Best PhD Thesis Award

Dear Colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of TropicalMed, it is my great pleasure to announce the winner of the TropicalMed 2022 Best PhD Thesis Award. This award is for a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential.

The award has been granted to Dr. Quinten Ducarmon, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands, for his thesis entitled “Microbiome-mediated colonization resistance: defense against enteropathogens and multi-drug resistant organisms”. He will receive CHF 500, a certificate and a chance to publish a paper free of charge after peer review approval in TropicalMed before the end of 30 June 2023.

On behalf of the evaluation committee, I congratulate the winner on his accomplishments. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the applicants for submitting their exceptional theses, and thank the Award Committee for voting and helping with this award.

Prof. Dr. John Frean
Editor-in-Chief, TropicalMed

TropicalMed Best PhD Thesis Award
Past Winners


Daniel Camprubi Ferrer
ISGlobal - Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. John Frean Chairman
National Institute for Communicable Diseases, National Health Laboratory Service
Prof. Lizette Leonie Koekemoer
University of the Witwatersrand
Dr. Hans-Peter Fuehrer
Institute of Parasitology, Vetmeduni Vienna
Dr. Karl Seydel
Michigan State University


Quinten Ducarmon
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. John Frean Chairman
National Institute for Communicable Diseases, National Health Laboratory Service
Prof. Dr. Xiao-Nong Zhou
Dr. Vyacheslav Yurchenko
Prof. Dr. Bianca Silvana Zingales
University of São Paulo
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