.1), 322(1), 238(2), 221(25), 220(100), 219(3), 138(5), 137(6), 136(49), 121(8), 120(61), 119(28), 106(6(, 94(24), 93(46), 83(14), 59(11), 55(13). | [91] |
10 | 5'-Acetyleuropine | - | 371 | 156(18), 138(100), 94(36), 93(75), 59(74). | [138] |
11 | 7-Acetyleuropine | - | 371 | 371(2.7), 356(1), 311(3), 282(5), 180(100), 120(72), 93(65), 80(17), 59(95). | [110] |
12 | 3'-Acetylfurcatine | 3188* | 425 | 223(28), 222(100), 143(10), 136(36), 121(15), 120(82), 94(27), 93(61), 85(21), 80(7), 57(63). | [42] |
13 | 3'-Acetylheliosupine | 2640 | 439 | 424 (0.1), 321(1), 221 (28), 220(100), 141 (10), 138(4), 137(5), 136 (45), 121(14), 120 (89), 119(82), 106(7), 94 (21), 93(40), 83(11), 80(5), 59(8), 55(11), 43(22). | [67] |
14 | 7-Acetyl-9-(2-hydroxy-3-methylbutryl) retronecine | 2024** | 297 | 237(5), 180(100), 136(25), 120(52), 119(20), 101(25), 94(45), 93(95), 80(15), 43(35). | [163] |
15 | 3'-Acetylindicine | 2195 | 341 | 341(2), 255(2), 181(5), 138(100), 93(48), 43(10). | [158] |
16 | 3'-Acetylintermedine | 2255 | 341 | 341(5), 298 (4), 255 (16), 139(20),138(100), 137 (12),136 (12), 94 (30), 93 (71), 80 (10), 43 (21). | [40] |
17 | 7-Acetylintermedine | 2220 | 341 | 296(4), 281(3), 181(40), 180(100), 136(25), 121(30), 120(78), 119(15), 101(19), 95(10), 94(30), 93(73), 80(11), 43(40). | [40] |
18 | 5'-Acetyllasiocarpine | - | 453 | 363, 335, 321, 263, 220(100), 141, 136, 121, 120, 119, 106, 94, 93, 83, 80. | [186] |
19 | 3'-Acetyllithosenine | - | 457 | 457(0.78), 442(2), 339(1), 255(2), 238(100), 237(5), 222(10), 220(25), 138(30), 137(8), 136(49), 121(36), 120(75), 119(36), 95(9), 94(34), 93(57), 80(12). | [156] |
20 | 3'-Acetyllycopsamine | 2255 | 341 | 341(5), 298(4), 255(16), 139(20), 138(100), 137(12), 136(12), 94 (30), 93(71), 80 (10), 43(21). | [40] |
21 | 7-Acetyllycopsamine | 2230 | 341 | 341(1), 296(4), 281(3), 181(32), 180(100), 136(20), 121(35), 120(70), 119(11), 101 (19), 95(10), 94 (28), 93(61), 80(10), 43(36). | [91] |
22 | 7-Acetyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl) retronecine | 1914** | 281 | 221(12), 195(5), 180(100), 136(25), 120(42), 119(15), 101(35), 94(45), 93(80), 80(13), 67(100), 57(18), 53(5), 43(23). | [163] |
23 | 3'-Acetylmyscorpine | 3290* | 423 | 221(30), 220(100), 136(47), 120(67), 119(35), 94(39), 93(51), 83(32), 80(19), 55(39). | [42] |
24 | 7-Acetylretronecine | 1532** | 197 | 180(3), 137(12), 111(40), 106(30), 94(20), 80(100), 68(3), 43(30). | [163] |
25 | 3'-Acetylrinderine | 2222 | 341 | 326(0.1), 298(1), 255(1), 254(0.5), 181(5), 156(5), 139(30), 138(100), 137(17), 136(17), 120(10), 99(10), 95(9), 94(35), 93(95), 80(13), 67(9), 43(36). | [70] |
26 | 7-Acetyl-9-(sarracinoyl) retronecine | 2125 | 295 | 235(1), 197(32), 196(10), 181(8), 180(55), 179(15), 136(34), 121(12), 120(42), 119 (20), 101(19), 94(40), 93100), 80(15), 67(6), 53(9), 43(20). | [40] |
27 | 7-Acetylscorpioidine | - | 423 | 423(0.8), 181(23), 180(92), 179(17), 136(23), 121(10), 120(57), 119(45), 95(6), 94(35), 93(57), 83(100), 80(15), 55(39), 43(30). | [159] |
28 | 3'-Acetylsupinine | 2080** | 325 | 284(.02), 299(10), 136(10), 122(100), 120(48), 108(13), 101(13), 93(50), 80(13), 70(9), 53(6), 43(15). | [163] |
29 | 3'-Acetyltessellatine | 3064* | 341 | 341(41), 324(10), 323(10), 299(2), 280(8), 255(2), 254(4), 248(2), 238(2), 237(5), 236(17), 198(8), 181(4), 180(2), 156(7), 154(12), 138(22), 137(28), 136(27), 124(23), 120(63), 111(66), 108(30), 106(61), 99(17), 94(35), 93(14), 80(100), 55(10), 53(10). | [42] |
30 | 9-Acetytessellatine | 2962* | 341 | 341(7), 299(6), 282(11), 281(15), 248(3), 238(15), 237(16), 236(14), 198(18), 181(12), 180(10), 179(9), 153(13), 138(49), 136(45), 121(26), 120(100), 119(32), 108(11), 106(12), 94(52), 93(89), 80(28), 53(11). | [42] |
31 | 3'-Acetyltrachelanthamine | - | 327 | 327(1), 284(2), 240(6), 184(6), 142(27), 125(38), 124(100), 84(14), 83(59), 82(54). | [128] |
32 | 9-Acetyltrachelanthamidine | 1395 | 183 | 140(8), 125(8), 124(100), 110(5), 95(10), 83(50), 82 (27), 55(23). | [40] |
33 | 3'-Acetylviridiflorine | 2767* | 327 | 327(3), 284(6), 268(2), 267(2), 241(5), 240(9), 225(4), 184(4), 159(2), 142(21), 140(4), 125(17), 124(100), 83(14), 82(12), 55(19). | [42] |
34 | 9-(3'-Acetylviridifloryl) retronecine | - | 341 | 341(4.7), 255(3), 182(5), 157(4), 138(100), 120(10), 93(92), 85(4), 83(20), 80(16), 43(38). | [119] |
35 | 9-(3'-Acetyl)viridifloryl turneforcidine (or isomer) | 3050* | 343 | 343(5), 325(4), 300(12), 299(5), 257(14), 256(50), 212(13), 200(15), 197(14), 159(10), 158(36), 141(19), 140(30), 138(16), 122(21), 120(33), 117(10), 106(12), 96(44), 95(90), 83(11), 82(100), 69(17), 55(32). | [42] |
36 | 7- Acetylvulgarine | - | 439 | 440(M++ 1), 422(40), 380(15), 358(5), 340(65), 296(42), 282(85), 180(100). | [11] |
37 | Amabiline | 1985, 2652* | 283 | 383(1), 140(8), 123 (30), 122(100), 121(46), 120(51), 108(17), 93(25), 80(13), 70 (17), 53(7), 45(6), 43(19). | [67] |
38 | Anadoline | - | 381 | 381(6), 204(6), 167(6), 149(23), 139(22), 138(93), 137(45), 136(33), 120(17), 119(17), 118(13), 117(18), 111(12), 109(15), 100915), 97(17), 95(27), 94(55), 93(88), 85(25), 83(100), 82(17), 81(27), 80(27), 73(14), 71(37), 70(17), 67(27), 57(73), 56(17), 55(83), 54(13), 53(20). | [202] |
39 | 7α-Angeloyl-1-chloromethy-1,2-dihydropyrrolizidine | 1815 | 255 | 220(40), 172(15), 155(45), 136(23), 130(24), 129(32), 128(63), 121(11), 120(94), 119 (24), 106(30), 94 (100), 93(20), 83(20), 80(17), 67(8), 55(35). | [70] |
40 | 7-Angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)heliotridine | 2333 | 339 | 339(1), 324(1), 294(1), 239(6), 222(25), 221(25), 220(65), 219(8), 138 (20), 137(10), 136(81), 121(24), 120(100), 119(85), 106(15), 94(50), 93(85), 83(24), 80(18), 75(2), 57(10), 55(25), 45(10). | [67] |
41 | 7-Angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine | 2315 | 339 | 339(1), 239(5), 238(5), 237(5), 221(25), 220(99), 219(15), 141(20), 138(10), 137(11), 136 (100), 121(15), 120(83), 119(34), 106(10), 94(55), 93(95), 83(41), 80(20), 75(2), 57(10), 55(40), 45(10). | [96] |
42 | 7-Angeloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl)retronecine | 2300 | 325 | 294(0.5), 237(5), 255(9), 221(10), 220(67), 219(16), 141(22), 138(5), 137(11), 136(100), 121(11), 120(57), 119(40), 106(10), 94(62), 93(95), 83(37), 80(17), 55(32). | [40] |
43 | 7-Angeloyl-1-formyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizidine | 1920 | 233 | 215(3), 150(100), 134(92), 133(35), 122(4), 106(15), 105(38), 104(15), 83(10), 79(16), 55(20). 46 | [67] |
44 | 7-Angeloyl-9-(hydroxypropenoyl)retronecine | 2053 | 307 | 221(13), 220(95), 207(24), 181(8), 141(30), 137(10), 136(100), 120(53), 119 (24), 106(10), 94(63), 93(77), 83(43), 80(21), 67(9), 55(41), 43 (26). | [40] |
45 | 7-Angeloylechinatine | 2467 | 381 | 336(2), 281(1), 238(11), 221(42), 220(86), 141(11), 138(11), 137(9), 136(55), 121(78), 120(100), 119(60), 117(4), 106(9), 99(3), 94 (30), 93(52), 83(17), 80(10), 55(17), 45(8), 43(21). | [67] |
46 | 7-Angeloylheliotridine | 1820 | 237 | 219(1), 154(2), 137(42), 136(20), 124(25), 111(35), 106(86), 94(25), 83(10), 80(100), 68(10), 55(20). | [70] |
47 | 7-Angeloylheliotine | - | 395 | 395(5), 295(7), 220(100), 136(57), 120(80), 119(70), 93(43), 83(34), 59(55), 43(18). | [127] |
48 | 7-Angeloyllycopsamine | 2460* | 381 | 381(0.1), 336(0.9), 281(0.5), 238(0.5), 220(100), 136(65), 121(40), 120(90), 94(40), 93(85), 83(50), 80(15), 55(48). | [90] |
49 | 7-Angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)heliotridine | 2180 | 321 | 321(0.5), 221(43), 220 (70), 195(5), 141(26), 138(4), 137(9), 136(85), 121(13), 120(100), 119(65), 106(13), 94(59), 93(71), 83 (23), 80(15), 67(4), 57(27), 55(30). | [67] |
50 | 7-Angeloyl-9-(2-methylbutyryl)retronecine | 2155 | 321 | 221(35), 220(100), 195(5), 141 (25), 138(3), 137(9), 136(90), 121(6), 120(53), 119(20), 106(8), 94(50), 93(70), 83(35), 80(15), 57(20), 55(35). | [96] |
51 | 7-Angeloylretronecine | 1787 | 237 | 237(2), 219 (3), 204(0.5), 191(1), 154(2), 138(5), 137(23), 136(18), 124(23), 111(38), 106(40), 94(20), 93(6), 83(11), 80(100), 55(22). | [96] |
52 | 9-Angeloylretronecine | 1797 | 237 | 237(1), 219(0.5), 193(3), 154(16), 138(32), 137(25), 136(10), 126(7), 120(2), 108(2), 94(25), 93(100), 83(8), 80(10), 55(13). | [96] |
53 | 7-Angeloylrinderine | 2465 | 381 | 381(0.1), 336(2), 281(1), 238(10), 221(34), 220(80), 141(11), 138(10), 137(9), 136(53), 121(70), 120(100), 119(59), 117(4), 106(10), 94(28), 93(50), 83(15), 80(10), 55(17), 45(8), 43(25). | [67] |
54 | 9-Angeloyltrachelamthamidine | 1700 | 223 | 140(1), 125 (30), 124(100), 123(20), 122(15), 110(4), 95(13), 83(45), 82(16), 70(6), 55(27). | [40] |
55 | 9-Angeloyl-7-viridiflorylretronecine | - | 381 | 220(8.3), 138(7.3), 137(9.8), 136(9.9), 120(28.6), 117(50), 106(29), 94(34), 93(23.1), 91(34.6), 79(40.8), 67(39.6), 64(81.8), 60(31), 58(57), 57(85), 55(100). | [60] |
56 | Asperumine | - | 397 | 380, 336, 220, 138, 120. | [203] |
57 | 9-(Butyryl-2-ene) supinidine | 1674** | 207 | 180(5), 159(7), 157(7), 122(100), 121(6), 120(23), 108(6), 93(15), 80(17), 71(25), 57(7), 53(11), 45(11), 43(14). | [163] |
58 | Canescine | - | 399 | 399(0.4), 384(4), 355(1), 338(0.3), 256(10), 238(66), 220(21), 180(11.6), 136(42), 120(100), 93(65), 80(20). | [154] |
59 | Canescenine | - | 399 | 399(0.1), 384(1.6), 355(0.4), 338(0.3), 256(9.6), 238(67.5), 220(20.6), 180(14.7), 136(45.1), 120(100), 93(61.6), 80(20.2). | [154] |
60 | Coromandaline | - | 285 | 285(2), 267(7), 241(3), 240(9), 142(65), 125(23), 124(100), 83(28), 82(18). | [140] |
61 | Coromandalinine | - | 283 | 283(0.8), 239(0.4), 238(0.3), 140(7), 123(27), 122(100), 121(35), 120(40), 108(13), 94(8), 93(20.5), | [140] |
62 | Cryptanthine | 353 | 354[M++1](1), 272(2), 254(3), 238(2), 138(2), 120(100), 118(2). | [65] | |
63 | Curassanecine | - | 157 | 126(14), 98(10), 83(100) 82(23). | [117] |
64 | Curassavine | - | 299 | 299(0.7), 281(1.4), 255(2.6), 254(5), 142(80), 125(27), 124(100). | [140] |
65 | Curassavinine | - | 297 | 297(0.3), 253(0.1), 252(0.1), 241(0.1), 239(0.1), 140(8), 123(31), 122(100), 121(44), 120(41), 108(13), 94(6.4), 93(20). | [140] |
66 | 9-Curassavoylheliotridine | 2190 | 313 | 295(2), 269(0.5), 268(0.5), 251(0.5), 226(0.9), 156(8), 139(35), 138(100), 120(15), 111(9), 106(8), 95(25), 94(64), 93(80), 80(28), 67(13), 57(11), 45(8), 43(25). | [40] |
67 | Cynaustine | - | 283 | C15H25NO4, 122(100). | [68] |
68 | Cynaustraline (or stereoisomer) | 2682* | 285 | 285(2), 267(4), 252(5), 242(1), 241(1), 240(3), 226(1), 142(34), 125(15), 124(100), 83(24), 82(14), 55(25). | [42] |
69 | Cynoglossamine | - | 445 | 147(100), 138(27), 119(17), 93(23). | [138] |
70 | 5-Deoxylasiocarpine | - | 395 | 396[M + H] + (2), 295(5.5), 363(1), 220(80), 120(83), 93(68), 83(32). | [123] |
71/72 | 3',7-Diacetylintermedine/3',7-Diacetyllycopsamine | 2340 | 383 | 340(5), 297(10), 296(10), 181(22), 180(100), 136(18), 121(8), 120(47), 119(20), 101(10), 99(10), 94(18), 93(47), 80(5), 43(30). | [40] |
73 | 3',9-Diacetyltessellatine | 3090* | 383 | 383(2), 342, 341(37)(7), 324(21), 323(10), 297(8), 296(6), 280(10), 238(2), 237(6), 236(18), 198(10), 181(7), 180(4), 179(8), 154(14), 153(22), 138(20), 136(49), 121(18), 120(100), 119(55), 108(12), 106(19), 99(13), 94(37), 93(82), 80(25), 53(11). | [42] |
74 | 5,6-Dihydro-7,9-dimethoxy-7H-pyrrolizine | 1415** | 181 | 150(90), 134(5), 120(100), 119(35), 106(12), 91(3), 79(5). | [163] |
75 | Dihydroechinatine | - | 301 | MS2, 284, 258, 240, 140, 122, 96. | [167] |
76 | thero-2'',3''-Dihydroxyechiumine | - | 415 | 415(0.5), 371(2), 254(56), 210(26), 166(5), 138(30), 136(37), 120(100), 93(70). | [63] |
77 | Dihydroxytriangularine | 2525 | 369 | 338(1), 324 (2), 269(30), 252(30), 237(40), 221(25), 220(100), 219(10), 141(20), 138(8), 137(10), 136(80), 121(20), 120(80), 119(30), 106 (8), 95 (9), 94 (45), 93(81), 83(39), 80(10), 55(28). | [40] |
78 | Dihydroxytriangularicine | 2525 | 369 | 338(0.1), 324 (0.1), 269(4), 252(4), 237(5), 221(24), 220(100), 219(3), 141(28), 138(6), 137(8), 136(67), 121(24), 120(75), 119(35), 106(8), 95(8), 94(47), 93(90), 83(41), 80(11), 55(24). | [40] |
79 | Echihumiline | 2578 | 397 | 397(0.1), 382 (0.2), 352 (0.1), 338(0.1), 321 (0.1), 297 (2), 238 (2), 221 (20), 220 (100), 219 (4), 138 (6), 137 (6), 136 (40), 121 (15), 120 (39), 119 (16), 106 (4), 94 (20), 93 (30), 83 (36), 80 (6), 59 (5), 55 (6). | [91] |
80 | Echimidine | 2560 | 397 | 397(0.1), 382 (0.1), 352 (0.1), 297(2), 221(21), 220(100), 219(5), 138(5), 137(6), 136(48), 121(26), 120(75), 119(30), 106(5), 94(30), 93 (61), 83(39), 80(10), 59(10), 55(25), 43(18). | [96] |
81 | Echimidine isomer (tigloyl) | 2580 | 397 | 397(0.1), 382 (0.1), 297(2), 238(3), 221(21), 220(100), 219(3), 138(5), 137(6), 136(48), 121(28), 120(62), 119(23), 106(5), 94(28), 93 (46), 83(30), 80(10), 59(10), 55(20), 43(18). | [96] |
82 | Echinatine | 2175 | 299 | 284(0.1), 254(1), 156(10), 139(30), 138 (100), 137(7), 136(4), 95(9), 94(25), 93 (46), 80(7), 67(5), 53(3), 43(12). | [70] |
83 | Echiumine | 3178* | 381 | 381(0.4), 338(1), 337(1), 336(1), 281(2), 255(1), 238(9), 237(2), 221(35), 220(100), 141(16), 138(8), 136(47), 121(32), 120(69), 119(20), 106(7), 94(39), 93(50), 83(28), 80(17), 59(1), 55(37), 53(9). | [42] |
84 | Echiuplatine | 381 | 383[M++1](3), 382(68), 365(1), 364(1), 322(2), 320(24), 300(5), 282(7), 280(1), 238(4), 220(51), 138(2), 120(100), 118(2). | [65] | |
85 | Echiupinine | - | 381 | 381(0.3), 337(1), 336(1), 282(0.2), 281(2), 212(38), 220(100), 136(43), 121(33), 120(55), 119(19), 118(18), 117(14), 103(16), 94(24), 93(47), | [95] |
86 | Echivulgarine | - | 479 | 480(M++ 1), 462(35), 418(10), 398(10), 380(90), 336(40), 322(100), 220(70). | [11] |
87 | Ehretinine | - | 275 | 275, 140(100), 123, 97. | [100] |
88 | 2'',3''-Epoxyechiumine | - | 397 | 254(9), 237(33), 236(100), 164(17), 157(4), 138(4), 136(19), 121(24), 120(25), 94(27), 93(44), 80(12), 71(4), 43(30). | [63] |
89 | Erythro-2'',3''-chloro-2''-hydroxyechiumine | - | 435 | 435(0.5), 274(37), 273(32), 272(92), 254(10), 236(13), 208(9), 138(10), 136(25), 121(26), 120(100), 94(32), 93(45), 80919), 71(19). | [63] |
90 | 1α-2α-Epoxy-1β-hydroxymethyl-8α-pyrrolizidine | - | 155 | 126(4), 124(13), 96(10), 80(4), 71(50, 70(100), 68(10), 67(5), 56(6), 55(65). | [106] |
91 | Europine | 2217 | 329 | 314(1), 256(5), 240(25), 239(20), 156(10), 139(20), 138(100), 120(5), 94(20), 93(50), 80(10), 67(4), 59(20), 43(5). | [52] |
92 | Floridanine | - | 441 | 426, 397, 382, 168, 152, 151(100), 150, 149, 123, 122, 110, 96, 94. | [62,204] |
93 | Floridimine | - | 301 | 301(1), 239(8), 226(7), 142(36), 124(100), 95(12), 94(10), 83(55), 55(23). | [128] |
94 | Floridine | - | 343 | 343(1), 328(2), 284(1), 240(2), 239(3), 225(10), 142(8), 124(100), 83(27). | [128] |
95 | Floridinine | - | 301 | 301(1), 242(5), 239(7), 226(5), 167(1), 142(46), 125(19), 124(100), 122(8), 110(6), 96(8), 95(7), 83(36), 82(24), 70(12), 59(12). | [128] |
96 | Furcatine | 3138* | 383 | 383(0.2), 339(1), 281(1), 240(6), 223(35), 222(100), 143(18), 136(33), 121(27), 120(75), 119(21), 94(44), 93(65), 85(13), 80(19), 74(8), 73(5), 60(1), 57(46). | [42] |
97 | Heleurine | 1970 | 297 | 239(1), 198(3), 181(6), 140(15), 131(6), 123(30), 122(100), 120(60), 119(70), 108(16), 93(17), 80(10), 70(11), 59(26). | [109] |
98 | Helibracteatine | - | 255 | 255(0.5), 238(6), 237(1), 224(9), 156(43.4), 155(45.5), 138(16.3), 122(2.3), 111(99.7), 99(31), 98(100), 82(35). | [112] |
99 | Helibractinecine | - | 173 | 173(22), 156(4), 155(11), 142(7), 129(10), 124(1), 112(5), 99(83), 98(83), 95(6), 83(7), 82(100). | [111] |
100 | Helibracteatinecine | - | 173 | 173(20), 156(4.5), 155(14), 142(3), 129(12), 124(1), 112(5), 99(85), 98(100), 82(83.5). | [112] |
101 | Helibracteatinine | - | 255 | 255(2), 238(3), 237(3.5), 224(9), 198(7), 181(60), 156(16), 155(93), 154(10), 124(12), 122(21), 100(23), 98(20), 83(23), 82(100). | [112] |
102 | Helifoline | - | 255 | 237(3), 156(5), 138(11), 137(3), 112(27), 111(100), 99(9), 98(42), 94(41), 83(9), 82(20), 80(24). | [136] |
103 | Helifolinecine | - | 173 | 155(9.5), 129(67), 124(3), 116(6), 112(8), 98(100), 82(59), 80(10). | [136] |
104 | Helindicine | - | 281 | 281(35), 207(100), 191(15), 149(37), 135(33), 109(34), 97(73), 95(55), 83(57), 81(46). | [130] |
105 | Heliocoromandaline | - | 285 | 285(1), 267(4), 252(4), 240(6), 142(41), 125(17), 124(100), 84(63), 83(20), 82(15). | [117] |
106 | Heliocurassavine | - | 299 | 299(1), 284(1), 281(1), 255(3), 254(10), 252(8), 243(7), 226(8), 142(48), 124(100), 83(56), 82(40). | [117] |
107 | Heliocurassavicine | - | 285 | 285(1), 267(3), 252(3), 240(3), 142(49), 125(22), 124(100), 84(63), 83(58), 82(41). | [117] |
108 | Heliocurassavinine | - | 285 | 285(1), 267(4), 252(4), 240(3), 142(55), 125(24), 124(100), 84(22), 83(48), 82(48), 81(36). | [117] |
109 | Heliospathine | - | 313 | 313(1.3), 269(2), 268(1), 156(12), 139(43), 138(100), 137(15), 120(11), 95(20), 94(57), 93(75), 80(10). | [140] |
110 | Heliospathuline | - | 299 | 299(14.7), 282(6), 281(16.5), 238(18), 237(19), 236(20), 156(38), 139(30), 137(36), 136(20), 124(19), 120(60), 111(100), 108(51), 106(63), 94(41), 93(13), 80(78), 45(12). | [140] |
111 | Heliosupine | 2553 | 397 | 382(0.1), 352(0.1), 297(2), 238(4), 221(29), 220(100), 141(11), 138(10), 137(8), 136(50), 121(40), 120(95), 119(70), 106(10), 94(26), 93(52), 83 (12), 80(10), 59(10), 55(15), 43(15). | [70] |
112 | Heliotridine | 1447 | 155 | 138(2), 111(55), 94(18), 80(100), 68(15). | [40] |
113 | Heliotridine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | - | 313 | MS2: 269, 270, 224, 156, 138, 120, 94. | [50] |
114 | Heliotrine | 2100 | 313 | 255(0.3), 214(0.5), 197(1), 156(5), 139(22), 138(100), 136(13), 120(7), 94(41), 93(83), 80(40), 59(85). | [52] |
115 | Heliovicine | - | 285 | 267(5), 252(5), 240(4), 226(3), 175(1), 142(35), 124(100), 96(11), 95(9), 83(25), 82(20), 55(33). | [128] |
116 | Heliscabine | - | 255 | 255(4), 156(42), 138(12), 111(100), 99(33), 98(92), 82(77), 80(10). | [139] |
117 | Hydroxymyoscorpine | - | 397 | 397(0.2), 382(0.5), 338(0.1), 297(3.6), 221(21.3), 220(100), 136(40), 121(16), 120(41), 119(16.6), 94(18.4), 93(36). | [95] |
118 | 7-(Hydroxy-methylbutyryl)-9-viridifloryl retronecine | 2560** | 399 | 384(2), 354(0.4), 296(0.3), 282(2), 256(6), 239(21), 238(55), 138(15), 136(21), 121(35), 120(100), 108(2), 101(5), 95(10), 94(20), 93(42), 83(5), 80(6), 73(5), 67(3), 59(12), 55(0.5), 43(25). | [59] |
119 | Ilamine | - | 313 | 314(M+ +1, 18), 224(6), 139(3), 122(52), 120(25), 93(20), 80(8), 59(100). | [115] |
120 | Incanine | - | 337 | 294(2), 250(4), 222(10), 206(8), 155(5), 136(100), 120(77), 119(85), 94(42), 93(56), 80(26), 53(17), 43(69). | [46] |
121 | Indicine | 2126 | 299 | 255(4), 156(11), 138(100), 93(95). | [158] |
122 | Isoechinatine (9-(+)-viridiflorylheliotridine) | - | 299 | 299(11), 156(10), 139(33), 138(100), 137(14), 94(32), 93(68), 80(18). | [75,138] |
123 | Isolycopsamine | - | 299 | 281(12.3), 236(10.3), 138(67), 137(42), 136(34), 124(21), 121(15), 120(70), 119(15), 118(15), 117(14), 111(68), 110(21), 109(11), 108(49), 106(81), 95(17), 94(43), 93(28), 80(100). | [133] |
124 | Isoretronocanol enantiomer | 1883* | 141 | 141(20), 140(9), 124(13), 110(12), 108(11), 83(100), 82(56), 70(10), 68(11), 55(48). | [42] |
125 | 9-(3'-Isovaleryl)viridifloryl retronecine | - | 383 | 383(0.2), 255(3), 240(3), 223(5), 20194), 138(100), 120(10), 93(66), 85(28), 80(10), 57(19), 43(10), | [119] |
126 | Intermedine | 2133 | 299 | 156(9), 139(35), 138(100), 137(13), 136(13), 120(10), 95(15), 94(50), 93(80), 80(14), 67(9), 45(7), 43(18). | [40] |
127 | Lactodine | - | 227 | 227(9), 138(32), 137(41), 124(15), 111(60), 106(21), 94(44), 80(100). | [76,187] |
128 | Lasiocarpine | - | 411 | 396(2), 311(4), 279(5), 221(43), 220(11), 137(20), 136(49), 124(22), 120(74), 119(42), 106(15), 95(49), 93(23), 93(33), 83(39). | [71] |
129 | Latifoline | - | 393 | 393(6), 293(9), 221(10), 220(74), 219(35), 137(11), 136(100), 120(49), 119(42), 118(8), 94(33), 93(75), 83(29), 80(17), 67(9). | [103,104] |
130 | 9-Latifolylretronecine | - | 311 | 312(M+ +1, 40), 195(40), 161(20), 119(100). | [101] |
131 | Lepanthine | - | 315 | MS2: 298, 156, 138, 120, 94. | [166,167] |
132 | Lindelofine (or steroisomer) | 2678* | 285 | 285(5), 267(5), 252(6), 242(1), 241(1), 240(1), 226(1), 142(30), 125(21), 124(100), 83(26), 82(15), 55(30). | [42] |
133 | Lithosenine | - | 415 | 415(0.2), 400(10), 297(8), 256(3), 238(100), 237(15), 222(16), 220(24), 138(30), 137(8), 136(49), 121(36), 120(75), 119(36), 95(9), 94(34), 93(57), 80(12) | [156] |
134 | Longitubine | - | 353 | 353(29), 293(12), 181(29), 180(78), 136(75), 120(69), 119(62), 118(15), 106(10), 101(22), 94(58), 93(100), 80(32), 67(17). | [104] |
135 | Lycopsamine | 2145 | 299 | 299(0.5), 254(1), 156(8), 139(31), 138 (100), 137(12), 136(12), 120(10), 108(4), 95(15), 94 (55), 93(84), 80(14), 67(10), 45(8), 43(20). | [91] |
136 | Macrophylline | - | 239 | 98, 83(100), 55. | [62] |
137 | Megalanthonine | - | 301 | 301(2), 283(2), 256(11), 240(8), 212(19), 158(86), 141(15), 140(43), 138(14), 124(10), 122(18), 114(13), 97(18), 96(44), 95(62), 83(15), 82(100), 55(32). | [134] |
138 | 1-Methylene-8α-pyrrolizidine | 1274 | 139 | 139(15), 95(100). | [205] |
139 | 7-(2-Methylbutyryl)retronecine | 1760 | 239 | 239(20), 222(2), 154(20), 138(12), 137(12), 136(28), 124(37), 120(20), 111(28), 108(15), 106(28), 94(30), 93(20), 80 (100), 68(10), 57(19). | [96] |
140 | 9-(2-Methylbutyryl)retronecine | 1795 | 239 | 239(2), 195(5), 154(3), 138(98), 137(8), 136(5), 120(6), 108(5), 94(60), 93(100), 80 (27), 67(15), 57(30). | [96] |
141 | 7-(2-Methylbutyryl)-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine | 2285 | 341 | 341(1), 239(10), 223(20), 222(100), 143(18), 138(11), 137(7), 136(50), 121(17), 120(80), 119(30), 106(8), 94(40), 93(83), 85(15), 80(15), 57(30), 45(9). | [91] |
142 | 7-(2-Methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinyl retronecine | 2512 | 399 | 399(0.1), 384(0.5), 354(0.5), 297(1), 223(20), 222(100), 221(5), 143(15), 138(8), 137(8), 136(40), 121(30), 120(95), 119(30), 106(9), 94(31), 93 (70), 85(15), 80(15), 67(8), 59(15), 57(28), 45(8), 43(24). | [91] |
143 | Monocrotaline | 2268 | 325 | 236(35), 136(46), 120(100), 119(64), 93(36), 80(12), 43(69). | [195] |
144 | Myoscorpine | 3212* | 381 | 381(0.2), 338(1), 337(2), 336(2), 281(2), 255(1), 238(9), 237(3), 221(33), 220(100), 141(22), 138(8), 136(46), 121(34), 120(71), 119(22), 106(8), 94(36), 93(55), 83(39), 80(19), 59(4), 55(42), 53(11). | [42] |
145 | Neolatifoline | - | 393 | 393(7), 293(11), 221(16), 220(85), 219(31), 137(13), 136(100), 120(43), 119(48), 118(15), 94(39), 93(79), 83(32), 80(16), 67(8). | [104] |
146 | (7S,8R)Petranine | - | 285 | ESIMS (positive mode) m/z 286.11966 | [89] |
147 | (7S,8S)Petranine | - | 285 | ESIMS (positive mode) m/z 286.12162 | [89] |
148 | Platynecine | - | 157 | 113(18), 82(100), 68(18), 67(4), 55(27). | [106] |
149 | Platynecine N-Oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanosyl ester | - | 331 | 314, 288, 174, 156, 112. | [50] |
150 | Pycnanthine | 2793 | 397 | 397(0.8), 382(0.4), 354(2), 352(2), 281(3), 254(12), 237(32), 236(100), 235(7), 138(26), 137(14), 136(74), 121(46), 120(77), 119(20), 99(20), 94(50), 93(58), 80(20), 71(20), 58(15), 45(20), 44(22), 43(20). | [91] |
151 | Punctanecine | - | 383 | 383(0.2), 368(0.5), 338(3), 296(2), 283(3), 266(4), 240(25), 222(19), 155(13), 140(45), 139(40), 137(73), 123(25), 122(48), 120(14), 96(23), 95(26), 83(27), 82(100). | [169,206] |
152 | Retronecine | 1430 2190* | 155 | 155(26), 138(2), 111(55), 94(15), 80(100), 68(15). | [40] |
153 | Retronecine dibenzoate | 2785 | 363 | 363(0), 258(10), 241(20), 136(43), 119(55), 105(100), 94(60), 93(78), 77(35). | [207] |
154 | Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanosyl ester | - | 313 | MS2: 396, 270, 224, 156, 138. | [50] |
155 | Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-[1'S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylpentanoyl]-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester, | - | 471 | ESIMS: m/z 472 [M + H]+ , for C24H41NO8 | [51] |
156 | Rinderine | 2155 | 299 | 284(0.1), 254(0.6), 156(9), 139(35), 138(100), 137(10), 136(10), 120(5), 95 (12), 94(23), 93(70), 80(12), 67(7), 53(5), 43(16). | [70] |
157 | Scorpioidine | - | 381 | 381(7), 199(7), 139(11), 138(69), 137(28), 136(13), 120(9), 101(8), 95(4), 94(21), 93(41), 83(100), 80(9), 67(6), 57(6), 55(34), 53(6), 43(10). | [159] |
158 | 7-Senecioylhelotridine | 1870 | 237 | 137(35), 136(18), 124(20), 111(35), 106(90), 94(21), 83(15), 80(100), 68(8), 55(18). | [70] |
159 | 7-Senecioylretronecine | 1816 | 237 | 237(4), 154(4), 137(30), 136(16), 124(25), 111(37), 106(40), 94(21), 83(23), 80(100), 68 (8), 55(15). | [91] |
160 | 9-Senecioylretronecine | 1833 | 237 | 237(1), 193(2), 155(11), 154(10), 138(23), 137(28), 136(15), 126(9), 109(5), 94(25), 93(100), 83(20), 80(16), 67(6), 55(11). | [91] |
161 | 7-Senecioylrinderine | 2515 | 381 | 336(0.1), 221(28), 220(61), 138(10), 137(15), 136(50), 121(75), 120(100), 119(85), 106(23), 95(15), 94(48), 93(72), 83(27), 80(30), 55(40), 43(40). | [40] |
162 | 7-Senecioyllycopsamine | 2497 | 381 | 336(0.5), 281(1), 238(5), 221(28), 220(100), 219(4), 141(15), 138(14), 137(12), 136(80), 121(38), 120(70), 119(20), 94(38), 93(61), 83 (76), 80(11), 55(15), 45(8), 43(28). | [91] |
163 | Sincamidine | - | 313 | C16H27NO5(similar to heliotrine) | [44] |
164 | Senkirkine | 2460 | 365 | 365(1), 266(10), 250(6), 222(9), 168(24), 153(41), 80(38), 43(100). | [54,195] |
165 | Subulacine | - | 155 | 155(17), 126(4), 124(13), 96(10), 80(4), 71(5), 70(100), 68(10), 56(6), 55(65). | [106,208] |
166 | Supinine | 1978 | 283 | 283(0.2), 140(6), 123(25), 122(100), 121(40), 120(49), 108(11), 93(20), 80(8), 70(7), 53(5), 45(4), 43(12). | [70] |
167 | Supinidine | 1887* | 139 | 139(40), 138(12), 122(32), 120(14), 111(15), 110(18), 108(30), 94(13), 80(100), 70(4), 68(17), 55(14), 53(17). | [42] |
168 | Supinidine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | - | 313 | MS2: 296, 270, 224, 156, 138. | [50] |
169 | Symlandine | 3194* | 381 | 381(0.3), 338(1), 337(2), 336(2), 281(2), 255(1), 238(9), 237(3), 221(30), 220(100), 141(19), 138(10), 136(47), 121(35), 120(72), 119(21), 106(9), 94(36), 93(52), 83(31), 80(17), 59(3), 55(40), 53(12). | [42] |
170 | Symphytine | 3240* | 381 | 381(0.4), 338(1), 337(1), 336(3), 281(2), 255(1), 238(9), 237(2), 221(33), 220(100), 141(21), 138(7), 136(44), 121(33), 120(70), 119(20), 106(7), 94(36), 93(52), 83(33), 80(18), 59(3), 55(38), 53(12). | [42] |
171 | Symviridine | - | 381 | 381(0.3), 337(0.1), 336(0.1), 281(0.2), 221(34.5), 220(100), 136(44.2), 121(22), 120(50), 119(11), 118(15), 117(7.6), 103(10), 95(23.5), 93(44.5). | [172] |
172 | Tessellatine | 2930* | 299 | 299(7), 281(7), 256(5), 255(3), 248(4), 238(11), 237(9), 236(11), 156(19), 139(25), 138(64), 137(23), 124(16), 120(40), 111(45), 108(29), 106(39), 94(54), 93(40), 80(100), 53(17). | [42] |
173 | 7-Tigloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxybutyryl)retronecine | 2325 | 339 | 239(5), 238(5), 237(8), 221(22), 220(90), 219 (20), 141(20), 138(10), 137(11), 136(100), 121(15), 120(80), 119(35), 106(10), 94(58), 93(90), 83(46), 80(20), 75(2), 57(9), 55(40), 45(10) . | [96] |
174 | 7-Tigloyl-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropanoyl)retronecine | 2320 | 325 | 237(8), 225(12), 221(12), 220(70), 141(27), 138(5), 137(12), 136(93), 121(8), 120(55), 119(48), 106(10), 94(59), 93(100), 83(55), 80(18), 55(24). | [40] |
175 | 7-Tigloylheliotridine | 1873 | 237 | 237(0.5), 137(55), 136(15), 124(19), 120(5), 111(41), 107(10), 106(100), 94(20), 86(6), 83(12), 80(95), 68(5), 55(19). | [67] |
176 | 7-Tigloyl-9-( hydroxypropenoyl) retronecine | 2073 | 307 | 221(14), 220(100), 207(27), 181(10), 141(42), 137(10), 136(95), 120(53), 119(28), 106(10), 94(63), 93(84), 83(50), 80(20), 67(9), 55(37), 43(24). | [40] |
177 | 7-Tigloyllycopsamine | 2473* | 381 | 336(1), 281(1.5), 238(1), 221(20), 220(100), 136(60), 121(30), 120(80), 94(40), 93(70), 83(50), 80(18), 55(40). | [90] |
178 | 7-Tigloyl-9-(2-methybutyryl)retronecine | 2170 | 321 | 221(36), 220(100), 195(5), 141(32), 138(2), 137(10), 136(82), 121(6), 120(53), 119(25), 106(10), 94(53), 93(80), 83(40), 80(15), 57(20), 55(33). | [96] |
179 | 7-Tigloylretronecine | 1816 | 237 | 237(3), 219 (0.5), 154(2), 138(3), 137(29), 136 (15), 124(25), 120(5), 111(44), 106(50), 94(20), 93(6), 83(15), 80 (100), 55(22). | [96] |
180 | 9-Tigloylretronecine | 1843 | 237 | 193(5), 154(15), 138(20), 137(26), 136(13), 126(7), 119(5), 109(4), 94(23), 93(100), 83(10), 80(12), 55(18). | [96] |
181 | Trachelanthamidine | 1853* | 141 | 141(24), 140(10), 124(15), 110(9), 108(7), 83(100), 82(62), 70(8), 68(8), 55(45). | [42] |
182 | Trachelanthamine | 1970 | 285 | 267(5), 252(4), 240(4), 142(50), 125(18), 124(100), 110(4), 96(6), 83(20), 82(11), 70(6), 55(14), 43(12). | [70] |
183 | Trachelanthamidine 2S-hydroxy-2S(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | - | 299 | ESIMS: m/z 300 [M + H]+, 142, 89, 83, 82, 55. | [51] |
184 | 7-Trachelanthyl retronecine | 2899* | 299 | 299(12), 281(6), 236(11), 156(25), 138(50), 120(47), 111(45), 108(29), 106(40), 94(40), 93(320, 80(100). | [42] |
185 | Transalpinecine | - | 173 | 98, 83, 70. | [145] |
186 | Triangularine | 2375 | 335 | 237(23), 236(6), 235(4), 221(5), 220(30), 219(18), 141(12), 137(12), 136(100), 121(28), 120(64), 119(35), 95(12), 94(60), 93(98), 83(58), 80(15), 55(30). | [40] |
187 | Triangularicine | 2394 | 335 | 237(30), 236 (6), 235(3), 221(5), 220(31), 219(10), 141(18), 137(10), 136(83), 121(27), 120(51), 119(40), 95(10), 94(55), 93(100), 83(60), 80(15), 55(25). | [40] |
188 | Trichodesmine | 2388 | 353 | 353(1), 264(56), 222(5), 136(36), 120(100), 93(23), 81(16), 43(40). | [195] |
189 | Turneforcidine | - | 157 | 113(20), 82(100), 68(21), 67(6), 55(32). | [106] |
190 | Uluganine | 399 | 399(2), 384(8), 356(1), 355(3), 354(2). | [183] | |
191 | Uplandicine | 2337 | 357 | 357(4), 342(5), 297(23), 281(4), 256(4), 207 (7), 206(52), 181(80), 180 (100), 179 (43), 136(75), 121(49), 120(85), 119 (50), 101(23), 94(55), 93(74), 80(28), 73(74), 59(23), 45(20), 44(69), 43(48). | [163] |
192 | Viridinatine | - | 443 | 282(17), 138(41), 137(86), 124(32), 111(70), 106(42), 94(44), 80(100). | [76,187] |
193 | Viridiflorine | 1983 | 285 | 284(0.3), 267(5), 252(5), 240(5), 142 (70), 125 (23), 124 (100), 117(3), 110 (5), 83 (35), 82 (22), 70 (15), 55(25), 43(21). | [67] |
194 | 9-Viridifloryl turneforcidine (or isomer) | 2394* | 301 | 301(0.3), 283(8), 257(8), 256(14), 212(18), 159(21), 158(68), 141(17), 140(50), 138(32), 122(24), 121(12), 120(31), 117(10), 106(13), 96(43), 95(81), 83(20), 82(100), 69(22), 55(40). | [42] |
195 | Vulgarine | - | 397 | 398[M+ 1] +, 380(18), 336(5), 316(5), 298(40), 254(15), 240(52), 138(100), 120(14). | [11] |
2.1.1. Gas Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GLC-MS)
2.1.2. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
2.2. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
2.3. Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay
3. Tissue Culture
4. Variation of PAs between Plant Organs and Developmental Stages
Alkaloid | C-1 | C-2 | C-3 | C-5 | C-6 | C-7 | C-8 | C-9 | C-1' | C-2' | C-3' | C-4' | C-5' | C-6' | C-7' | C-1'' | C-2'' | C-3'' | C-4'' | C-5'' | C-6'' | solvent | References |
Necine Base | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Helibractinecine | 82.8 | 38.3 | 53.4 | 52.5 | 36.2 | 73.7 | 71.2 | 68.6 | CDCL3-CD3OD | [111] | |||||||||||||
Helibracteatinecine | 82.6 | 34.1 | 53.0 | 52.9 | 33.3 | 79.7 | 73.0 | 67.2 | CDCL3-CD3OD | [112] | |||||||||||||
Turneforcidine | 40.8 | 32.6 | 56.2 | 52.8 | 37.5 | 72.0 | 73.7 | 65.6 | CD3OD-ND3 | [222] | |||||||||||||
Transalpinecine | 82.3 | 84.4 | 59.2 | 55.9 | 28.0 | 24.6 | 72.3 | 63.9 | CD3OD | [145] | |||||||||||||
Subulacine | 70.9 | 63.4 | 54.0 | 58.4 | 27.1 | 26.2 | 67.9 | 60.2 | CD3OD | [145] | |||||||||||||
1α-2α-epoxy-1β-hydroxymethyl-8α-pyrrolizidine | 83.7 | 65.2 | 62.3 | 56.2 | 27.9 | 25.0 | 72.1 | 64.0 | CD3OD | [145] | |||||||||||||
Tertiary base and N-oxide alkaloids | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3'-Acetylcanescine | 133.0 | 127.5 | 62.6 | 53.6 | 34.4 | 74.4 | 75.4 | 62.3 | 175.1 | 84.3 | 72.4-(CO:170.4), (Me: 21.2) | 17.2 | 33.1 | 17.2 | 17.1 | 171.7 | 46.9 | 69.1 | 29.4 | 29.2 | CDCL3/D6-DMSO | [154] | |
3'-Acetylcanescenine | 133.0 | 127.5 | 62.6 | 53.6 | 34.4 | 74.4 | 75.4 | 62.3 | 175.1 | 84.3 | 73.7-(CO:170.4), (Me: 21.3) | 16.0 | 33.1 | 17.8 | 14.2 | 171.7 | 46.9 | 69.1 | 29.4 | 29.2 | CDCL3/D6-DMSO | [154] | |
3’-Acetylechihumiline N-oxide | 133.0 | 124.9 | 79.4 | 70.5 | 33.9 | 73.3 | 95.6 | 63.0 | 174.7 | 85.6 | 74.8-(Me: 21.6) | 61.1 | 74.0 | 27.3 | 26.4 | 166.8 | 116.2 | 161.9 | 28.0 | 21.0 | CD3OD | [166] | |
7-Acetylechinatine N-oxide | 133.0 | 124.3 | 79.0 | 70.1 | 33.4 | 73.8 | 95.0 | 62.1 | 175.0 | 85.2 | 72.4 | 18.2 | 34.0 | 18.5 | 16.7 | 171.5 | 21.1 | CD3OD | [69] | ||||
7-Acetyleuropine | 135.0 | 128.3 | 62.3 | 54.4 | 30.6 | 76.9 | 78.8 | 62.6 | 174.2 | 84.0 | 79.2- (OMe:56.8) | 13.3 | 73.4 | 26.7 | 24.9 | 171.3 | 21.5 | CDCL3 | [110] | ||||
3'-Acetylindicine | 132.3 | 130.7 | 62.8 | 53.0 | 36.1 | 71.1 | 78.5 | 63.3 | 174.5 | 81.6 | 71.8-(CO:170.0), (Me 21.1) | 14.3 | 32.3 | 17.2 | 16.3 | CDCL3 | [158] | ||||||
3'-Acetylindicine N-Oxide | 132.4 | 121.9 | 78.0 | 69.6 | 34.7 | 69.6 | 95.8 | 62.1 | 173.8 | 81.9 | 72.4-(CO:170.3), (Me: 21.2) | 14.0 | 33.0 | 17.3 | 16.8 | CDCL3 | [158] | ||||||
3'-Acetyllithonine | 132.5 | 128.2 | 62.2 | 53.0 | 33.8 | 73.5 | 74.8 | 61.5 | 172.3 | 82.9 | 72.1-(CO:169.0), (Me: 20.5) | 14.7 | 72.4 | 24.8 | 25.9 | 170.5 | 47.3 | 68.1 | 28.8 | 28.9 | CDCL3 | [156] | |
3'-Acetylrinderine | 135.0 | 128.4 | 61.9 | 54.2 | 34.0 | 75.2 | 80.4 | 62.4 | 174.3 | 81.8 | 72.5-(CO:110.2), (Me 13.9) | 21.1 | 33.1 | 16.8 | 17.2 | CDCL3 | [70] | ||||||
3'-Acetyltrachelanthamine | 44.7 | 30.4 | 54.1 | 54.9 | 25.6 | 31.5 | 67.8 | 67.9 | 174.3 | 81.6 | 72.2 -(CO: 169.7), (Me: 21.1) | 13.9 | 32.8 | 16.7 | 17.2 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||||
Canescine | 133.0 | 127.5 | 62.6 | 53.6 | 34.4 | 74.4 | 75.4 | 62.3 | 175.1 | 84.3 | 69.5 | 17.2 | 33.1 | 17.2 | 17.1 | 171.7 | 46.9 | 69.1 | 29.4 | 29.2 | CDCL3/D6-DMSO | [154] | |
Canescenine | 133.0 | 127.5 | 62.6 | 53.6 | 34.4 | 74.4 | 75.4 | 62.3 | 175.1 | 84.3 | 71.1 | 16.0 | 33.1 | 17.8 | 14.2 | 171.7 | 46.9 | 69.1 | 29.4 | 29.2 | CDCL3/D6-DMSO | [154] | |
Cryptanthine | 133.9 | 125.8 | 62.9 | 53.9 | 34.7 | 75.4 | 75.6 | 60.7 | 167.7 | 127.4 | 139.3 | 16.0 | 20.6 | 175.4 | 77.4 | 71.4 | 16.7 | 22.6 | [65] | ||||
Echihumiline | 132.8 | 127.6 | 62.0 | 53.7 | 34.2 | 73.7 | 76.1 | 62.0 | 174.3 | 83.1 | 69.8 | 18.5 | 72.4 | 26.0 | 24.9 | 165.5 | 115.3 | 159.0 | 27.7 | 20.4 | CDCL3 | [91] | |
Echimidine isomer | 133.3 | 129 | 63.2 | 54.1 | 34.8 | 74.2 | 76 | 62.9 | 174.7 | 83.7 | 70.0 | 18.9 | 73.8 | 26.5 | 25.2 | 167.5 | 128.9 | 138.2 | 14.8 | 12.3 | CDCL3 | [87] | |
Echiupinine | 133.0 | 128.1 | 62.3 | 53.7 | 34.3 | 72.8 | 75.6 | 62.2 | 175.1 | 82.9 | 68.7 | 17.2 | 32.9 | 17.1 | 16.9 | 167.1 | 115.6 | 158.1 | 27.5 | 20.3 | CDCL3 | [95] | |
Echiupinine N-oxide | 131.8 | 128.1 | 78.2 | 69.1 | 34.3 | 71.4 | 93.7 | 60.2 | 174.9 | 84.0 | 69.4 | 16.9 | 33.2 | 17.5 | 17.2 | 166.2 | 114.5 | 160.3 | 27.6 | 20.6 | CDCL3 | [95] | |
7-Epi-echimiplatine N-oxide | 132.4 | 125.9 | 79.7 | 70.2 | 35.8 | 71.4 | 96.7 | 63.6 | 176.1 | 86.9 | 71.1 | 19.0 | 75.6 | 26.3 | 27.0 | D2O | [164] | ||||||
2'',3''-Epoxyechiumine | noise | 128.5 | 62.7 | 53.6 | 34.4 | 75.3 | 75.4 | 62.5 | 175.1 | 82.9 | 69.4 | 17.1 | 33.0 | 16.9 | 17.3 | noise | 77.2 | 60.0 | 13.6 | 19.3 | CDCL3 | [63] | |
Erythro-3''-chloro-2''-hydroxyechiumine | 132.6 | 127.8 | 62.4 | 53.7 | 34.5 | 75.4 | 75.8 | 62.3 | 173.6 | 83.0 | 69.4 | 16.9 | 33.0 | 17.1 | 17.3 | 175.1 | 77.2 | 62.8 | 17.9 | 23.0 | CDCL3 | [63] | |
Floridine | 44.2 | 31.2 | 54.0 | 54.0 | 25.4 | 29.5 | 67.6 | 66.2 | 173.4 | 83.4 | 72.7 -(CO: 169.6), (Me: 21.2) | 15.1 | 73.5 | 26.2 | 24.9 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||||
Floridinine | 43.3 | 28.6 | 53.8 | 54.0 | 24.6 | 30.6 | 68.4 | 66.2 | 174.6 | 82.5 | 69.8 | 18.6 | 73.9 | 25.0 | 26.0 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||||
Floridimine | 44.3 | 28.7 | 54.2 | 54.3 | 25.3 | 30.6 | 67.6 | 63.2 | 174.7 | 84.1 | 69.9 | 18.6 | 73.8 | 26.0 | 24.9 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||||
Helindicine | 134.2 | 125.3 | 62.5 | 55.5 | 36.7 | 70.5 | 80.5 | 61.7 | 175.6 | 84.5 | 70.5 | 17.3 | 34.2 | 17.2 | 17.6 | CD3OD | [130] | ||||||
Heliotridine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 134.0 | 123.5 | 62.0 | 55.9 | 35.0 | 70.8 | 79.4 | 62.2 | ? | ? | 45.0 | 25.2 | 23.1 | 24.4 | 73.9-(8':17.4) | CD3OD | [50] | ||||||
Heliscabine | 81.1 | 38.4 | 52.8 | 52.0 | 36.0 | 72.8 | 69.8 | 70.0 | 168.1 | 127.2 | 139.7 | 16.0 | 20.6 | CDCL3 | [139] | ||||||||
Heliospathine | 133.1 | 128.9 | 62.4 | 53.9 | 36.1 | 70.5 | 78.2 | 62.2 | 174.5 | 84.4 | 71.2 | 17.4 | 38.9 | 24.7 | 12.1-(8':11.9) | CDCL3 | [140] | ||||||
Heliospathuline | 139.1 | 124.2 | 62.4 | 53.9 | 34.8 | 76.5 | 76.2 | 59.3 | 174.3 | 83.8 | 72.4 | 16.5 | 31.9 | 15.6 (7'':17.2) | CDCL3 | [140] | |||||||
Hydroxymyoscorpine | 132.8 | 128.5 | 62.8 | 53.7 | 34.3 | 73.8 | 75.7 | 62.5 | 174.2 | 83.0 | 69.6 | 18.4 | 73.5 | 25.9 | 24.8 | 167.1 | 128.6 | 137.8 | 14.4 | 11.9 | CDCL3 | [95] | |
Isoechinatine (9-(+)-viridiflorylheliotridine) | 136.1 | 126.3 | 61.7 | 54.3 | 33.8 | 74.7 | 79.8 | 61.9 | 174.3 | 83.9 | 71.6 | 17.5 | 32.2 | 17.8 | 15.9 | CDCL3 | [72,75] | ||||||
Iso-lycopsamine | 139.1 | 123.2 | 63.0 | 53.4 | 34.9 | 76.4 | 76.5 | 59.5 | 174.1 | 82.8 | 69.4 | 16.5 | 33.38 | 17.2 (7'':12.27) | CDCL3 | [133] | |||||||
Lactodine | 138.1 | 123.2 | 63.8 | 54.1 | 35.1 | 69.4 | 76.5 | 58.9 | 173.3 | 68.4 | 16.3 | CDCL3 | [187] | ||||||||||
Leptanthine | 133.7 | 124.6 | 61.7 | 54.9 | 36.3 | 70.0 | 79.9 | 61.6 | 174.8 | 85.1 | 70.2 | 18.0 | 74.2 | 26.0 | 25.4 | CD3OD | [166] | ||||||
Lithosenine N-oxide | 133.7 | 124.0 | 78.0 | 69.7 | 36.3 | 71.2 | 96.8 | 62.5 | 175.5 | 86.1 | 71.2 | 19.1 | 75.2 | 27.0 | 26.3 | CD3OD | [166] | ||||||
Lithosenine | 133.0 | 126.9 | 62.2 | 53.1 | 33.8 | 73.4 | 74.8 | 61.4 | 173.5 | 83.4 | 68.9 | 18.0 | 72.5 | 24.7 | 25.9 | 170.3 | 47.5 | 68.1 | 28.9 | 29.0 | CDCL3 | [156] | |
Megalanthonine | 36.0 | 31.2 | 51.1 | 54.6 | 36.8 | 69.5 | 72.8 | 66.2 | 174.5 | 84.1 | 72.0 | 17.0 | 32.0 | 15.6 | 17.8 | CDCL3 | [134] | ||||||
Methylechiuplatine | 133.5 | 128.0 | 62.9 | 54.0 | 34.7 | 73.6 | 76.1 | 61.3 | 171.3 | 44.9 | 69.7 | 44.8 | 172.2 | 51.8:OMe | 27.3 | 166.9 | 127.7 | 139.2 | 15.9 | 20.6 | CDCL3 | [65] | |
Myoscorpine | 133.1 | 128.1 | 62.7 | 53.8 | 34.4 | 73.7 | 75.8 | 62.2 | 175.1 | 82.9 | 69.3 | 17.2 | 32.9 | 17.1 | 16.9 | 167.0 | 128.5 | 137.8 | 14.4 | 11.9 | CDCL3 | [95] | |
Myoscorpine N-oxide | 131.8 | 124.0 | 7 8.4 | 69.3 | 34.3 | 72.4 | 93.8 | 60.1 | 14.9 | 84.0 | 69.4 | 16.9 | 33.1 | 17.5 | 17.2 | 166.2 | 127.9 | 139.0 | 14.6 | 12.0 | CDCL3 | [95] | |
Onosmerectine N-oxide | 133.5 | 123.8 | 78.6 | 69.7 | 35.7 | 70.7 | 96.7 | 62.5 | 175.3 | 85.7 | 74.6 | 70.8 | 18.7 | 26.6 | 25.9 | CD3OD | [164] | ||||||
(7S, 8R)-Petranine | 134.4 | 121.1 | 70.9 | 63.4 | 34.7 | 70.2 | 87.7 | 59.8 | 167.5 | 126.9 | 140.3 | 16.1 | 20.6 | 68.8 | CDCL3 | [89] | |||||||
(7S, 8S)-Petranine | 134.6 | 121.3 | 71.2 | 63.6 | 34.8 | 70.6 | 88.1 | 59.9 | 167.0 | 127.0 | 149.9 | 16.3 | 20.8 | 69.1 | CDCL3 | [89] | |||||||
Platynecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 37.3 | 30.6 | 73.0 | 70.6 | 35.8 | 70.1 | 91.5 | 67.3 | ? | ? | 44.5 | 25.3 | 23.3 | 24.8 | 73.9-(8':17.4) | CD3OD | [50] | ||||||
Pycnanthine | 132.8 | 126.0 | 62.2 | 53.9 | 34.2 | 72.4 | 75.8 | 61.7 | 174.4 | 83.6 | 71.3 | 15.8 | 32.0 | 17.7 | 17.0 | 165.5 | 112.4 | 160.1 | 66.8 | 30.3 | CDCL3 | [91] | |
Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 133.2 | 123.8 | 62.0 | 54.0 | 36.7 | 70.0 | 80.0 | 61.0 | 175.4 | 82.3 | 45.2 | 25.3 | 23.3 | 24.6 | 73.9-(8':17.6) | CD3OD | [51] | ||||||
Retronecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 133.9 | 123.4 | 78.8 | 70.0 | 35.7 | 70.6 | 97.2 | 62.4 | 175.9 | 82.0 | 45.0 | 25.2 | 23.3 | 24.6 | 73.6-(8':17.7) | CD3OD | [51] | ||||||
Retronecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1R-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 134.0 | 123.4 | 78.8 | 70.0 | 35.8 | 70.6 | 97.0 | 62.0 | 175.5 | 81.0 | 44.0 | 25.8 | 23.9 | 24.3 | 74.0-(8':16.5) | CD3OD | [51] | ||||||
Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-2S-[(1'S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylpentanoyl]-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 135.4 | 124.0 | 62.0 | 54.9 | 36.6 | 70.4 | 79.8 | 61.7 | 175.7 | 82.2 | 43.6 | 25.2 | 24.0 | 24.7 | 73.4-(8': 7.4) | 180.0 | 81.3 | 45.0 | 25.2 | 23.1 | 24.7 (7'':73.6) (8'':17.0) | CD3OD | [51] |
Symviridine | 133 | 127.8 | 62.7 | 53.8 | 34.3 | 72.7 | 75.8 | 62.3 | 174.4 | 83.4 | 70.7 | 17.1 | 32.9 | 17.7 | 16.0 | 166.9 | 115.5 | 158.2 | 27.5 | 20.3 | CDCL3 | [172] | |
Supinidine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 137.7 | 123.0 | 76.9 | 71.1 | 25.2 | 28.3 | 90.2 | 61.2 | 176.2 | 82.0 | 45.2 | 25.2 | 23.5 | 24.6 | 73.3-(8':17.6) | CD3OD | [51] | ||||||
Tessellatine | 138.6 | 124.5 | 63.0 | 53.4 | 34.7 | 75.7 | 76.0 | 59.6 | 173.1 | 83.5 | 71.4 | 16.9 | 31.9 | 17.6 (7'':15.7) | CDCL3 | [42] | |||||||
Threo-2'',3''-dihydroxyechiumine | 132.9 | 125.0 | 63.3 | 54.0 | 34.8 | 74.9 | 75.8 | 63.0 | 174.9 | 83.2 | 69.8 | 16.9 | 33.2 | 17.2 | 17.2 | 175.4 | 78.7 | 71.5 | 16.5 | 22.1 | CDCL3 | [63] | |
Trachelanthamidine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester | 48.0 | 29.7 | 55.9 | 55.8 | 25.6 | 31.3 | 71.9 | 63.4 | 181.6 | 81.8 | 44.1 | 25.0 | 24.0 | 25.0 | 73.9-(8':17.4) | CD3OD | [51] | ||||||
Uplandicine | 132.7 | 127.7 | 62.1 | 53.4 | 34.0 | 73.6 | 75.5 | 62.2 | 174.2 | 83.2 | 69.6 | 18.5 | 73.6 | 24.7 | 25.9 | 170.2 | 21.1 | - | - | - | CDCL3 | [163] | |
Viridiflorine | 44.5 | 31.5 | 54.5 | 54.2 | 25.5 | 30.0 | 67.8 | 67.2 | 174.4 | 83.6 | 71.0 | 17.2 | 32.1 | 17.9 | 15.9 | [42] | |||||||
Viridinatine | 139.3 | 124.2 | 64.2 | 54.2 | 36.7 | 77.3 | 77.3 | 59.4 | 174.1 | 82.8 | 68.4 | 16.2 | 33.5 | 17.2 | 17.3 | 176.2 | 83.2 | 69.1 | 16.8 | 34.12 | 18.1 (7'':18.9) | CDCL3 | [187] |
Viridinatine N-oxide stereoisomer | 132.5 | 125.4 | 79.5 | 70.1 | 35.8 | 71.3 | 96.6 | 63.3 | 176.6 | 85.9 | 70.9 | 17.6 | 34.6 | 18.9 | 18.4 | 176.1 | 86.2 | 72.3 | 18.6 | 34.2 | 18, 17.2 |
Alkaloid | H-1 | H-2 | H-3 | H-5 | H-6 | H-7 | H-8 | H-9 | H-3' | H-4' | H-5' | H-6' | C-7' | H-2'' | H-3'' | H-4'' | H-5'' | solvent | References |
Necine Base | |||||||||||||||||||
Helibractinecine [C8H15NO3] | 1.94 | α 3.13 β 2.93 | α 3.07 β 2.91 | 2.03 | 4.50 | 3.34 | α 3.60 β 3.66 | CDCL3-CD3OD | [111] | ||||||||||
Helibracteatinecine [C8H15NO3] | 1.63 | α 3.26 β 2.55 | α 3.26 β 2.52 | α 1.84 β 2.11 | 3.94 | 3.12 | α 3.79 β 3.84 | CDCL3-CD3OD | [112] | ||||||||||
Turneforcidine [C8H15NO2] | 2.53 | α 1.68 β 2.10 | α 3.08 β 2.55 | α 3.03 β 2.70 | α 2.00 β 1.99 | 4.18 | 3.16 | α 3.57 β 3.53 | CD3OD-ND3 | [222] | |||||||||
Transalpinecine [C8H15NO3] | 4.18 | α 3.86 β 3.38 | α 3.06 β 3.36 | α 1.95 β 2.16 | α 1.88 β 2.66 | 3.99 | α 3.90 β 3.61 | CD3OD | [145] | ||||||||||
Subulacine [C8H15NO2] | 3.95 | α 3.79 β 3.38 | α 2.97 3.62 | α 1.96 2.24 | α 2.19 2.26 | 4.45 | α 3.97 β 3.79 | CD3OD | [145] | ||||||||||
1α-2α-epoxy-1β-hydroxymethyl-8α-pyrrolizidine [C8H15NO2] | 4.59 | α 3.81 β 3.89 | α 3.23 β 3.50 | α 2.08 β 2.23 | α 2.00 β 2.30 | 4.31 | α 3.93 β 3.69 | CD3OD | [145] | ||||||||||
Tertiary base and N-oxide alkaloids | |||||||||||||||||||
3'-Acetylcanescine [C22H35NO8] | 5.83 | α 3.95 β 3.38 | α 3.33 β 2.65 | 2.09 | 5.38 | 4.35 | α 4.79 β 4.67 | 5.21-(COMe: 2.00) | 1.19 | 2.00 | 0.94 | 0.91 | 2.45 | 1.26 | 1.26 | CDCL3/D6-DMSO | [154] | ||
3'-Acetylcanescenine [C22H35NO8] | 5.83 | α 3.95 β 3.38 | α 3.33 β 2.65 | 2.09 | 5.38 | 4.35 | α 4.74 β 4.73 | 5.17 -(COMe: 2.03) | 1.19 | 2.00 | 0.94 | 0.91 | 2.45 | 1.26 | 1.26 | CDCL3/D6-DMSO | [154] | ||
3’-Acetylechihumiline N-oxide [C22H33NO9] | 6.03 | α 4.37 β 4.69 | 3.90 – 3.75 (m) | α 2.20 β 2.78 | 5.76 | 4.83 | 4.72 | 5.46 -(COMe: 1.98) | 1.34 | 1.25 | 1.35 | 5.67 | - | 1.92 | 2.18 | CD3OD | [166] | ||
3'-Acetylechinatine [C17H27NO6] | 5.76 | α 3.37 β 3.92 | α 2.68 β 3.30 | α 1.91 β 1.98 | 4.17 | 3.96 | α 4.78 β 4.96 | 5.21-(COMe: 2.04) | 1.29 | 2.01 | 0.88 | 0.96 | CDCL3 | [70] | |||||
7-Acetylechinatine N-oxide | 6.00 | α 4.70 β 4.38 | α 3.83 β 3.79 | α 2.74 β 2.23 | 5.69 | 4.88 | 4.78 | 3.96 | 1.42 | 2.17 | 0.90 | 0.93 | 2.06 | CD3OD | [164] | ||||
7-Acetyleuropine [C18H29NO7] | 5.81 | α 4.02 β 3.38 | α 3.28 β 2.86 | 1.93 | 5.09 | 4.16 | α 4.93 β 4.87 | 3.81-(OMe: 3.27) | 1.27 | 1.19 | 1.31 | 2.06 | CDCL3 | [110] | |||||
3'-Acetylindicine [C17H27NO6] | 5.92 | α 3.96 β 3.45 | α 3.29 β 2.76 | α 1.98 β 2.02 | 4.30 | 4.21 | 4.80 | 5.20 -(COMe: 2.04) | 1.23 | 2.09 | 0.95 | 0.92 | CDCL3 | [158] | |||||
3'-Acetylindicine N-Oxide [C17H27NO7] | 5.79 | 4.45 | 3.73-3.80 | α 2.01 β 2.62 | 4.70 | 4.66 | 4.83 | 5.23 -(COMe: 2.03) | 1.24 | 2.05 | 0.97 | 0.91 | CDCL3 | [158] | |||||
3'-Acetyllithosenine [C22H35NO9] | 5.75 | α 3.77 β 3.29 | α 3.17 β 2.54 | 1.96 | 5.23 | 4.16 | α 4.68 β 4.59 | 5.28 -(COMe: 1.87) | 1.13 | 1.25 | 1.11 | 2.33 | 1.17 | 1.17 | CDCL3 | [156] | |||
3'-Acetylrinderine [C17H27NO6] | 5.76 | α 3.37 β 3.92 | α 2.68 β 3.30 | α 1.91 β 1.98 | 4.21 | 3.96 | α 4.66 β 4.93 | 5.28 -(COMe: 2.02) | 1.25 | 2.01 | 0.92 | 0.98 | CDCL3 | [70] | |||||
3'-Acetyltrachelanthamine [C17H29NO5] | 2.09 | α 1.70 β 2.02 | α 3.28 β 2.60 | α 3.07 β 2.65 | α 1.89 β 1.84 | α 2.05 β 1.63 | 3.38 | 4.16 | 5.22 -(COMe: 1.97) | 1.23 | 2.02 | 0.90 | 0.96 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||
Canescine [C20H33NO7] | 5.83 | α 3.95 β 3.38 | α 3.33 β 2.65 | 2.09 | 5.38 | 4.35 | α 4.79 β 4.67 | 4.07 | 1.19 | 2.00 | 0.94 | 0.91 | 2.45 | 1.26 | 1.26 | CDCL3/ D6-DMSO | [154] | ||
Canescenine [C20H33NO7] | 5.83 | α 3.95 β 3.38 | α 3.33 β 2.65 | 2.09 | 5.38 | 4.35 | α 4.74 β 4.73 | 3.89 | 1.19 | 2.00 | 0.94 | 0.91 | 2.45 | 1.26 | 1.26 | CDCL3/ D6-DMSO | [154] | ||
Cryptanthine | 5.74 | α 4.0 β 3.37 | α 3.40 β 2.61 | 2.12 | 5.3 | 4.39 | α 4.84 β 4.64 | - | 6.1 | 1.98 | 1.89 | 3.8 | 1.17 | 1.24 | CDCL3 | [65] | |||
5'-Deoxylasiocarpine [C21H33NO6] | 5.8 | α 3.50 β 4.18 | α 3.00 β 3.40 | 1.8 | 5.12 | 4.37 | 4.88 | 3.7 -(OMe: 3.22) | 1.21 | 2.20 | 0.95 | 0.94 | 6.13 | 1.95 | 1.82 | CDCL3 | [123] | ||
Echihumiline [C20H31NO7] | 5.87 | α 3.35 β 3.72 | α 2.83 β 2.83 | 2.09 | 5.48 | 4.13 | α 4.65 β 4.96 | 4.21 | 1.26 | - | 1.24 | 1.31 | 5.59 | - | 1.90 | 2.15 | CDCL3 | [91] | |
Echihumiline N-oxide [C20H31NO8] | 5.97 | α 4.54 β 4.77 | α 3.73 β 4.13 | α 2.24 β 2.89 | 5.77 | 5.45 | α 4.71 β 4.94 | 4.22 | 1.27 | - | 1.25 | 1.30 | 5.57 | - | 1.92 | 2.17 | CDCL3 | [91] | |
Echimidine isomer (tigloyl) [C20H31NO7] | 5.81 | α 3.34 β 3.83 | α 2.60 β 3.27 | 2.05 | 5.37 | 4.32 | α 4.60 β 4.86 | 4.12 | 1.21 | 1.17 | 1.26 | - | 6.05 | 1.91 | 1.76 | CDCL3 | [87] | ||
7-Epi-echimiplatine N-oxide [C15H25NO7] | 5.89 | α 4.42 β 4.21 | α 3.74 β 3.59 | α 2.47 β 2.01 | 4.67 | 4.55 | 4.78 | 4.18 | 1.14 | 1.16 | 1.21 | D2O | [164] | ||||||
Floridine [C17H29NO6] | 2.23 | α 2.15 β 2.15 | α 3.75 β 2.77 | α 3.48 β 2.65 | 2.04 | α 2.20 β 1.70 | 4.01 | α 4.16 β 4.27 | 5.45 -(COMe: 1.98) | 1.36 | - | 1.25 | 1.40 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||
Floridinine [C15H27NO5] | 2.36 | α 2.08 β 2.20 | α 3.51 β 2.66 | α 3.24 β 2.85 | α 2.0 β 1.94 | α 2.15 β 1.63 | 3.70 | α 4.20 β 4.53 | 4.19 | 1.27 | - | 1.28 | 0.96 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||
Floridimine [C15H27NO5] | 2.30 | α 2.17 β 2.28 | α 3.89 β 2.83 | α 3.59 β 2.89 | 2.11 | α 2.26 β 1.80 | 4.30 | α 4.35 β 4.45 | 4.26 | 1.32 | - | 1.28 | 1.33 | CDCL3 | [128] | ||||
Helibracteatine [C13H21NO4] | 1.85 | α 3.22 β 2.54 | α 3.22 β 2.54 | α 1.85 β 2.05 | 4.08 | 3.30 | α 4.35 β 4.46 | 6.10 | 1.99 | 1.91 | CDCL3 + D2O | [112] | |||||||
Helibracteatinine [C13H21NO4] | α 1.80 β 2.10 | α 3.35 β 2.78 | α 3.20 β 2.60 | 1.80 | 5.09 | 3.30 | α 3.64 β 3.84 | 6.12 | 1.98 | 1.88 | CDCL3 + D2O | [112] | |||||||
Helindicine [C15H23NO4] | 5.94 | α 4.40 β 3.92 | α 3.97 β 3.34 | 2.15 | 4.63 | 4.90 | α 4.98 β 4.80 | 4.05 | 1.17 | 2.03 | 0.95 | 0.93 | CD3OD | [130] | |||||
Heliotridine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H27NO5] | 5.95 | 3.70 4.18 | 3.10 2.64 | 2.10 | 4.52 | 4.60 | 4.85 | 1.74 1.79 | 1.82 | 0.87 | 0.99 | 3.78-(8':1.15) | CD3OD | [50] | |||||
Heliscabine [C13H21NO4] | 1.86 | α 3.42 β 3.05 | α 3.30 β 3.05 | 2.16 | 4.66 | 3.64 | α 4.25 β 4.35 | 6.10 | 1.99 | 1.89 | CDCL3 | [139] | |||||||
Ilamine [C16H27NO5] | 5.81 | 3.45 4.10 | 2.62 3.35 | 1.86 | 1.66 2.10 | 4.43 | 4.78 | 3.81 | 1.28 | 1.31 | 1.20 (8-OMe: 3.30) | CDCL3 | [115] | ||||||
Ilamine N-oxide [C16H27NO6] | 5.81 | α 3.43 β 4.55 | α 3.48 β 3.79 | α 1.99 β 1.89 | 2.50 | 4.81 | α 4.85 β 4.69 | 3.80 | 1.26 | 1.29 | 1.22-(8-OMe:3.30) | CDCL3 | [115] | ||||||
Isoechinatine (9-(+)-Viridiflorylheliotridine) [C15H25NO5] | 5.66 | 3.30 3.83 | 2.55 3.22 | 1.80 1.92 | 4.13 | 3.97 | 4.70 5.00 | 3.92 | 1.24 | 2.13 | 0.89 | 0.85 | CDCL3 | [72,75] | |||||
Leptanthine [C15H25NO6] | 5.90 | α 3.90 β 4.40 | 3.90 | 2.20 | 4.65 | 4.95 | 4.90 | 4.20 – Me 1.98 | 1.29 | 1.28 | 1.32 | [166] | |||||||
Leptanthine N-oxide [C15H25NO7] | 6.05 | α 4.65 β 4.85 | 4.1 – 4.0 (m) | α 2.23 β 2.63 | 4.83 | 5.20 | α 4.92 β 4.98 | 4.22 – Me 1.98 | 1.28 | 1.25 | 1.31 | [166] | |||||||
Lactodine [C11H17NO4] | 5.68 | α 3.90 β 3.34 | α 3.26 β 2.59 | α 1.93 β 1.87 | 4.10 | 4.02 | α 5.01 β 4.89 | 4.20 | 1.39 | CDCL3 + D2O | [187] | ||||||||
Lithosenine [C20H33NO8] | 5.78 | α 3.77 β 3.29 | α 3.16 β 2.57 | 1.96 | 5.21 | 4.20 | α 4.66 β 4.52 | 4.03 | 1.13 | 1.17 | 1.11 | 2.33 | 1.16 | 1.16 | CDCL3 | [156] | |||
Megalanthonine [C15H27NO5] | 2.78 | α 1.89 β 2.15 | α 3.26 β 2.61 | α 3.21 β 2.73 | α 2.03 β 2.14 | 4.29 | 3.48 | α 4.09 β 4.46 | 2.64 | - | 2.64 | 3.70 | 1.34 | 6.80 | 1.96 | 1.80 | CDCL3 | [134] | |
Methylechiuplatine [C20H29NO7] | 5.77 | α 3.97 β 3.37 | α 3.32 β 2.64 | 2.09 | 5.40 | 4.33 | α 4.68 β 4.62 | [65] | |||||||||||
Neo coramandaline [C15H27NO4] | 1.9 | α 1.85 β 1.55 | α 3.20 β 2.50 | α 3.05 β 2.64 | α 1.85 β 1.55 | α 1.90 β 1.35 | 3.56 | α 4.30 β 4.20 | 3.98 | 1.23 | 2.14 | 0.88 | 0.92 | CDCL3 | [74] | ||||
Onosmerectine N-oxide [C15H25NO7] | 5.96 | α 4.66 β 4.45 | 3.87 | α 2.58 β 2.12 | 4.75 | 4.85 | α 4.92 β 4.88 | 4.22 | 1.26 | 1.31 | 1.27 | CD3O | [164] | ||||||
(7S, 8R)-Petranine [C14H20CINO3] | 5.82 | α 4.55 β 4.77 | α 4.09 β 4.35 | α 2.48 β 2.70 | 4.92 | 5.36 | 4.78 | 6.18 | 2.00 | 1.90 | α5.42 β 5.75 | CDCL3 | [89] | ||||||
(7S, 8S)-Petranine [C14H20CINO3] | 5.83 | α 4.54 β 4.78 | α 4.09 β 4.35 | α 2.51 β 2.69 | 4.94 | 5.38 | 4.88 | 6.20 | 2.02 | 1.90 | α5.71 β 5.39 | CDCL3 | [89] | ||||||
Platynecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H29NO6] | 2.22 | α 1.90 β 2.33 | α 3.30 β 3.89 | α 3.61 β 3.87 | α 2.07 β 2.14 | 4.52 | 3.84 | α 4.29 β 3.85 | α 1.76 β 1.70 | 1.82 | 0.87 | 0.98 | 3.78-(8':1.15) | CD3OD | [50] | ||||
Pycnanthine [C20H31NO7] | 5.83 | α 3.55 β 4.06 | α 2.80 β 3.50 | 2.15 | 5.47 | 4.12 | α 4.65 β 4.75 | 3.99 | 1.26 | 2.15 | 0.93 | 0.85 | 5.92 | - | 3.65 | 2.06 | CDCL3 | [91] | |
Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H27NO5] | 5.96 | α 3.98 β 4.46 | α 3.49 β 3.87 | 2.19 | 4.64 | 4.90 | 4.95 | 1.75 | 1.83 | 0.88 | 0.99 | 3.788'-1.17 | CD3OD | [51] | |||||
Retronecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H27NO6] | 5.93 | α 4.36 β 4.65 | α 3.70 β 3.82 | α 2.63 β 2.08 | 4.72 | 4.68 | 4.85 | α 1.73 β 1.80 | 1.82 | 0.88 | 0.98 | 3.76-(8':1.16) | CD3OD | [51] | |||||
Retronecine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1R-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H27NO6] | 5.95 | α 4.36 β 4.60 | α 3.70 β 3.85 | α 2.60 β 2.08 | 4.72 | 4.69 | 4.82 | α 1.66 β 1.47 | 1.74 | 0.88 | 1.00 | 3.91-(8':1.22) | CD3OD | [51] | |||||
Retronecine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-2S-[(1'S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylpentanoyl]-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C24H41NO8] | 5.95 | α 3.96 β 4.39 | α 3.29 β 3.89 | 2.18 | 4.61 | 4.91 | 4.94 | α 1.79 β 1.82 | 1.80 | 0.95 | 0.99 | 3.70-(8':1.16) | 1.79 | 1.85 | α 1.81 β 0.87 | 3.77-(6'':1.14) | CD3OD | [51] | |
Symviridine [C20H31NO6] | 5.84 | α4.02 β3.43 | α 3.40 β 2.68 | 2.10 | 5.41 | 4.48 | α 4.78 β 4.66 | 3.97 | 1.22 | 2.13 | 0.86 | 0.92 | 5.57 | - | 1.88 | 2.12 | CDCL3 | [172] | |
Supinidine N-oxide 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H27NO4] | 5.90 | α 4.36 β 4.56 | α 3.61 β 3.67 | α 2.08 β 2.38 | 2.50 2.03 | 4.66 | 4.77 | α 1.73 β 1.80 | 1.83 | 0.88 | 0.98 | CD3OD | [51] | ||||||
Trachelanthamidine 2S-hydroxy-2S-(1S-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-pentanoyl ester [C16H29NO4] | 2.28 | 1.90 2.27 | α 3.22 β 3.48 | α 3.74 β 3.12 | 2.08 2.19 | 2.25 1.97 | 3.99 | 3.69 3.63 | 1.77 1.69 | 1.83 | 0.94 | 1.00 | 3.77-(8':1.15) | CD3OD | [51] | ||||
Uplandicine [C17H27NO7] | 5.83 | α 3.38 β 3.93 | α 2.70 β 3.35 | 2.06 | 5.34 | 4.43 | α 4.62 β 4.87 | 4.14 | 1.22 | - | 1.26 | 1.19 | 1.98 | CDCL3 | [163] | ||||
Viridinatine [C22H37NO8] | 5.71 | α 3.80 β 3.30 | α 3.16 β 2.19 | α 1.92 β 1.85 | 5.48 | 4.10 | α 4.98 β 4.76 | 3.90 | 1.28 | 2.15 | 0.86 | 0.93 | - | 3.95 | 1.32 | 2.14 (6'':0.90) (7'':1.00) | CDCL3 + D2O | [187] | |
Viridinatine N-oxide stereoisomer [C22H37NO9] | 5.86 | α 4.51 β 4.22 | α 3.73 β 3.61 | α 2.45 β 2.00 | 4.67 | 5.57 | 4.75 | 4.04 | 1.04 | 1.89 | 0.75–0.78 | - | 3.93 | 1.10 | 2.05, 0.81 | D2O | [164] |
5. Biological Activity of PAs
5.1. Antimicrobial Activity
5.2. Sequestration in Insects and Antifeedant Properties
5.3. Biological Importance
6. Chemotaxonomic Information of PAs in Boraginaceae
6.1. Genus Amsinckia
6.2. Genus Cynoglossum
6.3. Genus Echium
6.4. Genus Heliotropium
6.5. Genus Paracaryum and Paracynoglossum
6.6. Genus Rindera
6.7. Genus Symphytum
6.8. Other Boraginaceae Species
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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El-Shazly, A.; Wink, M. Diversity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in the Boraginaceae Structures, Distribution, and Biological Properties. Diversity 2014, 6, 188-282. https://doi.org/10.3390/d6020188
El-Shazly A, Wink M. Diversity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in the Boraginaceae Structures, Distribution, and Biological Properties. Diversity. 2014; 6(2):188-282. https://doi.org/10.3390/d6020188
Chicago/Turabian StyleEl-Shazly, Assem, and Michael Wink. 2014. "Diversity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in the Boraginaceae Structures, Distribution, and Biological Properties" Diversity 6, no. 2: 188-282. https://doi.org/10.3390/d6020188
APA StyleEl-Shazly, A., & Wink, M. (2014). Diversity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in the Boraginaceae Structures, Distribution, and Biological Properties. Diversity, 6(2), 188-282. https://doi.org/10.3390/d6020188