The Radiation of Landhoppers (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in New Zealand
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Morphological Examination
2.2. DNA Isolation, PCR Amplification and Sequencing
2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses
3. Results
3.1. Molecular and Morphological Results
3.2. Taxonomic Changes
- Dallwitzia simularis (Hurley, 1957) is transferred from Makawidae Myers & Lowry, 2020 to Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815;
- Kellyduncania hauturu (Duncan, 1994) is reinstated as a member of Dana Lowry, 2011, and Kellyduncania Lowry & Myers, 2019 is relegated to a synonym of Dana Lowry, 2011;
- Kanikania Duncan, 1994 is transferred from Makawidae Lowry & Myers, 2020 to Arcitalitridae Lowry & Myers, 2020;
- Parorchestia longicornis (Stephensen, 1938) is transferred to Kanikania Duncan, 1994;
- Waematau kaitaia (Duncan, 1994) is transferred to Kohuroa Lowry, Myers & Nakano, 2019;
- Waematau unuwhao (Duncan, 1994) is transferred to Omaiorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019.
4. Taxonomic Changes
4.1. Transfer of Dallwitzia simularis (Hurley, 1957) from Makawidae Myers & Lowry, 2020 to Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815
4.2. Dana hauturu (Duncan, 1994)
4.3. Transfer of Kanikania Duncan, 1994 from Makawidae Myers & Lowry, 2020 to Arcitalitridae Myers & Lowry, 2020
4.4. Kanikania longicornis (Stephensen, 1938) comb. nov.
4.5. Kohuroa kaitaia (Duncan, 1994) comb. nov.
4.6. Omaiorchestia unuwhao (Duncan, 1994) comb. nov.
5. Diversity of New Zealand’s Landhopper Fauna
- The recognition of morphologically and genetically distinct new species that have clear affiliations to described taxa;
- The realisation that some described species are complexes of genetically distinct but morphologically very similar species;
- The discovery of morphologically and genetically distinct species of Makawidae that have no clear affiliations with described genera;
- The recognition that some newly recognised species, as well as previously described species, belong to families other than Makawidae.
5.1. New Species with Close Affiliations to Described Taxa
5.1.1. Deshurleyella sp. nov. 1
5.1.2. Genus G sp. nov. 1; Genus H sp. nov. 1; Genus H sp. nov. 2
5.2. Species or Genus Complexes Affiliated with Described Taxa
5.2.1. Kanikania Species Complex: K. improvisa (Chilton, 1909); K. longicornis (Stephensen, 1938); K. motuensis Duncan 1994; Kanikania sp. nov. 1
5.2.2. Omaiorchestia Species Complex: O. rubroannulata (Hurley, 1957); O. unuwhao (Duncan, 1994); Omaiorchestia sp. nov. 1; Omaiorchestia sp. nov. 2
5.2.3. Genus J Species Complex: Parorchestia ihurawao Duncan, 1994; Genus J sp. nov. 1; Genus J sp. nov. 2; Genus J sp. nov. 3; Genus J sp. nov. 4
5.2.4. Parorchestia–Genus K Complex: Parorchestia tenuis (Dana, 1852); Parorchestia sp. nov. 1; Parorchestia sp. nov. 2; Parorchestia sp. nov. 3; Parorchestia sp. nov. 4; Parorchestia sp. nov. 5; Parorchestia sp. nov. 6; Parorchestia sp. nov. 7; Parorchestia sp. nov. 8; Parorchestia sp. nov. 9; Parorchestia sp. nov. 10; Parorchestia sp. nov. 11; Genus K sp. nov. 1; Genus K sp. nov. 2; Genus K sp. nov. 3; Genus K sp. nov. 4
5.2.5. Puhuruhuru Species Complex: P. aotearoa (Duncan, 1994); Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 1; Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 2; Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 3; Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 4
5.2.6. Other Potential Species Complexes
5.3. Provisional Species of Makawidae with No Close Affiliations to Described Genera
5.4. Provisional and Described Species That Belong to Families Other than Makawidae
6. New Zealand Landhopper Groups
6.1. Genus A
6.2. Arcitalitrus Hurley, 1975/Kanikania Duncan, 1994/Genus F
6.3. The Talitridae
6.4. Puhuruhuru Duncan, 1994/Genus B/Genus C/Genus D/Genus E/Genus J/Parorchestia ihurawao Duncan, 1994
6.5. Dana Lowry, 2011
6.6. Snaresorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019
6.7. Makawe Duncan, 1994/Oamaru Lowry & Myers, 2019/Genus G/Genus H
6.8. Deshurleyella Lowry, Myers & Nakano, 2019/Kohuroa Lowry, Myers & Nakano, 2019/Waematau Duncan, 1994/Omaiorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019
6.9. Parorchestia Stebbing, 1899/Genus K/Sinbadorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019
7. Molecular Interpretations
8. Landhopper Distributions
9. Areas of Endemism
10. Introduced Species
11. Discussion and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Taxa | Notes | Known Distribution |
Arcitalitridae | ||
Kanikania improvisa (Chilton, 1909) | Parorchestia improvisa Chilton, 1909 | Snares Islands. |
Orchestia improvisa (Chilton, 1909) Kanikania species complex | ||
Kanikania longicornis (Stephensen, 1938) | Parorchestia stewarti f. longicornis Stephensen, 1938 | Stewart Island (type locality); may extend to Southland and Otago. |
Orchestia tenuis (Stephensen, 1938) | ||
Parorchestia longicornis (Stephensen, 1938) Kanikania species complex | ||
Kanikania motuensis Duncan, 1994 | Kanikania species complex | Big South Cape Island (type locality); may extend to mainland Stewart Island. |
Kanikania sp. nov. 1 | Kanikania species complex | Stewart Island; may be present in Southland, Otago. |
New Genera | ||
Genus A sp. nov. 1 | Genus A species complex | Northland. |
Genus A sp. nov. 2 | Genus A species complex | Northland (Te Paki Ecological District). |
Genus A sp. nov. 3 | Genus A species complex | Three Kings Islands. |
Genus A sp. nov. 4 | Genus A species complex | Northland (Te Paki Ecological District). |
Genus A sp. nov. 5 | Genus A species complex | Auckland, Whanganui. |
Genus A sp. nov. 6 | Genus A species complex | Northland (Poor Knights Islands). |
Genus L sp. nov. 1 | Nelson. | |
Genus M sp. nov. 1 | Stewart Island. | |
Talitridae | ||
Dallwitzia simularis (Hurley, 1957) | Orchestia simularis Hurley, 1957 | Snares Islands, Fiordland, Antipodes Island, Bounty Islands. |
Tara simularis (Hurley, 1957) | ||
Dana simularis (Hurley, 1957) | ||
New Genera | ||
Genus N sp. nov. 1 | Three Kings Islands. | |
Makawidae | ||
Dana hauturu (Duncan, 1994) | Tara hauturu Duncan, 1994 | Coromandel (Little Barrier Island). |
Kellyduncania hauturu (Duncan, 1994) | ||
Dana sylvicola (Dana, 1852) | Orchestia sylvicola Dana, 1852 | Northland, Auckland, Waikato. |
Parorchestia sylvicola (Dana, 1852) | ||
Tara sylvicola (Dana, 1852) | ||
Dana taranaki (Duncan, 1994) | Tara taranaki Duncan, 1994 | Taranaki (Mt Taranaki) |
Dendrorchestia parva (Chilton, 1909) | Parorchestia parva Chilton, 1909 | Auckland Islands. |
Orchestia parva (Chilton, 1909) | ||
Makawe parva (Chilton, 1909) | ||
Deshurleyella kohuroa (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | Waematau kohuroa Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017 | Northland (Te Paki Ecological District). |
Hurleyella kohuroa (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | ||
Deshurleyella reinga (Duncan, 1994) | Waematau reinga Duncan, 1994 | Northland (Te Paki Ecological District). |
Hurleyella reinga (Duncan, 1994) | ||
Deshurleyella rereke (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | Waematau rereke Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017 | Northland (Te Paki Ecological District). |
Hurleyella rereke (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | ||
Deshurleyella ringanohinohi (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | Waematau ringanohinohi (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | Northland, Auckland, Coromandel (Little Barrier Island, Green Island). |
Hurleyella ringanohinohi (Ball, Webber & Shepherd, 2017) | ||
Deshurleyella sp. nov. 1 | Northland, Auckland. | |
Dracorchestia insularis (Chilton, 1909) | Parorchestia insularis Chilton, 1909 | Campbell Island, Auckland Islands. |
Orchestia insularis (Chilton, 1909) | ||
Makawe insularis (Chilton, 1909) | ||
Dracorchestia maynei (Chilton, 1909) | Parorchestia maynei Chilton, 1909 | Auckland Islands. |
Orchestia maynei (Chilton, 1909) | ||
Makawe maynei (Chilton, 1909) | ||
Kohuroa kaitaia (Duncan, 1994) | Waematau kaitaia Duncan, 1994 | Northland, Auckland. |
Kohuroa muriwhenua (Duncan, 1994) | Waematau muriwhenua Duncan, 1994 | Northland. |
Wairua muriwhenua (Duncan, 1994) | ||
Leslieorchestia lesliensis (Hurley, 1957) | Orchestia lesliensis Hurley, 1957 | Wellington (?), Nelson, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury, Central Otago, Southland. |
Parorchestia lesliensis (Hurley, 1957) | ||
Makawe hurleyi (Duncan, 1968) | Orchestia hurleyi Duncan, 1968 | North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury, Central Otago, Dunedin, Southland, Chatham Islands (?). |
Makawe waihekensis Duncan, 1994 | Auckland. | |
Oamaru otamatuakeke (Duncan, 1994) | Makawe otamatuakeke Duncan, 1994 | Dunedin. |
Omaiorchestia rubroannulata (Hurley, 1957) | Orchestia rubroannulata Hurley, 1957 | Bay of Plenty (type locality); may also be present in Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Wellington, Gisborne (?), Marlborough Sounds, Westland (?). |
Kanikania rubroannulata (Hurley, 1957) | ||
Omaiorchestia species complex | ||
Omaiorchestia unuwhao (Duncan, 1994) | Waematau unuwhao Duncan, 1994 | Northland (Te Paki Ecological District). |
Omaiorchestia species complex | ||
Omaiorchestia sp. nov. 1 | Femipod member of Omaiorchestia species complex | Three Kings Islands. |
Omaiorchestia sp. nov. 2 | Mascupod member of Omaiorchestia species complex | Northland, Coromandel. |
Parorchestia tenuis (Dana, 1852) | Orchestia tenuis Dana, 1852 | Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki, Nelson. May also be present in most or all other areas of the North Island. |
Parorchestia tenuis (Dana, 1852) | ||
Orchestia tenuis (Dana, 1852) | ||
Parorchestia sp. nov. 1 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Nelson. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 2 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Nelson. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 3 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Nelson. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 4 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Nelson. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 5 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Nelson. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 6 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Dunedin. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 7 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Fiordland. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 8 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Southland, Stewart Island. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 9 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Fiordland. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 10 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Fiordland. |
Parorchestia sp. nov. 11 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Dunedin, Southland, Fiordland, Stewart Island. |
Puhuruhuru aotearoa Duncan, 1994 | Puhuruhuru species complex | Wairarapa (type locality). May also be present in most or all areas of the North Island. |
Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 1 | Puhuruhuru species complex | Nelson. |
Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 2 | Puhuruhuru species complex | Nelson. |
Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 3 | Puhuruhuru species complex | Nelson. |
Puhuruhuru sp. nov. 4 | Puhuruhuru species complex | Nelson. |
Sinbadorchestia sinbadensis (Hurley, 1957) | Orchestia sinbadensis Hurley, 1957 | Westland, Fiordland. |
Tara sinbadensis (Hurley, 1957) | ||
Dana sinbadensis (Hurley, 1957) | ||
Snaresorchestia patersoni (Stephensen, 1938) | Talorchestia patersoni Stephensen, 1938 | Dunedin, Southland, Stewart Island, Snares Islands, Auckland Islands, Macquarie Island (introduced). |
Orchestia patersoni (Stephensen, 1938) | ||
Puhuruhuru patersoni (Stephensen, 1938) | ||
Waematau manawatahi Duncan, 1994 | Three Kings Islands 1. | |
Incertae sedisspecies | ||
Parorchestia ihurawao Duncan, 1994 | Genus J species complex | Kaikoura, North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury, Dunedin, Central Otago, Fiordland, Stewart Island. |
New genera | ||
Genus B sp. nov. 1 | Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Nelson. | |
Genus B sp. nov. 2 | Nelson. | |
Genus C sp. nov. 1 | Nelson. | |
Genus D sp. nov. 1 | Genus D species complex | Nelson. |
Genus D sp. nov. 2 | Genus D species complex | Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Nelson. |
Genus D sp. nov. 3 | Genus D species complex | Nelson. |
Genus E sp. nov. 1 | Fiordland. | |
Genus F sp. nov. 1 | Stewart Island. | |
Genus F sp. nov. 2 | Stewart Island. | |
Genus G sp. nov. 1 | Closely related to Makawe and Oamaru species | Wairarapa. |
Genus H sp. nov. 1 | Closely related to Makawe and Oamaru species | Dunedin. |
Genus H sp. nov. 2 | Closely related to Makawe and Oamaru species | Fiordland. |
Genus J sp. nov. 1 | Genus J species complex | Dunedin, Southland. |
Genus J sp. nov. 2 | Genus J species complex | Dunedin, Southland. |
Genus J sp. nov. 3 | Genus J species complex | Stewart Island. |
Genus J sp. nov. 4 | Genus J species complex | Dunedin. |
Genus K sp. nov. 1 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Fiordland. |
Genus K sp. nov. 2 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Fiordland. |
Genus K sp. nov. 3 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Taranaki (Mt Taranaki). |
Genus K sp. nov. 4 | Parorchestia-Genus K genus complex | Fiordland. |
Exotic species | Notes | Known distribution |
Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt, 1925) | Talitrus dorrieni Hunt, 1925 Talitroides dorrieni (Hunt, 1925) Talitrus sylvaticus (Hunt, 1925) | Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Nelson, Mid Canterbury, Chatham Islands. Likely to be more widespread in the North and South Islands. |
Arcitalitrus sylvaticus (Haswell, 1879) | Talitrus sylvaticus Haswell, 1879 Talitrus (Arcitalitrus) sylvaticus (Haswell, 1879) | Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Nelson, Dunedin. Likely to be more widespread in the North and South Islands. |
Arcitalitrus sp. 24 | From Liu et al. (2023) | Auckland. |
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Ball, O.J.-P.; Myers, A.A.; Pohe, S.R.; Shepherd, L.D. The Radiation of Landhoppers (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in New Zealand. Diversity 2024, 16, 632.
Ball OJ-P, Myers AA, Pohe SR, Shepherd LD. The Radiation of Landhoppers (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in New Zealand. Diversity. 2024; 16(10):632.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBall, Olivier J.-P., Alan A. Myers, Stephen R. Pohe, and Lara D. Shepherd. 2024. "The Radiation of Landhoppers (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in New Zealand" Diversity 16, no. 10: 632.
APA StyleBall, O. J.-P., Myers, A. A., Pohe, S. R., & Shepherd, L. D. (2024). The Radiation of Landhoppers (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in New Zealand. Diversity, 16(10), 632.