Effect of Microwave Heating on the Acrylamide Formation in Foods
:1. Introduction
2. Structure and Properties of Acrylamide
3. Characteristics and Application of Microwave Treatment versus Traditional Heating
3.1. Blanching
3.2. Drying
3.3. Thawing and Tempering
3.4. Pasteurization and Sterilization
3.5. Cooking and Baking
4. Acrylamide in Microwave Heating
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Food Product | µg/kg | References |
Baby foods | ||
Cereal-based (ready-to-eat) | 13 | [47] |
Instant cereal based | 345 | [47] |
Candy-bars | 54 | [47] |
Biscuits | 87 | [32] |
Jarred baby food | 32–47 | [48] |
Ready-to-eat meal cereal-based | 13 | [49] |
Porridge | 29 | [49] |
Infant formulae | 14 | [49] |
Fruit purée | 22 | [49] |
Juice | 12 | [49] |
Bread | ||
Crisp bread | 443 | [32] |
Wheat soft bread | 38 | [49] |
Other soft bread | 57 | [49] |
Cereal products | ||
Wheat- and rye-based products | 170 | [49] |
Bran products and whole grain cereals | 211 | [49] |
Crackers | 231 | [49] |
Biscuits and wafers | 201 | [49] |
Gingerbread | 407 | [49] |
Pasta | 13 | [49] |
Beer | 14 | [49] |
Cacao | ||
Cacao (100% cocoa powder) | 347 | [32] |
Cacao (cocoa-containing beverages powder: sugars and 20% cocoa powder) | 248 | |
Coffee and coffee substitutes (dry) | ||
Roasted coffee (dry) | 249 | [49] |
Instant coffee (dry) | 710 | [49] |
Substitute coffee (dry), based on cereals | 510 | [49] |
Substitute coffee (dry), based on chicory | 2942 | [49] |
Potato products | ||
French fries | 326–328 | [48] |
Potato crisps | 689–693 | [48] |
Deep fried home-cooked potato products | 234–241 | [48] |
Oven baked home-cooked potato products | 317 | [48] |
Other products | ||
Roasted nuts and seeds | 93 | [49] |
Black olives in brine | 454 | [49] |
Prunes and dates | 89 | [49] |
Paprika powder | 379 | [49] |
Fish and sea food | 25 | [50] |
Milk and milk products | 6 | [50] |
Pizza | 33 | [50] |
Green tea roasted | 306 | [50] |
Sugars and honey | 24 | [50] |
Vegetables | 17 | [50] |
Vegetable crisps | 1846 | [49] |
Fruits dried and processed | 131 | [50] |
Dried food | 121 | [50] |
Food Product | Preparation Method | Acrylamide (µg/kg) | References | |
French fries | Before final preparation | 416 | [84] | |
Pan frying 180 °C/3 min | 561 | |||
Deep frying 180 °C/3 min | 597 | |||
Roasting 220 °C/10 min | 727 | |||
Microwaving 220 °C (700 W)/10 min | 790 | |||
Deep frying 180 °C/from 1 to 8 min | 21–231 | [94] | ||
Microwave frying 315 W/from 1 to 10 min | 46–182 | |||
Microwave frying 430 W/from 1 to 8 min | 44–337 | |||
Microwave frying 600 W/from 1 to 6 min | 23–172 | |||
Unthawed and deep frying at 180 °C/3.5 min | 85 | [82] | ||
Thawing at room temp. and deep frying at 180 °C/3.5 min | 84 | |||
Thawing in a chiller (5 °C overnight) and deep frying at 180 °C/3.5 min | 77 | |||
Thawing in a microwave oven (30% power/5 min) and deep frying at 180 °C/3.5 min | 106 | |||
Potato pancakes | Before final preparation | 286 | [84] | |
Pan frying 180 °C/3 min | 437 | |||
Deep frying 180 °C/3 min | 422 | |||
Roasting 220 °C/10 min | 564 | |||
Microwaving 220 °C (700 W)/10 min | 694 | |||
Potato chips | Frying 180 °C/4 min | 645 | [35] | |
Microwaving 750 W/2.5 min | 897 | |||
Frying 160 °C/7 min | 3110 | [87] | ||
Frying 180 °C/6 min | 3604 | |||
Microwaving 750 W/3 min | 5184 | |||
Microwave frying at 160 °C (200 W)/30–150 s | 542–895 | [97] | ||
Microwave frying at 170 °C (400 W)/30–150 s | 669–1739 | |||
Microwave frying at 180 °C (800 W)/30–150 s | 1139–11,423 | |||
Grated potatoes | Frying | 447 | [33] | |
Microwaving | 551 | |||
Potato | Baking 220 °C/5 min | approx.70 | [86] | |
Microwave precooking 150 W/60 s and baking (220 °C/5 min) | approx. 180 | |||
Asparagus | Baking 220 °C/5 min | approx. 90 | ||
Microwave precooking 150 W/60 s and baking 220 °C/5 min | approx. 160 | |||
Green gram sprouts | Baking 220 °C/5 min | approx. 340 | ||
Microwave precooking 150 W/60 s and baking 220 °C/5 min | approx. 580 | |||
Pistachios | Raw | 57 | [12] | |
Sun-dried | 93 | |||
Hot air roasting from 100 °C/5min to 150 °C/5min | salted | 130–463 | ||
unsalted | 204–594 | |||
IR (infrared) roasting from 75 V/10 min to 95 V/30 min | salted | 242–697 | ||
unsalted | 318–851 | |||
Microwaving roasting form 180 W/12 min to 360 W/16 min | salted | 105–307 | ||
unsalted | 119–344 | |||
Pre-cooked flour-based croquettes | Before final preparation | 190 | [15] | |
Pan frying 180 °C/5 min | 285 | |||
Deep frying 180 °C/5min | 298 | |||
Roasting 200 °C/10 min | 360 | |||
Microwaving 200 °C (700 W)/10 min | 420 | |||
Fried chicken with batter formulation of chickpea flour | Deep frying (180 °C/5 min) | 110 | [92] | |
Microwave frying (180 °C/350 W/2 min) | 79 | |||
Fried chicken with batter formulation of rice flour | Deep frying (180 °C/5 min) | 111 | ||
Microwave frying (180 °C/350 W/2 min) | 73 | |||
Fried chicken with batter formulation of soy flour | Deep frying (180 °C/5 min) | 100 | ||
Microwave frying (180 °C/350 W/2 min) | 76 |
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Michalak, J.; Czarnowska-Kujawska, M.; Klepacka, J.; Gujska, E. Effect of Microwave Heating on the Acrylamide Formation in Foods. Molecules 2020, 25, 4140. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25184140
Michalak J, Czarnowska-Kujawska M, Klepacka J, Gujska E. Effect of Microwave Heating on the Acrylamide Formation in Foods. Molecules. 2020; 25(18):4140. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25184140
Chicago/Turabian StyleMichalak, Joanna, Marta Czarnowska-Kujawska, Joanna Klepacka, and Elżbieta Gujska. 2020. "Effect of Microwave Heating on the Acrylamide Formation in Foods" Molecules 25, no. 18: 4140. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25184140
APA StyleMichalak, J., Czarnowska-Kujawska, M., Klepacka, J., & Gujska, E. (2020). Effect of Microwave Heating on the Acrylamide Formation in Foods. Molecules, 25(18), 4140. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25184140